'ndk_paths' will be automatically filled out from well known sources
like $ANDROID_HOME/ndk-bundle and $ANDROID_HOME/ndk/*. If a required
version is missing in the buildserver VM, it will be automatically
downloaded and installed into the standard $ANDROID_HOME/ndk/
directory. Manually setting it here will override the auto-detected
values. The keys can either be the "release" (e.g. r21e) or the
"revision" (e.g. 21.4.7075529).
* sdkmanager installs "ndk;12.3.4567890" into $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/ndk/
* sdkmanager installs "ndk-bundle" into $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/ndk-bundle/
There are two version numbers used for NDKs: the "release" and the
"revision". The "release" is used in the download URL and zipball and the
"revision" is used in the source.properties and the gradle ndkVersion field.
Also, there are some builds which need multiple NDKs installed, so this
makes it possible to have a list of release/revision entries in build.ndk.
This does not yet add full support since _fdroidserver/build.py_ will also
need changes.
Following the pattern of the gradle bot, this will check the transparency
log for any new NDK release. If there are any, it will make a merge
request from @fdroid-bot.
This keeps the Long Term Support release and the latest release installed.
r10e was kept in because it needs a special extraction method, since it is
a .bin file, not a .zip. r12b is kept in because it is the old default.
Here is a survey of the NDK versions used in the most recent Builds entry
in each app that uses the NDK:
{'r10e': 6,
'r12b': 93,
'r13b': 4,
'r14b': 5,
'r15c': 7,
'r16b': 14,
'r17b': 4,
'r17c': 7,
'r18b': 9,
'r19c': 17,
'r20': 1,
'r20b': 22,
'r21': 3,
'r21d': 56,
'r21e': 65,
'r22': 9,
'r22b': 15,
'r9b': 1}
import glob
import os
import yaml
from yaml import CSafeLoader as SafeLoader
except ImportError:
from yaml import SafeLoader
ndks = dict()
for f in glob.glob('metadata/*.yml'):
with open(f) as fp:
app = yaml.load(fp, Loader=SafeLoader)
if app.get('Disable'):
build = app.get('Builds', [])[-1]
if build.get('disabled'):
ndk = build.get('ndk')
if ndk and ndk[1] == '9':
print(f, build)
elif ndk and int(ndk[2:3]) < 18:
print(f, build)
if ndk:
print(f, ndk)
if ndk not in ndks:
ndks[ndk] = 0
ndks[ndk] += 1
import pprint
Before, whenever an unsigned APK failed to reproduce, it was just deleted.
That makes debugging hard. This makes it keep the unsigned APK, which is
written in tmp/ when using --test.
@jspricke this is related to !864
We switched to apksigner in 50f0534d but old apks where still verified
with jarsigner (or an old apksigner version). Bumping the
METADATA_VERSION to force a rebuild of apkcache.
Hopefully this resolves de.chagemann.regexcrossword getting the
KnownVuln, DisabledAlgorithm tags.
* origin/master:
gitlab-ci: prevent dualing linters: pyflakes vs mypy
jenkins-build-all: refocus on building reproducible apps first
publish: rename vars to match naming in JAR Signature docs
common.py: update copyrights
apksigcopier: remove exclude_all_meta logic
apksigcopier: purge main() to avoid confusion
force apksigcopier "AUTO" to select sigs by available files
publish: add test for reproduble builds with signatures
vendor & use apksigcopier v0.4.0-12-g93d8e14
use subclass hack for better ZIP cloning