Ads: description: This app contains advertising icon: ic_antifeature_ads.xml name: Ads DisabledAlgorithm: description: This app has a weak security signature icon: ic_antifeature_disabledalgorithm.xml name: Signed Using An Unsafe Algorithm KnownVuln: description: This app contains a known security vulnerability icon: ic_antifeature_knownvuln.xml name: Known Vulnerability NSFW: description: This app contains content that should not be publicized or visible everywhere icon: ic_antifeature_nsfw.xml name: NSFW NoSourceSince: description: The source code is no longer available, no updates possible. icon: ic_antifeature_nosourcesince.xml name: Newer Source Not Available NonFreeAdd: description: This app promotes non-free add-ons icon: ic_antifeature_nonfreeadd.xml name: Non-Free Addons NonFreeAssets: description: This app contains non-free assets icon: ic_antifeature_nonfreeassets.xml name: Non-Free Assets NonFreeDep: description: This app depends on other non-free apps icon: ic_antifeature_nonfreedep.xml name: Non-Free Dependencies NonFreeNet: description: This app promotes or depends entirely on a non-free network service icon: ic_antifeature_nonfreenet.xml name: Non-Free Network Services Tracking: description: This app tracks and reports your activity icon: ic_antifeature_tracking.xml name: Tracking UpstreamNonFree: description: The upstream source code is not entirely Free icon: ic_antifeature_upstreamnonfree.xml name: Upstream Non-Free