const { v4 } = require("uuid"); const { getVectorDbClass, getLLMProvider } = require("../../../helpers"); const { Deduplicator } = require("../utils/dedupe"); const memory = { name: "rag-memory", startupConfig: { params: {}, }, plugin: function () { return { name:, setup(aibitat) { aibitat.function({ super: aibitat, tracker: new Deduplicator(), name:, description: "Search against local documents for context that is relevant to the query or store a snippet of text into memory for retrieval later. Storing information should only be done when the user specifically requests for information to be remembered or saved to long-term memory. You should use this tool before search the internet for information.", parameters: { $schema: "", type: "object", properties: { action: { type: "string", enum: ["search", "store"], description: "The action we want to take to search for existing similar context or storage of new context.", }, content: { type: "string", description: "The plain text to search our local documents with or to store in our vector database.", }, }, additionalProperties: false, }, handler: async function ({ action = "", content = "" }) { try { if (this.tracker.isDuplicate(, { action, content })) return `This was a duplicated call and it's output will be ignored.`; let response = "There was nothing to do."; if (action === "search") response = await; if (action === "store") response = await; this.tracker.trackRun(, { action, content }); return response; } catch (error) { console.log(error); return `There was an error while calling the function. ${error.message}`; } }, search: async function (query = "") { try { const workspace = this.super.handlerProps.invocation.workspace; const LLMConnector = getLLMProvider({ provider: workspace?.chatProvider, model: workspace?.chatModel, }); const vectorDB = getVectorDbClass(); const { contextTexts = [] } = await vectorDB.performSimilaritySearch({ namespace: workspace.slug, input: query, LLMConnector, }); if (contextTexts.length === 0) { this.super.introspect( `${this.caller}: I didn't find anything locally that would help answer this question.` ); return "There was no additional context found for that query. We should search the web for this information."; } this.super.introspect( `${this.caller}: Found ${contextTexts.length} additional piece of context to help answer this question.` ); let combinedText = "Additional context for query:\n"; for (const text of contextTexts) combinedText += text + "\n\n"; return combinedText; } catch (error) { this.super.handlerProps.log( ` raised an error. ${error.message}` ); return `An error was raised while searching the vector database. ${error.message}`; } }, store: async function (content = "") { try { const workspace = this.super.handlerProps.invocation.workspace; const vectorDB = getVectorDbClass(); const { error } = await vectorDB.addDocumentToNamespace( workspace.slug, { docId: v4(), id: v4(), url: "file://embed-via-agent.txt", title: "agent-memory.txt", docAuthor: "@agent", description: "Unknown", docSource: "a text file stored by the workspace agent.", chunkSource: "", published: new Date().toLocaleString(), wordCount: content.split(" ").length, pageContent: content, token_count_estimate: 0, }, null ); if (!!error) return "The content was failed to be embedded properly."; this.super.introspect( `${this.caller}: I saved the content to long-term memory in this workspaces vector database.` ); return "The content given was successfully embedded. There is nothing else to do."; } catch (error) { this.super.handlerProps.log( ` raised an error. ${error.message}` ); return `Let the user know this action was not successful. An error was raised while storing data in the vector database. ${error.message}`; } }, }); }, }; }, }; module.exports = { memory, };