mirror of https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver.git synced 2024-09-17 18:50:11 +02:00

lint: overhaul, cleaner and saner output

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Martí 2015-09-10 18:41:10 -07:00
parent acfc48970d
commit cc48d2828c

View File

@ -19,11 +19,9 @@
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import re
import logging
import common
import metadata
import sys
from collections import Counter
from sets import Set
config = None
@ -54,29 +52,29 @@ http_url_shorteners = [
http_warnings = https_enforcings + http_url_shorteners + [
http_checks = https_enforcings + http_url_shorteners + [
"Appending .git is not necessary"),
"Use /HEAD/ instead of /master/ to point at a file in the default branch"),
regex_warnings = {
'Web Site': http_warnings + [
regex_checks = {
'Web Site': http_checks + [
'Source Code': http_warnings + [
'Source Code': http_checks + [
'Repo': https_enforcings + [
'Issue Tracker': http_warnings + [
'Issue Tracker': http_checks + [
"/issues is missing"),
'Donate': http_warnings + [
'Donate': http_checks + [
"Flattr donation methods belong in the FlattrID flag"),
'Changelog': http_warnings + [
'Changelog': http_checks + [
'License': [
@ -108,7 +106,102 @@ regex_warnings = {
categories = Set([
def check_regexes(app):
for f, checks in regex_checks.iteritems():
for m, r in checks:
v = app[f]
if type(v) == str:
if v is None:
if m.match(v):
yield "%s '%s': %s" % (f, v, r)
elif type(v) == list:
for l in v:
if m.match(l):
yield "%s at line '%s': %s" % (f, l, r)
desc_url = re.compile("[^[]\[([^ ]+)( |\]|$)")
def get_lastbuild(builds):
lowest_vercode = -1
lastbuild = None
for build in builds:
if not build['disable']:
vercode = int(build['vercode'])
if lowest_vercode == -1 or vercode < lowest_vercode:
lowest_vercode = vercode
if not lastbuild or int(build['vercode']) > int(lastbuild['vercode']):
lastbuild = build
return lastbuild
def check_ucm_tags(app):
lastbuild = get_lastbuild(app['builds'])
if (lastbuild is not None
and lastbuild['commit']
and app['Update Check Mode'] == 'RepoManifest'
and not lastbuild['commit'].startswith('unknown')
and lastbuild['vercode'] == app['Current Version Code']
and not lastbuild['forcevercode']
and any(s in lastbuild['commit'] for s in '.,_-/')):
yield "Last used commit '%s' looks like a tag, but Update Check Mode is '%s'" % (
lastbuild['commit'], app['Update Check Mode'])
def check_char_limits(app):
limits = config['char_limits']
summ_chars = len(app['Summary'])
if summ_chars > limits['Summary']:
yield "Summary of length %s is over the %i char limit" % (
summ_chars, limits['Summary'])
desc_charcount = sum(len(l) for l in app['Description'])
if desc_charcount > limits['Description']:
yield "Description of length %s is over the %i char limit" % (
desc_charcount, limits['Description'])
def check_old_links(app):
usual_sites = [
old_sites = [
if any(s in app['Repo'] for s in usual_sites):
for f in ['Web Site', 'Source Code', 'Issue Tracker', 'Changelog']:
if any(s in app[f] for s in old_sites):
yield "App is in '%s' but has a link to '%s'" % (app['Repo'], app[f])
def check_useless_fields(app):
if app['Update Check Name'] == app['id']:
yield "Update Check Name is set to the known app id - it can be removed"
filling_ucms = re.compile('^(Tags.*|RepoManifest.*)')
def check_checkupdates_ran(app):
if filling_ucms.match(app['Update Check Mode']):
if all(app[f] == metadata.app_defaults[f] for f in [
'Auto Name',
'Current Version',
'Current Version Code',
yield "UCM is set but it looks like checkupdates hasn't been run yet"
def check_empty_fields(app):
if not app['Categories']:
yield "Categories are not set"
all_categories = Set([
@ -128,37 +221,105 @@ categories = Set([
desc_url = re.compile("[^[]\[([^ ]+)( |\]|$)")
def check_categories(app):
for categ in app['Categories']:
if categ not in all_categories:
yield "Category '%s' is not valid" % categ
def get_lastbuild(builds):
lowest_vercode = -1
lastbuild = None
for build in builds:
if not build['disable']:
vercode = int(build['vercode'])
if lowest_vercode == -1 or vercode < lowest_vercode:
lowest_vercode = vercode
if not lastbuild or int(build['vercode']) > int(lastbuild['vercode']):
lastbuild = build
return lastbuild
def check_duplicates(app):
if app['Web Site'] and app['Source Code']:
if app['Web Site'].lower() == app['Source Code'].lower():
yield "Website '%s' is just the app's source code link" % app['Web Site']
if app['Name'] and app['Name'] == app['Auto Name']:
yield "Name '%s' is just the auto name" % app['Name']
name = app['Name'] or app['Auto Name']
if app['Summary'] and name:
if app['Summary'].lower() == name.lower():
yield "Summary '%s' is just the app's name" % app['Summary']
desc = app['Description']
if app['Summary'] and desc and len(desc) == 1:
if app['Summary'].lower() == desc[0].lower():
yield "Description '%s' is just the app's summary" % app['Summary']
seenlines = set()
for l in app['Description']:
if len(l) < 1:
if l in seenlines:
yield "Description has a duplicate line"
def check_text_wrap(app):
maxcols = 140
for l in app['Description']:
if any(l.startswith(c) for c in ['*', '#']):
if any(len(w) > maxcols for w in l.split(' ')):
if len(l) > maxcols:
yield "Description should be wrapped to 80-120 chars"
def check_mediawiki_links(app):
for l in app['Description']:
for um in desc_url.finditer(l):
url = um.group(1)
for m, r in http_checks:
if m.match(url):
yield "URL '%s' in Description: %s" % (url, r)
def check_extra_spacing(app):
desc = app['Description']
if (not desc[0] or not desc[-1]
or any(not desc[l - 1] and not desc[l] for l in range(1, len(desc)))):
yield "Description has an extra empty line"
def check_bulleted_lists(app):
validchars = ['*', '#']
lchar = ''
lcount = 0
for l in app['Description']:
if len(l) < 1:
lcount = 0
if l[0] == lchar and l[1] == ' ':
lcount += 1
if lcount > 2 and lchar not in validchars:
yield "Description has a list (%s) but it isn't bulleted (*) nor numbered (#)" % lchar
lchar = l[0]
lcount = 1
def check_builds(app):
for build in app['builds']:
if build['disable']:
for s in ['master', 'origin', 'HEAD', 'default', 'trunk']:
if build['commit'] and build['commit'].startswith(s):
yield "Branch '%s' used as commit in build '%s'" % (s, build['version'])
for srclib in build['srclibs']:
ref = srclib.split('@')[1].split('/')[0]
if ref.startswith(s):
yield "Branch '%s' used as commit in srclib '%s'" % (s, srclib)
def main():
global config, options, curid, count
curid = None
global config, options
count = Counter()
def warn(message):
global curid, count
if curid:
print "%s:" % curid
curid = None
count['app'] += 1
print ' %s' % message
count['warn'] += 1
anywarns = False
# Parse command line...
parser = ArgumentParser(usage="%(prog)s [options] [APPID [APPID ...]]")
@ -175,172 +336,36 @@ def main():
allapps = metadata.read_metadata(xref=True)
apps = common.read_app_args(options.appid, allapps, False)
filling_ucms = re.compile('^(Tags.*|RepoManifest.*)')
for appid, app in apps.iteritems():
if app['Disabled']:
curid = appid
count['app_total'] += 1
warns = []
lastbuild = get_lastbuild(app['builds'])
for check_func in [
warns += check_func(app)
# Incorrect UCM
if (lastbuild is not None
and lastbuild['commit']
and app['Update Check Mode'] == 'RepoManifest'
and not lastbuild['commit'].startswith('unknown')
and lastbuild['vercode'] == app['Current Version Code']
and not lastbuild['forcevercode']
and any(s in lastbuild['commit'] for s in '.,_-/')):
warn("Last used commit '%s' looks like a tag, but Update Check Mode is '%s'" % (
lastbuild['commit'], app['Update Check Mode']))
if warns:
anywarns = True
for warn in warns:
print "%s: %s" % (appid, warn)
# Summary size limit
summ_chars = len(app['Summary'])
if summ_chars > config['char_limits']['Summary']:
warn("Summary of length %s is over the %i char limit" % (
summ_chars, config['char_limits']['Summary']))
# Redundant info
if app['Web Site'] and app['Source Code']:
if app['Web Site'].lower() == app['Source Code'].lower():
warn("Website '%s' is just the app's source code link" % app['Web Site'])
# Old links
usual_sites = [
old_sites = [
if any(s in app['Repo'] for s in usual_sites):
for f in ['Web Site', 'Source Code', 'Issue Tracker', 'Changelog']:
if any(s in app[f] for s in old_sites):
warn("App is in '%s' but has a link to '%s'" % (app['Repo'], app[f]))
if filling_ucms.match(app['Update Check Mode']):
if all(app[f] == metadata.app_defaults[f] for f in [
'Auto Name',
'Current Version',
'Current Version Code',
warn("UCM is set but it looks like checkupdates hasn't been run yet")
if app['Update Check Name'] == appid:
warn("Update Check Name is set to the known app id - it can be removed")
# Missing or incorrect categories
if not app['Categories']:
warn("Categories are not set")
for categ in app['Categories']:
if categ not in categories:
warn("Category '%s' is not valid" % categ)
if app['Name'] and app['Name'] == app['Auto Name']:
warn("Name '%s' is just the auto name" % app['Name'])
name = app['Name'] or app['Auto Name']
if app['Summary'] and name:
if app['Summary'].lower() == name.lower():
warn("Summary '%s' is just the app's name" % app['Summary'])
desc = app['Description']
if app['Summary'] and desc and len(desc) == 1:
if app['Summary'].lower() == desc[0].lower():
warn("Description '%s' is just the app's summary" % app['Summary'])
# Description size limit
desc_charcount = sum(len(l) for l in desc)
if desc_charcount > config['char_limits']['Description']:
warn("Description of length %s is over the %i char limit" % (
desc_charcount, config['char_limits']['Description']))
maxcols = 140
for l in app['Description']:
if any(l.startswith(c) for c in ['*', '#']):
if any(len(w) > maxcols for w in l.split(' ')):
if len(l) > maxcols:
warn("Description should be wrapped to 80-120 chars")
if (not desc[0] or not desc[-1]
or any(not desc[l - 1] and not desc[l] for l in range(1, len(desc)))):
warn("Description has an extra empty line")
seenlines = set()
for l in app['Description']:
if len(l) < 1:
if l in seenlines:
warn("Description has a duplicate line")
for l in app['Description']:
for um in desc_url.finditer(l):
url = um.group(1)
for m, r in http_warnings:
if m.match(url):
warn("URL '%s' in Description: %s" % (url, r))
# Check for lists using the wrong characters
validchars = ['*', '#']
lchar = ''
lcount = 0
for l in app['Description']:
if len(l) < 1:
lcount = 0
if l[0] == lchar and l[1] == ' ':
lcount += 1
if lcount > 2 and lchar not in validchars:
warn("Description has a list (%s) but it isn't bulleted (*) nor numbered (#)" % lchar)
lchar = l[0]
lcount = 1
# Regex checks in all kinds of fields
for f in regex_warnings:
for m, r in regex_warnings[f]:
v = app[f]
if type(v) == str:
if v is None:
if m.match(v):
warn("%s '%s': %s" % (f, v, r))
elif type(v) == list:
for l in v:
if m.match(l):
warn("%s at line '%s': %s" % (f, l, r))
# Build warnings
for build in app['builds']:
if build['disable']:
for s in ['master', 'origin', 'HEAD', 'default', 'trunk']:
if build['commit'] and build['commit'].startswith(s):
warn("Branch '%s' used as commit in build '%s'" % (
s, build['version']))
for srclib in build['srclibs']:
ref = srclib.split('@')[1].split('/')[0]
if ref.startswith(s):
warn("Branch '%s' used as commit in srclib '%s'" % (
s, srclib))
if not curid:
if count['warn'] > 0:
logging.warn("Found a total of %i warnings in %i apps out of %i total." % (
count['warn'], count['app'], count['app_total']))
if anywarns: