const { v4: uuidv4 } = require("uuid"); const { DocumentManager } = require("../DocumentManager"); const { WorkspaceChats } = require("../../models/workspaceChats"); const { getVectorDbClass, getLLMProvider } = require("../helpers"); const { writeResponseChunk } = require("../helpers/chat/responses"); const { chatPrompt, sourceIdentifier } = require("./index"); const { PassThrough } = require("stream"); async function chatSync({ workspace, systemPrompt = null, history = [], prompt = null, temperature = null, }) { const uuid = uuidv4(); const chatMode = workspace?.chatMode ?? "chat"; const LLMConnector = getLLMProvider({ provider: workspace?.chatProvider, model: workspace?.chatModel, }); const VectorDb = getVectorDbClass(); const hasVectorizedSpace = await VectorDb.hasNamespace(workspace.slug); const embeddingsCount = await VectorDb.namespaceCount(workspace.slug); // User is trying to query-mode chat a workspace that has no data in it - so // we should exit early as no information can be found under these conditions. if ((!hasVectorizedSpace || embeddingsCount === 0) && chatMode === "query") { const textResponse = workspace?.queryRefusalResponse ?? "There is no relevant information in this workspace to answer your query."; await{ workspaceId:, prompt: String(prompt), response: { text: textResponse, sources: [], type: chatMode, }, include: false, }); return formatJSON( { id: uuid, type: "textResponse", sources: [], close: true, error: null, textResponse, }, { model: workspace.slug, finish_reason: "abort" } ); } // If we are here we know that we are in a workspace that is: // 1. Chatting in "chat" mode and may or may _not_ have embeddings // 2. Chatting in "query" mode and has at least 1 embedding let contextTexts = []; let sources = []; let pinnedDocIdentifiers = []; await new DocumentManager({ workspace, maxTokens: LLMConnector.promptWindowLimit(), }) .pinnedDocs() .then((pinnedDocs) => { pinnedDocs.forEach((doc) => { const { pageContent, ...metadata } = doc; pinnedDocIdentifiers.push(sourceIdentifier(doc)); contextTexts.push(doc.pageContent); sources.push({ text: pageContent.slice(0, 1_000) + "...continued on in source document...", ...metadata, }); }); }); const vectorSearchResults = embeddingsCount !== 0 ? await VectorDb.performSimilaritySearch({ namespace: workspace.slug, input: prompt, LLMConnector, similarityThreshold: workspace?.similarityThreshold, topN: workspace?.topN, filterIdentifiers: pinnedDocIdentifiers, }) : { contextTexts: [], sources: [], message: null, }; // Failed similarity search if it was run at all and failed. if (!!vectorSearchResults.message) { return formatJSON( { id: uuid, type: "abort", textResponse: null, sources: [], close: true, error: vectorSearchResults.message, }, { model: workspace.slug, finish_reason: "abort" } ); } // For OpenAI Compatible chats, we cannot do backfilling so we simply aggregate results here. contextTexts = [...contextTexts]; sources = [...sources]; // If in query mode and no context chunks are found from search, backfill, or pins - do not // let the LLM try to hallucinate a response or use general knowledge and exit early if (chatMode === "query" && contextTexts.length === 0) { const textResponse = workspace?.queryRefusalResponse ?? "There is no relevant information in this workspace to answer your query."; await{ workspaceId:, prompt: prompt, response: { text: textResponse, sources: [], type: chatMode, }, include: false, }); return formatJSON( { id: uuid, type: "textResponse", sources: [], close: true, error: null, textResponse, }, { model: workspace.slug, finish_reason: "no_content" } ); } // Compress & Assemble message to ensure prompt passes token limit with room for response // and build system messages based on inputs and history. const messages = await LLMConnector.compressMessages({ systemPrompt: systemPrompt ?? chatPrompt(workspace), userPrompt: prompt, contextTexts, chatHistory: history, }); // Send the text completion. const textResponse = await LLMConnector.getChatCompletion(messages, { temperature: temperature ?? workspace?.openAiTemp ?? LLMConnector.defaultTemp, }); if (!textResponse) { return formatJSON( { id: uuid, type: "textResponse", sources: [], close: true, error: "No text completion could be completed with this input.", textResponse: null, }, { model: workspace.slug, finish_reason: "no_content" } ); } const { chat } = await{ workspaceId:, prompt: prompt, response: { text: textResponse, sources, type: chatMode }, }); return formatJSON( { id: uuid, type: "textResponse", close: true, error: null, chatId:, textResponse, sources, }, { model: workspace.slug, finish_reason: "stop" } ); } async function streamChat({ workspace, response, systemPrompt = null, history = [], prompt = null, temperature = null, }) { const uuid = uuidv4(); const chatMode = workspace?.chatMode ?? "chat"; const LLMConnector = getLLMProvider({ provider: workspace?.chatProvider, model: workspace?.chatModel, }); const VectorDb = getVectorDbClass(); const hasVectorizedSpace = await VectorDb.hasNamespace(workspace.slug); const embeddingsCount = await VectorDb.namespaceCount(workspace.slug); // We don't want to write a new method for every LLM to support openAI calls // via the `handleStreamResponseV2` method handler. So here we create a passthrough // that on writes to the main response, transforms the chunk to OpenAI format. // The chunk is coming in the format from `writeResponseChunk` but in the AnythingLLM // response chunk schema, so we here we mutate each chunk. const responseInterceptor = new PassThrough({}); responseInterceptor.on("data", (chunk) => { try { const originalData = JSON.parse(chunk.toString().split("data: ")[1]); const modified = formatJSON(originalData, { chunked: true, model: workspace.slug, }); // rewrite to OpenAI format response.write(`data: ${JSON.stringify(modified)}\n\n`); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }); // User is trying to query-mode chat a workspace that has no data in it - so // we should exit early as no information can be found under these conditions. if ((!hasVectorizedSpace || embeddingsCount === 0) && chatMode === "query") { const textResponse = workspace?.queryRefusalResponse ?? "There is no relevant information in this workspace to answer your query."; await{ workspaceId:, prompt: String(prompt), response: { text: textResponse, sources: [], type: chatMode, }, include: false, }); writeResponseChunk( response, formatJSON( { id: uuid, type: "textResponse", sources: [], close: true, error: null, textResponse, }, { chunked: true, model: workspace.slug, finish_reason: "abort" } ) ); return; } // If we are here we know that we are in a workspace that is: // 1. Chatting in "chat" mode and may or may _not_ have embeddings // 2. Chatting in "query" mode and has at least 1 embedding let contextTexts = []; let sources = []; let pinnedDocIdentifiers = []; await new DocumentManager({ workspace, maxTokens: LLMConnector.promptWindowLimit(), }) .pinnedDocs() .then((pinnedDocs) => { pinnedDocs.forEach((doc) => { const { pageContent, ...metadata } = doc; pinnedDocIdentifiers.push(sourceIdentifier(doc)); contextTexts.push(doc.pageContent); sources.push({ text: pageContent.slice(0, 1_000) + "...continued on in source document...", ...metadata, }); }); }); const vectorSearchResults = embeddingsCount !== 0 ? await VectorDb.performSimilaritySearch({ namespace: workspace.slug, input: prompt, LLMConnector, similarityThreshold: workspace?.similarityThreshold, topN: workspace?.topN, filterIdentifiers: pinnedDocIdentifiers, }) : { contextTexts: [], sources: [], message: null, }; // Failed similarity search if it was run at all and failed. if (!!vectorSearchResults.message) { writeResponseChunk( response, formatJSON( { id: uuid, type: "abort", textResponse: null, sources: [], close: true, error: vectorSearchResults.message, }, { chunked: true, model: workspace.slug, finish_reason: "abort" } ) ); return; } // For OpenAI Compatible chats, we cannot do backfilling so we simply aggregate results here. contextTexts = [...contextTexts]; sources = [...sources]; // If in query mode and no context chunks are found from search, backfill, or pins - do not // let the LLM try to hallucinate a response or use general knowledge and exit early if (chatMode === "query" && contextTexts.length === 0) { const textResponse = workspace?.queryRefusalResponse ?? "There is no relevant information in this workspace to answer your query."; await{ workspaceId:, prompt: prompt, response: { text: textResponse, sources: [], type: chatMode, }, include: false, }); writeResponseChunk( response, formatJSON( { id: uuid, type: "textResponse", sources: [], close: true, error: null, textResponse, }, { chunked: true, model: workspace.slug, finish_reason: "no_content" } ) ); return; } // Compress & Assemble message to ensure prompt passes token limit with room for response // and build system messages based on inputs and history. const messages = await LLMConnector.compressMessages({ systemPrompt: systemPrompt ?? chatPrompt(workspace), userPrompt: prompt, contextTexts, chatHistory: history, }); if (!LLMConnector.streamingEnabled()) { writeResponseChunk( response, formatJSON( { id: uuid, type: "textResponse", sources: [], close: true, error: "Streaming is not available for the connected LLM Provider", textResponse: null, }, { chunked: true, model: workspace.slug, finish_reason: "streaming_disabled", } ) ); return; } const stream = await LLMConnector.streamGetChatCompletion(messages, { temperature: temperature ?? workspace?.openAiTemp ?? LLMConnector.defaultTemp, }); const completeText = await LLMConnector.handleStream( responseInterceptor, stream, { uuid, sources, } ); if (completeText?.length > 0) { const { chat } = await{ workspaceId:, prompt: prompt, response: { text: completeText, sources, type: chatMode }, }); writeResponseChunk( response, formatJSON( { uuid, type: "finalizeResponseStream", close: true, error: false, chatId:, textResponse: "", }, { chunked: true, model: workspace.slug, finish_reason: "stop" } ) ); return; } writeResponseChunk( response, formatJSON( { uuid, type: "finalizeResponseStream", close: true, error: false, textResponse: "", }, { chunked: true, model: workspace.slug, finish_reason: "stop" } ) ); return; } function formatJSON(chat, { chunked = false, model, finish_reason = null }) { const data = { id: chat.uuid ??, object: "chat.completion", created: Number(new Date()), model: model, choices: [ { [chunked ? "delta" : "message"]: { role: "assistant", content: chat.textResponse, }, logprobs: null, finish_reason: finish_reason, }, ], }; return data; } module.exports.OpenAICompatibleChat = { chatSync, streamChat, };