const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const { v5: uuidv5 } = require("uuid"); const { Document } = require("../../models/documents"); const documentsPath = process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ? path.resolve(__dirname, `../../storage/documents`) : path.resolve(process.env.STORAGE_DIR, `documents`); const vectorCachePath = process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ? path.resolve(__dirname, `../../storage/vector-cache`) : path.resolve(process.env.STORAGE_DIR, `vector-cache`); // Should take in a folder that is a subfolder of documents // eg: youtube-subject/video-123.json async function fileData(filePath = null) { if (!filePath) throw new Error("No docPath provided in request"); const fullFilePath = path.resolve(documentsPath, normalizePath(filePath)); if (!fs.existsSync(fullFilePath) || !isWithin(documentsPath, fullFilePath)) return null; const data = fs.readFileSync(fullFilePath, "utf8"); return JSON.parse(data); } async function viewLocalFiles() { if (!fs.existsSync(documentsPath)) fs.mkdirSync(documentsPath); const directory = { name: "documents", type: "folder", items: [], }; for (const file of fs.readdirSync(documentsPath)) { if (path.extname(file) === ".md") continue; const folderPath = path.resolve(documentsPath, file); const isFolder = fs.lstatSync(folderPath).isDirectory(); if (isFolder) { const subdocs = { name: file, type: "folder", items: [], }; const subfiles = fs.readdirSync(folderPath); for (const subfile of subfiles) { if (path.extname(subfile) !== ".json") continue; const filePath = path.join(folderPath, subfile); const rawData = fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf8"); const cachefilename = `${file}/${subfile}`; const { pageContent, ...metadata } = JSON.parse(rawData); subdocs.items.push({ name: subfile, type: "file", ...metadata, cached: await cachedVectorInformation(cachefilename, true), pinnedWorkspaces: await Document.getPins({ docpath: cachefilename, pinned: true, }), }); } directory.items.push(subdocs); } } // Make sure custom-documents is always the first folder in picker directory.items = [ directory.items.find((folder) => === "custom-documents"), => !== "custom-documents"), ].filter((i) => !!i); return directory; } // Searches the vector-cache folder for existing information so we dont have to re-embed a // document and can instead push directly to vector db. async function cachedVectorInformation(filename = null, checkOnly = false) { if (!filename) return checkOnly ? false : { exists: false, chunks: [] }; const digest = uuidv5(filename, uuidv5.URL); const file = path.resolve(vectorCachePath, `${digest}.json`); const exists = fs.existsSync(file); if (checkOnly) return exists; if (!exists) return { exists, chunks: [] }; console.log( `Cached vectorized results of ${filename} found! Using cached data to save on embed costs.` ); const rawData = fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8"); return { exists: true, chunks: JSON.parse(rawData) }; } // vectorData: pre-chunked vectorized data for a given file that includes the proper metadata and chunk-size limit so it can be iterated and dumped into Pinecone, etc // filename is the fullpath to the doc so we can compare by filename to find cached matches. async function storeVectorResult(vectorData = [], filename = null) { if (!filename) return; console.log( `Caching vectorized results of ${filename} to prevent duplicated embedding.` ); if (!fs.existsSync(vectorCachePath)) fs.mkdirSync(vectorCachePath); const digest = uuidv5(filename, uuidv5.URL); const writeTo = path.resolve(vectorCachePath, `${digest}.json`); fs.writeFileSync(writeTo, JSON.stringify(vectorData), "utf8"); return; } // Purges a file from the documents/ folder. async function purgeSourceDocument(filename = null) { if (!filename) return; const filePath = path.resolve(documentsPath, normalizePath(filename)); if ( !fs.existsSync(filePath) || !isWithin(documentsPath, filePath) || !fs.lstatSync(filePath).isFile() ) return; console.log(`Purging source document of ${filename}.`); fs.rmSync(filePath); return; } // Purges a vector-cache file from the vector-cache/ folder. async function purgeVectorCache(filename = null) { if (!filename) return; const digest = uuidv5(filename, uuidv5.URL); const filePath = path.resolve(vectorCachePath, `${digest}.json`); if (!fs.existsSync(filePath) || !fs.lstatSync(filePath).isFile()) return; console.log(`Purging vector-cache of ${filename}.`); fs.rmSync(filePath); return; } // Search for a specific document by its unique name in the entire `documents` // folder via iteration of all folders and checking if the expected file exists. async function findDocumentInDocuments(documentName = null) { if (!documentName) return null; for (const folder of fs.readdirSync(documentsPath)) { const isFolder = fs .lstatSync(path.join(documentsPath, folder)) .isDirectory(); if (!isFolder) continue; const targetFilename = normalizePath(documentName); const targetFileLocation = path.join(documentsPath, folder, targetFilename); if ( !fs.existsSync(targetFileLocation) || !isWithin(documentsPath, targetFileLocation) ) continue; const fileData = fs.readFileSync(targetFileLocation, "utf8"); const cachefilename = `${folder}/${targetFilename}`; const { pageContent, ...metadata } = JSON.parse(fileData); return { name: targetFilename, type: "file", ...metadata, cached: await cachedVectorInformation(cachefilename, true), }; } return null; } /** * Checks if a given path is within another path. * @param {string} outer - The outer path (should be resolved). * @param {string} inner - The inner path (should be resolved). * @returns {boolean} - Returns true if the inner path is within the outer path, false otherwise. */ function isWithin(outer, inner) { if (outer === inner) return false; const rel = path.relative(outer, inner); return !rel.startsWith("../") && rel !== ".."; } function normalizePath(filepath = "") { const result = path .normalize(filepath.trim()) .replace(/^(\.\.(\/|\\|$))+/, "") .trim(); if (["..", ".", "/"].includes(result)) throw new Error("Invalid path."); return result; } // Check if the vector-cache folder is empty or not // useful for it the user is changing embedders as this will // break the previous cache. function hasVectorCachedFiles() { try { return ( fs.readdirSync(vectorCachePath)?.filter((name) => name.endsWith(".json")) .length !== 0 ); } catch {} return false; } module.exports = { findDocumentInDocuments, cachedVectorInformation, viewLocalFiles, purgeSourceDocument, purgeVectorCache, storeVectorResult, fileData, normalizePath, isWithin, documentsPath, hasVectorCachedFiles, };