const { v4: uuidv4 } = require("uuid"); const moment = require("moment"); function clientAbortedHandler(resolve, fullText) { console.log( "\x1b[43m\x1b[34m[STREAM ABORTED]\x1b[0m Client requested to abort stream. Exiting LLM stream handler early." ); resolve(fullText); return; } function handleDefaultStreamResponseV2(response, stream, responseProps) { const { uuid = uuidv4(), sources = [] } = responseProps; return new Promise(async (resolve) => { let fullText = ""; // Establish listener to early-abort a streaming response // in case things go sideways or the user does not like the response. // We preserve the generated text but continue as if chat was completed // to preserve previously generated content. const handleAbort = () => clientAbortedHandler(resolve, fullText); response.on("close", handleAbort); for await (const chunk of stream) { const message = chunk?.choices?.[0]; const token = message?.delta?.content; if (token) { fullText += token; writeResponseChunk(response, { uuid, sources: [], type: "textResponseChunk", textResponse: token, close: false, error: false, }); } // LocalAi returns '' and others return null on chunks - the last chunk is not "" or null. // Either way, the key `finish_reason` must be present to determine ending chunk. if ( message?.hasOwnProperty("finish_reason") && // Got valid message and it is an object with finish_reason message.finish_reason !== "" && message.finish_reason !== null ) { writeResponseChunk(response, { uuid, sources, type: "textResponseChunk", textResponse: "", close: true, error: false, }); response.removeListener("close", handleAbort); resolve(fullText); break; // Break streaming when a valid finish_reason is first encountered } } }); } function convertToChatHistory(history = []) { const formattedHistory = []; history.forEach((history) => { const { prompt, response, createdAt, feedbackScore = null, id } = history; const data = JSON.parse(response); formattedHistory.push([ { role: "user", content: prompt, sentAt: moment(createdAt).unix(), attachments: data?.attachments ?? [], chatId: id, }, { type: data?.type || "chart", role: "assistant", content: data.text, sources: data.sources || [], chatId: id, sentAt: moment(createdAt).unix(), feedbackScore, }, ]); }); return formattedHistory.flat(); } function convertToPromptHistory(history = []) { const formattedHistory = []; history.forEach((history) => { const { prompt, response } = history; const data = JSON.parse(response); formattedHistory.push([ { role: "user", content: prompt }, { role: "assistant", content: data.text }, ]); }); return formattedHistory.flat(); } function writeResponseChunk(response, data) { response.write(`data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}\n\n`); return; } module.exports = { handleDefaultStreamResponseV2, convertToChatHistory, convertToPromptHistory, writeResponseChunk, clientAbortedHandler, };