const { Document } = require("../../../../models/documents"); const { safeJsonParse } = require("../../../http"); const { summarizeContent } = require("../utils/summarize"); const Provider = require("../providers/ai-provider"); const docSummarizer = { name: "document-summarizer", startupConfig: { params: {}, }, plugin: function () { return { name:, setup(aibitat) { aibitat.function({ super: aibitat, name:, controller: new AbortController(), description: "Can get the list of files available to search with descriptions and can select a single file to open and summarize.", examples: [ { prompt: "Summarize example.txt", call: JSON.stringify({ action: "summarize", document_filename: "example.txt", }), }, { prompt: "What files can you see?", call: JSON.stringify({ action: "list", document_filename: null }), }, { prompt: "Tell me about", call: JSON.stringify({ action: "summarize", document_filename: "", }), }, ], parameters: { $schema: "", type: "object", properties: { action: { type: "string", enum: ["list", "summarize"], description: "The action to take. 'list' will return all files available with their filename and descriptions. 'summarize' will open and summarize the file by the a document name.", }, document_filename: { type: "string", "x-nullable": true, description: "The file name of the document you want to get the full content of.", }, }, additionalProperties: false, }, handler: async function ({ action, document_filename }) { if (action === "list") return await this.listDocuments(); if (action === "summarize") return await this.summarizeDoc(document_filename); return "There is nothing we can do. This function call returns no information."; }, /** * List all documents available in a workspace * @returns List of files and their descriptions if available. */ listDocuments: async function () { try { this.super.introspect( `${this.caller}: Looking at the available documents.` ); const documents = await Document.where({ workspaceId: this.super.handlerProps.invocation.workspace_id, }); if (documents.length === 0) return "No documents found - nothing can be done. Stop."; this.super.introspect( `${this.caller}: Found ${documents.length} documents` ); const foundDocuments = => { const metadata = safeJsonParse(doc.metadata, {}); return { document_id: doc.docId, filename: metadata?.title ?? "unknown.txt", description: metadata?.description ?? "no description", }; }); return JSON.stringify(foundDocuments); } catch (error) { this.super.handlerProps.log( `document-summarizer.list raised an error. ${error.message}` ); return `Let the user know this action was not successful. An error was raised while listing available files. ${error.message}`; } }, summarizeDoc: async function (filename) { try { const availableDocs = safeJsonParse( await this.listDocuments(), [] ); if (!availableDocs.length) { this.super.handlerProps.log( `${this.caller}: No available documents to summarize.` ); return "No documents were found."; } const docInfo = availableDocs.find( (info) => info.filename === filename ); if (!docInfo) { this.super.handlerProps.log( `${this.caller}: No available document by the name "${filename}".` ); return `No available document by the name "${filename}".`; } const document = await Document.content(docInfo.document_id); this.super.introspect( `${this.caller}: Grabbing all content for ${ filename ?? "a discovered file." }` ); if (!document.content || document.content.length === 0) { throw new Error( "This document has no readable content that could be found." ); } if ( document.content?.length < Provider.contextLimit(this.super.provider) ) { return document.content; } this.super.introspect( `${this.caller}: Summarizing ${filename ?? ""}...` ); this.super.onAbort(() => { this.super.handlerProps.log( "Abort was triggered, exiting summarization early." ); this.controller.abort(); }); return await summarizeContent( this.super.provider, this.controller.signal, document.content ); } catch (error) { this.super.handlerProps.log( `document-summarizer.summarizeDoc raised an error. ${error.message}` ); return `Let the user know this action was not successful. An error was raised while summarizing the file. ${error.message}`; } }, }); }, }; }, }; module.exports = { docSummarizer, };