const { v4 } = require("uuid"); const { writeToServerDocuments } = require("../utils/files"); const { tokenizeString } = require("../utils/tokenizer"); const { default: slugify } = require("slugify"); // Will remove the last .extension from the input // and stringify the input + move to lowercase. function stripAndSlug(input) { if (!input.includes('.')) return slugify(input, { lower: true }); return slugify(input.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('-'), { lower: true }) } const METADATA_KEYS = { possible: { url: ({ url, title }) => { let validUrl; try { const u = new URL(url); validUrl = ["https:", "http:"].includes(u.protocol); } catch { } if (validUrl) return `web://${url.toLowerCase()}.website`; return `file://${stripAndSlug(title)}.txt`; }, title: ({ title }) => `${stripAndSlug(title)}.txt`, docAuthor: ({ docAuthor }) => { return typeof docAuthor === 'string' ? docAuthor : 'no author specified' }, description: ({ description }) => { return typeof description === 'string' ? description : 'no description found' }, docSource: ({ docSource }) => { return typeof docSource === 'string' ? docSource : 'no source set' }, chunkSource: ({ chunkSource, title }) => { return typeof chunkSource === 'string' ? chunkSource : `${stripAndSlug(title)}.txt` }, published: ({ published }) => { if (isNaN(Number(published))) return new Date().toLocaleString(); return new Date(Number(published)).toLocaleString() }, } } async function processRawText(textContent, metadata) { console.log(`-- Working Raw Text doc ${metadata.title} --`); if (!textContent || textContent.length === 0) { return { success: false, reason: "textContent was empty - nothing to process.", documents: [], }; } const data = { id: v4(), url: METADATA_KEYS.possible.url(metadata), title: METADATA_KEYS.possible.title(metadata), docAuthor: METADATA_KEYS.possible.docAuthor(metadata), description: METADATA_KEYS.possible.description(metadata), docSource: METADATA_KEYS.possible.docSource(metadata), chunkSource: METADATA_KEYS.possible.chunkSource(metadata), published: METADATA_KEYS.possible.published(metadata), wordCount: textContent.split(" ").length, pageContent: textContent, token_count_estimate: tokenizeString(textContent).length, }; const document = writeToServerDocuments( data, `raw-${stripAndSlug(metadata.title)}-${}` ); console.log(`[SUCCESS]: Raw text and metadata saved & ready for embedding.\n`); return { success: true, reason: null, documents: [document] }; } module.exports = { processRawText }