Timothy Carambat a8ec0d9584
Compensate for upper OpenAI emedding limit chunk size (#292)
Limit is due to POST body max size. Sufficiently large requests will abort automatically
We should report that error back on the frontend during embedding
Update vectordb providers to return on failed
2023-10-26 10:57:37 -07:00

354 lines
12 KiB

const lancedb = require("vectordb");
const { toChunks, getLLMProvider } = require("../../helpers");
const { OpenAIEmbeddings } = require("langchain/embeddings/openai");
const { RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter } = require("langchain/text_splitter");
const { storeVectorResult, cachedVectorInformation } = require("../../files");
const { v4: uuidv4 } = require("uuid");
const { chatPrompt } = require("../../chats");
const LanceDb = {
uri: `${
!!process.env.STORAGE_DIR ? `${process.env.STORAGE_DIR}/` : "./storage/"
name: "LanceDb",
connect: async function () {
if (process.env.VECTOR_DB !== "lancedb")
throw new Error("LanceDB::Invalid ENV settings");
const client = await lancedb.connect(this.uri);
return { client };
heartbeat: async function () {
await this.connect();
return { heartbeat: Number(new Date()) };
tables: async function () {
const fs = require("fs");
const { client } = await this.connect();
const dirs = fs.readdirSync(client.uri);
return => folder.replace(".lance", ""));
totalVectors: async function () {
const { client } = await this.connect();
const tables = await this.tables();
let count = 0;
for (const tableName of tables) {
const table = await client.openTable(tableName);
count += await table.countRows();
return count;
namespaceCount: async function (_namespace = null) {
const { client } = await this.connect();
const exists = await this.namespaceExists(client, _namespace);
if (!exists) return 0;
const table = await client.openTable(_namespace);
return (await table.countRows()) || 0;
embedder: function () {
return new OpenAIEmbeddings({ openAIApiKey: process.env.OPEN_AI_KEY });
similarityResponse: async function (client, namespace, queryVector) {
const collection = await client.openTable(namespace);
const result = {
contextTexts: [],
sourceDocuments: [],
const response = await collection
response.forEach((item) => {
const { vector: _, } = item;
return result;
namespace: async function (client, namespace = null) {
if (!namespace) throw new Error("No namespace value provided.");
const collection = await client.openTable(namespace).catch(() => false);
if (!collection) return null;
return {
updateOrCreateCollection: async function (client, data = [], namespace) {
const hasNamespace = await this.hasNamespace(namespace);
if (hasNamespace) {
const collection = await client.openTable(namespace);
await collection.add(data);
return true;
await client.createTable(namespace, data);
return true;
hasNamespace: async function (namespace = null) {
if (!namespace) return false;
const { client } = await this.connect();
const exists = await this.namespaceExists(client, namespace);
return exists;
namespaceExists: async function (_client, namespace = null) {
if (!namespace) throw new Error("No namespace value provided.");
const collections = await this.tables();
return collections.includes(namespace);
deleteVectorsInNamespace: async function (client, namespace = null) {
const fs = require("fs");
fs.rm(`${client.uri}/${namespace}.lance`, { recursive: true }, () => null);
return true;
deleteDocumentFromNamespace: async function (namespace, docId) {
const { client } = await this.connect();
const exists = await this.namespaceExists(client, namespace);
if (!exists) {
`LanceDB:deleteDocumentFromNamespace - namespace ${namespace} does not exist.`
const { DocumentVectors } = require("../../../models/vectors");
const table = await client.openTable(namespace);
const vectorIds = (await DocumentVectors.where({ docId })).map(
(record) => record.vectorId
if (vectorIds.length === 0) return;
await table.delete(`id IN (${ => `'${v}'`).join(",")})`);
return true;
addDocumentToNamespace: async function (
documentData = {},
fullFilePath = null
) {
const { DocumentVectors } = require("../../../models/vectors");
try {
const { pageContent, docId, ...metadata } = documentData;
if (!pageContent || pageContent.length == 0) return false;
console.log("Adding new vectorized document into namespace", namespace);
const cacheResult = await cachedVectorInformation(fullFilePath);
if (cacheResult.exists) {
const { client } = await this.connect();
const { chunks } = cacheResult;
const documentVectors = [];
const submissions = [];
for (const chunk of chunks) {
chunk.forEach((chunk) => {
const id = uuidv4();
const { id: _id, ...metadata } = chunk.metadata;
documentVectors.push({ docId, vectorId: id });
submissions.push({ id: id, vector: chunk.values, ...metadata });
await this.updateOrCreateCollection(client, submissions, namespace);
await DocumentVectors.bulkInsert(documentVectors);
return true;
// If we are here then we are going to embed and store a novel document.
// We have to do this manually as opposed to using LangChains `xyz.fromDocuments`
// because we then cannot atomically control our namespace to granularly find/remove documents
// from vectordb.
const textSplitter = new RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter({
chunkSize: 1000,
chunkOverlap: 20,
const textChunks = await textSplitter.splitText(pageContent);
console.log("Chunks created from document:", textChunks.length);
const LLMConnector = getLLMProvider();
const documentVectors = [];
const vectors = [];
const submissions = [];
const vectorValues = await LLMConnector.embedChunks(textChunks);
if (!!vectorValues && vectorValues.length > 0) {
for (const [i, vector] of vectorValues.entries()) {
const vectorRecord = {
id: uuidv4(),
values: vector,
// LangChain will be unable to find your text if you embed manually and dont include the `text` key.
metadata: { ...metadata, text: textChunks[i] },
vector: vectorRecord.values,
documentVectors.push({ docId, vectorId: });
} else {
throw new Error(
"Could not embed document chunks! This document will not be recorded."
if (vectors.length > 0) {
const chunks = [];
for (const chunk of toChunks(vectors, 500)) chunks.push(chunk);
console.log("Inserting vectorized chunks into LanceDB collection.");
const { client } = await this.connect();
await this.updateOrCreateCollection(client, submissions, namespace);
await storeVectorResult(chunks, fullFilePath);
await DocumentVectors.bulkInsert(documentVectors);
return true;
} catch (e) {
console.error("addDocumentToNamespace", e.message);
return false;
query: async function (reqBody = {}) {
const { namespace = null, input, workspace = {} } = reqBody;
if (!namespace || !input) throw new Error("Invalid request body");
const { client } = await this.connect();
if (!(await this.namespaceExists(client, namespace))) {
return {
response: null,
sources: [],
message: "Invalid query - no documents found for workspace!",
const LLMConnector = getLLMProvider();
const queryVector = await LLMConnector.embedTextInput(input);
const { contextTexts, sourceDocuments } = await this.similarityResponse(
const prompt = {
role: "system",
content: `${chatPrompt(workspace)}
.map((text, i) => {
return `[CONTEXT ${i}]:\n${text}\n[END CONTEXT ${i}]\n\n`;
const memory = [prompt, { role: "user", content: input }];
const responseText = await LLMConnector.getChatCompletion(memory, {
temperature: workspace?.openAiTemp ?? 0.7,
return {
response: responseText,
sources: this.curateSources(sourceDocuments),
message: false,
// This implementation of chat uses the chat history and modifies the system prompt at execution
// this is improved over the regular langchain implementation so that chats do not directly modify embeddings
// because then multi-user support will have all conversations mutating the base vector collection to which then
// the only solution is replicating entire vector databases per user - which will very quickly consume space on VectorDbs
chat: async function (reqBody = {}) {
const {
namespace = null,
workspace = {},
chatHistory = [],
} = reqBody;
if (!namespace || !input) throw new Error("Invalid request body");
const { client } = await this.connect();
if (!(await this.namespaceExists(client, namespace))) {
return {
response: null,
sources: [],
message: "Invalid query - no documents found for workspace!",
const LLMConnector = getLLMProvider();
const queryVector = await LLMConnector.embedTextInput(input);
const { contextTexts, sourceDocuments } = await this.similarityResponse(
const prompt = {
role: "system",
content: `${chatPrompt(workspace)}
.map((text, i) => {
return `[CONTEXT ${i}]:\n${text}\n[END CONTEXT ${i}]\n\n`;
const memory = [prompt, ...chatHistory, { role: "user", content: input }];
const responseText = await LLMConnector.getChatCompletion(memory, {
temperature: workspace?.openAiTemp ?? 0.7,
return {
response: responseText,
sources: this.curateSources(sourceDocuments),
message: false,
"namespace-stats": async function (reqBody = {}) {
const { namespace = null } = reqBody;
if (!namespace) throw new Error("namespace required");
const { client } = await this.connect();
if (!(await this.namespaceExists(client, namespace)))
throw new Error("Namespace by that name does not exist.");
const stats = await this.namespace(client, namespace);
return stats
? stats
: { message: "No stats were able to be fetched from DB for namespace" };
"delete-namespace": async function (reqBody = {}) {
const { namespace = null } = reqBody;
const { client } = await this.connect();
if (!(await this.namespaceExists(client, namespace)))
throw new Error("Namespace by that name does not exist.");
await this.deleteVectorsInNamespace(client, namespace);
return {
message: `Namespace ${namespace} was deleted.`,
reset: async function () {
const { client } = await this.connect();
const fs = require("fs");
fs.rm(`${client.uri}`, { recursive: true }, () => null);
return { reset: true };
curateSources: function (sources = []) {
const documents = [];
for (const source of sources) {
const { text, vector: _v, score: _s, ...metadata } = source;
if (Object.keys(metadata).length > 0) {
documents.push({ ...metadata, text });
return documents;
module.exports.LanceDb = LanceDb;