Use Built:Yes License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Summary:Auto-control ring, volume, brightness, etc on a schedule Description: Allows you to set multiple schedules to control mute, vibrate, brightness, WiFi and airplane mode. . Repo Type:hg Repo: #This previous version was svn from #Build Version:1.09.03,10903,45,subdir=Timeriffic,oldsdkloc=yes Build Version:1.09.05,10905,fc40dccbb9,subdir=Timeriffic,oldsdkloc=yes,novcheck=yes,bindir=Timeriffic/bin2 #NOTE: Far from obvious which commit corresponds to version 1.09.09. Also #note the source tree re-org, which means some of the settings above need #to change, and also the switch to android-11 as a target. Build Version:1.09.11,10911,!Can't find correct commit. See metadata notes too. Build Version:1.09.12,10912,!No source for this in the repo Market Version:1.09.12 Market Version Code:10912