This test ran before was setup, so it didn't respect the test
setup. Things like "make_current_version_link = False" are needed so that
the checkupdates tests work like on the official infrastructure. Also,
./tests/run-tests has many `fdroid update` tests, so having it here just
wastes time. The tests that are directly in this script are meant to test
the separate build/sign setup.
These links will make checkupdates fail since they will make the git repo
dirty. There is also a mystery "cache/" subdir, but I don't know what is
making that.
There have been frequent failures on import, some bugs suggest that it
might be because these dirs are missing. They would get wiped by a
`git clean -fdx`.
jenkins-build-all just sets `build_server_always = True`, these tests need
a whole keystore setup. So just delete the existing config, and let
`fdroid init` do the rest.
The setup and build_all jobs take a very long time to run, so its really
annoying when they are marked as failed just because one small thing in the
test suite failed. So move the test suite to its own job that can be run
more frequently.