process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ? require("dotenv").config({ path: `.env.${process.env.NODE_ENV}` }) : require("dotenv").config(); const { default: slugify } = require("slugify"); const { isValidUrl, safeJsonParse } = require("../utils/http"); const prisma = require("../utils/prisma"); const { v4 } = require("uuid"); function isNullOrNaN(value) { if (value === null) return true; return isNaN(value); } const SystemSettings = { protectedFields: ["multi_user_mode"], supportedFields: [ "users_can_delete_workspaces", "limit_user_messages", "message_limit", "logo_filename", "telemetry_id", "footer_data", "support_email", "text_splitter_chunk_size", "text_splitter_chunk_overlap", "agent_search_provider", "default_agent_skills", "agent_sql_connections", "custom_app_name", // beta feature flags "experimental_live_file_sync", ], validations: { footer_data: (updates) => { try { const array = JSON.parse(updates) .filter((setting) => isValidUrl(setting.url)) .slice(0, 3); // max of 3 items in footer. return JSON.stringify(array); } catch (e) { console.error(`Failed to run validation function on footer_data`); return JSON.stringify([]); } }, text_splitter_chunk_size: (update) => { try { if (isNullOrNaN(update)) throw new Error("Value is not a number."); if (Number(update) <= 0) throw new Error("Value must be non-zero."); return Number(update); } catch (e) { console.error( `Failed to run validation function on text_splitter_chunk_size`, e.message ); return 1000; } }, text_splitter_chunk_overlap: (update) => { try { if (isNullOrNaN(update)) throw new Error("Value is not a number"); if (Number(update) < 0) throw new Error("Value cannot be less than 0."); return Number(update); } catch (e) { console.error( `Failed to run validation function on text_splitter_chunk_overlap`, e.message ); return 20; } }, agent_search_provider: (update) => { try { if (update === "none") return null; if ( ![ "google-search-engine", "serper-dot-dev", "bing-search", "serply-engine", "searxng-engine", ].includes(update) ) throw new Error("Invalid SERP provider."); return String(update); } catch (e) { console.error( `Failed to run validation function on agent_search_provider`, e.message ); return null; } }, default_agent_skills: (updates) => { try { const skills = updates.split(",").filter((skill) => !!skill); return JSON.stringify(skills); } catch (e) { console.error(`Could not validate agent skills.`); return JSON.stringify([]); } }, agent_sql_connections: async (updates) => { const existingConnections = safeJsonParse( (await SystemSettings.get({ label: "agent_sql_connections" }))?.value, [] ); try { const updatedConnections = mergeConnections( existingConnections, safeJsonParse(updates, []) ); return JSON.stringify(updatedConnections); } catch (e) { console.error(`Failed to merge connections`); return JSON.stringify(existingConnections ?? []); } }, experimental_live_file_sync: (update) => { if (typeof update === "boolean") return update === true ? "enabled" : "disabled"; if (!["enabled", "disabled"].includes(update)) return "disabled"; return String(update); }, }, currentSettings: async function () { const { hasVectorCachedFiles } = require("../utils/files"); const llmProvider = process.env.LLM_PROVIDER; const vectorDB = process.env.VECTOR_DB; return { // -------------------------------------------------------- // General Settings // -------------------------------------------------------- RequiresAuth: !!process.env.AUTH_TOKEN, AuthToken: !!process.env.AUTH_TOKEN, JWTSecret: !!process.env.JWT_SECRET, StorageDir: process.env.STORAGE_DIR, MultiUserMode: await this.isMultiUserMode(), DisableTelemetry: process.env.DISABLE_TELEMETRY || "false", // -------------------------------------------------------- // Embedder Provider Selection Settings & Configs // -------------------------------------------------------- EmbeddingEngine: process.env.EMBEDDING_ENGINE, HasExistingEmbeddings: await this.hasEmbeddings(), // check if they have any currently embedded documents active in workspaces. HasCachedEmbeddings: hasVectorCachedFiles(), // check if they any currently cached embedded docs. EmbeddingBasePath: process.env.EMBEDDING_BASE_PATH, EmbeddingModelPref: process.env.EMBEDDING_MODEL_PREF, EmbeddingModelMaxChunkLength: process.env.EMBEDDING_MODEL_MAX_CHUNK_LENGTH, // -------------------------------------------------------- // VectorDB Provider Selection Settings & Configs // -------------------------------------------------------- VectorDB: vectorDB, ...this.vectorDBPreferenceKeys(), // -------------------------------------------------------- // LLM Provider Selection Settings & Configs // -------------------------------------------------------- LLMProvider: llmProvider, ...this.llmPreferenceKeys(), // -------------------------------------------------------- // Whisper (Audio transcription) Selection Settings & Configs // - Currently the only 3rd party is OpenAI, so is OPEN_AI_KEY is set // - then it can be shared. // -------------------------------------------------------- WhisperProvider: process.env.WHISPER_PROVIDER || "local", WhisperModelPref: process.env.WHISPER_MODEL_PREF || "Xenova/whisper-small", // -------------------------------------------------------- // TTS/STT Selection Settings & Configs // - Currently the only 3rd party is OpenAI or the native browser-built in // -------------------------------------------------------- TextToSpeechProvider: process.env.TTS_PROVIDER || "native", TTSOpenAIKey: !!process.env.TTS_OPEN_AI_KEY, TTSOpenAIVoiceModel: process.env.TTS_OPEN_AI_VOICE_MODEL, // Eleven Labs TTS TTSElevenLabsKey: !!process.env.TTS_ELEVEN_LABS_KEY, TTSElevenLabsVoiceModel: process.env.TTS_ELEVEN_LABS_VOICE_MODEL, // -------------------------------------------------------- // Agent Settings & Configs // -------------------------------------------------------- AgentGoogleSearchEngineId: process.env.AGENT_GSE_CTX || null, AgentGoogleSearchEngineKey: !!process.env.AGENT_GSE_KEY || null, AgentSerperApiKey: !!process.env.AGENT_SERPER_DEV_KEY || null, AgentBingSearchApiKey: !!process.env.AGENT_BING_SEARCH_API_KEY || null, AgentSerplyApiKey: !!process.env.AGENT_SERPLY_API_KEY || null, AgentSearXNGApiUrl: process.env.AGENT_SEARXNG_API_URL || null, }; }, get: async function (clause = {}) { try { const setting = await prisma.system_settings.findFirst({ where: clause }); return setting || null; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return null; } }, getValueOrFallback: async function (clause = {}, fallback = null) { try { return (await this.get(clause))?.value ?? fallback; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return fallback; } }, where: async function (clause = {}, limit) { try { const settings = await prisma.system_settings.findMany({ where: clause, take: limit || undefined, }); return settings; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return []; } }, // Can take generic keys and will pre-filter invalid keys // from the set before sending to the explicit update function // that will then enforce validations as well. updateSettings: async function (updates = {}) { const validFields = Object.keys(updates).filter((key) => this.supportedFields.includes(key) ); Object.entries(updates).forEach(([key]) => { if (validFields.includes(key)) return; delete updates[key]; }); return this._updateSettings(updates); }, // Explicit update of settings + key validations. // Only use this method when directly setting a key value // that takes no user input for the keys being modified. _updateSettings: async function (updates = {}) { try { const updatePromises = []; for (const key of Object.keys(updates)) { let validatedValue = updates[key]; if (this.validations.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (this.validations[key] === "AsyncFunction") { validatedValue = await this.validations[key](updates[key]); } else { validatedValue = this.validations[key](updates[key]); } } updatePromises.push( prisma.system_settings.upsert({ where: { label: key }, update: { value: validatedValue === null ? null : String(validatedValue), }, create: { label: key, value: validatedValue === null ? null : String(validatedValue), }, }) ); } await Promise.all(updatePromises); return { success: true, error: null }; } catch (error) { console.error("FAILED TO UPDATE SYSTEM SETTINGS", error.message); return { success: false, error: error.message }; } }, isMultiUserMode: async function () { try { const setting = await this.get({ label: "multi_user_mode" }); return setting?.value === "true"; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return false; } }, currentLogoFilename: async function () { try { const setting = await this.get({ label: "logo_filename" }); return setting?.value || null; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return null; } }, canDeleteWorkspaces: async function () { try { const setting = await this.get({ label: "users_can_delete_workspaces" }); return setting?.value === "true"; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return false; } }, hasEmbeddings: async function () { try { const { Document } = require("./documents"); const count = await Document.count({}, 1); return count > 0; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return false; } }, vectorDBPreferenceKeys: function () { return { // Pinecone DB Keys PineConeKey: !!process.env.PINECONE_API_KEY, PineConeIndex: process.env.PINECONE_INDEX, // Chroma DB Keys ChromaEndpoint: process.env.CHROMA_ENDPOINT, ChromaApiHeader: process.env.CHROMA_API_HEADER, ChromaApiKey: !!process.env.CHROMA_API_KEY, // Weaviate DB Keys WeaviateEndpoint: process.env.WEAVIATE_ENDPOINT, WeaviateApiKey: process.env.WEAVIATE_API_KEY, // QDrant DB Keys QdrantEndpoint: process.env.QDRANT_ENDPOINT, QdrantApiKey: process.env.QDRANT_API_KEY, // Milvus DB Keys MilvusAddress: process.env.MILVUS_ADDRESS, MilvusUsername: process.env.MILVUS_USERNAME, MilvusPassword: !!process.env.MILVUS_PASSWORD, // Zilliz DB Keys ZillizEndpoint: process.env.ZILLIZ_ENDPOINT, ZillizApiToken: process.env.ZILLIZ_API_TOKEN, // AstraDB Keys AstraDBApplicationToken: process?.env?.ASTRA_DB_APPLICATION_TOKEN, AstraDBEndpoint: process?.env?.ASTRA_DB_ENDPOINT, }; }, llmPreferenceKeys: function () { return { // OpenAI Keys OpenAiKey: !!process.env.OPEN_AI_KEY, OpenAiModelPref: process.env.OPEN_MODEL_PREF || "gpt-4o", // Azure + OpenAI Keys AzureOpenAiEndpoint: process.env.AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT, AzureOpenAiKey: !!process.env.AZURE_OPENAI_KEY, AzureOpenAiModelPref: process.env.OPEN_MODEL_PREF, AzureOpenAiEmbeddingModelPref: process.env.EMBEDDING_MODEL_PREF, AzureOpenAiTokenLimit: process.env.AZURE_OPENAI_TOKEN_LIMIT || 4096, // Anthropic Keys AnthropicApiKey: !!process.env.ANTHROPIC_API_KEY, AnthropicModelPref: process.env.ANTHROPIC_MODEL_PREF || "claude-2", // Gemini Keys GeminiLLMApiKey: !!process.env.GEMINI_API_KEY, GeminiLLMModelPref: process.env.GEMINI_LLM_MODEL_PREF || "gemini-pro", GeminiSafetySetting: process.env.GEMINI_SAFETY_SETTING || "BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE", // LMStudio Keys LMStudioBasePath: process.env.LMSTUDIO_BASE_PATH, LMStudioTokenLimit: process.env.LMSTUDIO_MODEL_TOKEN_LIMIT, LMStudioModelPref: process.env.LMSTUDIO_MODEL_PREF, // LocalAI Keys LocalAiApiKey: !!process.env.LOCAL_AI_API_KEY, LocalAiBasePath: process.env.LOCAL_AI_BASE_PATH, LocalAiModelPref: process.env.LOCAL_AI_MODEL_PREF, LocalAiTokenLimit: process.env.LOCAL_AI_MODEL_TOKEN_LIMIT, // Ollama LLM Keys OllamaLLMBasePath: process.env.OLLAMA_BASE_PATH, OllamaLLMModelPref: process.env.OLLAMA_MODEL_PREF, OllamaLLMTokenLimit: process.env.OLLAMA_MODEL_TOKEN_LIMIT, // TogetherAI Keys TogetherAiApiKey: !!process.env.TOGETHER_AI_API_KEY, TogetherAiModelPref: process.env.TOGETHER_AI_MODEL_PREF, // Perplexity AI Keys PerplexityApiKey: !!process.env.PERPLEXITY_API_KEY, PerplexityModelPref: process.env.PERPLEXITY_MODEL_PREF, // OpenRouter Keys OpenRouterApiKey: !!process.env.OPENROUTER_API_KEY, OpenRouterModelPref: process.env.OPENROUTER_MODEL_PREF, // Mistral AI (API) Keys MistralApiKey: !!process.env.MISTRAL_API_KEY, MistralModelPref: process.env.MISTRAL_MODEL_PREF, // Groq AI API Keys GroqApiKey: !!process.env.GROQ_API_KEY, GroqModelPref: process.env.GROQ_MODEL_PREF, // Native LLM Keys NativeLLMModelPref: process.env.NATIVE_LLM_MODEL_PREF, NativeLLMTokenLimit: process.env.NATIVE_LLM_MODEL_TOKEN_LIMIT, // HuggingFace Dedicated Inference HuggingFaceLLMEndpoint: process.env.HUGGING_FACE_LLM_ENDPOINT, HuggingFaceLLMAccessToken: !!process.env.HUGGING_FACE_LLM_API_KEY, HuggingFaceLLMTokenLimit: process.env.HUGGING_FACE_LLM_TOKEN_LIMIT, // KoboldCPP Keys KoboldCPPModelPref: process.env.KOBOLD_CPP_MODEL_PREF, KoboldCPPBasePath: process.env.KOBOLD_CPP_BASE_PATH, KoboldCPPTokenLimit: process.env.KOBOLD_CPP_MODEL_TOKEN_LIMIT, // Text Generation Web UI Keys TextGenWebUIBasePath: process.env.TEXT_GEN_WEB_UI_BASE_PATH, TextGenWebUITokenLimit: process.env.TEXT_GEN_WEB_UI_MODEL_TOKEN_LIMIT, TextGenWebUIAPIKey: !!process.env.TEXT_GEN_WEB_UI_API_KEY, // LiteLLM Keys LiteLLMModelPref: process.env.LITE_LLM_MODEL_PREF, LiteLLMTokenLimit: process.env.LITE_LLM_MODEL_TOKEN_LIMIT, LiteLLMBasePath: process.env.LITE_LLM_BASE_PATH, LiteLLMApiKey: !!process.env.LITE_LLM_API_KEY, // Generic OpenAI Keys GenericOpenAiBasePath: process.env.GENERIC_OPEN_AI_BASE_PATH, GenericOpenAiModelPref: process.env.GENERIC_OPEN_AI_MODEL_PREF, GenericOpenAiTokenLimit: process.env.GENERIC_OPEN_AI_MODEL_TOKEN_LIMIT, GenericOpenAiKey: !!process.env.GENERIC_OPEN_AI_API_KEY, GenericOpenAiMaxTokens: process.env.GENERIC_OPEN_AI_MAX_TOKENS, // Cohere API Keys CohereApiKey: !!process.env.COHERE_API_KEY, CohereModelPref: process.env.COHERE_MODEL_PREF, // VoyageAi API Keys VoyageAiApiKey: !!process.env.VOYAGEAI_API_KEY, }; }, // For special retrieval of a key setting that does not expose any credential information brief: { agent_sql_connections: async function () { const setting = await SystemSettings.get({ label: "agent_sql_connections", }); if (!setting) return []; return safeJsonParse(setting.value, []).map((dbConfig) => { const { connectionString, } = dbConfig; return rest; }); }, }, getFeatureFlags: async function () { return { experimental_live_file_sync: (await SystemSettings.get({ label: "experimental_live_file_sync" })) ?.value === "enabled", }; }, }; function mergeConnections(existingConnections = [], updates = []) { let updatedConnections = [...existingConnections]; const existingDbIds = => conn.database_id); // First remove all 'action:remove' candidates from existing connections. const toRemove = updates .filter((conn) => conn.action === "remove") .map((conn) => conn.database_id); updatedConnections = updatedConnections.filter( (conn) => !toRemove.includes(conn.database_id) ); // Next add all 'action:add' candidates into the updatedConnections; We DO NOT validate the connection strings. // but we do validate their database_id is unique. updates .filter((conn) => conn.action === "add") .forEach((update) => { if (!update.connectionString) return; // invalid connection string // Remap name to be unique to entire set. if (existingDbIds.includes(update.database_id)) { update.database_id = slugify( `${update.database_id}-${v4().slice(0, 4)}` ); } else { update.database_id = slugify(update.database_id); } updatedConnections.push({ engine: update.engine, database_id: update.database_id, connectionString: update.connectionString, }); }); return updatedConnections; } module.exports.SystemSettings = SystemSettings;