const AIbitat = require("./aibitat"); const AgentPlugins = require("./aibitat/plugins"); const { WorkspaceAgentInvocation, } = require("../../models/workspaceAgentInvocation"); const { WorkspaceChats } = require("../../models/workspaceChats"); const { safeJsonParse } = require("../http"); const { USER_AGENT, WORKSPACE_AGENT } = require("./defaults"); class AgentHandler { #invocationUUID; #funcsToLoad = []; invocation = null; aibitat = null; channel = null; provider = null; model = null; constructor({ uuid }) { this.#invocationUUID = uuid; } log(text, ...args) { console.log(`\x1b[36m[AgentHandler]\x1b[0m ${text}`, ...args); } closeAlert() { this.log(`End ${this.#invocationUUID}::${this.provider}:${this.model}`); } async #chatHistory(limit = 10) { try { const rawHistory = ( await WorkspaceChats.where( { workspaceId: this.invocation.workspace_id, user_id: this.invocation.user_id || null, thread_id: this.invocation.thread_id || null, include: true, }, limit, { id: "desc" } ) ).reverse(); const agentHistory = []; rawHistory.forEach((chatLog) => { agentHistory.push( { from:, to:, content: chatLog.prompt, state: "success", }, { from:, to:, content: safeJsonParse(chatLog.response)?.text || "", state: "success", } ); }); return agentHistory; } catch (e) { this.log("Error loading chat history", e.message); return []; } } #checkSetup() { switch (this.provider) { case "openai": if (!process.env.OPEN_AI_KEY) throw new Error("OpenAI API key must be provided to use agents."); break; case "anthropic": if (!process.env.ANTHROPIC_API_KEY) throw new Error("Anthropic API key must be provided to use agents."); break; case "lmstudio": if (!process.env.LMSTUDIO_BASE_PATH) throw new Error("LMStudio base path must be provided to use agents."); break; case "ollama": if (!process.env.OLLAMA_BASE_PATH) throw new Error("Ollama base path must be provided to use agents."); break; case "groq": if (!process.env.GROQ_API_KEY) throw new Error("Groq API key must be provided to use agents."); break; case "togetherai": if (!process.env.TOGETHER_AI_API_KEY) throw new Error("TogetherAI API key must be provided to use agents."); break; case "azure": if (!process.env.AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT || !process.env.AZURE_OPENAI_KEY) throw new Error( "Azure OpenAI API endpoint and key must be provided to use agents." ); break; case "koboldcpp": if (!process.env.KOBOLD_CPP_BASE_PATH) throw new Error( "KoboldCPP must have a valid base path to use for the api." ); break; case "localai": if (!process.env.LOCAL_AI_BASE_PATH) throw new Error( "LocalAI must have a valid base path to use for the api." ); break; case "gemini": if (!process.env.GEMINI_API_KEY) throw new Error("Gemini API key must be provided to use agents."); break; case "openrouter": if (!process.env.OPENROUTER_API_KEY) throw new Error("OpenRouter API key must be provided to use agents."); break; case "mistral": if (!process.env.MISTRAL_API_KEY) throw new Error("Mistral API key must be provided to use agents."); break; case "generic-openai": if (!process.env.GENERIC_OPEN_AI_BASE_PATH) throw new Error("API base path must be provided to use agents."); break; case "perplexity": if (!process.env.PERPLEXITY_API_KEY) throw new Error("Perplexity API key must be provided to use agents."); break; case "textgenwebui": if (!process.env.TEXT_GEN_WEB_UI_BASE_PATH) throw new Error( "TextWebGenUI API base path must be provided to use agents." ); break; default: throw new Error( "No workspace agent provider set. Please set your agent provider in the workspace's settings" ); } } #providerDefault() { switch (this.provider) { case "openai": return "gpt-4o"; case "anthropic": return "claude-3-sonnet-20240229"; case "lmstudio": return "server-default"; case "ollama": return "llama3:latest"; case "groq": return "llama3-70b-8192"; case "togetherai": return "mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1"; case "azure": return "gpt-3.5-turbo"; case "koboldcpp": return null; case "gemini": return "gemini-pro"; case "localai": return null; case "openrouter": return "openrouter/auto"; case "mistral": return "mistral-medium"; case "generic-openai": return "gpt-3.5-turbo"; case "perplexity": return "sonar-small-online"; case "textgenwebui": return null; default: return "unknown"; } } #providerSetupAndCheck() { this.provider = this.invocation.workspace.agentProvider || "openai"; this.model = this.invocation.workspace.agentModel || this.#providerDefault(); this.log(`Start ${this.#invocationUUID}::${this.provider}:${this.model}`); this.#checkSetup(); } async #validInvocation() { const invocation = await WorkspaceAgentInvocation.getWithWorkspace({ uuid: String(this.#invocationUUID), }); if (invocation?.closed) throw new Error("This agent invocation is already closed"); this.invocation = invocation ?? null; } #parseCallOptions(args, config = {}, pluginName) { const callOpts = {}; for (const [param, definition] of Object.entries(config)) { if ( definition.required && (!args.hasOwnProperty(param) || args[param] === null) ) { this.log( `'${param}' required parameter for '${pluginName}' plugin is missing. Plugin may not function or crash agent.` ); continue; } callOpts[param] = args.hasOwnProperty(param) ? args[param] : definition.default || null; } return callOpts; } #attachPlugins(args) { for (const name of this.#funcsToLoad) { // Load child plugin if (name.includes("#")) { const [parent, childPluginName] = name.split("#"); if (!AgentPlugins.hasOwnProperty(parent)) { this.log( `${parent} is not a valid plugin. Skipping inclusion to agent cluster.` ); continue; } const childPlugin = AgentPlugins[parent].plugin.find( (child) => === childPluginName ); if (!childPlugin) { this.log( `${parent} does not have child plugin named ${childPluginName}. Skipping inclusion to agent cluster.` ); continue; } const callOpts = this.#parseCallOptions( args, childPlugin?.startupConfig?.params, name ); this.aibitat.use(childPlugin.plugin(callOpts)); this.log( `Attached ${parent}:${childPluginName} plugin to Agent cluster` ); continue; } // Load single-stage plugin. if (!AgentPlugins.hasOwnProperty(name)) { this.log( `${name} is not a valid plugin. Skipping inclusion to agent cluster.` ); continue; } const callOpts = this.#parseCallOptions( args, AgentPlugins[name].startupConfig.params ); const AIbitatPlugin = AgentPlugins[name]; this.aibitat.use(AIbitatPlugin.plugin(callOpts)); this.log(`Attached ${name} plugin to Agent cluster`); } } async #loadAgents() { // Default User agent and workspace agent this.log(`Attaching user and default agent to Agent cluster.`); this.aibitat.agent(, await USER_AGENT.getDefinition()); this.aibitat.agent(, await WORKSPACE_AGENT.getDefinition(this.provider) ); this.#funcsToLoad = [ ...((await USER_AGENT.getDefinition())?.functions || []), ...((await WORKSPACE_AGENT.getDefinition())?.functions || []), ]; } async init() { await this.#validInvocation(); this.#providerSetupAndCheck(); return this; } async createAIbitat( args = { socket, } ) { this.aibitat = new AIbitat({ provider: this.provider ?? "openai", model: this.model ?? "gpt-4o", chats: await this.#chatHistory(20), handlerProps: { invocation: this.invocation, log: this.log, }, }); // Attach standard websocket plugin for frontend communication. this.log(`Attached ${} plugin to Agent cluster`); this.aibitat.use( AgentPlugins.websocket.plugin({ socket: args.socket, muteUserReply: true, introspection: true, }) ); // Attach standard chat-history plugin for message storage. this.log( `Attached ${} plugin to Agent cluster` ); this.aibitat.use(AgentPlugins.chatHistory.plugin()); // Load required agents (Default + custom) await this.#loadAgents(); // Attach all required plugins for functions to operate. this.#attachPlugins(args); } startAgentCluster() { return this.aibitat.start({ from:, to: ??, content: this.invocation.prompt, }); } } module.exports.AgentHandler = AgentHandler;