mirror of https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver.git synced 2024-10-02 09:10:11 +02:00

Merge branch 'publish_json' into 'master'

Some publish.py improvements

Closes #820

See merge request fdroid/fdroidserver!787
This commit is contained in:
Marcus 2020-08-25 12:33:39 +00:00
commit 8801d37649
4 changed files with 138 additions and 78 deletions

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ variables:
image: registry.gitlab.com/fdroid/ci-images-server:latest
- $pip install -e .
- $pip install -e .[test]
- cd tests
- ./complete-ci-tests

View File

@ -141,13 +141,11 @@ def store_stats_fdroid_signing_key_fingerprints(appids, indent=None):
def status_update_json(newKeyAliases, generatedKeys, signedApks):
def status_update_json(generatedKeys, signedApks):
"""Output a JSON file with metadata about this run"""
logging.debug(_('Outputting JSON'))
output = common.setup_status_output(start_timestamp)
if newKeyAliases:
output['newKeyAliases'] = newKeyAliases
if generatedKeys:
output['generatedKeys'] = generatedKeys
if signedApks:
@ -155,15 +153,79 @@ def status_update_json(newKeyAliases, generatedKeys, signedApks):
def main():
def check_for_key_collisions(allapps):
Make sure there's no collision in keyaliases from apps.
It was suggested at
that a package could be crafted, such that it would use the same signing
key as an existing app. While it may be theoretically possible for such a
colliding package ID to be generated, it seems virtually impossible that
the colliding ID would be something that would be a) a valid package ID,
and b) a sane-looking ID that would make its way into the repo.
Nonetheless, to be sure, before publishing we check that there are no
collisions, and refuse to do any publishing if that's the case...
:param allapps a dict of all apps to process
:return: a list of all aliases corresponding to allapps
allaliases = []
for appid in allapps:
m = hashlib.md5() # nosec just used to generate a keyalias
keyalias = m.hexdigest()[:8]
if keyalias in allaliases:
logging.error(_("There is a keyalias collision - publishing halted"))
return allaliases
def create_key_if_not_existing(keyalias):
Ensures a signing key with the given keyalias exists
:return: boolean, True if a new key was created, false otherwise
# See if we already have a key for this application, and
# if not generate one...
env_vars = {'LC_ALL': 'C.UTF-8',
'FDROID_KEY_STORE_PASS': config['keystorepass'],
'FDROID_KEY_PASS': config.get('keypass', "")}
cmd = [config['keytool'], '-list',
'-alias', keyalias, '-keystore', config['keystore'],
'-storepass:env', 'FDROID_KEY_STORE_PASS']
if config['keystore'] == 'NONE':
cmd += config['smartcardoptions']
p = FDroidPopen(cmd, envs=env_vars)
if p.returncode != 0:
logging.info("Key does not exist - generating...")
cmd = [config['keytool'], '-genkey',
'-keystore', config['keystore'],
'-alias', keyalias,
'-keyalg', 'RSA', '-keysize', '2048',
'-validity', '10000',
'-storepass:env', 'FDROID_KEY_STORE_PASS',
'-dname', config['keydname']]
if config['keystore'] == 'NONE':
cmd += config['smartcardoptions']
cmd += '-keypass:env', 'FDROID_KEY_PASS'
p = FDroidPopen(cmd, envs=env_vars)
if p.returncode != 0:
raise BuildException("Failed to generate key", p.output)
return True
return False
def main():
global config, options
# Parse command line...
parser = ArgumentParser(usage="%(prog)s [options] "
parser.add_argument("appid", nargs='*', help=_("applicationId with optional versionCode in the form APPID[:VERCODE]"))
parser.add_argument("appid", nargs='*',
help=_("applicationId with optional versionCode in the form APPID[:VERCODE]"))
options = parser.parse_args()
metadata.warnings_action = options.W
@ -201,29 +263,11 @@ def main():
logging.error("Config error - missing '{0}'".format(config['keystore']))
# It was suggested at
# https://dev.guardianproject.info/projects/bazaar/wiki/FDroid_Audit
# that a package could be crafted, such that it would use the same signing
# key as an existing app. While it may be theoretically possible for such a
# colliding package ID to be generated, it seems virtually impossible that
# the colliding ID would be something that would be a) a valid package ID,
# and b) a sane-looking ID that would make its way into the repo.
# Nonetheless, to be sure, before publishing we check that there are no
# collisions, and refuse to do any publishing if that's the case...
allapps = metadata.read_metadata()
vercodes = common.read_pkg_args(options.appid, True)
signed_apks = dict()
new_key_aliases = []
generated_keys = dict()
allaliases = []
for appid in allapps:
m = hashlib.md5() # nosec just used to generate a keyalias
keyalias = m.hexdigest()[:8]
if keyalias in allaliases:
logging.error(_("There is a keyalias collision - publishing halted"))
allaliases = check_for_key_collisions(allapps)
logging.info(ngettext('{0} app, {1} key aliases',
'{0} apps, {1} key aliases', len(allapps)).format(len(allapps), len(allaliases)))
@ -315,58 +359,12 @@ def main():
skipsigning = True
# Now we sign with the F-Droid key.
# Figure out the key alias name we'll use. Only the first 8
# characters are significant, so we'll use the first 8 from
# the MD5 of the app's ID and hope there are no collisions.
# If a collision does occur later, we're going to have to
# come up with a new algorithm, AND rename all existing keys
# in the keystore!
if not skipsigning:
if appid in config['keyaliases']:
# For this particular app, the key alias is overridden...
keyalias = config['keyaliases'][appid]
if keyalias.startswith('@'):
m = hashlib.md5() # nosec just used to generate a keyalias
keyalias = m.hexdigest()[:8]
m = hashlib.md5() # nosec just used to generate a keyalias
keyalias = m.hexdigest()[:8]
keyalias = key_alias(appid)
logging.info("Key alias: " + keyalias)
# See if we already have a key for this application, and
# if not generate one...
env_vars = {'LC_ALL': 'C.UTF-8',
'FDROID_KEY_STORE_PASS': config['keystorepass'],
'FDROID_KEY_PASS': config.get('keypass', "")}
cmd = [config['keytool'], '-list',
'-alias', keyalias, '-keystore', config['keystore'],
'-storepass:env', 'FDROID_KEY_STORE_PASS']
if config['keystore'] == 'NONE':
cmd += config['smartcardoptions']
p = FDroidPopen(cmd, envs=env_vars)
if p.returncode != 0:
logging.info("Key does not exist - generating...")
cmd = [config['keytool'], '-genkey',
'-keystore', config['keystore'],
'-alias', keyalias,
'-keyalg', 'RSA', '-keysize', '2048',
'-validity', '10000',
'-storepass:env', 'FDROID_KEY_STORE_PASS',
'-dname', config['keydname']]
if config['keystore'] == 'NONE':
cmd += config['smartcardoptions']
cmd += '-keypass:env', 'FDROID_KEY_PASS'
p = FDroidPopen(cmd, envs=env_vars)
if p.returncode != 0:
raise BuildException("Failed to generate key", p.output)
if appid not in generated_keys:
generated_keys[appid] = set()
if create_key_if_not_existing(keyalias):
generated_keys[appid] = keyalias
signed_apk_path = os.path.join(output_dir, apkfilename)
if os.path.exists(signed_apk_path):
@ -379,13 +377,14 @@ def main():
common.sign_apk(apkfile, signed_apk_path, keyalias)
if appid not in signed_apks:
signed_apks[appid] = []
signed_apks[appid].append({"keyalias": keyalias,
"filename": apkfile})
publish_source_tarball(apkfilename, unsigned_dir, output_dir)
logging.info('Published ' + apkfilename)
status_update_json(new_key_aliases, generated_keys, signed_apks)
status_update_json(generated_keys, signed_apks)
logging.info('published list signing-key fingerprints')

View File

@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ def get_data_files():
with open("README.md", "r") as fh:
long_description = fh.read()
description='F-Droid Server Tools',
@ -88,6 +87,9 @@ setup(name='fdroidserver',
'requests >= 2.5.2, != 2.11.0, != 2.12.2, != 2.18.0',
'test': ['pyjks'],
'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
'Intended Audience :: Developers',

View File

@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ class PublishTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual('dc3b169e', publish.key_alias('org.test.testy'))
self.assertEqual('78688a0f', publish.key_alias('org.org.org'))
self.assertEqual('ee8807d2', publish.key_alias("org.schabi.newpipe"))
self.assertEqual('b53c7e11', publish.key_alias("de.grobox.liberario"))
publish.config = {'keyaliases': {'yep.app': '@org.org.org',
'com.example.app': '1a2b3c4d'}}
self.assertEqual('78688a0f', publish.key_alias('yep.app'))
@ -162,6 +165,62 @@ class PublishTest(unittest.TestCase):
with mock.patch.object(sys, 'argv', ['fdroid fakesubcommand']):
def test_check_for_key_collisions(self):
from fdroidserver.metadata import App
common.config = {}
publish.config = common.config
randomappids = [
allapps = {}
for appid in randomappids:
allapps[appid] = App()
allaliases = publish.check_for_key_collisions(allapps)
self.assertEqual(len(randomappids), len(allaliases))
allapps = {'tof.cv.mpp': App(), 'j6mX276h': App()}
self.assertEqual(publish.key_alias('tof.cv.mpp'), publish.key_alias('j6mX276h'))
self.assertRaises(SystemExit, publish.check_for_key_collisions, allapps)
def test_create_key_if_not_existing(self):
import jks
import jks.util
except ImportError:
self.skipTest("pyjks not installed")
common.config = {}
publish.config = common.config
publish.config['keystorepass'] = '123456'
publish.config['keypass'] = '654321'
publish.config['keystore'] = "keystore.jks"
publish.config['keydname'] = 'CN=Birdman, OU=Cell, O=Alcatraz, L=Alcatraz, S=California, C=US'
testdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, dir=self.tmpdir)
keystore = jks.KeyStore.new("jks", [])
keystore.save(publish.config['keystore'], publish.config['keystorepass'])
# The second time we try that, a new key should not be created
keystore = jks.KeyStore.load(publish.config['keystore'], publish.config['keystorepass'])
self.assertCountEqual(keystore.private_keys, ["newalias", "anotheralias"])
for alias, pk in keystore.private_keys.items():
self.assertEqual(jks.util.RSA_ENCRYPTION_OID, pk.algorithm_oid)
if __name__ == "__main__":