const Anthropic = require("@anthropic-ai/sdk"); const { RetryError } = require("../error.js"); const Provider = require("./ai-provider.js"); /** * The provider for the Anthropic API. * By default, the model is set to 'claude-2'. */ class AnthropicProvider extends Provider { model; constructor(config = {}) { const { options = { apiKey: process.env.ANTHROPIC_API_KEY, maxRetries: 3, }, model = "claude-2", } = config; const client = new Anthropic(options); super(client); this.model = model; } /** * Create a completion based on the received messages. * * @param messages A list of messages to send to the Anthropic API. * @param functions * @returns The completion. */ async complete(messages, functions) { // clone messages to avoid mutating the original array const promptMessages = [...messages]; if (functions) { const functionPrompt = this.getFunctionPrompt(functions); // add function prompt after the first message promptMessages.splice(1, 0, { content: functionPrompt, role: "system", }); } const prompt = promptMessages .map((message) => { const { content, role } = message; switch (role) { case "system": return content ? `${Anthropic.HUMAN_PROMPT} ${content}` : ""; case "function": case "user": return `${Anthropic.HUMAN_PROMPT} ${content}`; case "assistant": return `${Anthropic.AI_PROMPT} ${content}`; default: return content; } }) .filter(Boolean) .join("\n") .concat(` ${Anthropic.AI_PROMPT}`); try { const response = await this.client.completions.create({ model: this.model, max_tokens_to_sample: 3000, stream: false, prompt, }); const result = response.completion.trim(); // TODO: get cost from response const cost = 0; // Handle function calls if the model returns a function call if (result.includes("function_name") && functions) { let functionCall; try { functionCall = JSON.parse(result); } catch (error) { // call the complete function again in case it gets a json error return await this.complete( [ ...messages, { role: "function", content: `You gave me this function call: ${result} but I couldn't parse it. ${error?.message} Please try again.`, }, ], functions ); } return { result: null, functionCall, cost, }; } return { result, cost, }; } catch (error) { if ( error instanceof Anthropic.RateLimitError || error instanceof Anthropic.InternalServerError || error instanceof Anthropic.APIError ) { throw new RetryError(error.message); } throw error; } } getFunctionPrompt(functions = []) { const functionPrompt = `You have been trained to directly call a Javascript function passing a JSON Schema parameter as a response to this chat. This function will return a string that you can use to keep chatting. Here is a list of functions available to you: ${JSON.stringify(functions, null, 2)} When calling any of those function in order to complete your task, respond only this JSON format. Do not include any other information or any other stuff. Function call format: { function_name: "givenfunctionname", parameters: {} } `; return functionPrompt; } } module.exports = AnthropicProvider;