import os, json from urllib.parse import urlparse from .utils import tokenize, ada_v2_cost from .medium_utils import get_username, fetch_recent_publications, append_meta from alive_progress import alive_it # Example medium URL: or def medium(): print("[NOTICE]: This method will only get the 10 most recent publishings.") author_url = input("Enter the medium URL of the author you want to collect: ") if(author_url == ''): print("Not a valid URL") exit(1) handle = get_username(author_url) if(handle is None): print("This does not appear to be a valid URL") exit(1) publications = fetch_recent_publications(handle) if(len(publications)==0): print("There are no public or free publications by this creator - nothing to collect.") exit(1) totalTokenCount = 0 transaction_output_dir = f"../server/storage/documents/medium-{handle}" if os.path.isdir(transaction_output_dir) == False: os.makedirs(transaction_output_dir) for publication in alive_it(publications): pub_file_path = transaction_output_dir + f"/publication-{publication.get('id')}.json" if os.path.exists(pub_file_path) == True: continue full_text = publication.get('pageContent') if full_text is None or len(full_text) == 0: continue full_text = append_meta(publication, full_text) item = { 'id': publication.get('id'), 'url': publication.get('url'), 'title': publication.get('title'), 'published': publication.get('published'), 'wordCount': len(full_text.split(' ')), 'pageContent': full_text, } tokenCount = len(tokenize(full_text)) item['token_count_estimate'] = tokenCount totalTokenCount += tokenCount with open(pub_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: json.dump(item, file, ensure_ascii=True, indent=4) print(f"[Success]: {len(publications)} scraped and fetched!") print(f"\n\n////////////////////////////") print(f"Your estimated cost to embed all of this data using OpenAI's text-embedding-ada-002 model at $0.0004 / 1K tokens will cost {ada_v2_cost(totalTokenCount)} using {totalTokenCount} tokens.") print(f"////////////////////////////\n\n") exit(0)