const MimeLib = require("mime"); class MimeDetector { nonTextTypes = ["multipart", "image", "model", "audio", "video"]; badMimes = [ "application/octet-stream", "application/zip", "application/pkcs8", "application/", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", // XLSX are binaries and need to be handled explicitly. "application/x-msdownload", ]; constructor() { this.lib = MimeLib; this.setOverrides(); } setOverrides() { // the .ts extension maps to video/mp2t because of // which has had this extension far before TS was invented. So need to force re-map this MIME map. this.lib.define( { "text/plain": [ "ts", "py", "opts", "lock", "jsonl", "qml", "sh", "c", "cs", "h", "js", "lua", "pas", ], }, true ); } getType(filepath) { return this.lib.getType(filepath); } } module.exports = { MimeDetector, };