mirror of https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver.git synced 2024-10-03 17:50:11 +02:00

vendor & use apksigcopier v0.4.0-12-g93d8e14

This commit is contained in:
Felix C. Stegerman 2021-04-14 21:06:20 +02:00
parent 67a0f3ae5b
commit 202fd8b25a
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B218FF2C27FC6CC6
4 changed files with 655 additions and 77 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
# encoding: utf-8
# -- ; {{{1
# File : apksigcopier
# Maintainer : Felix C. Stegerman <flx@obfusk.net>
# Date : 2021-04-14
# Copyright : Copyright (C) 2021 Felix C. Stegerman
# Version : v0.4.0
# License : GPLv3+
# -- ; }}}1
copy/extract/patch apk signatures
apksigcopier is a tool for copying APK signatures from a signed APK to an
unsigned one (in order to verify reproducible builds).
$ apksigcopier extract [OPTIONS] SIGNED_APK OUTPUT_DIR
The following environment variables can be set to 1, yes, or true to
overide the default behaviour:
* set APKSIGCOPIER_EXCLUDE_ALL_META=1 to exclude all metadata files
* set APKSIGCOPIER_COPY_EXTRA_BYTES=1 to copy extra bytes after data (e.g. a v2 sig)
>> from apksigcopier import do_extract, do_patch, do_copy
>> do_extract(signed_apk, output_dir, v1_only=NO)
>> do_patch(metadata_dir, unsigned_apk, output_apk, v1_only=NO)
>> do_copy(signed_apk, unsigned_apk, output_apk, v1_only=NO)
You can use False, None, and True instead of NO, AUTO, and YES respectively.
The following global variables (which default to False), can be set to
override the default behaviour:
* set exclude_all_meta=True to exclude all metadata files
* set copy_extra_bytes=True to copy extra bytes after data (e.g. a v2 sig)
import glob
import os
import re
import struct
import sys
import zipfile
import zlib
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Any, Dict
__version__ = "0.4.0"
NAME = "apksigcopier"
SIGBLOCK, SIGOFFSET = "APKSigningBlock", "APKSigningBlockOffset"
NOAUTOYES = NO, AUTO, YES = ("no", "auto", "yes")
APK_META = re.compile(r"^META-INF/([0-9A-Za-z_-]+\.(SF|RSA|DSA|EC)|MANIFEST\.MF)$")
DATETIMEZERO = (1980, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
ZipData = namedtuple("ZipData", ("cd_offset", "eocd_offset", "cd_and_eocd"))
exclude_all_meta = False # exclude all metadata files in copy_apk()
copy_extra_bytes = False # copy extra bytes after data in copy_apk()
class APKSigCopierError(Exception):
"""Base class for errors."""
class APKSigningBlockError(APKSigCopierError):
"""Something wrong with the APK Signing Block."""
class NoAPKSigningBlock(APKSigningBlockError):
"""APK Signing Block Missing."""
class ZipError(APKSigCopierError):
"""Something wrong with ZIP file."""
# FIXME: is there a better alternative?
class ReproducibleZipInfo(zipfile.ZipInfo):
"""Reproducible ZipInfo hack."""
_override = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
def __init__(self, zinfo, **override):
if override:
self._override = {**self._override, **override}
for k in self.__slots__:
if hasattr(zinfo, k):
setattr(self, k, getattr(zinfo, k))
def __getattribute__(self, name):
if name != "_override":
return self._override[name]
except KeyError:
return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
class APKZipInfo(ReproducibleZipInfo):
"""Reproducible ZipInfo for APK files."""
_override = dict(
def noautoyes(value):
Turns False into NO, None into AUTO, and True into YES.
>>> from apksigcopier import noautoyes, NO, AUTO, YES
>>> noautoyes(False) == NO == noautoyes(NO)
>>> noautoyes(None) == AUTO == noautoyes(AUTO)
>>> noautoyes(True) == YES == noautoyes(YES)
if isinstance(value, str):
if value not in NOAUTOYES:
raise ValueError("expected NO, AUTO, or YES")
return value
return {False: NO, None: AUTO, True: YES}[value]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("expected False, None, or True")
def is_meta(filename):
Returns whether filename is a v1 (JAR) signature file (.SF), signature block
file (.RSA, .DSA, or .EC), or manifest (MANIFEST.MF).
See https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/deployment/jar/intro.html
return APK_META.fullmatch(filename) is not None
def exclude_from_copying(filename):
Returns whether to exclude a file during copy_apk().
Excludes filenames in COPY_EXCLUDE (i.e. MANIFEST.MF) by default; when
exclude_all_meta is set to True instead, excludes all metadata files as
matched by is_meta().
return is_meta(filename) if exclude_all_meta else filename in COPY_EXCLUDE
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZIP_(file_format)
# https://source.android.com/security/apksigning/v2#apk-signing-block-format
# =================================
# | Contents of ZIP entries |
# =================================
# | APK Signing Block |
# | ----------------------------- |
# | | size (w/o this) uint64 LE | |
# | | ... | |
# | | size (again) uint64 LE | |
# | | "APK Sig Block 42" (16B) | |
# | ----------------------------- |
# =================================
# | ZIP Central Directory |
# =================================
# | ZIP End of Central Directory |
# | ----------------------------- |
# | | 0x06054b50 ( 4B) | |
# | | ... (12B) | |
# | | CD Offset ( 4B) | |
# | | ... | |
# | ----------------------------- |
# =================================
# FIXME: makes certain assumptions and doesn't handle all valid ZIP files!
def copy_apk(unsigned_apk, output_apk):
Copy APK like apksigner would, excluding files matched by
Returns max date_time.
The following global variables (which default to False), can be set to
override the default behaviour:
* set exclude_all_meta=True to exclude all metadata files
* set copy_extra_bytes=True to copy extra bytes after data (e.g. a v2 sig)
with zipfile.ZipFile(unsigned_apk, "r") as zf:
infos = zf.infolist()
zdata = zip_data(unsigned_apk)
offsets = {}
with open(unsigned_apk, "rb") as fhi, open(output_apk, "w+b") as fho:
for info in sorted(infos, key=lambda info: info.header_offset):
off_i = fhi.tell()
if info.header_offset > off_i:
# copy extra bytes
fho.write(fhi.read(info.header_offset - off_i))
hdr = fhi.read(30)
if hdr[:4] != b"\x50\x4b\x03\x04":
raise ZipError("Expected local file header signature")
n, m = struct.unpack("<HH", hdr[26:30])
hdr += fhi.read(n + m)
skip = exclude_from_copying(info.filename)
if skip:
fhi.seek(info.compress_size, os.SEEK_CUR)
if info.filename in offsets:
raise ZipError("Duplicate ZIP entry: " + info.filename)
offsets[info.filename] = off_o = fho.tell()
if info.compress_type == 0 and off_o != info.header_offset:
hdr = _realign_zip_entry(info, hdr, n, m, off_o)
_copy_bytes(fhi, fho, info.compress_size)
if info.flag_bits & 0x08:
data_descriptor = fhi.read(12)
if data_descriptor[:4] == b"\x50\x4b\x07\x08":
data_descriptor += fhi.read(4)
if not skip:
extra_bytes = zdata.cd_offset - fhi.tell()
if copy_extra_bytes:
_copy_bytes(fhi, fho, extra_bytes)
fhi.seek(extra_bytes, os.SEEK_CUR)
cd_offset = fho.tell()
for info in infos:
hdr = fhi.read(46)
if hdr[:4] != b"\x50\x4b\x01\x02":
raise ZipError("Expected central directory file header signature")
n, m, k = struct.unpack("<HHH", hdr[28:34])
hdr += fhi.read(n + m + k)
if not exclude_from_copying(info.filename):
off = int.to_bytes(offsets[info.filename], 4, "little")
hdr = hdr[:42] + off + hdr[46:]
eocd_offset = fho.tell()
fho.write(zdata.cd_and_eocd[zdata.eocd_offset - zdata.cd_offset:])
fho.seek(eocd_offset + 8)
fho.write(struct.pack("<HHLL", len(offsets), len(offsets),
eocd_offset - cd_offset, cd_offset))
return max(info.date_time for info in infos)
# NB: doesn't sync local & CD headers!
def _realign_zip_entry(info, hdr, n, m, off_o):
align = 4096 if info.filename.endswith(".so") else 4
old_off = 30 + n + m + info.header_offset
new_off = 30 + n + m + off_o
old_xtr = info.extra
new_xtr = b""
while len(old_xtr) >= 4:
hdr_id, size = struct.unpack("<HH", old_xtr[:4])
if size > len(old_xtr) - 4:
if not (hdr_id == 0 and size == 0):
if hdr_id == 0xd935:
if size >= 2:
align = int.from_bytes(old_xtr[4:6], "little")
new_xtr += old_xtr[:size + 4]
old_xtr = old_xtr[size + 4:]
if old_off % align == 0 and new_off % align != 0:
pad = (align - (new_off - m + len(new_xtr) + 6) % align) % align
xtr = new_xtr + struct.pack("<HHH", 0xd935, 2 + pad, align) + pad * b"\x00"
m_b = int.to_bytes(len(xtr), 2, "little")
hdr = hdr[:28] + m_b + hdr[30:30 + n] + xtr
return hdr
def _copy_bytes(fhi, fho, size, blocksize=4096):
while size > 0:
data = fhi.read(min(size, blocksize))
if not data:
size -= len(data)
if size != 0:
raise ZipError("Unexpected EOF")
def extract_meta(signed_apk):
Extract v1 signature metadata files from signed APK.
Yields (ZipInfo, data) pairs.
with zipfile.ZipFile(signed_apk, "r") as zf_sig:
for info in zf_sig.infolist():
if is_meta(info.filename):
yield info, zf_sig.read(info.filename)
def patch_meta(extracted_meta, output_apk, date_time=DATETIMEZERO):
"""Add v1 signature metadata to APK (removes v2 sig block, if any)."""
with zipfile.ZipFile(output_apk, "r") as zf_out:
for info in zf_out.infolist():
if is_meta(info.filename):
raise ZipError("Unexpected metadata")
with zipfile.ZipFile(output_apk, "a") as zf_out:
info_data = [(APKZipInfo(info, date_time=date_time), data)
for info, data in extracted_meta]
_write_to_zip(info_data, zf_out)
if sys.version_info >= (3, 7):
def _write_to_zip(info_data, zf_out):
for info, data in info_data:
zf_out.writestr(info, data, compresslevel=9)
def _write_to_zip(info_data, zf_out):
old = zipfile._get_compressor
zipfile._get_compressor = lambda _: zlib.compressobj(9, 8, -15)
for info, data in info_data:
zf_out.writestr(info, data)
zipfile._get_compressor = old
def extract_v2_sig(apkfile, expected=True):
Extract APK Signing Block and offset from APK.
When successful, returns (sb_offset, sig_block); otherwise raises
NoAPKSigningBlock when expected is True, else returns None.
cd_offset = zip_data(apkfile).cd_offset
with open(apkfile, "rb") as fh:
fh.seek(cd_offset - 16)
if fh.read(16) != b"APK Sig Block 42":
if expected:
raise NoAPKSigningBlock("No APK Signing Block")
return None
fh.seek(-24, os.SEEK_CUR)
sb_size2 = int.from_bytes(fh.read(8), "little")
fh.seek(-sb_size2 + 8, os.SEEK_CUR)
sb_size1 = int.from_bytes(fh.read(8), "little")
if sb_size1 != sb_size2:
raise APKSigningBlockError("APK Signing Block sizes not equal")
fh.seek(-8, os.SEEK_CUR)
sb_offset = fh.tell()
sig_block = fh.read(sb_size2 + 8)
return sb_offset, sig_block
def zip_data(apkfile, count=1024):
Extract central directory, EOCD, and offsets from ZIP.
Returns ZipData.
with open(apkfile, "rb") as fh:
fh.seek(-count, os.SEEK_END)
data = fh.read()
pos = data.rfind(b"\x50\x4b\x05\x06")
if pos == -1:
raise ZipError("Expected end of central directory record (EOCD)")
fh.seek(pos - len(data), os.SEEK_CUR)
eocd_offset = fh.tell()
fh.seek(16, os.SEEK_CUR)
cd_offset = int.from_bytes(fh.read(4), "little")
cd_and_eocd = fh.read()
return ZipData(cd_offset, eocd_offset, cd_and_eocd)
# FIXME: can we determine signed_sb_offset?
def patch_v2_sig(extracted_v2_sig, output_apk):
"""Implant extracted v2/v3 signature into APK."""
signed_sb_offset, signed_sb = extracted_v2_sig
data_out = zip_data(output_apk)
if signed_sb_offset < data_out.cd_offset:
raise APKSigningBlockError("APK Signing Block offset < central directory offset")
padding = b"\x00" * (signed_sb_offset - data_out.cd_offset)
offset = len(signed_sb) + len(padding)
with open(output_apk, "r+b") as fh:
fh.seek(data_out.eocd_offset + offset + 16)
fh.write(int.to_bytes(data_out.cd_offset + offset, 4, "little"))
def patch_apk(extracted_meta, extracted_v2_sig, unsigned_apk, output_apk):
Patch extracted_meta + extracted_v2_sig (if not None) onto unsigned_apk and
save as output_apk.
date_time = copy_apk(unsigned_apk, output_apk)
patch_meta(extracted_meta, output_apk, date_time=date_time)
if extracted_v2_sig is not None:
patch_v2_sig(extracted_v2_sig, output_apk)
def do_extract(signed_apk, output_dir, v1_only=NO):
Extract signatures from signed_apk and save in output_dir.
The v1_only parameter controls whether the absence of a v1 signature is
considered an error or not:
* use v1_only=NO (or v1_only=False) to only accept (v1+)v2/v3 signatures;
* use v1_only=AUTO (or v1_only=None) to automatically detect v2/v3 signatures;
* use v1_only=YES (or v1_only=True) to ignore any v2/v3 signatures.
v1_only = noautoyes(v1_only)
extracted_meta = tuple(extract_meta(signed_apk))
if len(extracted_meta) not in (len(META_EXT), 0):
raise APKSigCopierError("Unexpected or missing metadata files in signed_apk")
for info, data in extracted_meta:
name = os.path.basename(info.filename)
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, name), "wb") as fh:
if v1_only == YES:
if not extracted_meta:
raise APKSigCopierError("Expected v1 signature")
expected = v1_only == NO
extracted_v2_sig = extract_v2_sig(signed_apk, expected=expected)
if extracted_v2_sig is None:
if not extracted_meta:
raise APKSigCopierError("Expected v1 and/or v2/v3 signature, found neither")
signed_sb_offset, signed_sb = extracted_v2_sig
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, SIGOFFSET), "w") as fh:
fh.write(str(signed_sb_offset) + "\n")
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, SIGBLOCK), "wb") as fh:
def do_patch(metadata_dir, unsigned_apk, output_apk, v1_only=NO):
Patch signatures from metadata_dir onto unsigned_apk and save as output_apk.
The v1_only parameter controls whether the absence of a v1 signature is
considered an error or not:
* use v1_only=NO (or v1_only=False) to only accept (v1+)v2/v3 signatures;
* use v1_only=AUTO (or v1_only=None) to automatically detect v2/v3 signatures;
* use v1_only=YES (or v1_only=True) to ignore any v2/v3 signatures.
v1_only = noautoyes(v1_only)
extracted_meta = []
for pat in META_EXT:
files = [fn for ext in pat.split("|") for fn in
glob.glob(os.path.join(metadata_dir, "*." + ext))]
if len(files) != 1:
info = zipfile.ZipInfo("META-INF/" + os.path.basename(files[0]))
with open(files[0], "rb") as fh:
extracted_meta.append((info, fh.read()))
if len(extracted_meta) not in (len(META_EXT), 0):
raise APKSigCopierError("Unexpected or missing files in metadata_dir")
if v1_only == YES:
extracted_v2_sig = None
sigoffset_file = os.path.join(metadata_dir, SIGOFFSET)
sigblock_file = os.path.join(metadata_dir, SIGBLOCK)
if v1_only == AUTO and not os.path.exists(sigblock_file):
extracted_v2_sig = None
with open(sigoffset_file, "r") as fh:
signed_sb_offset = int(fh.read())
with open(sigblock_file, "rb") as fh:
signed_sb = fh.read()
extracted_v2_sig = signed_sb_offset, signed_sb
if not extracted_meta and extracted_v2_sig is None:
raise APKSigCopierError("Expected v1 and/or v2/v3 signature, found neither")
patch_apk(extracted_meta, extracted_v2_sig, unsigned_apk, output_apk)
def do_copy(signed_apk, unsigned_apk, output_apk, v1_only=NO):
Copy signatures from signed_apk onto unsigned_apk and save as output_apk.
The v1_only parameter controls whether the absence of a v1 signature is
considered an error or not:
* use v1_only=NO (or v1_only=False) to only accept (v1+)v2/v3 signatures;
* use v1_only=AUTO (or v1_only=None) to automatically detect v2/v3 signatures;
* use v1_only=YES (or v1_only=True) to ignore any v2/v3 signatures.
v1_only = noautoyes(v1_only)
extracted_meta = extract_meta(signed_apk)
if v1_only == YES:
extracted_v2_sig = None
extracted_v2_sig = extract_v2_sig(signed_apk, expected=v1_only == NO)
patch_apk(extracted_meta, extracted_v2_sig, unsigned_apk, output_apk)
def main():
"""CLI; requires click."""
global exclude_all_meta, copy_extra_bytes
exclude_all_meta = os.environ.get("APKSIGCOPIER_EXCLUDE_ALL_META") in ("1", "yes", "true")
copy_extra_bytes = os.environ.get("APKSIGCOPIER_COPY_EXTRA_BYTES") in ("1", "yes", "true")
import click
NAY = click.Choice(NOAUTOYES)
apksigcopier - copy/extract/patch apk signatures
def cli():
Extract APK signatures from signed APK.
@click.option("--v1-only", type=NAY, default=NO, show_default=True,
@click.argument("signed_apk", type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False))
@click.argument("output_dir", type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False))
def extract(*args, **kwargs):
do_extract(*args, **kwargs)
Patch extracted APK signatures onto unsigned APK.
@click.option("--v1-only", type=NAY, default=NO, show_default=True,
@click.argument("metadata_dir", type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False))
@click.argument("unsigned_apk", type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False))
@click.argument("output_apk", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False))
def patch(*args, **kwargs):
do_patch(*args, **kwargs)
Copy (extract & patch) signatures from signed to unsigned APK.
@click.option("--v1-only", type=NAY, default=NO, show_default=True,
@click.argument("signed_apk", type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False))
@click.argument("unsigned_apk", type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False))
@click.argument("output_apk", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False))
def copy(*args, **kwargs):
do_copy(*args, **kwargs)
if click.__version__.startswith("7."):
def autocomplete_path(ctx=None, args=(), incomplete=""): # pylint: disable=W0613
head, tail = os.path.split(incomplete)
return sorted(
(e.path if head else e.path[2:]) + ("/" if e.is_dir() else "")
for e in os.scandir(head or ".") if e.name.startswith(tail)
for command in cli.commands.values():
for param in command.params:
if isinstance(param.type, click.Path):
param.autocompletion = autocomplete_path
except APKSigCopierError as e:
click.echo("Error: {}.".format(e), err=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# vim: set tw=80 sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker :

View File

@ -68,6 +68,9 @@ from fdroidserver.exception import FDroidException, VCSException, NoSubmodulesEx
BuildException, VerificationException, MetaDataException
from .asynchronousfilereader import AsynchronousFileReader
from . import apksigcopier
apksigcopier.exclude_all_meta = True # remove v1 signatures too
# The path to this fdroidserver distribution
FDROID_PATH = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
@ -2977,8 +2980,9 @@ def metadata_find_signing_files(appid, vercode):
:param appid: app id string
:param vercode: app version code
:returns: a list of triplets for each signing key with following paths:
(signature_file, singed_file, manifest_file)
:returns: a list of 4-tuples for each signing key with following paths:
(signature_file, singed_file, manifest_file, v2_files), where v2_files
is either a (sb_offset_file, sb_file) pair or None
ret = []
sigdir = metadata_get_sigdir(appid, vercode)
@ -2986,12 +2990,18 @@ def metadata_find_signing_files(appid, vercode):
glob.glob(os.path.join(sigdir, '*.EC')) + \
glob.glob(os.path.join(sigdir, '*.RSA'))
extre = re.compile(r'(\.DSA|\.EC|\.RSA)$')
apk_sb = os.path.isfile(os.path.join(sigdir, "APKSigningBlock"))
apk_sbo = os.path.isfile(os.path.join(sigdir, "APKSigningBlockOffset"))
if os.path.isfile(apk_sb) and os.path.isfile(apk_sbo):
v2_files = apk_sb, apk_sbo
v2_files = None
for sig in sigs:
sf = extre.sub('.SF', sig)
if os.path.isfile(sf):
mf = os.path.join(sigdir, 'MANIFEST.MF')
if os.path.isfile(mf):
ret.append((sig, sf, mf))
ret.append((sig, sf, mf, v2_files))
return ret
@ -3029,6 +3039,15 @@ class ClonedZipInfo(zipfile.ZipInfo):
return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
def apk_has_v1_signatures(apkfile):
"""Test whether an APK has v1 signature files."""
with ZipFile(apkfile, 'r') as apk:
for info in apk.infolist():
if APK_SIGNATURE_FILES.match(info.filename):
return True
return False
def apk_strip_v1_signatures(signed_apk, strip_manifest=False):
"""Removes signatures from APK.
@ -3064,49 +3083,26 @@ def _zipalign(unsigned_apk, aligned_apk):
raise BuildException("Failed to align application")
def apk_implant_signatures(apkpath, signaturefile, signedfile, manifest):
def apk_implant_signatures(apkpath, outpath, manifest, v2_files):
"""Implants a signature from metadata into an APK.
Note: this changes there supplied APK in place. So copy it if you
need the original to be preserved.
:param apkpath: location of the apk
:param apkpath: location of the unsigned apk
:param outpath: location of the output apk
# get list of available signature files in metadata
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
apkwithnewsig = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'newsig.apk')
with ZipFile(apkpath, 'r') as in_apk:
with ZipFile(apkwithnewsig, 'w') as out_apk:
for sig_file in [signaturefile, signedfile, manifest]:
with open(sig_file, 'rb') as fp:
buf = fp.read()
info = zipfile.ZipInfo('META-INF/' + os.path.basename(sig_file))
info.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
info.create_system = 0 # "Windows" aka "FAT", what Android SDK uses
out_apk.writestr(info, buf)
for info in in_apk.infolist():
if not APK_SIGNATURE_FILES.match(info.filename):
if info.filename != 'META-INF/MANIFEST.MF':
buf = in_apk.read(info.filename)
out_apk.writestr(info, buf)
_zipalign(apkwithnewsig, apkpath)
sigdir = os.path.dirname(manifest) # FIXME
apksigcopier.do_patch(sigdir, apkpath, outpath, v1_only=v2_files is None)
def apk_extract_signatures(apkpath, outdir, manifest=True):
def apk_extract_signatures(apkpath, outdir, v1_only=None):
"""Extracts a signature files from APK and puts them into target directory.
:param apkpath: location of the apk
:param outdir: folder where the extracted signature files will be stored
:param manifest: (optionally) disable extracting manifest file
:param v1_only: True for v1-only signatures, False for v1 and v2 signatures,
or None for autodetection
with ZipFile(apkpath, 'r') as in_apk:
for f in in_apk.infolist():
if APK_SIGNATURE_FILES.match(f.filename) or \
(manifest and f.filename == 'META-INF/MANIFEST.MF'):
newpath = os.path.join(outdir, os.path.basename(f.filename))
with open(newpath, 'wb') as out_file:
apksigcopier.do_extract(apkpath, outdir, v1_only=v1_only)
def get_min_sdk_version(apk):
@ -3169,11 +3165,11 @@ def sign_apk(unsigned_path, signed_path, keyalias):
def verify_apks(signed_apk, unsigned_apk, tmp_dir):
def verify_apks(signed_apk, unsigned_apk, tmp_dir, v1_only=None):
"""Verify that two apks are the same
One of the inputs is signed, the other is unsigned. The signature metadata
is transferred from the signed to the unsigned apk, and then jarsigner is
is transferred from the signed to the unsigned apk, and then apksigner is
used to verify that the signature from the signed APK is also valid for
the unsigned one. If the APK given as unsigned actually does have a
signature, it will be stripped out and ignored.
@ -3181,53 +3177,38 @@ def verify_apks(signed_apk, unsigned_apk, tmp_dir):
:param signed_apk: Path to a signed APK file
:param unsigned_apk: Path to an unsigned APK file expected to match it
:param tmp_dir: Path to directory for temporary files
:param v1_only: True for v1-only signatures, False for v1 and v2 signatures,
or None for autodetection
:returns: None if the verification is successful, otherwise a string
describing what went wrong.
if not verify_apk_signature(signed_apk):
logging.info('...NOT verified - {0}'.format(signed_apk))
return 'verification of signed APK failed'
if not os.path.isfile(signed_apk):
return 'can not verify: file does not exists: {}'.format(signed_apk)
if not os.path.isfile(unsigned_apk):
return 'can not verify: file does not exists: {}'.format(unsigned_apk)
with ZipFile(signed_apk, 'r') as signed:
meta_inf_files = ['META-INF/MANIFEST.MF']
for f in signed.namelist():
if len(meta_inf_files) < 3:
return "Signature files missing from {0}".format(signed_apk)
tmp_apk = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'sigcp_' + os.path.basename(unsigned_apk))
tmp_apk = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'sigcp_' + os.path.basename(unsigned_apk))
with ZipFile(unsigned_apk, 'r') as unsigned:
# only read the signature from the signed APK, everything else from unsigned
with ZipFile(tmp_apk, 'w') as tmp:
for filename in meta_inf_files:
tmp.writestr(signed.getinfo(filename), signed.read(filename))
for info in unsigned.infolist():
if info.filename in meta_inf_files:
logging.warning('Ignoring %s from %s', info.filename, unsigned_apk)
if info.filename in tmp.namelist():
return "duplicate filename found: " + info.filename
tmp.writestr(info, unsigned.read(info.filename))
# Use jarsigner to verify the v1 signature on the reproduced APK, as
# apksigner will reject the reproduced APK if the original also had a v2
# signature
verified = True
except Exception:
verified = False
apksigcopier.do_copy(signed_apk, unsigned_apk, tmp_apk, v1_only=v1_only)
except apksigcopier.APKSigCopierError as e:
logging.info('...NOT verified - {0}'.format(tmp_apk))
return 'signature copying failed: {}'.format(str(e))
if not verified:
logging.info("...NOT verified - {0}".format(tmp_apk))
return compare_apks(signed_apk, tmp_apk, tmp_dir,
if not verify_apk_signature(tmp_apk):
logging.info('...NOT verified - {0}'.format(tmp_apk))
result = compare_apks(signed_apk, tmp_apk, tmp_dir,
if result is not None:
return result
return 'verification of APK with copied signature failed'
logging.info("...successfully verified")
logging.info('...successfully verified')
return None

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
# publish.py - part of the FDroid server tools
# Copyright (C) 2010-13, Ciaran Gultnieks, ciaran@ciarang.com
# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Daniel Martí <mvdan@mvdan.cc>
# Copyright (C) 2021 Felix C. Stegerman <flx@obfusk.net>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
@ -345,16 +346,15 @@ def main():
# metadata. This means we're going to prepare both a locally
# signed APK and a version signed with the developers key.
signaturefile, signedfile, manifest = signingfiles
signaturefile, signedfile, manifest, v2_files = signingfiles
with open(signaturefile, 'rb') as f:
devfp = common.signer_fingerprint_short(common.get_certificate(f.read()))
devsigned = '{}_{}_{}.apk'.format(appid, vercode, devfp)
devsignedtmp = os.path.join(tmp_dir, devsigned)
shutil.copy(apkfile, devsignedtmp)
common.apk_implant_signatures(devsignedtmp, signaturefile,
signedfile, manifest)
common.apk_implant_signatures(apkfile, devsignedtmp, manifest=manifest,
if common.verify_apk_signature(devsignedtmp):
shutil.move(devsignedtmp, os.path.join(output_dir, devsigned))

View File

@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ class CommonTest(unittest.TestCase):
for info in apk.infolist():
testapk.writestr(info, apk.read(info.filename))
if info.filename.startswith('META-INF/'):
testapk.writestr(info, otherapk.read(info.filename))
testapk.writestr(info.filename, otherapk.read(info.filename))
self.assertIsNone(fdroidserver.common.verify_apks(sourceapk, twosigapk, self.tmpdir))