SERVER_PORT=3001 STORAGE_DIR="/app/server/storage" UID='1000' GID='1000' # JWT_SECRET="my-random-string-for-seeding" # Only needed if AUTH_TOKEN is set. Please generate random string at least 12 chars long. ########################################### ######## LLM API SElECTION ################ ########################################### # LLM_PROVIDER='openai' # OPEN_AI_KEY= # OPEN_MODEL_PREF='gpt-3.5-turbo' # LLM_PROVIDER='gemini' # GEMINI_API_KEY= # GEMINI_LLM_MODEL_PREF='gemini-pro' # LLM_PROVIDER='azure' # AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT= # AZURE_OPENAI_KEY= # OPEN_MODEL_PREF='my-gpt35-deployment' # This is the "deployment" on Azure you want to use. Not the base model. # EMBEDDING_MODEL_PREF='embedder-model' # This is the "deployment" on Azure you want to use for embeddings. Not the base model. Valid base model is text-embedding-ada-002 # LLM_PROVIDER='anthropic' # ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=sk-ant-xxxx # ANTHROPIC_MODEL_PREF='claude-2' # LLM_PROVIDER='lmstudio' # LMSTUDIO_BASE_PATH='http://your-server:1234/v1' # LMSTUDIO_MODEL_TOKEN_LIMIT=4096 # LLM_PROVIDER='localai' # LOCAL_AI_BASE_PATH='http://host.docker.internal:8080/v1' # LOCAL_AI_MODEL_PREF='luna-ai-llama2' # LOCAL_AI_MODEL_TOKEN_LIMIT=4096 # LOCAL_AI_API_KEY="sk-123abc" # LLM_PROVIDER='ollama' # OLLAMA_BASE_PATH='http://host.docker.internal:11434' # OLLAMA_MODEL_PREF='llama2' # OLLAMA_MODEL_TOKEN_LIMIT=4096 # LLM_PROVIDER='togetherai' # TOGETHER_AI_API_KEY='my-together-ai-key' # TOGETHER_AI_MODEL_PREF='mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1' # LLM_PROVIDER='mistral' # MISTRAL_API_KEY='example-mistral-ai-api-key' # MISTRAL_MODEL_PREF='mistral-tiny' # LLM_PROVIDER='perplexity' # PERPLEXITY_API_KEY='my-perplexity-key' # PERPLEXITY_MODEL_PREF='codellama-34b-instruct' # LLM_PROVIDER='openrouter' # OPENROUTER_API_KEY='my-openrouter-key' # OPENROUTER_MODEL_PREF='openrouter/auto' # LLM_PROVIDER='huggingface' # HUGGING_FACE_LLM_ENDPOINT= # HUGGING_FACE_LLM_API_KEY=hf_xxxxxx # HUGGING_FACE_LLM_TOKEN_LIMIT=8000 ########################################### ######## Embedding API SElECTION ########## ########################################### # Only used if you are using an LLM that does not natively support embedding (openai or Azure) # EMBEDDING_ENGINE='openai' # OPEN_AI_KEY=sk-xxxx # EMBEDDING_MODEL_PREF='text-embedding-ada-002' # EMBEDDING_ENGINE='azure' # AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT= # AZURE_OPENAI_KEY= # EMBEDDING_MODEL_PREF='my-embedder-model' # This is the "deployment" on Azure you want to use for embeddings. Not the base model. Valid base model is text-embedding-ada-002 # EMBEDDING_ENGINE='localai' # EMBEDDING_BASE_PATH='http://localhost:8080/v1' # EMBEDDING_MODEL_PREF='text-embedding-ada-002' # EMBEDDING_MODEL_MAX_CHUNK_LENGTH=1000 # The max chunk size in chars a string to embed can be # EMBEDDING_ENGINE='ollama' # EMBEDDING_BASE_PATH='' # EMBEDDING_MODEL_PREF='nomic-embed-text:latest' # EMBEDDING_MODEL_MAX_CHUNK_LENGTH=8192 ########################################### ######## Vector Database Selection ######## ########################################### # Enable all below if you are using vector database: Chroma. # VECTOR_DB="chroma" # CHROMA_ENDPOINT='http://host.docker.internal:8000' # CHROMA_API_HEADER="X-Api-Key" # CHROMA_API_KEY="sk-123abc" # Enable all below if you are using vector database: Pinecone. # VECTOR_DB="pinecone" # PINECONE_API_KEY= # PINECONE_INDEX= # Enable all below if you are using vector database: LanceDB. # VECTOR_DB="lancedb" # Enable all below if you are using vector database: Weaviate. # VECTOR_DB="weaviate" # WEAVIATE_ENDPOINT="http://localhost:8080" # WEAVIATE_API_KEY= # Enable all below if you are using vector database: Qdrant. # VECTOR_DB="qdrant" # QDRANT_ENDPOINT="http://localhost:6333" # QDRANT_API_KEY= # Enable all below if you are using vector database: Milvus. # VECTOR_DB="milvus" # MILVUS_ADDRESS="http://localhost:19530" # MILVUS_USERNAME= # MILVUS_PASSWORD= # Enable all below if you are using vector database: Zilliz Cloud. # VECTOR_DB="zilliz" # ZILLIZ_ENDPOINT="" # ZILLIZ_API_TOKEN=api-token-here # Enable all below if you are using vector database: Astra DB. # VECTOR_DB="astra" # ASTRA_DB_APPLICATION_TOKEN= # ASTRA_DB_ENDPOINT= # CLOUD DEPLOYMENT VARIRABLES ONLY # AUTH_TOKEN="hunter2" # This is the password to your application if remote hosting. # DISABLE_TELEMETRY="false" ########################################### ######## PASSWORD COMPLEXITY ############## ########################################### # Enforce a password schema for your organization users. # Documentation on how to use # Default is only 8 char minimum # PASSWORDMINCHAR=8 # PASSWORDMAXCHAR=250 # PASSWORDLOWERCASE=1 # PASSWORDUPPERCASE=1 # PASSWORDNUMERIC=1 # PASSWORDSYMBOL=1 # PASSWORDREQUIREMENTS=4 ########################################### ######## ENABLE HTTPS SERVER ############## ########################################### # By enabling this and providing the path/filename for the key and cert, # the server will use HTTPS instead of HTTP. #ENABLE_HTTPS="true" #HTTPS_CERT_PATH="sslcert/cert.pem" #HTTPS_KEY_PATH="sslcert/key.pem"