import os from .filetypes import FILETYPES from .utils import move_source RESERVED = [''] # This script will do a one-off processing of a specific document that exists in hotdir. # For this function we remove the original source document since there is no need to keep it and it will # only occupy additional disk space. def process_single(directory, target_doc): if os.path.isdir(f"{directory}/{target_doc}") or target_doc in RESERVED: return (False, "Not a file") if os.path.exists(f"{directory}/{target_doc}") is False: print(f"{directory}/{target_doc} does not exist.") return (False, f"{directory}/{target_doc} does not exist.") filename, fileext = os.path.splitext(target_doc) if filename in ['.DS_Store'] or fileext == '': return False if fileext == '.lock': print(f"{filename} is locked - skipping until unlocked") return (False, f"{filename} is locked - skipping until unlocked") if fileext not in FILETYPES.keys(): print(f"{fileext} not a supported file type for conversion. It will not be processed.") move_source(new_destination_filename=target_doc, failed=True, remove=True) return (False, f"{fileext} not a supported file type for conversion. It will not be processed.") # Returns Tuple of (Boolean, String|None) of success status and possible error message. # Error message will display to user. return FILETYPES[fileext]( directory=directory, filename=filename, ext=fileext, remove_on_complete=True # remove source document to save disk space. )