--- variables: pip: pip3 --timeout 100 --retries 10 # speed up git checkout phase GIT_DEPTH: 1 # Run the whole test suite in an environment that is like the # buildserver guest VM. This installs python3-babel because that is # only used by the test suite, and not needed in the buildserver. # # Some extra packages are required for this test run that are not # provided by the buildserver since they are not needed there: # * python3-babel for compiling localization files # * gnupg-agent for the full signing setup # * python3-clint for fancy progress bars for users buildserver run-tests: image: registry.gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver:buildserver script: - apt-get update - apt-get install gnupg-agent jq python3-babel python3-clint - ./tests/run-tests # make sure that translations do not cause stacktraces - cd $CI_PROJECT_DIR/locale - for locale in *; do test -d $locale || continue; for cmd in `sed -n 's/.*("\(.*\)", *_.*/\1/p' $CI_PROJECT_DIR/fdroid`; do LANGUAGE=$locale $CI_PROJECT_DIR/fdroid $cmd --help > /dev/null; done done # Test that the parsing of the .yml metadata format didn't change from last # released version. This uses the commit ID of the release tags, # rather than the release tag itself so that contributor forks do not # need to include the tags in them for this test to work. # # The COMMIT_ID should be bumped after each release, so that the list # of sed hacks needed does not continuously grow. metadata_v0: image: registry.gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver:buildserver variables: GIT_DEPTH: 1000 RELEASE_COMMIT_ID: 1c2187a53bfb7a92cb9837435ae3717aacf5920d # 2.3a0 script: - git fetch https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver.git $RELEASE_COMMIT_ID - cd tests - export GITCOMMIT=`git describe` - git checkout $RELEASE_COMMIT_ID - cd .. - git clone --depth 1 https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata.git - cd fdroiddata - ../tests/dump_internal_metadata_format.py - cd .. - git reset --hard - git checkout $GITCOMMIT - cd fdroiddata - ../tests/dump_internal_metadata_format.py - sed -i -e "/buildozer/d" -e '/^comments\W /d' -e 's,maven\(\W\) false,maven\1 null,' metadata/dump_*/*.yaml - diff -uw metadata/dump_* .apt-template: &apt-template variables: DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive LANG: C.UTF-8 before_script: - echo Etc/UTC > /etc/timezone - echo 'APT::Install-Recommends "0";' 'APT::Install-Suggests "0";' 'APT::Get::Assume-Yes "true";' 'Acquire::Retries "20";' 'Dpkg::Use-Pty "0";' 'quiet "1";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99gitlab - apt-get update - apt-get dist-upgrade # Since F-Droid uses Debian as its default platform, from production # servers to CI to contributor machines, it is important to know when # changes in Debian break our stuff. This tests against the latest # dependencies as they are included in Debian. debian_testing: image: debian:testing <<: *apt-template only: - master@fdroid/fdroidserver script: - apt-get install aapt androguard apksigner dexdump fdroidserver git gnupg ipfs-cid jq python3-defusedxml python3-setuptools sdkmanager - python3 -c 'import fdroidserver' - python3 -c 'import androguard' - python3 -c 'import sdkmanager' - cd tests - ./run-tests # Test using latest LTS set up with the PPA, including Recommends. ubuntu_lts_ppa: image: ubuntu:latest <<: *apt-template only: - master@fdroid/fdroidserver script: - export ANDROID_HOME=/usr/lib/android-sdk - apt-get install gnupg - while ! apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-key 9AAC253193B65D4DF1D0A13EEC4632C79C5E0151; do sleep 15; done - export RELEASE=`sed -n 's,^deb [^ ][^ ]* \([a-z]*\).*,\1,p' /etc/apt/sources.list | head -1` - echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/fdroid/fdroidserver/ubuntu $RELEASE main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list - apt-get update - apt-get dist-upgrade - apt-get install --install-recommends dexdump fdroidserver git jq python3-setuptools sdkmanager # Test things work with a default branch other than 'master' - git config --global init.defaultBranch thisisnotmasterormain - cd tests - ./run-tests # Test using Ubuntu/jammy LTS (supported til April, 2027) with depends # from pypi and sdkmanager. The venv is used to isolate the dist # tarball generation environment from the clean install environment. ubuntu_jammy_pip: image: ubuntu:jammy <<: *apt-template script: - apt-get install git default-jdk-headless jq python3-pip python3-venv rsync # setup venv to act as release build machine - python3 -m venv sdist-env - . sdist-env/bin/activate - ./setup.py sdist - deactivate - tar tzf dist/fdroidserver-*.tar.gz # back to bare machine to act as user's install machine - export ANDROID_HOME=/opt/android-sdk - $pip install sdkmanager - sdkmanager 'build-tools;33.0.0' - $pip install dist/fdroidserver-*.tar.gz - tar xzf dist/fdroidserver-*.tar.gz - cd fdroidserver-* - export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/build-tools/33.0.0 - fdroid=`which fdroid` ./tests/run-tests # check localization was properly installed - LANGUAGE='de' fdroid --help | grep 'Gültige Befehle sind' # test installation process on a bleeding edge distro with pip arch_pip_install: image: archlinux only: - master@fdroid/fdroidserver script: - pacman --sync --sysupgrade --refresh --noconfirm gcc git grep python-pip python-virtualenv python-wheel tar - pip install -e .[test] - fdroid - fdroid readmeta - fdroid update --help # The gradlew-fdroid tests are isolated from the rest of the test # suite, so they run as their own job. gradlew-fdroid: image: debian:bullseye <<: *apt-template only: changes: - .gitlab-ci.yml - gradlew-fdroid - tests/test-gradlew-fdroid script: - apt-get install ca-certificates curl default-jdk-headless unzip - ./tests/test-gradlew-fdroid # Run all the various linters and static analysis tools. lint_format_safety_bandit_checks: image: debian:bookworm-slim variables: LANG: C.UTF-8 script: - apt-get update - apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends bash ca-certificates dash gcc git make pycodestyle pyflakes3 pylint python3-dev python3-git python3-nose python3-pip python3-yaml - $pip install --break-system-packages bandit safety - export EXITVALUE=0 - function set_error() { export EXITVALUE=1; printf "\x1b[31mERROR `history|tail -2|head -1|cut -b 6-500`\x1b[0m\n"; } - ./hooks/pre-commit || set_error - bandit -r -ii --ini .bandit || set_error - safety check --full-report || set_error - pylint --output-format=colorized --reports=n fdroid makebuildserver setup.py fdroidserver/*.py tests/*.py tests/*.TestCase || set_error - exit $EXITVALUE # Run all the various linters and static analysis tools. locales: image: debian:bookworm-slim variables: LANG: C.UTF-8 script: - apt-get update - apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends gettext make python3-babel - export EXITVALUE=0 - function set_error() { export EXITVALUE=1; printf "\x1b[31mERROR `history|tail -2|head -1|cut -b 6-500`\x1b[0m\n"; } - make -C locale compile || set_error - rm -f locale/*/*/*.mo - pybabel compile --domain=fdroidserver --directory locale 2>&1 | { grep -F "error:" && exit 1; } || true - exit $EXITVALUE black: image: debian:bookworm-slim <<: *apt-template script: - apt-get install black - black --check --diff --color $CI_PROJECT_DIR fedora_latest: image: fedora:latest only: - master@fdroid/fdroidserver script: # tricks to hopefully make runs more reliable - echo "timeout=600" >> /etc/dnf/dnf.conf - echo "retries=50" >> /etc/dnf/dnf.conf - echo "keepcache=True" >> /etc/dnf/dnf.conf - dnf -y update || dnf -y update - dnf -y install @development-tools diffutils findutils git gnupg java-17-openjdk-devel jq openssl python3 python3-babel python3-matplotlib python3-pip rsync which - $pip install sdkmanager - ./setup.py sdist - useradd -m -c "test account" --password "fakepassword" testuser - su testuser --login --command "cd `pwd`; $pip install --user dist/fdroidserver-*.tar.gz" - test -e ~testuser/.local/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/fdroidserver.mo - export BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION=`sed -n "s,^MINIMUM_APKSIGNER_BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION\s*=\s*['\"]\(.*\)[['\"],\1,p" fdroidserver/common.py` - export ANDROID_HOME=`pwd`/android-sdk - mkdir -p $ANDROID_HOME/licenses/ - printf "\n8933bad161af4178b1185d1a37fbf41ea5269c55\nd56f5187479451eabf01fb78af6dfcb131a6481e\n24333f8a63b6825ea9c5514f83c2829b004d1fee" > $ANDROID_HOME/licenses/android-sdk-license - printf "\n84831b9409646a918e30573bab4c9c91346d8abd" > $ANDROID_HOME/licenses/android-sdk-preview-license - printf "\n79120722343a6f314e0719f863036c702b0e6b2a\n84831b9409646a918e30573bab4c9c91346d8abd" > $ANDROID_HOME/licenses/android-sdk-preview-license-old - mkdir ~/.android - touch ~/.android/repositories.cfg - sdkmanager "platform-tools" "build-tools;$BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION" - chown -R testuser . - cd tests - su testuser --login --command "cd `pwd`; export ANDROID_HOME=$ANDROID_HOME; fdroid=~testuser/.local/bin/fdroid ./run-tests" gradle: image: debian:bullseye <<: *apt-template variables: GIT_DEPTH: 1000 script: - apt-get install ca-certificates git openssh-client python3-bs4 python3-colorama python3-git python3-gitlab python3-requests # if this is a merge request fork, then only check if relevant files changed - if [ "$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE" != "fdroid" ]; then git fetch https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver.git; for f in `git diff --name-only --diff-filter=d FETCH_HEAD...HEAD`; do test "$f" == "makebuildserver" && export CHANGED="yes"; test "$f" == "gradlew-fdroid" && export CHANGED="yes"; done; test -z "$CHANGED" && exit; fi - ./tests/gradle-release-checksums.py # Run an actual build in a simple, faked version of the buildserver guest VM. fdroid build: image: registry.gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver:buildserver only: changes: - .gitlab-ci.yml - fdroidserver/build.py - fdroidserver/common.py - fdroidserver/exception.py - fdroidserver/metadata.py - fdroidserver/net.py - fdroidserver/scanner.py - fdroidserver/vmtools.py cache: key: "$CI_JOB_NAME" paths: - .gradle script: - apt-get update - apt-get dist-upgrade - apt-get clean - test -n "$fdroidserver" || source /etc/profile.d/bsenv.sh - ln -fsv "$CI_PROJECT_DIR" "$fdroidserver" # TODO remove sdkmanager install once it is included in the buildserver image - apt-get install sdkmanager - rm -rf "$ANDROID_HOME/tools" # TODO remove once sdkmanager can upgrade installed packages - sdkmanager "tools" "platform-tools" "build-tools;31.0.0" - git ls-remote https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata.git master - git clone --depth 1 https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata.git - cd fdroiddata - for d in build logs repo tmp unsigned $home_vagrant/.android; do test -d $d || mkdir $d; chown -R vagrant $d; done - export GRADLE_USER_HOME=$home_vagrant/.gradle - export fdroid="sudo --preserve-env --user vagrant env PATH=$fdroidserver:$PATH env PYTHONPATH=$fdroidserver:$fdroidserver/examples env PYTHONUNBUFFERED=true env TERM=$TERM env HOME=$home_vagrant fdroid" - chown -R vagrant $home_vagrant - chown -R vagrant $fdroidserver/.git - chown vagrant $fdroidserver/ - chown -R vagrant .git - chown vagrant . # try user build - $fdroid build --verbose --latest org.fdroid.fdroid.privileged # try on-server build - $fdroid build --verbose --on-server --no-tarball --latest org.fdroid.fdroid # each `fdroid build --on-server` run expects sudo, then uninstalls it - if dpkg --list sudo; then echo "sudo should not be still there"; exit 1; fi - 'if [ ! -f repo/status/running.json ]; then echo "ERROR: running.json does not exist!"; exit 1; fi' - 'if [ ! -f repo/status/build.json ]; then echo "ERROR: build.json does not exist!"; exit 1; fi' # test the plugin API and specifically the fetchsrclibs plugin, which # is used by the `fdroid build` job. This uses a fixed commit from # fdroiddata because that one is known to work, and this is a CI job, # so it should be isolated from the normal churn of fdroiddata. plugin_fetchsrclibs: image: debian:bullseye <<: *apt-template only: changes: - .gitlab-ci.yml - examples/fdroid_fetchsrclibs.py - fdroidserver/__main__.py script: - apt-get install curl git python3-cffi python3-matplotlib python3-nacl python3-paramiko python3-pil python3-pip python3-pycparser python3-venv - python3 -m venv --system-site-packages env - . env/bin/activate - export PATH="$CI_PROJECT_DIR:$PATH" - export PYTHONPATH="$CI_PROJECT_DIR/examples" # workaround https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1003252 - export SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS=stdlib - $pip install -e . - fdroid | grep fetchsrclibs - mkdir fdroiddata - commitid=b9e9a077d720c86ff6fff4dbb341254cc4370b1a - curl https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/-/archive/${commitid}/fdroiddata-${commitid}.tar.gz | tar -xz --directory=fdroiddata --strip-components=1 - cd fdroiddata - fdroid fetchsrclibs freemap.opentrail:9 --verbose - test -d build/freemap.opentrail/.git - test -d build/srclib/andromaps/.git - test -d build/srclib/freemaplib/.git - test -d build/srclib/freemaplibProj/.git - test -d build/srclib/JCoord/.git - test -d build/srclib/javaproj/.git # test a full update and deploy cycle to gitlab.com servergitmirrors: image: debian:bullseye-backports <<: *apt-template only: - master@fdroid/fdroidserver script: - apt-get install default-jdk-headless git openssh-client openssl python3-cffi python3-cryptography python3-matplotlib python3-nacl python3-pil python3-pip python3-pycparser python3-setuptools python3-venv rsync wget - apt-get install -t bullseye-backports apksigner - python3 -m venv --system-site-packages env - . env/bin/activate - export PYTHONPATH=`pwd` - export SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS=stdlib # https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/2956 - $pip install -e . - mkdir /root/.ssh/ - ./tests/key-tricks.py - ssh-keyscan gitlab.com >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts - test -d /tmp/fdroid/repo || mkdir -p /tmp/fdroid/repo - cp tests/config.py tests/keystore.jks /tmp/fdroid/ - cp tests/repo/com.politedroid_6.apk /tmp/fdroid/repo/ - cd /tmp/fdroid - touch fdroid-icon.png - printf "\nservergitmirrors = 'git@gitlab.com:fdroid/ci-test-servergitmirrors-repo.git'\n" >> config.py - $PYTHONPATH/fdroid update --verbose --create-metadata - $PYTHONPATH/fdroid deploy --verbose - export DLURL=`grep -Eo 'https://gitlab.com/fdroid/ci-test-servergitmirrors-repo[^"]+' repo/index-v1.json` - echo $DLURL - wget $DLURL/index-v1.jar - diff repo/index-v1.jar index-v1.jar Build documentation: image: debian:bookworm <<: *apt-template script: - apt-get install make python3-sphinx python3-numpydoc python3-pydata-sphinx-theme pydocstyle fdroidserver - apt purge fdroidserver - pydocstyle fdroidserver - cd docs - sphinx-apidoc -o ./source ../fdroidserver -M -e - PYTHONPATH=.. sphinx-autogen -o generated source/*.rst - PYTHONPATH=.. make html artifacts: paths: - docs/build/html/ # this job will only run in branches called "windows" until the Windows port is complete Windows: tags: - windows only: - windows script: - Import-Module "$env:ChocolateyInstall\helpers\chocolateyProfile.psm1" - choco install --no-progress -y git --force --params "/GitAndUnixToolsOnPath" - choco install --no-progress -y python3 --version=3.10 - choco install --no-progress -y jdk8 - choco install --no-progress -y rsync - refreshenv - python -m pip install --upgrade babel pip setuptools - python -m pip install -e . - $files = @(Get-ChildItem tests\*.TestCase) - foreach ($f in $files) { write-output $f; python $f; if( $LASTEXITCODE -eq 0 ) { write-output "SUCCESS $f"; } else { write-output "ERROR $f failed"; } } # these are the tests that must pass - python tests\checkupdates.TestCase - python tests\exception.TestCase - python tests\import_subcommand.TestCase - python tests\init.TestCase - python tests\lint.TestCase - python tests\main.TestCase - python tests\metadata.TestCase - python tests\rewritemeta.TestCase - python tests\vcs.TestCase after_script: - Copy-Item C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\logs\chocolatey.log artifacts: when: always paths: - "*.log" allow_failure: exit_codes: 1 pages: image: alpine:latest stage: deploy script: - cp docs/build/html public -r # GL Pages needs the files in a directory named "public" artifacts: paths: - public needs: ["Build documentation"] rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH' # only publish pages on default (master) branch # This job pushes the official CI docker image based on the master # branch, so in fdroid/fdroidserver, it should only run on the master # branch. Otherwise, tags or other branches will overwrite the docker # image which is supposed to be what is in master. docker: dependencies: - fdroid build only: changes: - .gitlab-ci.yml - makebuildserver - buildserver/* variables: - $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "master" || $CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE != "fdroid" image: docker:git services: - docker:dind variables: RELEASE_IMAGE: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:buildserver script: # git ref names can contain many chars that are not allowed in docker tags - export TEST_IMAGE=$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$(printf $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME | sed 's,[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-],_,g') - cd buildserver - docker build -t $TEST_IMAGE --build-arg GIT_REV_PARSE_HEAD=$(git rev-parse HEAD) . - docker tag $TEST_IMAGE $RELEASE_IMAGE - docker tag $TEST_IMAGE ${RELEASE_IMAGE}-bullseye - echo $CI_JOB_TOKEN | docker login -u gitlab-ci-token --password-stdin registry.gitlab.com # This avoids filling up gitlab.com free tier accounts with unused docker images. - if test -z "$FDROID_PUSH_DOCKER_IMAGE"; then echo "Skipping docker push to save quota on your gitlab namespace."; echo "If you want to enable the push, set FDROID_PUSH_DOCKER_IMAGE in"; echo "https://gitlab.com/$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE/fdroidserver/-/settings/ci_cd#js-cicd-variables-settings"; exit 0; fi - docker push $RELEASE_IMAGE - docker push $RELEASE_IMAGE-bullseye