module.exports.SqlAgentQuery = { name: "sql-query", plugin: function () { const { getDBClient, listSQLConnections, } = require("./SQLConnectors/index.js"); return { name: "sql-query", setup(aibitat) { aibitat.function({ super: aibitat, name:, description: "Run a read-only SQL query on a `database_id` which will return up rows of data related to the query. The query must only be SELECT statements which do not modify the table data. There should be a reasonable LIMIT on the return quantity to prevent long-running or queries which crash the db.", examples: [ { prompt: "How many customers are in dvd-rentals?", call: JSON.stringify({ database_id: "dvd-rentals", sql_query: "SELECT * FROM customers", }), }, { prompt: "Can you tell me the total volume of sales last month?", call: JSON.stringify({ database_id: "sales-db", sql_query: "SELECT SUM(sale_amount) AS total_sales FROM sales WHERE sale_date >= DATEADD(month, -1, DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(GETDATE()), MONTH(GETDATE()), 1)) AND sale_date < DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(GETDATE()), MONTH(GETDATE()), 1)", }), }, { prompt: "Do we have anyone in the staff table for our production db named 'sam'? ", call: JSON.stringify({ database_id: "production", sql_query: "SElECT * FROM staff WHERE first_name='sam%' OR last_name='sam%'", }), }, ], parameters: { $schema: "", type: "object", properties: { database_id: { type: "string", description: "The database identifier for which we will connect to to query the table schema. This is required to run the SQL query.", }, sql_query: { type: "string", description: "The raw SQL query to run. Should be a query which does not modify the table and will return results.", }, }, additionalProperties: false, }, required: ["database_id", "table_name"], handler: async function ({ database_id = "", sql_query = "" }) { this.super.handlerProps.log(`Using the sql-query tool.`); try { const databaseConfig = (await listSQLConnections()).find( (db) => db.database_id === database_id ); if (!databaseConfig) { this.super.handlerProps.log( `sql-query failed to find config!.`, database_id ); return `No database connection for ${database_id} was found!`; } this.super.introspect( `${this.caller}: Im going to run a query on the ${database_id} to get an answer.` ); const db = getDBClient(databaseConfig.engine, databaseConfig); this.super.introspect(`Running SQL: ${sql_query}`); const result = await db.runQuery(sql_query); if (result.error) { this.super.handlerProps.log( `sql-query tool reported error`, result.error ); this.super.introspect(`Error: ${result.error}`); return `There was an error running the query: ${result.error}`; } return JSON.stringify(result); } catch (e) { console.error(e); return e.message; } }, }); }, }; }, };