import { ABORT_STREAM_EVENT } from "@/utils/chat"; import { API_BASE } from "@/utils/constants"; import { baseHeaders } from "@/utils/request"; import { fetchEventSource } from "@microsoft/fetch-event-source"; import { v4 } from "uuid"; const WorkspaceThread = { all: async function (workspaceSlug) { const { threads } = await fetch( `${API_BASE}/workspace/${workspaceSlug}/threads`, { method: "GET", headers: baseHeaders(), } ) .then((res) => res.json()) .catch((e) => { return { threads: [] }; }); return { threads }; }, new: async function (workspaceSlug) { const { thread, error } = await fetch( `${API_BASE}/workspace/${workspaceSlug}/thread/new`, { method: "POST", headers: baseHeaders(), } ) .then((res) => res.json()) .catch((e) => { return { thread: null, error: e.message }; }); return { thread, error }; }, update: async function (workspaceSlug, threadSlug, data = {}) { const { thread, message } = await fetch( `${API_BASE}/workspace/${workspaceSlug}/thread/${threadSlug}/update`, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(data), headers: baseHeaders(), } ) .then((res) => res.json()) .catch((e) => { return { thread: null, message: e.message }; }); return { thread, message }; }, delete: async function (workspaceSlug, threadSlug) { return await fetch( `${API_BASE}/workspace/${workspaceSlug}/thread/${threadSlug}`, { method: "DELETE", headers: baseHeaders(), } ) .then((res) => res.ok) .catch(() => false); }, deleteBulk: async function (workspaceSlug, threadSlugs = []) { return await fetch( `${API_BASE}/workspace/${workspaceSlug}/thread-bulk-delete`, { method: "DELETE", body: JSON.stringify({ slugs: threadSlugs }), headers: baseHeaders(), } ) .then((res) => res.ok) .catch(() => false); }, chatHistory: async function (workspaceSlug, threadSlug) { const history = await fetch( `${API_BASE}/workspace/${workspaceSlug}/thread/${threadSlug}/chats`, { method: "GET", headers: baseHeaders(), } ) .then((res) => res.json()) .then((res) => res.history || []) .catch(() => []); return history; }, streamChat: async function ( { workspaceSlug, threadSlug }, message, handleChat ) { const ctrl = new AbortController(); // Listen for the ABORT_STREAM_EVENT key to be emitted by the client // to early abort the streaming response. On abort we send a special `stopGeneration` // event to be handled which resets the UI for us to be able to send another message. // The backend response abort handling is done in each LLM's handleStreamResponse. window.addEventListener(ABORT_STREAM_EVENT, () => { ctrl.abort(); handleChat({ id: v4(), type: "stopGeneration" }); }); await fetchEventSource( `${API_BASE}/workspace/${workspaceSlug}/thread/${threadSlug}/stream-chat`, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ message }), headers: baseHeaders(), signal: ctrl.signal, openWhenHidden: true, async onopen(response) { if (response.ok) { return; // everything's good } else if ( response.status >= 400 && response.status < 500 && response.status !== 429 ) { handleChat({ id: v4(), type: "abort", textResponse: null, sources: [], close: true, error: `An error occurred while streaming response. Code ${response.status}`, }); ctrl.abort(); throw new Error("Invalid Status code response."); } else { handleChat({ id: v4(), type: "abort", textResponse: null, sources: [], close: true, error: `An error occurred while streaming response. Unknown Error.`, }); ctrl.abort(); throw new Error("Unknown error"); } }, async onmessage(msg) { try { const chatResult = JSON.parse(; handleChat(chatResult); } catch {} }, onerror(err) { handleChat({ id: v4(), type: "abort", textResponse: null, sources: [], close: true, error: `An error occurred while streaming response. ${err.message}`, }); ctrl.abort(); throw new Error(); }, } ); }, }; export default WorkspaceThread;