mirror of https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver.git synced 2024-07-04 16:30:12 +02:00

398 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2016-01-04 16:33:20 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
2012-09-24 15:04:58 +02:00
import os
import requests
2012-09-24 15:04:58 +02:00
import sys
import subprocess
import time
2014-01-10 19:54:53 +01:00
import hashlib
import yaml
from clint.textui import progress
2013-10-20 22:16:42 +02:00
from optparse import OptionParser
2014-05-07 16:13:22 +02:00
def vagrant(params, cwd=None, printout=False):
"""Run vagrant.
:param: list of parameters to pass to vagrant
:cwd: directory to run in, or None for current directory
:printout: True to print output in realtime, False to just
return it
:returns: (ret, out) where ret is the return code, and out
is the stdout (and stderr) from vagrant
2012-09-24 15:04:58 +02:00
p = subprocess.Popen(['vagrant'] + params, cwd=cwd,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
out = ''
if printout:
while True:
line = p.stdout.readline()
if len(line) == 0:
out += line
out = p.communicate()[0]
return (p.returncode, out)
2012-09-24 15:04:58 +02:00
boxfile = 'buildserver.box'
serverdir = 'buildserver'
2013-10-20 22:16:42 +02:00
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False,
2014-05-07 16:13:22 +02:00
help="Spew out even more information than normal")
2013-10-20 22:16:42 +02:00
parser.add_option("-c", "--clean", action="store_true", default=False,
2014-05-07 16:13:22 +02:00
help="Build from scratch, rather than attempting to update the existing server")
2013-10-20 22:16:42 +02:00
options, args = parser.parse_args()
# set up default config
cachedir = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), '.cache', 'fdroidserver')
config = {
'basebox': 'jessie64',
# TODO in py3, convert this to pathlib.Path(absolute_path_string).as_uri()
'baseboxurl': [
'file://' + os.path.join(cachedir, 'jessie64.box'),
'debian_mirror': 'http://http.debian.net/debian/',
'apt_package_cache': False,
'boot_timeout': 600,
'cachedir': cachedir,
'cpus': 1,
'memory': 1024,
'hwvirtex': 'off',
# load config file, if present
if os.path.exists('makebuildserver.config.py'):
exec(compile(open('makebuildserver.config.py').read(), 'makebuildserver.config.py', 'exec'), config)
elif os.path.exists('makebs.config.py'):
# this is the old name for the config file
exec(compile(open('makebs.config.py').read(), 'makebs.config.py', 'exec'), config)
if '__builtins__' in config:
del(config['__builtins__']) # added by compile/exec
2013-10-20 22:16:42 +02:00
if not os.path.exists('makebuildserver') or not os.path.exists(serverdir):
print('This must be run from the correct directory!')
2012-09-24 15:04:58 +02:00
if os.path.exists(boxfile):
2013-10-20 22:16:42 +02:00
if options.clean:
vagrant(['destroy', '-f'], cwd=serverdir, printout=options.verbose)
2013-05-25 14:55:16 +02:00
# Update cached files.
cachedir = config['cachedir']
2013-05-25 14:55:16 +02:00
if not os.path.exists(cachedir):
os.makedirs(cachedir, 0o755)
2014-05-31 23:00:27 +02:00
if config['apt_package_cache']:
config['aptcachedir'] = cachedir + '/apt/archives'
2013-05-25 14:55:16 +02:00
cachefiles = [
2016-09-15 21:07:16 +02:00
2016-09-15 21:07:25 +02:00
2015-11-20 15:43:47 +01:00
2015-11-20 15:43:47 +01:00
2015-11-20 15:43:47 +01:00
2015-11-20 15:43:47 +01:00
2015-11-20 15:43:47 +01:00
2015-11-20 15:43:47 +01:00
2015-11-20 15:43:47 +01:00
2015-11-20 15:43:47 +01:00
2015-11-20 15:43:47 +01:00
2015-11-20 15:43:47 +01:00
2015-11-20 15:43:47 +01:00
2015-11-20 15:43:47 +01:00
2015-11-20 15:43:47 +01:00
2015-11-20 15:43:47 +01:00
2015-11-20 15:43:47 +01:00
2015-11-20 15:43:47 +01:00
2015-11-20 15:43:47 +01:00
2015-11-20 15:43:47 +01:00
2015-11-20 15:43:47 +01:00
2015-11-20 15:43:47 +01:00
2016-05-26 17:05:39 +02:00
2015-11-20 21:14:08 +01:00
2015-11-20 21:14:08 +01:00
2015-11-20 21:14:08 +01:00
2015-11-20 21:14:08 +01:00
2015-11-20 21:14:08 +01:00
2015-11-20 21:14:08 +01:00
2015-11-20 21:14:08 +01:00
2015-11-20 21:14:08 +01:00
2015-11-20 21:14:08 +01:00
2015-11-20 21:14:08 +01:00
2015-11-20 21:14:08 +01:00
2015-11-20 21:14:08 +01:00
2015-11-20 21:14:08 +01:00
2015-11-20 21:14:08 +01:00
2015-11-20 21:14:08 +01:00
2015-11-20 21:14:08 +01:00
2015-11-20 21:14:08 +01:00
2015-11-20 21:14:08 +01:00
2015-11-20 21:14:08 +01:00
2015-11-20 21:14:08 +01:00
2015-11-20 21:14:08 +01:00
2016-06-24 17:54:30 +02:00
# the binaries that Google uses are here:
# https://android.googlesource.com/platform/tools/external/gradle/+/studio-1.5/
2013-12-22 13:22:45 +01:00
2015-06-18 16:57:00 +02:00
2015-08-13 20:28:01 +02:00
2015-08-18 22:40:21 +02:00
2015-11-20 21:24:07 +01:00
2016-01-05 09:15:54 +01:00
2016-02-15 12:44:07 +01:00
2016-04-05 11:49:15 +02:00
2016-05-26 16:45:54 +02:00
2016-08-12 19:52:32 +02:00
2016-08-18 17:53:27 +02:00
2016-08-12 20:24:54 +02:00
2016-08-02 11:09:32 +02:00
2014-05-31 23:00:27 +02:00
2014-05-07 16:13:22 +02:00
2014-01-10 19:54:53 +01:00
def sha256_for_file(path):
2016-03-13 21:49:38 +01:00
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
2014-01-10 19:54:53 +01:00
s = hashlib.sha256()
while True:
data = f.read(4096)
if not data:
return s.hexdigest()
for srcurl, shasum in cachefiles:
filename = os.path.basename(srcurl)
local_filename = os.path.join(cachedir, filename)
if os.path.exists(local_filename):
local_length = os.path.getsize(local_filename)
local_length = -1
resume_header = {}
download = True
r = requests.head(srcurl, allow_redirects=True, timeout=60)
if r.status_code == 200:
content_length = int(r.headers.get('content-length'))
content_length = local_length # skip the download
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
content_length = local_length # skip the download
if local_length == content_length:
download = False
elif local_length > content_length:
print('deleting corrupt file from cache: ' + local_filename)
print("Downloading " + filename + " to cache")
elif local_length > -1 and local_length < content_length:
print("Resuming download of " + local_filename)
resume_header = {'Range': 'bytes=%d-%d' % (local_length, content_length)}
print("Downloading " + filename + " to cache")
if download:
r = requests.get(srcurl, headers=resume_header,
stream=True, verify=False, allow_redirects=True)
content_length = int(r.headers.get('content-length'))
with open(local_filename, 'ab') as f:
for chunk in progress.bar(r.iter_content(chunk_size=65536),
expected_size=(content_length / 65536) + 1):
if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks
v = sha256_for_file(local_filename)
if v == shasum:
print("\t...shasum verified for " + local_filename)
print("Invalid shasum of '" + v + "' detected for " + local_filename)
2013-05-25 14:55:16 +02:00
# use VirtualBox software virtualization if hardware is not available,
# like if this is being run in kvm or some other VM platform, like
# http://jenkins.debian.net, the values are 'on' or 'off'
if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
# all < 10 year old Macs work, and OSX servers as VM host are very
# rare, but this could also be auto-detected if someone codes it
config['hwvirtex'] = 'on'
elif os.path.exists('/proc/cpuinfo'):
with open('/proc/cpuinfo') as f:
contents = f.read()
if 'vmx' in contents or 'svm' in contents:
config['hwvirtex'] = 'on'
# Check against the existing Vagrantfile.yaml, and if they differ, we
# need to create a new box:
vf = os.path.join(serverdir, 'Vagrantfile.yaml')
writevf = True
if os.path.exists(vf):
vagrant(['halt'], serverdir)
with open(vf, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
oldconfig = yaml.load(f)
if config != oldconfig:
print("Server configuration has changed, rebuild from scratch is required")
vagrant(['destroy', '-f'], serverdir)
print("Re-provisioning existing server")
writevf = False
print("No existing server - building from scratch")
if writevf:
with open(vf, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
yaml.dump(config, f)
print("Configuring build server VM")
returncode, out = vagrant(['up', '--provision'], serverdir, printout=True)
2013-02-12 16:20:30 +01:00
with open(os.path.join(serverdir, 'up.log'), 'w') as log:
2013-01-21 12:09:56 +01:00
if returncode != 0:
print("Failed to configure server")
print("Writing buildserver ID")
p = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
buildserverid = p.communicate()[0].strip()
print("...ID is " + buildserverid)
['vagrant', 'ssh', '-c', 'sh -c "echo {0} >/home/vagrant/buildserverid"'
2014-05-31 23:00:27 +02:00
print("Stopping build server VM")
2012-09-24 15:04:58 +02:00
vagrant(['halt'], serverdir)
print("Waiting for build server VM to be finished")
2012-09-24 15:04:58 +02:00
ready = False
while not ready:
returncode, out = vagrant(['status'], serverdir)
2012-09-24 15:04:58 +02:00
if returncode != 0:
print("Error while checking status")
2012-09-24 15:04:58 +02:00
for line in out.splitlines():
if line.startswith("default"):
if line.find("poweroff") != -1:
ready = True
print("Status: " + line)
2012-09-24 15:04:58 +02:00
vagrant(['package', '--output', os.path.join('..', boxfile)], serverdir,
print("Adding box")
vagrant(['box', 'add', 'buildserver', boxfile, '-f'],
2012-09-24 15:04:58 +02:00