const slugify = require("slugify"); const { Document } = require("./documents"); const { checkForMigrations } = require("../utils/database"); const Workspace = { tablename: "workspaces", writable: [ // Used for generic updates so we can validate keys in request body "name", "slug", "vectorTag", "openAiTemp", "openAiHistory", "lastUpdatedAt", ], colsInit: ` id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT NOT NULL, slug TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, vectorTag TEXT DEFAULT NULL, createdAt TEXT DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, openAiTemp REAL DEFAULT NULL, openAiHistory INTEGER DEFAULT 20, lastUpdatedAt TEXT DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP `, migrateTable: async function () { console.log(`\x1b[34m[MIGRATING]\x1b[0m Checking for Workspace migrations`); const db = await this.db(false); await checkForMigrations(this, db); }, migrations: function () { return [ { colName: "openAiTemp", execCmd: `ALTER TABLE ${this.tablename} ADD COLUMN openAiTemp REAL DEFAULT NULL`, doif: false, }, { colName: "id", execCmd: `CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS Trg_LastUpdated AFTER UPDATE ON ${this.tablename} FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE ${this.tablename} SET lastUpdatedAt = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE id =; END`, doif: true, }, { colName: "openAiHistory", execCmd: `ALTER TABLE ${this.tablename} ADD COLUMN openAiHistory INTEGER DEFAULT 20`, doif: false, }, ]; }, db: async function (tracing = true) { const sqlite3 = require("sqlite3").verbose(); const { open } = require("sqlite"); const db = await open({ filename: `${ !!process.env.STORAGE_DIR ? `${process.env.STORAGE_DIR}/` : "storage/" }anythingllm.db`, driver: sqlite3.Database, }); await db.exec( `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${this.tablename} (${this.colsInit})` ); if (tracing) db.on("trace", (sql) => console.log(sql)); return db; }, new: async function (name = null) { if (!name) return { result: null, message: "name cannot be null" }; var slug = slugify(name, { lower: true }); const existingBySlug = await this.get(`slug = '${slug}'`); if (existingBySlug !== null) { const slugSeed = Math.floor(10000000 + Math.random() * 90000000); slug = slugify(`${name}-${slugSeed}`, { lower: true }); } const db = await this.db(); const { id, success, message } = await db .run(`INSERT INTO ${this.tablename} (name, slug) VALUES (?, ?)`, [ name, slug, ]) .then((res) => { return { id: res.lastID, success: true, message: null }; }) .catch((error) => { return { id: null, success: false, message: error.message }; }); if (!success) { db.close(); return { workspace: null, message }; } const workspace = await db.get( `SELECT * FROM ${this.tablename} WHERE id = ${id}` ); db.close(); return { workspace, message: null }; }, update: async function (id = null, data = {}) { if (!id) throw new Error("No workspace id provided for update"); const validKeys = Object.keys(data).filter((key) => this.writable.includes(key) ); const values = Object.values(data); if (validKeys.length === 0 || validKeys.length !== values.length) return { workspace: { id }, message: "No valid fields to update!" }; const template = `UPDATE ${this.tablename} SET ${ => { return `${key}=?`; })} WHERE id = ?`; const db = await this.db(); const { success, message } = await db .run(template, [...values, id]) .then(() => { return { success: true, message: null }; }) .catch((error) => { return { success: false, message: error.message }; }); db.close(); if (!success) { return { workspace: null, message }; } const updatedWorkspace = await this.get(`id = ${id}`); return { workspace: updatedWorkspace, message: null }; }, get: async function (clause = "") { const db = await this.db(); const result = await db .get(`SELECT * FROM ${this.tablename} WHERE ${clause}`) .then((res) => res || null); if (!result) return null; db.close(); const documents = await Document.forWorkspace(; return { ...result, documents }; }, delete: async function (clause = "") { const db = await this.db(); await db.get(`DELETE FROM ${this.tablename} WHERE ${clause}`); db.close(); return true; }, where: async function (clause = "", limit = null) { const db = await this.db(); const results = await db.all( `SELECT * FROM ${this.tablename} ${clause ? `WHERE ${clause}` : ""} ${ !!limit ? `LIMIT ${limit}` : "" }` ); db.close(); return results; }, }; module.exports = { Workspace };