(dp0 S'Update Check Data' p1 NsS'Bitcoin' p2 NsS'AntiFeatures' p3 (lp4 S'Tracking' p5 aS'NonFreeNet' p6 asS'Web Site' p7 S'http://osmand.net' p8 sS'Auto Update Mode' p9 S'None' p10 sS'Provides' p11 NsS'Issue Tracker' p12 S'https://github.com/osmandapp/Osmand/issues' p13 sS'Donate' p14 S'https://code.google.com/p/osmand/#Please_support_the_project' p15 sS'Repo Type' p16 S'git' p17 sS'Description' p18 (lp19 S"Osmand~'s features can be extended by enabling the plugins via the settings," p20 aS'which include online maps from many sources, tracking, OpenStreetMap (OSM) editing and' p21 aS'accessibility enhancements.' p22 aS'' p23 aS'Map data of both vector and raster types can be stored on the phone memory' p24 aS'card for offline usage, and navigation by default uses offline methods. Map' p25 aS'data packages for many territories can be downloaded from within the app and' p26 aS'there is a desktop program available on the website as well for creating your' p27 aS'own.' p28 ag23 aS'Anti-Features: Tracking - It will send your device and application specs to an' p29 aS'Analytics server upon downloading the list of maps you can download.' p30 ag23 aS'[https://osmandapp.github.io/changes.html Changelog]' p31 asS'Requires Root' p32 I00 sS'comments' p33 (lp34 sS'id' p35 S'net.osmand.plus' p36 sS'Repo' p37 S'https://github.com/mvdan/OsmAnd-submodules' p38 sS'No Source Since' p39 g23 sS'Auto Name' p40 g23 sS'Categories' p41 (lp42 S'Navigation' p43 asS'Source Code' p44 S'https://github.com/osmandapp/Osmand' p45 sS'Litecoin' p46 NsS'Update Check Ignore' p47 NsS'Name' p48 S'OsmAnd~' p49 sS'License' p50 S'GPLv3' p51 sS'Changelog' p52 g23 sS'Update Check Mode' p53 S'None' p54 sS'Summary' p55 S'Offline/online maps and navigation' p56 sS'Dogecoin' p57 NsS'Maintainer Notes' p58 (lp59 S'No UCMs apply because git never contains actual releases, only pre-releses.' p60 ag23 aS'The build instructions have been moved to a script in the root of the repo,' p61 aS"'build'. This way it can be updated along with the submodules." p62 asS'Current Version Code' p63 S'197' p64 sS'Binaries' p65 NsS'Archive Policy' p66 NsS'builds' p67 (lp68 (dp69 S'submodules' p70 I01 sS'vercode' p71 S'182' p72 sS'forceversion' p73 I00 sS'oldsdkloc' p74 I00 sS'kivy' p75 I00 sS'gradle' p76 I00 sS'scanignore' p77 (lp78 sS'srclibs' p79 (lp80 sS'encoding' p81 NsS'extlibs' p82 (lp83 sS'init' p84 g23 sS'version' p85 S'1.8.2' p86 sS'build' p87 S'./old-ndk-build.sh && ant -Dsdk.dir="$ANDROID_SDK" -Dndk.dir="$ANDROID_NDK" -DBLACKBERRY_BUILD=false -DBUILD_SUFFIX= -DAPK_NUMBER_VERSION=182 "-DFEATURES=+play_market +gps_status -parking_plugin -blackberry -amazon -route_nav" -DCLEAN_CPP=false -DPACKAGE_TO_BUILT=net.osmand.plus -DAPK_VERSION=1.8.2 -Dnet.osmand.plus= -Dbuild.version=1.8.2 -Dbuild.version.code=182 -Dnativeoff=false "-DversionFeatures=+play_market +gps_status -parking_plugin -blackberry -amazon -route_nav" clean release' p88 sS'rm' p89 (lp90 sS'type' p91 S'raw' p92 sS'subdir' p93 S'android/OsmAnd' p94 sS'ndk_path' p95 g23 sS'forcevercode' p96 I00 sS'preassemble' p97 (lp98 sS'update' p99 (lp100 S'auto' p101 asS'maven' p102 I00 sS'disable' p103 I00 sS'commit' p104 S'76ada6c8a08afe69acb755503373ac36328ef665' p105 sS'scandelete' p106 (lp107 sS'buildjni' p108 (lp109 S'no' p110 asS'ndk' p111 S'r10e' p112 sS'target' p113 NsS'antcommands' p114 NsS'patch' p115 (lp116 sS'prebuild' p117 S'sed -i \'s/"OsmAnd+"/"OsmAnd~"/g\' build.xml' p118 sS'novcheck' p119 I00 sS'output' p120 S'bin/OsmAnd-release-unsigned.apk' p121 sa(dp122 S'submodules' p123 I01 sg71 S'183' p124 sg73 I00 sg74 I00 sg75 I00 sg76 I00 sg77 g78 sg79 g80 sg81 Nsg82 g83 sg84 g23 sg85 S'1.8.3' p125 sS'subdir' p126 S'android/OsmAnd' p127 sg89 g90 sg91 g92 sS'build' p128 S'../../build' p129 sg95 g23 sg96 I00 sg97 g98 sg99 g100 sg102 I00 sg103 I00 sS'commit' p130 S'1.8.3' p131 sg106 g107 sS'buildjni' p132 (lp133 S'no' p134 asg111 g112 sg113 Nsg114 Nsg115 g116 sS'prebuild' p135 g23 sg119 I00 sS'output' p136 S'bin/OsmAnd-release-unsigned.apk' p137 sa(dp138 S'submodules' p139 I01 sg71 S'196' p140 sg73 I00 sg74 I00 sg75 I00 sg76 I00 sg77 g78 sg79 g80 sg81 Nsg82 g83 sg84 g23 sg85 S'1.9.4' p141 sS'subdir' p142 S'android/OsmAnd' p143 sg89 g90 sg91 g92 sS'build' p144 S'../../build' p145 sg95 g23 sg96 I00 sg97 g98 sg99 g100 sg102 I00 sg103 I00 sS'commit' p146 S'1.9.4' p147 sg106 g107 sS'buildjni' p148 (lp149 S'no' p150 asS'ndk' p151 S'r10d' p152 sg113 Nsg114 Nsg115 g116 sg135 g23 sg119 I00 sS'output' p153 S'bin/OsmAnd-release-unsigned.apk' p154 sa(dp155 S'submodules' p156 I01 sg71 S'197' p157 sg73 I00 sg74 I00 sg75 I00 sg76 I00 sg77 g78 sg79 g80 sg81 Nsg82 g83 sg84 g23 sg85 S'1.9.5' p158 sS'subdir' p159 S'android/OsmAnd' p160 sg89 g90 sg91 g92 sS'build' p161 S'../../build' p162 sg95 g23 sg96 I00 sg97 g98 sg99 g100 sg102 I00 sg103 I00 sS'commit' p163 S'1.9.5' p164 sg106 g107 sS'buildjni' p165 (lp166 S'no' p167 asS'ndk' p168 S'r10d' p169 sg113 Nsg114 Nsg115 g116 sg135 g23 sg119 I00 sS'output' p170 S'bin/OsmAnd-release-unsigned.apk' p171 sasS'FlattrID' p172 NsS'Disabled' p173 NsS'Update Check Name' p174 NsS'Vercode Operation' p175 NsS'Current Version' p176 S'1.9.5' p177 s.