#!/usr/bin/env python3 import git import gitlab import json import os import re import requests import subprocess from colorama import Fore, Style checksums = None versions = dict() while not checksums: r = requests.get( 'https://gitlab.com/fdroid/android-sdk-transparency-log/-/raw/master/checksums.json' ) if r.status_code == 200: checksums = r.json() with open('fdroidserver/common.py') as fp: common_py = fp.read() to_compile = re.search(r'\nNDKS = [^\]]+\]', common_py).group() if not to_compile: exit(1) code = compile(to_compile, '', 'exec') config = {} exec(code, None, config) # nosec this is just a CI script ndks = [] errors = 0 release = None revision = None for k, entries in checksums.items(): if k.endswith('.zip') and k.startswith( 'https://dl.google.com/android/repository/android-ndk' ): m = re.search(r'-(r[1-9][0-9]?[a-z]?)-linux', k) if m: d = {'url': k, 'release': m.group(1), 'sha256': checksums[k][0]['sha256']} for entry in entries: if 'source.properties' in entry: n = re.search( r'[1-9][0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]{7}', entry['source.properties'] ) if n: d['revision'] = n.group() ndks.append(d) for d in config['NDKS']: if k == d['url']: sha256 = d['sha256'] found = False for entry in entries: if sha256 == entry['sha256']: found = True if not found: print( Fore.RED + ( 'ERROR: checksum mismatch: %s != %s' % (sha256, entry['sha256']) ) + Style.RESET_ALL ) errors += 1 with open('fdroidserver/common.py', 'w') as fp: fp.write( common_py.replace( to_compile, '\nNDKS = ' + json.dumps(ndks, indent=4, sort_keys=True) ) ) if os.getenv('CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE') != 'fdroid': p = subprocess.run(['git', '--no-pager', 'diff']) print(p.stdout) exit(errors) # This only runs after commits are pushed to fdroid/fdroidserver git_repo = git.repo.Repo('.') modified = git_repo.git().ls_files(modified=True).split() if git_repo.is_dirty() and 'fdroidserver/common.py' in modified: branch = git_repo.create_head(os.path.basename(__file__), force=True) branch.checkout() git_repo.index.add(['fdroidserver/common.py']) author = git.Actor('fdroid-bot', 'fdroid-bot@f-droid.org') git_repo.index.commit('Android NDK %s (%s)' % (release, revision), author=author) project_path = 'fdroid-bot/' + os.getenv('CI_PROJECT_NAME') url = 'https://gitlab-ci-token:%s@%s/%s.git' % ( os.getenv('PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN'), os.getenv('CI_SERVER_HOST'), project_path, ) remote_name = 'fdroid-bot' try: remote = git_repo.create_remote(remote_name, url) except git.exc.GitCommandError: remote = git.remote.Remote(git_repo, remote_name) remote.set_url(url) remote.push(force=True) git.remote.Remote.rm(git_repo, remote_name) private_token = os.getenv('PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN') if not private_token: print( Fore.RED + 'ERROR: GitLab Token not found in PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN!' + Style.RESET_ALL ) exit(1) gl = gitlab.Gitlab( os.getenv('CI_SERVER_URL'), api_version=4, private_token=private_token ) project = gl.projects.get(project_path, lazy=True) description = ( 'see ' '\n\n

generated by GitLab CI Job #%s

' % (os.getenv('CI_PROJECT_URL'), os.getenv('CI_JOB_ID'), os.getenv('CI_JOB_ID')) ) mr = project.mergerequests.create( { 'source_branch': branch.name, 'target_project_id': 36527, # fdroid/fdroidserver 'target_branch': 'master', 'title': 'update NDK', 'description': description, 'labels': ['fdroid-bot', 'buildserver'], 'remove_source_branch': True, } ) mr.save()