#!/usr/bin/env python2 # # You may want to alter these before running ./makebuildserver # Name of the base box to use basebox = "jessie32" # Location where testing32.box can be found, if you don't already have # it. For security reasons, it's recommended that you make your own # in a secure environment using trusted media (see the manual) but # you can use this default if you like... baseboxurl = "https://f-droid.org/jessie32.box" # or if you have a cached local copy, you can use that first: # baseboxurl = ["file:///home/fdroid/fdroidserver/cache/jessie32.box", "https://f-droid.org/jessie32.box"] # The amount of RAM the build server will have memory = 3584 # The number of CPUs the build server will have cpus = 1 # Debian package proxy server - if you have one, e.g. "" aptproxy = None # Set to True if your base box is 64 bit (e.g. testing32.box isn't) arch64 = False