import os, json from youtube_transcript_api import YouTubeTranscriptApi from youtube_transcript_api.formatters import TextFormatter, JSONFormatter from .utils import tokenize, ada_v2_cost from .yt_utils import fetch_channel_video_information, get_channel_id, clean_text, append_meta, get_duration from alive_progress import alive_it # Example Channel URL # Example Channel URL def youtube(): channel_link = input("Paste in the URL of a YouTube channel: ") channel_id = get_channel_id(channel_link) if channel_id == None or len(channel_id) == 0: print("Invalid input - must be full YouTube channel URL") exit(1) channel_data = fetch_channel_video_information(channel_id) transaction_output_dir = f"../server/documents/youtube-{channel_data.get('channelTitle')}" if os.path.isdir(transaction_output_dir) == False: os.makedirs(transaction_output_dir) print(f"\nFetching transcripts for {len(channel_data.get('items'))} videos - please wait.\nStopping and restarting will not refetch known transcripts in case there is an error.\nSaving results to: {transaction_output_dir}.") totalTokenCount = 0 for video in alive_it(channel_data.get('items')): video_file_path = transaction_output_dir + f"/video-{video.get('id')}.json" if os.path.exists(video_file_path) == True: continue formatter = TextFormatter() json_formatter = JSONFormatter() try: transcript = YouTubeTranscriptApi.get_transcript(video.get('id')) raw_text = clean_text(formatter.format_transcript(transcript)) duration = get_duration(json_formatter.format_transcript(transcript)) if(len(raw_text) > 0): fullText = append_meta(video, duration, raw_text) tokenCount = len(tokenize(fullText)) video['pageContent'] = fullText video['token_count_estimate'] = tokenCount totalTokenCount += tokenCount with open(video_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: json.dump(video, file, ensure_ascii=True, indent=4) except: print("There was an issue getting the transcription of a video in the list - likely because captions are disabled. Skipping") continue print(f"[Success]: {len(channel_data.get('items'))} video transcripts fetched!") print(f"\n\n////////////////////////////") print(f"Your estimated cost to embed all of this data using OpenAI's text-embedding-ada-002 model at $0.0004 / 1K tokens will cost {ada_v2_cost(totalTokenCount)} using {totalTokenCount} tokens.") print(f"////////////////////////////\n\n") exit(0)