const { maximumChunkLength } = require("../../helpers"); class LMStudioEmbedder { constructor() { if (!process.env.EMBEDDING_BASE_PATH) throw new Error("No embedding base path was set."); if (!process.env.EMBEDDING_MODEL_PREF) throw new Error("No embedding model was set."); this.basePath = `${process.env.EMBEDDING_BASE_PATH}/embeddings`; this.model = process.env.EMBEDDING_MODEL_PREF; // Limit of how many strings we can process in a single pass to stay with resource or network limits // Limit of how many strings we can process in a single pass to stay with resource or network limits this.maxConcurrentChunks = 1; this.embeddingMaxChunkLength = maximumChunkLength(); } log(text, ...args) { console.log(`\x1b[36m[${}]\x1b[0m ${text}`, ...args); } async #isAlive() { return await fetch(`${this.basePath}/models`, { method: "HEAD", }) .then((res) => res.ok) .catch((e) => { this.log(e.message); return false; }); } async embedTextInput(textInput) { const result = await this.embedChunks( Array.isArray(textInput) ? textInput : [textInput] ); return result?.[0] || []; } async embedChunks(textChunks = []) { if (!(await this.#isAlive())) throw new Error( `LMStudio service could not be reached. Is LMStudio running?` ); this.log( `Embedding ${textChunks.length} chunks of text with ${this.model}.` ); // LMStudio will drop all queued requests now? So if there are many going on // we need to do them sequentially or else only the first resolves and the others // get dropped or go unanswered >:( let results = []; let hasError = false; for (const chunk of textChunks) { if (hasError) break; // If an error occurred don't continue and exit early. results.push( await fetch(this.basePath, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ model: this.model, input: chunk, }), }) .then((res) => res.json()) .then((json) => { const embedding =[0].embedding; if (!Array.isArray(embedding) || !embedding.length) throw { type: "EMPTY_ARR", message: "The embedding was empty from LMStudio", }; return { data: embedding, error: null }; }) .catch((error) => { hasError = true; return { data: [], error }; }) ); } // Accumulate errors from embedding. // If any are present throw an abort error. const errors = results .filter((res) => !!res.error) .map((res) => res.error) .flat(); if (errors.length > 0) { let uniqueErrors = new Set(); console.log(errors); => uniqueErrors.add(`[${error.type}]: ${error.message}`) ); if (errors.length > 0) throw new Error( `LMStudio Failed to embed: ${Array.from(uniqueErrors).join(", ")}` ); } const data = => res?.data || []); return data.length > 0 ? data : null; } } module.exports = { LMStudioEmbedder, };