# How to use Dockerized Anything LLM Use the Dockerized version of AnythingLLM for a much faster and complete startup of AnythingLLM. ## Requirements - Install [Docker](https://www.docker.com/) on your computer or machine. ## Recommend way to run dockerized AnythingLLM! > [!TIP] > It is best to mount the containers storage volume to a folder on your host machine > so that you can pull in future updates without deleting your existing data! `docker pull mintplexlabs/anythingllm:master` ```shell export STORAGE_LOCATION="/var/lib/anythingllm" && \ mkdir -p $STORAGE_LOCATION && \ touch "$STORAGE_LOCATION/.env" && \ docker run -d -p 3001:3001 \ -v ${STORAGE_LOCATION}:/app/server/storage \ -v ${STORAGE_LOCATION}/.env:/app/server/.env \ -e STORAGE_DIR="/app/server/storage" \ mintplexlabs/anythingllm:master ``` Go to `http://localhost:3001` and you are now using AnythingLLM! All your data and progress will persist between container rebuilds or pulls from Docker Hub. ## Build locally from source - `git clone` this repo and `cd anything-llm` to get to the root directory. - `touch server/storage/anythingllm.db` to create empty SQLite DB file. - `cd docker/` - `cp .env.example .env` **you must do this before building** - `docker-compose up -d --build` to build the image - this will take a few moments. Your docker host will show the image as online once the build process is completed. This will build the app to `http://localhost:3001`. ## How to use the user interface - To access the full application, visit `http://localhost:3001` in your browser. ## How to add files to my system using the standalone scripts - Upload files from the UI in your Workspace settings - To run the collector scripts to grab external data (articles, URLs, etc.) - `docker exec -it --workdir=/app/collector anything-llm python main.py` - To run the collector watch script to process files from the hotdir - `docker exec -it --workdir=/app/collector anything-llm python watch.py` - Upload [compliant files](../collector/hotdir/__HOTDIR__.md) to `./collector/hotdir` and they will be processed and made available in the UI. ## About UID and GID in the ENV - The UID and GID are set to 1000 by default. This is the default user in the Docker container and on most host operating systems. If there is a mismatch between your host user UID and GID and what is set in the `.env` file, you may experience permission issues. ## ⚠️ Vector DB support ⚠️ Out of the box, all vector databases are supported. Any vector databases requiring special configuration are listed below. ### Using local ChromaDB with Dockerized AnythingLLM - Ensure in your `./docker/.env` file that you have ``` #./docker/.env ...other configs VECTOR_DB="chroma" CHROMA_ENDPOINT='http://host.docker.internal:8000' # Allow docker to look on host port, not container. # CHROMA_API_HEADER="X-Api-Key" // If you have an Auth middleware on your instance. # CHROMA_API_KEY="sk-123abc" ...other configs ``` ## Common questions and fixes ### API is not working, cannot login, LLM is "offline"? You are likely running the docker container on a remote machine like EC2 or some other instance where the reachable URL is not `http://localhost:3001` and instead is something like `http://193.xx.xx.xx:3001` - in this case all you need to do is add the following to your `frontend/.env.production` before running `docker-compose up -d --build` ``` # frontend/.env.production GENERATE_SOURCEMAP=false VITE_API_BASE="http://:3001/api" ``` For example, if the docker instance is available on `` your `VITE_API_BASE` would look like `VITE_API_BASE=""` in `frontend/.env.production`. ### Still not working? [Ask for help on Discord](https://discord.gg/6UyHPeGZAC)