mirror of
synced 2024-11-13 02:30:11 +01:00
First metadata checks rewrite; New metadata.py module
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import time
import json
from optparse import OptionParser
import common
import common, metadata
from common import BuildException, VCSException, FDroidPopen
def get_builder_vm_id():
@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ def main():
# Get all apps...
apps = common.read_metadata(xref=not options.onserver)
apps = metadata.read_metadata(xref=not options.onserver)
log_dir = 'logs'
if not os.path.isdir(log_dir):
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ from optparse import OptionParser
import traceback
import HTMLParser
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
import common
import common, metadata
from common import BuildException
from common import VCSException
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ def main():
config = common.read_config(options)
# Get all apps...
apps = common.read_metadata(options.verbose)
apps = metadata.read_metadata(options.verbose)
# Filter apps according to command-line options
if options.package:
@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ def main():
if writeit:
metafile = os.path.join('metadata', app['id'] + '.txt')
common.write_metadata(metafile, app)
metadata.write_metadata(metafile, app)
if options.commit and logmsg:
print "Commiting update for " + metafile
gitcmd = ["git", "commit", "-m",
@ -23,20 +23,15 @@ import stat
import subprocess
import time
import operator
import cgi
import Queue
import threading
import magic
import metadata
config = None
options = None
# These can only contain 'yes' or 'no'
bool_keys = (
'submodules', 'oldsdkloc',
'forceversion', 'forcevercode',
'fixtrans', 'fixapos', 'novcheck')
def read_config(opts, config_file='config.py'):
"""Read the repository config
@ -52,7 +47,7 @@ def read_config(opts, config_file='config.py'):
st = os.stat(config_file)
if st.st_mode & stat.S_IRWXG or st.st_mode & stat.S_IRWXO:
print("WARNING: unsafe permissions on config.py (should be 0600)!")
print "WARNING: unsafe permissions on config.py (should be 0600)!"
options = opts
if not hasattr(options, 'verbose'):
@ -73,6 +68,11 @@ def read_config(opts, config_file='config.py'):
execfile(config_file, config)
return config
def getapkname(app, build):
return "%s_%s.apk" % (app['id'], build['vercode'])
def getsrcname(app, build):
return "%s_%s_src.tar.gz" % (app['id'], build['vercode'])
def getvcs(vcstype, remote, local):
if vcstype == 'git':
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ def getsrclibvcs(name):
srclib_path = os.path.join('srclibs', name + ".txt")
if not os.path.exists(srclib_path):
raise VCSException("Missing srclib " + name)
return parse_srclib(srclib_path)['Repo Type']
return metadata.parse_srclib(srclib_path)['Repo Type']
class vcs:
def __init__(self, remote, local):
@ -457,625 +457,6 @@ class vcs_bzr(vcs):
return [tag.split(' ')[0].strip() for tag in
# Get the type expected for a given metadata field.
def metafieldtype(name):
if name in ['Description', 'Maintainer Notes']:
return 'multiline'
if name == 'Requires Root':
return 'flag'
if name == 'Build Version':
return 'build'
if name == 'Build':
return 'buildv2'
if name == 'Use Built':
return 'obsolete'
return 'string'
# Parse metadata for a single application.
# 'metafile' - the filename to read. The package id for the application comes
# from this filename. Pass None to get a blank entry.
# Returns a dictionary containing all the details of the application. There are
# two major kinds of information in the dictionary. Keys beginning with capital
# letters correspond directory to identically named keys in the metadata file.
# Keys beginning with lower case letters are generated in one way or another,
# and are not found verbatim in the metadata.
# Known keys not originating from the metadata are:
# 'id' - the application's package ID
# 'builds' - a list of dictionaries containing build information
# for each defined build
# 'comments' - a list of comments from the metadata file. Each is
# a tuple of the form (field, comment) where field is
# the name of the field it preceded in the metadata
# file. Where field is None, the comment goes at the
# end of the file. Alternatively, 'build:version' is
# for a comment before a particular build version.
# 'descriptionlines' - original lines of description as formatted in the
# metadata file.
def parse_metadata(metafile):
def parse_buildline(lines):
value = "".join(lines)
parts = [p.replace("\\,", ",")
for p in re.split(r"(?<!\\),", value)]
if len(parts) < 3:
raise MetaDataException("Invalid build format: " + value + " in " + metafile.name)
thisbuild = {}
thisbuild['origlines'] = lines
thisbuild['version'] = parts[0]
thisbuild['vercode'] = parts[1]
raise MetaDataException("Invalid version code for build in " + metafile.name)
if parts[2].startswith('!'):
# For backwards compatibility, handle old-style disabling,
# including attempting to extract the commit from the message
thisbuild['disable'] = parts[2][1:]
commit = 'unknown - see disabled'
index = parts[2].rfind('at ')
if index != -1:
commit = parts[2][index+3:]
if commit.endswith(')'):
commit = commit[:-1]
thisbuild['commit'] = commit
thisbuild['commit'] = parts[2]
for p in parts[3:]:
pk, pv = p.split('=', 1)
thisbuild[pk.strip()] = pv
return thisbuild
def add_comments(key):
if not curcomments:
for comment in curcomments:
thisinfo['comments'].append((key, comment))
del curcomments[:]
thisinfo = {}
if metafile:
if not isinstance(metafile, file):
metafile = open(metafile, "r")
thisinfo['id'] = metafile.name[9:-4]
thisinfo['id'] = None
# Defaults for fields that come from metadata...
thisinfo['Name'] = None
thisinfo['Auto Name'] = ''
thisinfo['Categories'] = 'None'
thisinfo['Description'] = []
thisinfo['Summary'] = ''
thisinfo['License'] = 'Unknown'
thisinfo['Web Site'] = ''
thisinfo['Source Code'] = ''
thisinfo['Issue Tracker'] = ''
thisinfo['Donate'] = None
thisinfo['FlattrID'] = None
thisinfo['Bitcoin'] = None
thisinfo['Litecoin'] = None
thisinfo['Disabled'] = None
thisinfo['AntiFeatures'] = None
thisinfo['Archive Policy'] = None
thisinfo['Update Check Mode'] = 'None'
thisinfo['Vercode Operation'] = None
thisinfo['Auto Update Mode'] = 'None'
thisinfo['Current Version'] = ''
thisinfo['Current Version Code'] = '0'
thisinfo['Repo Type'] = ''
thisinfo['Repo'] = ''
thisinfo['Requires Root'] = False
thisinfo['No Source Since'] = ''
# General defaults...
thisinfo['builds'] = []
thisinfo['comments'] = []
if metafile is None:
return thisinfo
mode = 0
buildlines = []
curcomments = []
curbuild = None
for line in metafile:
line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
if mode == 3:
if not any(line.startswith(s) for s in (' ', '\t')):
if 'commit' not in curbuild and 'disable' not in curbuild:
raise MetaDataException("No commit specified for {0} in {1}".format(
curbuild['version'], metafile.name))
add_comments('build:' + curbuild['version'])
mode = 0
if line.endswith('\\'):
bl = ''.join(buildlines)
bv = bl.split('=', 1)
if len(bv) != 2:
raise MetaDataException("Invalid build flag at {0} in {1}".
format(buildlines[0], metafile.name))
name, val = bv
if name in curbuild:
raise MetaDataException("Duplicate definition on {0} in version {1} of {2}".
format(name, curbuild['version'], metafile.name))
curbuild[name] = val.lstrip()
buildlines = []
if mode == 0:
if not line:
if line.startswith("#"):
index = line.find(':')
if index == -1:
raise MetaDataException("Invalid metadata in " + metafile.name + " at: " + line)
field = line[:index]
value = line[index+1:]
# Translate obsolete fields...
if field == 'Market Version':
field = 'Current Version'
if field == 'Market Version Code':
field = 'Current Version Code'
fieldtype = metafieldtype(field)
if fieldtype not in ['build', 'buildv2']:
if fieldtype == 'multiline':
mode = 1
thisinfo[field] = []
if value:
raise MetaDataException("Unexpected text on same line as " + field + " in " + metafile.name)
elif fieldtype == 'string':
if field == 'Category' and thisinfo['Categories'] == 'None':
thisinfo['Categories'] = value.replace(';',',')
thisinfo[field] = value
elif fieldtype == 'flag':
if value == 'Yes':
thisinfo[field] = True
elif value == 'No':
thisinfo[field] = False
raise MetaDataException("Expected Yes or No for " + field + " in " + metafile.name)
elif fieldtype == 'build':
if value.endswith("\\"):
mode = 2
buildlines = [value[:-1]]
add_comments('build:' + thisinfo['builds'][-1]['version'])
elif fieldtype == 'buildv2':
curbuild = {}
vv = value.split(',')
if len(vv) != 2:
raise MetaDataException('Build should have comma-separated version and vercode, not "{0}", in {1}'.
format(value, metafile.name))
curbuild['version'] = vv[0]
curbuild['vercode'] = vv[1]
raise MetaDataException("Invalid version code for build in " + metafile.name)
buildlines = []
mode = 3
elif fieldtype == 'obsolete':
pass # Just throw it away!
raise MetaDataException("Unrecognised field type for " + field + " in " + metafile.name)
elif mode == 1: # Multiline field
if line == '.':
mode = 0
elif mode == 2: # Line continuation mode in Build Version
if line.endswith("\\"):
add_comments('build:' + thisinfo['builds'][-1]['version'])
mode = 0
for key in bool_keys:
for build in thisinfo['builds']:
if key not in build:
build[key] = False
if build[key] == 'yes':
build[key] = True
elif build[key] == 'no':
build[key] = False
raise MetaDataException("Invalid value %s assigned to boolean build flag %s"
% (build[key], key))
# Mode at end of file should always be 0...
if mode == 1:
raise MetaDataException(field + " not terminated in " + metafile.name)
elif mode == 2:
raise MetaDataException("Unterminated continuation in " + metafile.name)
elif mode == 3:
raise MetaDataException("Unterminated build in " + metafile.name)
if not thisinfo['Description']:
thisinfo['Description'].append('No description available')
# Validate archive policy...
if thisinfo['Archive Policy']:
if not thisinfo['Archive Policy'].endswith(' versions'):
raise MetaDataException("Invalid archive policy")
versions = int(thisinfo['Archive Policy'][:-9])
if versions < 1 or versions > 20:
raise MetaDataException("Silly number of versions for archive policy")
raise MetaDataException("Incomprehensible number of versions for archive policy")
# Ensure all AntiFeatures are recognised...
if thisinfo['AntiFeatures']:
parts = thisinfo['AntiFeatures'].split(",")
for part in parts:
if (part != "Ads" and
part != "Tracking" and
part != "NonFreeNet" and
part != "NonFreeDep" and
part != "NonFreeAdd"):
raise MetaDataException("Unrecognised antifeature '" + part + "' in " \
+ metafile.name)
return thisinfo
def getvercode(build):
return "%s" % (build['vercode'])
def getapkname(app, build):
return "%s_%s.apk" % (app['id'], getvercode(build))
def getsrcname(app, build):
return "%s_%s_src.tar.gz" % (app['id'], getvercode(build))
# Write a metadata file.
# 'dest' - The path to the output file
# 'app' - The app data
def write_metadata(dest, app):
def writecomments(key):
written = 0
for pf, comment in app['comments']:
if pf == key:
mf.write(comment + '\n')
written += 1
if options.verbose and written > 0:
print "...writing comments for " + (key if key else 'EOF')
def writefield(field, value=None):
if value is None:
value = app[field]
mf.write(field + ':' + value + '\n')
mf = open(dest, 'w')
if app['Disabled']:
if app['AntiFeatures']:
writefield('Web Site')
writefield('Source Code')
writefield('Issue Tracker')
if app['Donate']:
if app['FlattrID']:
if app['Bitcoin']:
if app['Litecoin']:
if app['Name']:
if app['Auto Name']:
writefield('Auto Name')
writefield('Description', '')
for line in app['Description']:
mf.write(line + '\n')
if app['Requires Root']:
writefield('Requires Root', 'Yes')
if app['Repo Type']:
writefield('Repo Type')
for build in app['builds']:
writecomments('build:' + build['version'])
mf.write("%s,%s\n" % (
# This defines the preferred order for the build items - as in the
# manual, they're roughly in order of application.
keyorder = ['disable', 'commit', 'subdir', 'submodules', 'init',
'gradle', 'maven', 'oldsdkloc', 'target', 'compilesdk',
'update', 'encoding', 'forceversion', 'forcevercode', 'rm',
'fixtrans', 'fixapos', 'extlibs', 'srclibs', 'patch',
'prebuild', 'scanignore', 'scandelete', 'build', 'buildjni',
'preassemble', 'bindir', 'antcommand', 'novcheck']
def write_builditem(key, value):
if key not in ['version', 'vercode', 'origlines']:
if key in bool_keys:
if not value:
value = 'yes'
if options.verbose:
print "...writing {0} : {1}".format(key, value)
outline = ' %s=' % key
outline += '&& \\\n '.join([s.lstrip() for s in value.split('&& ')])
outline += '\n'
for key in keyorder:
if key in build:
write_builditem(key, build[key])
for key, value in build.iteritems():
if not key in keyorder:
write_builditem(key, value)
if 'Maintainer Notes' in app:
writefield('Maintainer Notes', '')
for line in app['Maintainer Notes']:
mf.write(line + '\n')
if app['Archive Policy']:
writefield('Archive Policy')
writefield('Auto Update Mode')
writefield('Update Check Mode')
if app['Vercode Operation']:
writefield('Vercode Operation')
if 'Update Check Data' in app:
writefield('Update Check Data')
if app['Current Version']:
writefield('Current Version')
writefield('Current Version Code')
if app['No Source Since']:
writefield('No Source Since')
# Read all metadata. Returns a list of 'app' objects (which are dictionaries as
# returned by the parse_metadata function.
def read_metadata(xref=True, package=None):
apps = []
for basedir in ('metadata', 'tmp'):
if not os.path.exists(basedir):
for metafile in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join('metadata', '*.txt'))):
if package is None or metafile == os.path.join('metadata', package + '.txt'):
appinfo = parse_metadata(metafile)
except Exception, e:
raise MetaDataException("Problem reading metadata file %s: - %s" % (metafile, str(e)))
if xref:
# Parse all descriptions at load time, just to ensure cross-referencing
# errors are caught early rather than when they hit the build server.
def linkres(link):
for app in apps:
if app['id'] == link:
return ("fdroid.app:" + link, "Dummy name - don't know yet")
raise MetaDataException("Cannot resolve app id " + link)
for app in apps:
description_html(app['Description'], linkres)
except Exception, e:
raise MetaDataException("Problem with description of " + app['id'] +
" - " + str(e))
return apps
# Formatter for descriptions. Create an instance, and call parseline() with
# each line of the description source from the metadata. At the end, call
# end() and then text_plain, text_wiki and text_html will contain the result.
class DescriptionFormatter:
stNONE = 0
stPARA = 1
stUL = 2
stOL = 3
bold = False
ital = False
state = stNONE
text_plain = ''
text_wiki = ''
text_html = ''
linkResolver = None
def __init__(self, linkres):
self.linkResolver = linkres
def endcur(self, notstates=None):
if notstates and self.state in notstates:
if self.state == self.stPARA:
elif self.state == self.stUL:
elif self.state == self.stOL:
def endpara(self):
self.text_plain += '\n'
self.text_html += '</p>'
self.state = self.stNONE
def endul(self):
self.text_html += '</ul>'
self.state = self.stNONE
def endol(self):
self.text_html += '</ol>'
self.state = self.stNONE
def formatted(self, txt, html):
formatted = ''
if html:
txt = cgi.escape(txt)
while True:
index = txt.find("''")
if index == -1:
return formatted + txt
formatted += txt[:index]
txt = txt[index:]
if txt.startswith("'''"):
if html:
if self.bold:
formatted += '</b>'
formatted += '<b>'
self.bold = not self.bold
txt = txt[3:]
if html:
if self.ital:
formatted += '</i>'
formatted += '<i>'
self.ital = not self.ital
txt = txt[2:]
def linkify(self, txt):
linkified_plain = ''
linkified_html = ''
while True:
index = txt.find("[")
if index == -1:
return (linkified_plain + self.formatted(txt, False), linkified_html + self.formatted(txt, True))
linkified_plain += self.formatted(txt[:index], False)
linkified_html += self.formatted(txt[:index], True)
txt = txt[index:]
if txt.startswith("[["):
index = txt.find("]]")
if index == -1:
raise MetaDataException("Unterminated ]]")
url = txt[2:index]
if self.linkResolver:
url, urltext = self.linkResolver(url)
urltext = url
linkified_html += '<a href="' + url + '">' + cgi.escape(urltext) + '</a>'
linkified_plain += urltext
txt = txt[index+2:]
index = txt.find("]")
if index == -1:
raise MetaDataException("Unterminated ]")
url = txt[1:index]
index2 = url.find(' ')
if index2 == -1:
urltxt = url
urltxt = url[index2 + 1:]
url = url[:index2]
linkified_html += '<a href="' + url + '">' + cgi.escape(urltxt) + '</a>'
linkified_plain += urltxt
if urltxt != url:
linkified_plain += ' (' + url + ')'
txt = txt[index+1:]
def addtext(self, txt):
p, h = self.linkify(txt)
self.text_plain += p
self.text_html += h
def parseline(self, line):
self.text_wiki += line + '\n'
if not line:
elif line.startswith('*'):
if self.state != self.stUL:
self.text_html += '<ul>'
self.state = self.stUL
self.text_html += '<li>'
self.text_plain += '*'
self.text_html += '</li>'
elif line.startswith('#'):
if self.state != self.stOL:
self.text_html += '<ol>'
self.state = self.stOL
self.text_html += '<li>'
self.text_plain += '*' #TODO: lazy - put the numbers in!
self.text_html += '</li>'
if self.state == self.stNONE:
self.text_html += '<p>'
self.state = self.stPARA
elif self.state == self.stPARA:
self.text_html += ' '
self.text_plain += ' '
def end(self):
# Parse multiple lines of description as written in a metadata file, returning
# a single string in plain text format.
def description_plain(lines, linkres):
ps = DescriptionFormatter(linkres)
for line in lines:
return ps.text_plain
# Parse multiple lines of description as written in a metadata file, returning
# a single string in wiki format. Used for the Maintainer Notes field as well,
# because it's the same format.
def description_wiki(lines):
ps = DescriptionFormatter(None)
for line in lines:
return ps.text_wiki
# Parse multiple lines of description as written in a metadata file, returning
# a single string in HTML format.
def description_html(lines,linkres):
ps = DescriptionFormatter(linkres)
for line in lines:
return ps.text_html
def retrieve_string(xml_dir, string):
if not string.startswith('@string/'):
return string.replace("\\'","'")
@ -1248,48 +629,6 @@ class VCSException(Exception):
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value)
class MetaDataException(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value)
def parse_srclib(metafile, **kw):
thisinfo = {}
if metafile and not isinstance(metafile, file):
metafile = open(metafile, "r")
# Defaults for fields that come from metadata
thisinfo['Repo Type'] = ''
thisinfo['Repo'] = ''
thisinfo['Subdir'] = None
thisinfo['Prepare'] = None
thisinfo['Srclibs'] = None
thisinfo['Update Project'] = None
if metafile is None:
return thisinfo
for line in metafile:
line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
if not line or line.startswith("#"):
index = line.find(':')
if index == -1:
raise MetaDataException("Invalid metadata in " + metafile.name + " at: " + line)
field = line[:index]
value = line[index+1:]
if field == "Subdir":
thisinfo[field] = value.split(',')
thisinfo[field] = value
return thisinfo
# Get the specified source library.
# Returns the path to it. Normally this is the path to be used when referencing
# it, which may be a subdirectory of the actual project. If you want the base
@ -1314,7 +653,7 @@ def getsrclib(spec, srclib_dir, srclibpaths=[], subdir=None, basepath=False,
if not os.path.exists(srclib_path):
raise BuildException('srclib ' + name + ' not found.')
srclib = parse_srclib(srclib_path)
srclib = metadata.parse_srclib(srclib_path)
sdir = os.path.join(srclib_dir, name)
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import os
import shutil
import urllib
from optparse import OptionParser
import common
import common, metadata
# Get the repo type and address from the given web page. The page is scanned
# in a rather naive manner for 'git clone xxxx', 'hg clone xxxx', etc, and
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ def main():
# Get all apps...
apps = common.read_metadata()
apps = metadata.read_metadata()
# Figure out what kind of project it is...
projecttype = None
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ def main():
# Construct the metadata...
app = common.parse_metadata(None)
app = metadata.parse_metadata(None)
app['id'] = package
app['Web Site'] = website
app['Source Code'] = sourcecode
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ def main():
f.write(repotype + ' ' + repo)
metafile = os.path.join('metadata', package + '.txt')
common.write_metadata(metafile, app)
metadata.write_metadata(metafile, app)
print "Wrote " + metafile
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,714 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# common.py - part of the FDroid server tools
# Copyright (C) 2013, Ciaran Gultnieks, ciaran@ciarang.com
# Copyright (C) 2013 Daniel Martí <mvdan@mvdan.cc>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os, re, glob
import cgi
class MetaDataException(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value)
class FieldType():
def __init__(self, name, matching, sep, fields, attrs):
self.name = name
if type(matching) is str:
self.matching = re.compile(matching)
elif type(matching) is list:
self.matching = matching
self.sep = sep
self.fields = fields
self.attrs = attrs
def _assert_regex(self, values, appid):
for v in values:
if not self.matching.match(v):
raise MetaDataException("'%s' is not a valid %s in %s"
% (v, self.name, appid))
def _assert_list(self, values, appid):
for v in values:
if v not in self.matching:
raise MetaDataException("'%s' is not a valid %s in %s"
% (v, self.name, appid))
def check(self, value, appid):
if type(value) is not str or not value:
if self.sep is not None:
values = value.split(self.sep)
values = [value]
if type(self.matching) is list:
self._assert_list(values, appid)
self._assert_regex(values, appid)
valuetypes = {
'int' : FieldType("Integer",
r'^[0-9]+$', None,
[ 'FlattrID' ],
[ 'vercode' ]),
'http' : FieldType("HTTP link",
r'^http[s]?://.+$', None,
[ "Web Site", "Source Code", "Issue Tracker", "Donate" ], []),
'bitcoin' : FieldType("Bitcoin address",
r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]{27,34}$', None,
[ "Bitcoin" ],
[ ]),
'litecoin' : FieldType("Litecoin address",
r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]{27,34}$', None,
[ "Bitcoin" ],
[ ]),
'bool' : FieldType("Boolean",
['yes', 'no'], None,
[ ],
[ 'submodules', 'oldsdkloc', 'forceversion', 'forcevercode',
'fixtrans', 'fixapos', 'novcheck' ]),
'Bool' : FieldType("Boolean",
['Yes', 'No'], None,
[ "Requires Root" ],
[ ]),
'antifeatures' : FieldType("Anti-Feature",
[ "Ads", "Tracking", "NonFreeNet", "NonFreeDep", "NonFreeAdd" ], ',',
[ "AntiFeatures" ],
[ ]),
def check_metadata(info):
# Generic fields and attributes
for k, t in valuetypes.iteritems():
for field in [f for f in t.fields if f in info]:
t.check(info[field], info['id'])
if k == 'Bool':
info[field] = info[field] == "Yes"
for build in info['builds']:
for attr in [a for a in t.attrs if a in build]:
t.check(build[attr], info['id'])
if k == 'bool':
info[field] = info[field] == "yes"
# Special fields
if info['Archive Policy']:
if not re.match(r'^[0-9]+ versions$', info['Archive Policy']):
raise MetaDataException("Invalid archive policy '%s' in %s"
% (info['Archive Policy'], info["id"]))
versions = int(info['Archive Policy'][:-9])
if versions < 1 or versions > 20:
raise MetaDataException("Silly number of versions '%s' for archive policy in %s"
% (versions, info["id"]))
# Formatter for descriptions. Create an instance, and call parseline() with
# each line of the description source from the metadata. At the end, call
# end() and then text_plain, text_wiki and text_html will contain the result.
class DescriptionFormatter:
stNONE = 0
stPARA = 1
stUL = 2
stOL = 3
bold = False
ital = False
state = stNONE
text_plain = ''
text_wiki = ''
text_html = ''
linkResolver = None
def __init__(self, linkres):
self.linkResolver = linkres
def endcur(self, notstates=None):
if notstates and self.state in notstates:
if self.state == self.stPARA:
elif self.state == self.stUL:
elif self.state == self.stOL:
def endpara(self):
self.text_plain += '\n'
self.text_html += '</p>'
self.state = self.stNONE
def endul(self):
self.text_html += '</ul>'
self.state = self.stNONE
def endol(self):
self.text_html += '</ol>'
self.state = self.stNONE
def formatted(self, txt, html):
formatted = ''
if html:
txt = cgi.escape(txt)
while True:
index = txt.find("''")
if index == -1:
return formatted + txt
formatted += txt[:index]
txt = txt[index:]
if txt.startswith("'''"):
if html:
if self.bold:
formatted += '</b>'
formatted += '<b>'
self.bold = not self.bold
txt = txt[3:]
if html:
if self.ital:
formatted += '</i>'
formatted += '<i>'
self.ital = not self.ital
txt = txt[2:]
def linkify(self, txt):
linkified_plain = ''
linkified_html = ''
while True:
index = txt.find("[")
if index == -1:
return (linkified_plain + self.formatted(txt, False), linkified_html + self.formatted(txt, True))
linkified_plain += self.formatted(txt[:index], False)
linkified_html += self.formatted(txt[:index], True)
txt = txt[index:]
if txt.startswith("[["):
index = txt.find("]]")
if index == -1:
raise MetaDataException("Unterminated ]]")
url = txt[2:index]
if self.linkResolver:
url, urltext = self.linkResolver(url)
urltext = url
linkified_html += '<a href="' + url + '">' + cgi.escape(urltext) + '</a>'
linkified_plain += urltext
txt = txt[index+2:]
index = txt.find("]")
if index == -1:
raise MetaDataException("Unterminated ]")
url = txt[1:index]
index2 = url.find(' ')
if index2 == -1:
urltxt = url
urltxt = url[index2 + 1:]
url = url[:index2]
linkified_html += '<a href="' + url + '">' + cgi.escape(urltxt) + '</a>'
linkified_plain += urltxt
if urltxt != url:
linkified_plain += ' (' + url + ')'
txt = txt[index+1:]
def addtext(self, txt):
p, h = self.linkify(txt)
self.text_plain += p
self.text_html += h
def parseline(self, line):
self.text_wiki += "%s\n" % line
if not line:
elif line.startswith('*'):
if self.state != self.stUL:
self.text_html += '<ul>'
self.state = self.stUL
self.text_html += '<li>'
self.text_plain += '*'
self.text_html += '</li>'
elif line.startswith('#'):
if self.state != self.stOL:
self.text_html += '<ol>'
self.state = self.stOL
self.text_html += '<li>'
self.text_plain += '*' #TODO: lazy - put the numbers in!
self.text_html += '</li>'
if self.state == self.stNONE:
self.text_html += '<p>'
self.state = self.stPARA
elif self.state == self.stPARA:
self.text_html += ' '
self.text_plain += ' '
def end(self):
# Parse multiple lines of description as written in a metadata file, returning
# a single string in plain text format.
def description_plain(lines, linkres):
ps = DescriptionFormatter(linkres)
for line in lines:
return ps.text_plain
# Parse multiple lines of description as written in a metadata file, returning
# a single string in wiki format. Used for the Maintainer Notes field as well,
# because it's the same format.
def description_wiki(lines):
ps = DescriptionFormatter(None)
for line in lines:
return ps.text_wiki
# Parse multiple lines of description as written in a metadata file, returning
# a single string in HTML format.
def description_html(lines,linkres):
ps = DescriptionFormatter(linkres)
for line in lines:
return ps.text_html
def parse_srclib(metafile, **kw):
thisinfo = {}
if metafile and not isinstance(metafile, file):
metafile = open(metafile, "r")
# Defaults for fields that come from metadata
thisinfo['Repo Type'] = ''
thisinfo['Repo'] = ''
thisinfo['Subdir'] = None
thisinfo['Prepare'] = None
thisinfo['Srclibs'] = None
thisinfo['Update Project'] = None
if metafile is None:
return thisinfo
for line in metafile:
line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
if not line or line.startswith("#"):
index = line.find(':')
if index == -1:
raise MetaDataException("Invalid metadata in " + metafile.name + " at: " + line)
field = line[:index]
value = line[index+1:]
if field == "Subdir":
thisinfo[field] = value.split(',')
thisinfo[field] = value
return thisinfo
# Read all metadata. Returns a list of 'app' objects (which are dictionaries as
# returned by the parse_metadata function.
def read_metadata(xref=True, package=None):
apps = []
for basedir in ('metadata', 'tmp'):
if not os.path.exists(basedir):
for metafile in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join('metadata', '*.txt'))):
if package is None or metafile == os.path.join('metadata', package + '.txt'):
appinfo = parse_metadata(metafile)
except Exception, e:
raise MetaDataException("Problem reading metadata file %s: - %s" % (metafile, str(e)))
if xref:
# Parse all descriptions at load time, just to ensure cross-referencing
# errors are caught early rather than when they hit the build server.
def linkres(link):
for app in apps:
if app['id'] == link:
return ("fdroid.app:" + link, "Dummy name - don't know yet")
raise MetaDataException("Cannot resolve app id " + link)
for app in apps:
description_html(app['Description'], linkres)
except Exception, e:
raise MetaDataException("Problem with description of " + app['id'] +
" - " + str(e))
return apps
# Get the type expected for a given metadata field.
def metafieldtype(name):
if name in ['Description', 'Maintainer Notes']:
return 'multiline'
if name == 'Build Version':
return 'build'
if name == 'Build':
return 'buildv2'
if name == 'Use Built':
return 'obsolete'
return 'string'
# Parse metadata for a single application.
# 'metafile' - the filename to read. The package id for the application comes
# from this filename. Pass None to get a blank entry.
# Returns a dictionary containing all the details of the application. There are
# two major kinds of information in the dictionary. Keys beginning with capital
# letters correspond directory to identically named keys in the metadata file.
# Keys beginning with lower case letters are generated in one way or another,
# and are not found verbatim in the metadata.
# Known keys not originating from the metadata are:
# 'id' - the application's package ID
# 'builds' - a list of dictionaries containing build information
# for each defined build
# 'comments' - a list of comments from the metadata file. Each is
# a tuple of the form (field, comment) where field is
# the name of the field it preceded in the metadata
# file. Where field is None, the comment goes at the
# end of the file. Alternatively, 'build:version' is
# for a comment before a particular build version.
# 'descriptionlines' - original lines of description as formatted in the
# metadata file.
def parse_metadata(metafile):
def parse_buildline(lines):
value = "".join(lines)
parts = [p.replace("\\,", ",")
for p in re.split(r"(?<!\\),", value)]
if len(parts) < 3:
raise MetaDataException("Invalid build format: " + value + " in " + metafile.name)
thisbuild = {}
thisbuild['origlines'] = lines
thisbuild['version'] = parts[0]
thisbuild['vercode'] = parts[1]
if parts[2].startswith('!'):
# For backwards compatibility, handle old-style disabling,
# including attempting to extract the commit from the message
thisbuild['disable'] = parts[2][1:]
commit = 'unknown - see disabled'
index = parts[2].rfind('at ')
if index != -1:
commit = parts[2][index+3:]
if commit.endswith(')'):
commit = commit[:-1]
thisbuild['commit'] = commit
thisbuild['commit'] = parts[2]
for p in parts[3:]:
pk, pv = p.split('=', 1)
thisbuild[pk.strip()] = pv
return thisbuild
def add_comments(key):
if not curcomments:
for comment in curcomments:
thisinfo['comments'].append((key, comment))
del curcomments[:]
thisinfo = {}
if metafile:
if not isinstance(metafile, file):
metafile = open(metafile, "r")
thisinfo['id'] = metafile.name[9:-4]
thisinfo['id'] = None
# Defaults for fields that come from metadata...
thisinfo['Name'] = None
thisinfo['Auto Name'] = ''
thisinfo['Categories'] = 'None'
thisinfo['Description'] = []
thisinfo['Summary'] = ''
thisinfo['License'] = 'Unknown'
thisinfo['Web Site'] = ''
thisinfo['Source Code'] = ''
thisinfo['Issue Tracker'] = ''
thisinfo['Donate'] = None
thisinfo['FlattrID'] = None
thisinfo['Bitcoin'] = None
thisinfo['Litecoin'] = None
thisinfo['Disabled'] = None
thisinfo['AntiFeatures'] = None
thisinfo['Archive Policy'] = None
thisinfo['Update Check Mode'] = 'None'
thisinfo['Vercode Operation'] = None
thisinfo['Auto Update Mode'] = 'None'
thisinfo['Current Version'] = ''
thisinfo['Current Version Code'] = '0'
thisinfo['Repo Type'] = ''
thisinfo['Repo'] = ''
thisinfo['Requires Root'] = False
thisinfo['No Source Since'] = ''
# General defaults...
thisinfo['builds'] = []
thisinfo['comments'] = []
if metafile is None:
return thisinfo
mode = 0
buildlines = []
curcomments = []
curbuild = None
for line in metafile:
line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
if mode == 3:
if not any(line.startswith(s) for s in (' ', '\t')):
if 'commit' not in curbuild and 'disable' not in curbuild:
raise MetaDataException("No commit specified for {0} in {1}".format(
curbuild['version'], metafile.name))
add_comments('build:' + curbuild['version'])
mode = 0
if line.endswith('\\'):
bl = ''.join(buildlines)
bv = bl.split('=', 1)
if len(bv) != 2:
raise MetaDataException("Invalid build flag at {0} in {1}".
format(buildlines[0], metafile.name))
name, val = bv
if name in curbuild:
raise MetaDataException("Duplicate definition on {0} in version {1} of {2}".
format(name, curbuild['version'], metafile.name))
curbuild[name] = val.lstrip()
buildlines = []
if mode == 0:
if not line:
if line.startswith("#"):
index = line.find(':')
if index == -1:
raise MetaDataException("Invalid metadata in " + metafile.name + " at: " + line)
field = line[:index]
value = line[index+1:]
# Translate obsolete fields...
if field == 'Market Version':
field = 'Current Version'
if field == 'Market Version Code':
field = 'Current Version Code'
fieldtype = metafieldtype(field)
if fieldtype not in ['build', 'buildv2']:
if fieldtype == 'multiline':
mode = 1
thisinfo[field] = []
if value:
raise MetaDataException("Unexpected text on same line as " + field + " in " + metafile.name)
elif fieldtype == 'string':
if field == 'Category' and thisinfo['Categories'] == 'None':
thisinfo['Categories'] = value.replace(';',',')
thisinfo[field] = value
elif fieldtype == 'build':
if value.endswith("\\"):
mode = 2
buildlines = [value[:-1]]
add_comments('build:' + thisinfo['builds'][-1]['version'])
elif fieldtype == 'buildv2':
curbuild = {}
vv = value.split(',')
if len(vv) != 2:
raise MetaDataException('Build should have comma-separated version and vercode, not "{0}", in {1}'.
format(value, metafile.name))
curbuild['version'] = vv[0]
curbuild['vercode'] = vv[1]
buildlines = []
mode = 3
elif fieldtype == 'obsolete':
pass # Just throw it away!
raise MetaDataException("Unrecognised field type for " + field + " in " + metafile.name)
elif mode == 1: # Multiline field
if line == '.':
mode = 0
elif mode == 2: # Line continuation mode in Build Version
if line.endswith("\\"):
add_comments('build:' + thisinfo['builds'][-1]['version'])
mode = 0
# Mode at end of file should always be 0...
if mode == 1:
raise MetaDataException(field + " not terminated in " + metafile.name)
elif mode == 2:
raise MetaDataException("Unterminated continuation in " + metafile.name)
elif mode == 3:
raise MetaDataException("Unterminated build in " + metafile.name)
if not thisinfo['Description']:
thisinfo['Description'].append('No description available')
return thisinfo
# Write a metadata file.
# 'dest' - The path to the output file
# 'app' - The app data
def write_metadata(dest, app):
def writecomments(key):
written = 0
for pf, comment in app['comments']:
if pf == key:
mf.write("%s\n" % comment)
written += 1
#if options.verbose and written > 0:
#print "...writing comments for " + (key if key else 'EOF')
def writefield(field, value=None):
if value is None:
value = app[field]
mf.write("%s:%s\n" % (field, value))
mf = open(dest, 'w')
if app['Disabled']:
if app['AntiFeatures']:
writefield('Web Site')
writefield('Source Code')
writefield('Issue Tracker')
if app['Donate']:
if app['FlattrID']:
if app['Bitcoin']:
if app['Litecoin']:
if app['Name']:
if app['Auto Name']:
writefield('Auto Name')
writefield('Description', '')
for line in app['Description']:
mf.write("%s\n" % line)
if app['Requires Root']:
writefield('Requires Root', 'Yes')
if app['Repo Type']:
writefield('Repo Type')
for build in app['builds']:
writecomments('build:' + build['version'])
mf.write("Build:%s,%s\n" % ( build['version'], build['vercode']))
# This defines the preferred order for the build items - as in the
# manual, they're roughly in order of application.
keyorder = ['disable', 'commit', 'subdir', 'submodules', 'init',
'gradle', 'maven', 'oldsdkloc', 'target', 'compilesdk',
'update', 'encoding', 'forceversion', 'forcevercode', 'rm',
'fixtrans', 'fixapos', 'extlibs', 'srclibs', 'patch',
'prebuild', 'scanignore', 'scandelete', 'build', 'buildjni',
'preassemble', 'bindir', 'antcommand', 'novcheck']
def write_builditem(key, value):
if key not in ['version', 'vercode', 'origlines']:
if key in valuetypes['bool'].attrs:
if not value:
value = 'yes'
#if options.verbose:
#print "...writing {0} : {1}".format(key, value)
outline = ' %s=' % key
outline += '&& \\\n '.join([s.lstrip() for s in value.split('&& ')])
outline += '\n'
for key in keyorder:
if key in build:
write_builditem(key, build[key])
for key, value in build.iteritems():
if not key in keyorder:
write_builditem(key, value)
if 'Maintainer Notes' in app:
writefield('Maintainer Notes', '')
for line in app['Maintainer Notes']:
mf.write("%s\n" % line)
if app['Archive Policy']:
writefield('Archive Policy')
writefield('Auto Update Mode')
writefield('Update Check Mode')
if app['Vercode Operation']:
writefield('Vercode Operation')
if 'Update Check Data' in app:
writefield('Update Check Data')
if app['Current Version']:
writefield('Current Version')
writefield('Current Version Code')
if app['No Source Since']:
writefield('No Source Since')
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import md5
import glob
from optparse import OptionParser
import common
import common, metadata
from common import BuildException
config = None
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ def main():
# and b) a sane-looking ID that would make its way into the repo.
# Nonetheless, to be sure, before publishing we check that there are no
# collisions, and refuse to do any publishing if that's the case...
apps = common.read_metadata()
apps = metadata.read_metadata()
allaliases = []
for app in apps:
m = md5.new()
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
import sys
import os
from optparse import OptionParser
import common
import common, metadata
config = None
options = None
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ def main():
config = common.read_config(options)
# Get all apps...
apps = common.read_metadata(package=options.package, xref=False)
apps = metadata.read_metadata(package=options.package, xref=False)
if len(apps) == 0 and options.package:
print "No such package"
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ def main():
for app in apps:
print "Writing " + app['id']
common.write_metadata(os.path.join('metadata', app['id']) + '.txt', app)
metadata.write_metadata(os.path.join('metadata', app['id']) + '.txt', app)
print "Finished."
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import sys
import os
import traceback
from optparse import OptionParser
import common
import common, metadata
from common import BuildException
from common import VCSException
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def main():
config = common.read_config(options)
# Get all apps...
apps = common.read_metadata()
apps = metadata.read_metadata()
# Filter apps according to command-line options
if options.package:
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import traceback
import glob
from optparse import OptionParser
import paramiko
import common
import common, metadata
import socket
import subprocess
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def main():
# Get all metadata-defined apps...
metaapps = common.read_metadata(options.verbose)
metaapps = metadata.read_metadata(options.verbose)
statsdir = 'stats'
logsdir = os.path.join(statsdir, 'logs')
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import pickle
from xml.dom.minidom import Document
from optparse import OptionParser
import time
import common
import common, metadata
from common import MetaDataException
from PIL import Image
@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ def update_wiki(apps, apks):
wikidata += " - [http://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdid=" + app['id'] + " view in repository]\n\n"
wikidata += "=Description=\n"
wikidata += common.description_wiki(app['Description']) + "\n"
wikidata += metadata.description_wiki(app['Description']) + "\n"
wikidata += "=Maintainer Notes=\n"
if 'Maintainer Notes' in app:
wikidata += common.description_wiki(app['Maintainer Notes']) + "\n"
wikidata += metadata.description_wiki(app['Maintainer Notes']) + "\n"
wikidata += "\nMetadata: [https://gitorious.org/f-droid/fdroiddata/source/master:metadata/{0}.txt current] [https://gitorious.org/f-droid/fdroiddata/history/metadata/{0}.txt history]\n".format(app['id'])
# Get a list of all packages for this application...
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ def update_wiki(apps, apks):
def delete_disabled_builds(apps, apkcache, repodirs):
"""Delete disabled build outputs.
:param apps: list of all applications, as per common.read_metadata
:param apps: list of all applications, as per metadata.read_metadata
:param apkcache: current apk cache information
:param repodirs: the repo directories to process
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ def resize_icon(iconpath):
def resize_all_icons(repodirs):
"""Resize all icons that exceed the max size
:param apps: list of all applications, as per common.read_metadata
:param apps: list of all applications, as per metadata.read_metadata
:param repodirs: the repo directories to process
for repodir in repodirs:
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ def scan_apks(apps, apkcache, repodir, knownapks):
This also extracts the icons.
:param apps: list of all applications, as per common.read_metadata
:param apps: list of all applications, as per metadata.read_metadata
:param apkcache: current apk cache information
:param repodir: repo directory to scan
:param knownapks: known apks info
@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ def make_index(apps, apks, repodir, archive, categories):
return ("fdroid.app:" + link, app['Name'])
raise MetaDataException("Cannot resolve app id " + link)
common.description_html(app['Description'], linkres), doc, apel)
metadata.description_html(app['Description'], linkres), doc, apel)
addElement('license', app['License'], doc, apel)
if 'Categories' in app:
appcategories = [c.strip() for c in app['Categories'].split(',')]
@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ def main():
# Get all apps...
apps = common.read_metadata()
apps = metadata.read_metadata()
# Generate a list of categories...
categories = []
Reference in New Issue
Block a user