mirror of https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver.git synced 2024-09-28 23:31:55 +02:00
Hans-Christoph Steiner 18f3acc32e split out options from read_config()
There is no longer any reason for these to be intertwined.

This deliberately avoids touching some files as much as possible because
they are super tangled and due to be replaced.  Those files are:

* fdroidserver/build.py
* fdroidserver/update.py

# Conflicts:
#	tests/testcommon.py

# Conflicts:
#	fdroidserver/btlog.py
#	fdroidserver/import_subcommand.py
2024-05-08 16:26:46 +02:00

2770 lines
110 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# update.py - part of the FDroid server tools
# Copyright (C) 2016, Blue Jay Wireless
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016, Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans@eds.org>
# Copyright (C) 2010-2015, Ciaran Gultnieks <ciaran@ciarang.com>
# Copyright (C) 2013-2014, Daniel Martí <mvdan@mvdan.cc>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import argparse
import sys
import os
import shutil
import glob
import logging
import re
import socket
import warnings
import zipfile
import hashlib
import json
import time
import yaml
import copy
import asn1crypto.cms
import defusedxml.ElementTree as ElementTree
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from pathlib import Path
from yaml import CSafeLoader as SafeLoader
except ImportError:
from yaml import SafeLoader
import collections
from binascii import hexlify
from . import _
from . import common
from . import metadata
from .common import DEFAULT_LOCALE
from .exception import BuildException, FDroidException, VerificationException
import fdroidserver.index
from PIL import Image, PngImagePlugin
if hasattr(Image, 'DecompressionBombWarning'):
warnings.simplefilter('error', Image.DecompressionBombWarning)
Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = 0xffffff # 4096x4096
# less than the valid range of versionCode, i.e. Java's Integer.MIN_VALUE
UNSET_VERSION_CODE = -0x100000000
APK_NAME_PAT = re.compile(r".*\Wname='([a-zA-Z0-9._]*)'.*")
APK_VERCODE_PAT = re.compile(".*versionCode='([0-9]*)'.*")
APK_VERNAME_PAT = re.compile(".*versionName='([^']*)'.*")
APK_LABEL_ICON_PAT = re.compile(r".*\s+label='(.*)'\s+icon='(.*?)'")
APK_SDK_VERSION_PAT = re.compile(".*'([0-9]*)'.*")
APK_PERMISSION_PAT = re.compile(r".*name='([^']*)'(?:.*maxSdkVersion='([^']*)')?.*")
APK_FEATURE_PAT = re.compile(".*name='([^']*)'.*")
screen_densities = ['65534', '640', '480', '320', '240', '160', '120']
# resolutions must end with 'dpi'
screen_resolutions = {
"xxxhdpi": '640',
"xxhdpi": '480',
"xhdpi": '320',
"hdpi": '240',
"mdpi": '160',
"ldpi": '120',
"tvdpi": '213',
"undefineddpi": '-1',
"anydpi": '65534',
"nodpi": '65535'
all_screen_densities = ['0'] + screen_densities
UsesPermission = collections.namedtuple('UsesPermission', ['name', 'maxSdkVersion'])
UsesPermissionSdk23 = collections.namedtuple('UsesPermissionSdk23', ['name', 'maxSdkVersion'])
ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = ('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg')
GRAPHIC_NAMES = ('featureGraphic', 'icon', 'promoGraphic', 'tvBanner')
SCREENSHOT_DIRS = ('phoneScreenshots', 'sevenInchScreenshots',
'tenInchScreenshots', 'tvScreenshots', 'wearScreenshots')
BLANK_PNG_INFO = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
def dpi_to_px(density):
return (int(density) * 48) / 160
def px_to_dpi(px):
return (int(px) * 160) / 48
def get_icon_dir(repodir, density):
if density in ('0', '65534'):
return os.path.join(repodir, "icons")
return os.path.join(repodir, "icons-%s" % density)
def get_icon_dirs(repodir):
for density in screen_densities:
yield get_icon_dir(repodir, density)
def get_all_icon_dirs(repodir):
for density in all_screen_densities:
yield get_icon_dir(repodir, density)
def disabled_algorithms_allowed():
return ((options is not None and options.allow_disabled_algorithms)
or (config is not None and config['allow_disabled_algorithms'])
or common.default_config['allow_disabled_algorithms'])
def status_update_json(apps, apks):
"""Output a JSON file with metadata about this `fdroid update` run.
fully populated list of all applications
all to be published apks
logging.debug(_('Outputting JSON'))
output = common.setup_status_output(start_timestamp)
output['antiFeatures'] = dict()
output['disabled'] = []
output['archivePolicy0'] = []
output['failedBuilds'] = dict()
output['noPackages'] = []
output['needsUpdate'] = []
output['noUpdateCheck'] = []
output['apksigner'] = shutil.which(config.get('apksigner', ''))
output['jarsigner'] = shutil.which(config.get('jarsigner', ''))
output['keytool'] = shutil.which(config.get('keytool', ''))
for appid in apps:
app = apps[appid]
for af in app.get('AntiFeatures', dict()):
antiFeatures = output['antiFeatures'] # JSON camelCase
if af not in antiFeatures:
antiFeatures[af] = dict()
if 'apps' not in antiFeatures[af]:
antiFeatures[af]['apps'] = set()
apklist = []
gotcurrentver = False
for apk in apks:
if apk['packageName'] == appid:
if apk['versionCode'] == app.get('CurrentVersionCode'):
gotcurrentver = True
validapks = 0
if app.get('Disabled'):
elif app.get("ArchivePolicy") == 0:
for build in app.get('Builds', []):
if not build.get('disable'):
builtit = False
for apk in apklist:
if apk['versionCode'] == build.versionCode:
builtit = True
validapks += 1
if not builtit:
failedBuilds = output['failedBuilds']
if appid not in failedBuilds:
failedBuilds[appid] = []
if validapks == 0:
if not gotcurrentver:
if app.get('UpdateCheckMode') == 'None':
common.write_status_json(output, options.pretty)
def delete_disabled_builds(apps, apkcache, repodirs):
"""Delete disabled build outputs.
list of all applications, as per metadata.read_metadata
current apk cache information
the repo directories to process
for appid, app in apps.items():
for build in app.get('Builds', []):
if not build.disable:
apkfilename = common.get_release_filename(app, build)
iconfilename = "%s.%s.png" % (
for repodir in repodirs:
files = [
os.path.join(repodir, apkfilename),
os.path.join(repodir, apkfilename + '.asc'),
os.path.join(repodir, apkfilename[:-4] + "_src.tar.gz"),
for density in all_screen_densities:
repo_dir = get_icon_dir(repodir, density)
files.append(os.path.join(repo_dir, iconfilename))
for f in files:
if os.path.exists(f):
logging.info("Deleting disabled build output " + f)
if apkfilename in apkcache:
del apkcache[apkfilename]
def resize_icon(iconpath, density):
if not os.path.isfile(iconpath):
fp = None
fp = open(iconpath, 'rb')
im = Image.open(fp)
size = dpi_to_px(density)
if any(length > size for length in im.size):
oldsize = im.size
im.thumbnail((size, size), Image.LANCZOS)
logging.debug("%s was too large at %s - new size is %s" % (
iconpath, oldsize, im.size))
im.save(iconpath, "PNG", optimize=True,
pnginfo=BLANK_PNG_INFO, icc_profile=None)
except Exception as e:
logging.error(_("Failed resizing {path}: {error}".format(path=iconpath, error=e)))
if fp:
def resize_all_icons(repodirs):
"""Resize all icons that exceed the max size.
the repo directories to process
for repodir in repodirs:
for density in screen_densities:
icon_dir = get_icon_dir(repodir, density)
icon_glob = os.path.join(icon_dir, '*.png')
for iconpath in glob.glob(icon_glob):
resize_icon(iconpath, density)
def getsig(apkpath):
"""Get the unique ID for the signing certificate of an APK.
This uses a strange algorithm that was devised at the very
beginning of F-Droid. Since it is only used for checking
signature compatibility, it does not matter much that it uses MD5.
To get the same MD5 has that fdroidclient gets, we encode the .RSA
certificate in a specific format and pass it hex-encoded to the
md5 digest algorithm. This is not the same as the standard X.509
certificate fingerprint.
path to the apk
A string containing the md5 of the signature of the apk or None
if an error occurred.
cert_encoded = common.get_first_signer_certificate(apkpath)
if not cert_encoded:
return None
return hashlib.md5(hexlify(cert_encoded)).hexdigest() # nosec just used as ID for signing key
def get_cache_file():
return os.path.join('tmp', 'apkcache.json')
def get_cache():
"""Get the cached dict of the APK index.
Gather information about all the apk files in the repo directory,
using cached data if possible. Some of the index operations take a
long time, like calculating the SHA-256 and verifying the APK
The cache is invalidated if the metadata version is different, or
the 'allow_disabled_algorithms' config/option is different. In
those cases, there is no easy way to know what has changed from
the cache, so just rerun the whole thing.
apkcachefile = get_cache_file()
ada = disabled_algorithms_allowed()
if options is not None and not options.clean and os.path.exists(apkcachefile):
with open(apkcachefile) as fp:
apkcache = json.load(fp, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict)
or apkcache.get('allow_disabled_algorithms') != ada:
apkcache = collections.OrderedDict()
apkcache = collections.OrderedDict()
apkcache['allow_disabled_algorithms'] = ada
for k, v in apkcache.items():
if not isinstance(v, dict):
if 'antiFeatures' in v:
if not isinstance(v['antiFeatures'], dict):
v['antiFeatures'] = {k: {} for k in sorted(v['antiFeatures'])}
if 'added' in v:
v['added'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(v['added'])
return apkcache
def write_cache(apkcache):
class Encoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, set):
return list(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, datetime):
return obj.timestamp()
return super().default(obj)
apkcachefile = get_cache_file()
cache_path = os.path.dirname(apkcachefile)
if not os.path.exists(cache_path):
for k, v in apkcache.items():
if isinstance(k, bytes):
print('BYTES: ' + str(k) + ' ' + str(v))
with open(apkcachefile, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(apkcache, fp, cls=Encoder, indent=2)
def get_icon_bytes(apkzip, iconsrc):
"""ZIP has no official encoding, UTF-* and CP437 are defacto."""
return apkzip.read(iconsrc)
except KeyError:
return apkzip.read(iconsrc.encode('utf-8').decode('cp437'))
def has_known_vulnerability(filename):
"""Check for known vulnerabilities in the APK.
Checks OpenSSL .so files in the APK to see if they are a known vulnerable
version. Google also enforces this:
Checks whether there are more than one classes.dex or AndroidManifest.xml
files, which is invalid and an essential part of the "Master Key" attack.
Janus is similar to Master Key but is perhaps easier to scan for.
found_vuln = ''
# statically load this pattern
if not hasattr(has_known_vulnerability, "pattern"):
has_known_vulnerability.pattern = re.compile(b'.*OpenSSL ([01][0-9a-z.-]+)')
with open(filename.encode(), 'rb') as fp:
first4 = fp.read(4)
if first4 != b'\x50\x4b\x03\x04':
raise FDroidException(_('{path} has bad file signature "{pattern}", possible Janus exploit!')
.format(path=filename, pattern=first4.decode().replace('\n', ' ')) + '\n'
+ 'https://www.guardsquare.com/en/blog/new-android-vulnerability-allows-attackers-modify-apps-without-affecting-their-signatures')
files_in_apk = set()
with zipfile.ZipFile(filename) as zf:
for name in zf.namelist():
if name.endswith('.so') and ('libcrypto' in name or 'libssl' in name):
lib = zf.open(name)
while True:
chunk = lib.read(4096)
if chunk == b'':
m = has_known_vulnerability.pattern.search(chunk)
if m:
version = m.group(1).decode('ascii')
if (version.startswith('1.0.1') and len(version) > 5 and version[5] >= 'r') \
or (version.startswith('1.0.2') and len(version) > 5 and version[5] >= 'f') \
or re.match(r'[1-9]\.[1-9]\.[0-9].*', version):
logging.debug(_('"{path}" contains recent {name} ({version})')
.format(path=filename, name=name, version=version))
msg = '"{path}" contains outdated {name} ({version})'
_(msg).format(path=filename, name=name, version=version)
found_vuln += msg.format(
path=filename, name=name, version=version
found_vuln += '\n'
elif name == 'AndroidManifest.xml' or name == 'classes.dex' or name.endswith('.so'):
if name in files_in_apk:
msg = '{apkfilename} has multiple {name} files, looks like Master Key exploit!'
_(msg).format(apkfilename=filename, name=name)
found_vuln += msg.format(apkfilename=filename, name=name)
found_vuln += '\n'
return found_vuln
def insert_obbs(repodir, apps, apks):
"""Scan the .obb files in a given repo directory and adds them to the relevant APK instances.
OBB files have versionCodes like APK
files, and they are loosely associated. If there is an OBB file
present, then any APK with the same or higher versionCode will use
that OBB file. There are two OBB types: main and patch, each APK
can only have only have one of each.
repo directory to scan
list of current, valid apps
current information on all APKs
def obbWarnDelete(f, msg):
logging.warning(msg + ' ' + f)
if options.delete_unknown:
logging.error(_("Deleting unknown file: {path}").format(path=f))
obbs = []
java_Integer_MIN_VALUE = -pow(2, 31)
currentPackageNames = apps.keys()
for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(repodir, '*.obb')):
obbfile = os.path.basename(f)
# obbfile looks like: [main|patch].<expansion-version>.<package-name>.obb
chunks = obbfile.split('.')
if chunks[0] != 'main' and chunks[0] != 'patch':
obbWarnDelete(f, _('OBB filename must start with "main." or "patch.":'))
if not re.match(r'^-?[0-9]+$', chunks[1]):
obbWarnDelete(f, _('The OBB version code must come after "{name}.":')
versionCode = int(chunks[1])
packagename = ".".join(chunks[2:-1])
highestVersionCode = java_Integer_MIN_VALUE
if packagename not in currentPackageNames:
obbWarnDelete(f, _("OBB's packagename does not match a supported APK:"))
for apk in apks:
if packagename == apk['packageName'] and apk['versionCode'] > highestVersionCode:
highestVersionCode = apk['versionCode']
if versionCode > highestVersionCode:
obbWarnDelete(f, _(
'OBB file has newer versionCode({integer}) than any APK:'
obbsha256 = common.sha256sum(f)
obbs.append((packagename, versionCode, obbfile, obbsha256))
for apk in apks:
for (packagename, versionCode, obbfile, obbsha256) in sorted(obbs, reverse=True):
if versionCode <= apk['versionCode'] and packagename == apk['packageName']:
if obbfile.startswith('main.') and 'obbMainFile' not in apk:
apk['obbMainFile'] = obbfile
apk['obbMainFileSha256'] = obbsha256
elif obbfile.startswith('patch.') and 'obbPatchFile' not in apk:
apk['obbPatchFile'] = obbfile
apk['obbPatchFileSha256'] = obbsha256
if 'obbMainFile' in apk and 'obbPatchFile' in apk:
VERSION_STRING_RE = re.compile(r'^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$')
def version_string_to_int(version):
Convert sermver version designation to version code.
Approximately convert a [Major].[Minor].[Patch] version string
consisting of numeric characters (0-9) and periods to a number. The
exponents are chosen such that it still fits in the 64bit JSON/Android range.
m = VERSION_STRING_RE.match(version)
if not m:
raise ValueError(f"invalid version string '{version}'")
major = int(m.group(1))
minor = int(m.group(2))
patch = int(m.group(3))
return major * 10**12 + minor * 10**6 + patch
# iOS app permissions, source:
# https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/information_property_list/protected_resources
def parse_ipa(ipa_path, file_size, sha256):
import biplist
ipa = {
"apkName": os.path.basename(ipa_path),
"hash": sha256,
"hashType": "sha256",
"size": file_size,
"ipa_entitlements": set(),
"ipa_permissions": {},
with zipfile.ZipFile(ipa_path) as ipa_zip:
for info in ipa_zip.infolist():
if re.match("Payload/[^/]*.app/Info.plist", info.filename):
with ipa_zip.open(info) as plist_file:
plist = biplist.readPlist(plist_file)
ipa["name"] = plist['CFBundleName']
ipa["packageName"] = plist["CFBundleIdentifier"]
# https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/information_property_list/cfbundleshortversionstring
ipa["versionCode"] = version_string_to_int(plist["CFBundleShortVersionString"])
ipa["versionName"] = plist["CFBundleShortVersionString"]
ipa["ipa_MinimumOSVersion"] = plist['MinimumOSVersion']
ipa["ipa_DTPlatformVersion"] = plist['DTPlatformVersion']
for ipap in IPA_PERMISSIONS:
if ipap in plist:
ipa["ipa_permissions"][ipap] = str(plist[ipap])
if info.filename.endswith("/embedded.mobileprovision"):
print("parsing", info.filename)
with ipa_zip.open(info) as mopro_file:
mopro_content_info = asn1crypto.cms.ContentInfo.load(
mopro_payload_info = mopro_content_info['content']
mopro_payload = mopro_payload_info['encap_content_info'][
mopro = biplist.readPlistFromString(mopro_payload)
# https://faq.altstore.io/distribute-your-apps/make-a-source#entitlements-array-of-strings
for entitlement in mopro.get('Entitlements', {}).keys():
if entitlement not in [
return ipa
def scan_repo_for_ipas(apkcache, repodir, knownapks):
"""Scan for IPA files in a given repo directory.
cache dictionary containting cached file infos from previous runs
repo directory to scan
list of all known files, as per metadata.read_metadata
list of file infos for ipa files in ./repo folder
ture if new ipa files were found and added to `apkcache`
cachechanged = False
ipas = []
for ipa_path in glob.glob(os.path.join(repodir, '*.ipa')):
ipa_name = os.path.basename(ipa_path)
file_size = os.stat(ipa_path).st_size
if file_size == 0:
raise FDroidException(_('{path} is zero size!').format(path=ipa_path))
sha256 = common.sha256sum(ipa_path)
ipa = apkcache.get(ipa_name, {})
if ipa.get('hash') != sha256:
ipa = fdroidserver.update.parse_ipa(ipa_path, file_size, sha256)
apkcache[ipa_name] = ipa
cachechanged = True
added = knownapks.recordapk(ipa_name, ipa['packageName'])
if added:
ipa['added'] = added
return ipas, cachechanged
def translate_per_build_anti_features(apps, apks):
"""Grab the anti-features list from the build metadata.
For most Anti-Features, they are really most applicable per-APK,
not for an app. An app can fix a vulnerability, add/remove
tracking, etc. This reads the 'antifeatures' list from the Build
entries in the fdroiddata metadata file, then transforms it into
the 'antiFeatures' list of unique items for the index.
The field key is all lower case in the metadata file to match the
rest of the Build fields. It is 'antiFeatures' camel case in the
implementation, index, and fdroidclient since it is translated
from the build 'antifeatures' field, not directly included.
antiFeatures = dict()
for packageName, app in apps.items():
d = dict()
for build in app.get('Builds', []):
afl = build.get('antifeatures')
if afl:
d[build.versionCode] = afl
if len(d) > 0:
antiFeatures[packageName] = d
for apk in apks:
d = antiFeatures.get(apk['packageName'])
if d:
afl = d.get(apk['versionCode'])
if afl:
apk['antiFeatures'].update(afl) # TODO
def _get_localized_dict(app, locale):
"""Get the dict to add localized store metadata to."""
if 'localized' not in app:
app['localized'] = collections.OrderedDict()
if locale not in app['localized']:
app['localized'][locale] = collections.OrderedDict()
return app['localized'][locale]
def _set_localized_text_entry(app, locale, key, f, versionCode=None):
"""Read a fastlane/triple-t metadata file and add an entry to the app.
This reads more than the limit, in case there is leading or
trailing whitespace to be stripped
limit = config['char_limits'][key]
if not versionCode:
localized = _get_localized_dict(app, locale)
with open(f, errors='replace') as fp:
text = fp.read(limit * 2)
if versionCode:
for build in app["Builds"]:
if build["versionCode"] == versionCode:
if "whatsNew" not in build:
build["whatsNew"] = collections.OrderedDict()
build["whatsNew"][locale] = text[:limit]
if len(text) > 0:
if key in ('name', 'summary', 'video'): # hardcoded as a single line
localized[key] = text.strip('\n')[:limit]
localized[key] = text[:limit]
except Exception as e:
logging.error(_('{path}: {error}').format(path=f, error=str(e)))
def _set_author_entry(app, key, f):
"""Read a fastlane/triple-t author file and add the entry to the app.
This reads more than the limit, in case there is leading or
trailing whitespace to be stripped
limit = config['char_limits']['author']
with open(f, errors='replace') as fp:
text = fp.read(limit * 2)
if len(text) > 0:
app[key] = text.strip()[:limit]
except Exception as e:
logging.error(_('{path}: {error}').format(path=f, error=str(e)))
def _strip_and_copy_image(in_file, outpath):
"""Remove any metadata from image and copy it to new path.
Sadly, image metadata like EXIF can be used to exploit devices.
It is not used at all in the F-Droid ecosystem, so its much safer
just to remove it entirely.
This uses size+mtime to check for a new file since this process
actually modifies the resulting file to strip out the EXIF.
outpath can be path to either a file or dir. The dir that outpath
refers to must exist before calling this.
Potential source of Python code to strip JPEGs without dependencies:
logging.debug('copying ' + in_file + ' ' + outpath)
if not os.path.exists(in_file):
if os.path.islink(in_file):
logging.warning(_("Broken symlink: {path}").format(path=in_file))
logging.warning(_("File disappeared while processing it: {path}").format(path=in_file))
if os.path.isdir(outpath):
out_file = os.path.join(outpath, os.path.basename(in_file))
out_file = outpath
if os.path.exists(out_file):
in_stat = os.stat(in_file)
out_stat = os.stat(out_file)
if in_stat.st_size == out_stat.st_size \
and in_stat.st_mtime == out_stat.st_mtime:
extension = common.get_extension(in_file)[1]
if extension == 'png':
with open(in_file, 'rb') as fp:
in_image = Image.open(fp)
in_image.save(out_file, "PNG", optimize=True,
pnginfo=BLANK_PNG_INFO, icc_profile=None)
except Exception as e:
logging.error(_("Failed copying {path}: {error}".format(path=in_file, error=e)))
elif extension in ('jpg', 'jpeg'):
with open(in_file, 'rb') as fp:
in_image = Image.open(fp)
data = list(in_image.getdata())
out_image = Image.new(in_image.mode, in_image.size)
out_image.save(out_file, "JPEG", optimize=True)
except Exception as e:
logging.error(_("Failed copying {path}: {error}".format(path=in_file, error=e)))
raise FDroidException(_('Unsupported file type "{extension}" for repo graphic')
stat_result = os.stat(in_file)
os.utime(out_file, times=(stat_result.st_atime, stat_result.st_mtime))
def _get_base_hash_extension(f):
"""Split a graphic/screenshot filename into base, sha256, and extension."""
base, extension = common.get_extension(f)
sha256_index = base.find('_')
if sha256_index > 0:
return base[:sha256_index], base[sha256_index + 1:], extension
return base, None, extension
def sanitize_funding_yml_entry(entry):
"""FUNDING.yml comes from upstream repos, entries must be sanitized."""
if type(entry) not in (bytes, int, float, list, str):
if isinstance(entry, bytes):
entry = entry.decode()
elif isinstance(entry, list):
if entry:
entry = entry[0]
entry = str(entry)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
if len(entry) > 2048:
logging.warning(_('Ignoring FUNDING.yml entry longer than 2048: %s') % entry[:2048])
if '\n' in entry:
return entry.strip()
def sanitize_funding_yml_name(name):
"""Sanitize usernames that come from FUNDING.yml."""
entry = sanitize_funding_yml_entry(name)
if entry:
m = metadata.VALID_USERNAME_REGEX.match(entry)
if m:
return m.group()
def insert_funding_yml_donation_links(apps):
"""Include donation links from FUNDING.yml in app's source repo.
GitHub made a standard file format for declaring donation
links. This parses that format from upstream repos to include in
metadata here. GitHub supports mostly proprietary services, so
this logic adds proprietary services only as Donate: links.
FUNDING.yml can be either in the root of the project, or in the
".github" subdir.
if not os.path.isdir('build'):
return # nothing to do
for packageName, app in apps.items():
sourcedir = os.path.join('build', packageName)
if not os.path.isdir(sourcedir):
for f in ([os.path.join(sourcedir, 'FUNDING.yml'), ]
+ glob.glob(os.path.join(sourcedir, '.github', 'FUNDING.yml'))):
if not os.path.isfile(f):
data = None
with open(f) as fp:
data = yaml.load(fp, Loader=SafeLoader)
except yaml.YAMLError as e:
logging.error(_('Found bad funding file "{path}" for "{name}":')
.format(path=f, name=packageName))
if not data or type(data) != dict:
if not app.get('Liberapay') and 'liberapay' in data:
s = sanitize_funding_yml_name(data['liberapay'])
if s:
app['Liberapay'] = s
if not app.get('OpenCollective') and 'open_collective' in data:
s = sanitize_funding_yml_name(data['open_collective'])
if s:
app['OpenCollective'] = s
if not app.get('Donate'):
if 'liberapay' in data:
del data['liberapay']
if 'open_collective' in data:
del data['open_collective']
# this tuple provides a preference ordering
for k in (
v = data.get(k)
if not v:
if k == 'custom':
s = sanitize_funding_yml_entry(v)
if s:
app['Donate'] = s
elif k in ('community_bridge', 'lfx_crowdfunding'):
s = sanitize_funding_yml_name(v)
if s:
app['Donate'] = 'https://crowdfunding.lfx.linuxfoundation.org/projects/' + s
elif k == 'github':
s = sanitize_funding_yml_name(v)
if s:
app['Donate'] = 'https://github.com/sponsors/' + s
elif k == 'issuehunt':
s = sanitize_funding_yml_name(v)
if s:
app['Donate'] = 'https://issuehunt.io/r/' + s
elif k == 'ko_fi':
s = sanitize_funding_yml_name(v)
if s:
app['Donate'] = 'https://ko-fi.com/' + s
elif k == 'patreon':
s = sanitize_funding_yml_name(v)
if s:
app['Donate'] = 'https://patreon.com/' + s
elif k == 'buy_me_a_coffee':
s = sanitize_funding_yml_name(v)
if s:
app['Donate'] = 'https://www.buymeacoffee.com/' + s
elif k == 'polar':
s = sanitize_funding_yml_name(v)
if s:
app['Donate'] = 'https://polar.sh/' + s
def copy_triple_t_store_metadata(apps):
"""Include store metadata from the app's source repo.
The Triple-T Gradle Play Publisher is a plugin that has a standard
file layout for all of the metadata and graphics that the Google
Play Store accepts. Since F-Droid has the git repo, it can just
pluck those files directly. This method reads any text files into
the app dict, then copies any graphics into the fdroid repo
directory structure.
This needs to be run before insert_localized_app_metadata() so that
the graphics files that are copied into the fdroid repo get
properly indexed.
if not os.path.isdir('build'):
return # nothing to do
tt_graphic_names = ('feature-graphic', 'icon', 'promo-graphic', 'tv-banner')
tt_screenshot_dirs = ('phone-screenshots', 'tablet-screenshots',
'large-tablet-screenshots', 'tv-screenshots', 'wear-screenshots')
setting_gradle_pattern = re.compile(r"""\s*include\s+["']:([^"']+)["'](?:,[\n\s]*["']:([^"']+)["'])*""")
for packageName, app in apps.items():
builds = app.get('Builds', [])
gradle_subdirs = set()
if builds and builds[-1].subdir:
for flavor in builds[-1].gradle:
if flavor not in ('yes', 'no', True, False):
p = os.path.join('build', packageName, builds[-1].subdir, 'src', flavor, 'play')
if os.path.exists(p):
if not gradle_subdirs:
gradle_subdirs.update(glob.glob(os.path.join('build', packageName, builds[-1].subdir, 'src', '*', 'play')))
if not gradle_subdirs:
gradle_subdirs.update(glob.glob(os.path.join('build', packageName, builds[-1].subdir, '*', 'src', '*', 'play')))
if not gradle_subdirs:
sg_list = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join('build', packageName, 'settings.gradle*')))
if sg_list:
settings_gradle = sg_list[0]
with open(settings_gradle, encoding='utf-8') as fp:
data = fp.read()
for matches in setting_gradle_pattern.findall(data):
for m in matches:
if m:
gradle_path = m.replace(':', '/')
p = os.path.join('build', packageName, gradle_path, 'src', 'main', 'play')
if os.path.exists(p):
flavors = builds[-1].gradle if builds else []
for flavor in flavors:
if flavor not in ('yes', 'no', True, False):
p = os.path.join('build', packageName, gradle_path, 'src', flavor, 'play')
if os.path.exists(p):
if not gradle_subdirs:
gradle_subdirs.update(glob.glob(os.path.join('build', packageName, '*', 'src', '*', 'play')))
if not gradle_subdirs:
# Flutter-style android subdir
gradle_subdirs.update(glob.glob(os.path.join('build', packageName, 'android', 'app', 'src', '*', 'play')))
for d in sorted(gradle_subdirs):
logging.debug('Triple-T Gradle Play Publisher: ' + d)
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(d):
segments = root.split('/')
if segments[-2] == 'listings' or segments[-2] == 'release-notes':
locale = segments[-1]
locale = segments[-2]
for f in files:
if f in ('fulldescription', 'full-description.txt'):
_set_localized_text_entry(app, locale, 'description',
os.path.join(root, f))
elif f in ('shortdescription', 'short-description.txt'):
_set_localized_text_entry(app, locale, 'summary',
os.path.join(root, f))
elif f in ('title', 'title.txt'):
_set_localized_text_entry(app, locale, 'name',
os.path.join(root, f))
elif f in ('video', 'video-url.txt'):
_set_localized_text_entry(app, locale, 'video',
os.path.join(root, f))
elif f == 'whatsnew':
_set_localized_text_entry(app, segments[-1], 'whatsNew',
os.path.join(root, f))
elif f == 'default.txt' and segments[-2] == 'release-notes':
_set_localized_text_entry(app, locale, 'whatsNew',
os.path.join(root, f))
elif f in ('contactEmail', 'contact-email.txt'):
_set_author_entry(app, 'authorEmail', os.path.join(root, f))
elif f in ('contactPhone', 'contact-phone.txt'):
_set_author_entry(app, 'authorPhone', os.path.join(root, f))
elif f in ('contactWebsite', 'contact-website.txt'):
_set_author_entry(app, 'authorWebSite', os.path.join(root, f))
base, extension = common.get_extension(f)
dirname = os.path.basename(root)
if extension in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS \
and (dirname in GRAPHIC_NAMES or dirname in tt_graphic_names
or dirname in SCREENSHOT_DIRS or dirname in tt_screenshot_dirs):
repofilename = os.path.basename(f)
if segments[-2] == 'listing':
locale = segments[-3]
elif segments[-4] == 'listings': # v2.x
locale = segments[-3]
if dirname in tt_graphic_names:
repofilename = GRAPHIC_NAMES[tt_graphic_names.index(dirname)]
repofilename += '.' + extension
dirname = ''
dirname = SCREENSHOT_DIRS[tt_screenshot_dirs.index(dirname)]
locale = segments[-2]
destdir = os.path.join('repo', packageName, locale, dirname)
os.makedirs(destdir, mode=0o755, exist_ok=True)
sourcefile = os.path.join(root, f)
destfile = os.path.join(destdir, repofilename)
_strip_and_copy_image(sourcefile, destfile)
def insert_localized_app_metadata(apps):
"""Scan standard locations for graphics and localized text.
Scans for localized description files, changelogs, store graphics, and
screenshots and adds them to the app metadata. Each app's source repo root
checked out at /build/<packageName> is scanned at the following standard
locations for these files...
...as well as the /metadata/<packageName>/<locale> directory.
If it finds them, they will be added to the dict of all packages, with the
versions in the /metadata/ folder taking precedence over the what
is in the app's source repo.
The <locale> is the locale of the files supplied in that directory, using
the IETF RFC5646 format (e.g. en, en-US, ast, etc).
For each <locale> directory, this script searches for the following files
in the directory structure as supplied by fastlane. See
See also our documentation page:
sourcedirs = glob.glob(os.path.join('build', '[A-Za-z]*', 'src', '[A-Za-z]*', 'fastlane', 'metadata', 'android', '[a-z][a-z]*'))
sourcedirs += glob.glob(os.path.join('build', '[A-Za-z]*', 'fastlane', 'metadata', 'android', '[a-z][a-z]*'))
sourcedirs += glob.glob(os.path.join('build', '[A-Za-z]*', 'metadata', '[a-z][a-z]*'))
sourcedirs += glob.glob(os.path.join('metadata', '[A-Za-z]*', '[a-z][a-z]*'))
for srcd in sorted(sourcedirs):
if not os.path.isdir(srcd):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(srcd):
segments = root.split('/')
packageName = segments[1]
if packageName not in apps:
logging.debug(packageName + ' does not have app metadata, skipping l18n scan.')
locale = segments[-1]
destdir = os.path.join('repo', packageName, locale)
# flavours specified in build receipt
build_flavours = ""
if (
and len(apps[packageName].get('Builds', [])) > 0
and 'gradle' in apps[packageName]['Builds'][-1]
build_flavours = apps[packageName]['Builds'][-1]['gradle']
if len(segments) >= 5 and segments[4] == "fastlane" and segments[3] not in build_flavours:
logging.debug("ignoring due to wrong flavour")
for f in files:
if f in ('description.txt', 'full_description.txt'):
_set_localized_text_entry(apps[packageName], locale, 'description',
os.path.join(root, f))
elif f in ('summary.txt', 'short_description.txt'):
_set_localized_text_entry(apps[packageName], locale, 'summary',
os.path.join(root, f))
elif f in ('name.txt', 'title.txt'):
_set_localized_text_entry(apps[packageName], locale, 'name',
os.path.join(root, f))
elif f == 'video.txt':
_set_localized_text_entry(apps[packageName], locale, 'video',
os.path.join(root, f))
elif f == str(apps[packageName]['CurrentVersionCode']) + '.txt':
locale = segments[-2]
_set_localized_text_entry(apps[packageName], locale, 'whatsNew',
os.path.join(root, f))
elif f == 'default.txt':
# use "default.txt" changelog entry as fallback.
locale = segments[-2]
localized = _get_localized_dict(apps[packageName], locale)
if not localized.get('whatsNew', ''):
_set_localized_text_entry(apps[packageName], locale, 'whatsNew',
os.path.join(root, f))
base, extension = common.get_extension(f)
if extension == 'txt':
versionCode = int(base)
locale = segments[-2]
if versionCode in [
a["versionCode"] for a in apps[packageName]["Builds"]
os.path.join(root, f),
except ValueError:
if locale == 'images':
locale = segments[-2]
destdir = os.path.join('repo', packageName, locale)
if base in GRAPHIC_NAMES and extension in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS:
os.makedirs(destdir, mode=0o755, exist_ok=True)
_strip_and_copy_image(os.path.join(root, f), destdir)
dst = os.path.join(destdir, f)
if os.path.isfile(dst):
if base == "icon":
base = "iconv2"
if base not in apps[packageName] or not isinstance(apps[packageName][base], collections.OrderedDict):
apps[packageName][base] = collections.OrderedDict()
apps[packageName][base][locale] = common.file_entry(dst)
# copy screenshots from local source code checkout into wellknown
# location in repo directory
for d in dirs:
if locale == 'images':
locale = segments[-2]
destdir = os.path.join('repo', packageName, locale)
for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(root, d, '*.*')):
_ignored, extension = common.get_extension(f)
if extension in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS:
screenshotdestdir = os.path.join(destdir, d)
os.makedirs(screenshotdestdir, mode=0o755, exist_ok=True)
_strip_and_copy_image(f, screenshotdestdir)
def ingest_screenshots_from_repo_dir(apps):
repodirs = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join('repo', '[A-Za-z]*', '[a-z][a-z]*')))
for d in repodirs:
if not os.path.isdir(d):
for f in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(d, '*.*')) + glob.glob(os.path.join(d, '*Screenshots', '*.*'))):
if not os.path.isfile(f):
segments = f.split('/')
packageName = segments[1]
locale = segments[2]
screenshotdir = segments[3]
filename = os.path.basename(f)
base, sha256, extension = _get_base_hash_extension(filename)
if packageName not in apps:
logging.warning(_('Found "{path}" graphic without metadata for app "{name}"!')
.format(path=filename, name=packageName))
graphics = _get_localized_dict(apps[packageName], locale)
if extension not in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS:
logging.warning(_('Only PNG and JPEG are supported for graphics, found: {path}').format(path=f))
elif base in GRAPHIC_NAMES:
# there can only be zero or one of these per locale
basename = base + '.' + extension
basepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(f), basename)
if sha256:
if not os.path.samefile(f, basepath):
sha256 = common.sha256base64(f)
filename = base + '_' + sha256 + '.' + extension
index_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(f), filename)
if not os.path.exists(index_file):
os.link(f, index_file, follow_symlinks=False)
graphics[base] = filename
if base == "icon":
base = "iconv2"
if base not in apps[packageName] or not isinstance(apps[packageName][base], collections.OrderedDict):
apps[packageName][base] = collections.OrderedDict()
apps[packageName][base][locale] = common.file_entry(index_file)
elif screenshotdir in SCREENSHOT_DIRS:
# there can any number of these per locale
logging.debug(_('adding to {name}: {path}').format(name=screenshotdir, path=f))
if screenshotdir not in graphics:
graphics[screenshotdir] = []
newKey = screenshotdir.replace("Screenshots", "")
if "screenshots" not in apps[packageName]:
apps[packageName]["screenshots"] = collections.OrderedDict()
if newKey not in apps[packageName]["screenshots"]:
apps[packageName]["screenshots"][newKey] = collections.OrderedDict()
if locale not in apps[packageName]["screenshots"][newKey]:
apps[packageName]["screenshots"][newKey][locale] = []
logging.warning(_('Unsupported graphics file found: {path}').format(path=f))
LANG_CODE = re.compile(r'^[a-z]{2}([-_][A-Z][a-zA-Z]{1,3})?$')
"name.txt": 'name',
"subtitle.txt": 'summary',
"description.txt": 'description',
def parse_ios_screenshot_name(path):
Infer type and categorization info from screenshot file name.
This is not really an exact algorithm, it's based on filenames observed in
the wild.
s = path.stem.split('@')
if len(s) >= 2:
if "iphone" in s[0].lower():
return ("phoneScreenshots", s[0].strip(), ('@'.join(s[1:])).split('-')[0].strip())
elif "ipad" in s[0].lower():
return ("tenInchScreenshots", s[0].strip(), ('@'.join(s[1:])).split('-')[0].strip())
fragments = path.stem.lower().split("_")
device = "unknown"
os = "unknown"
screenshot_type = "phoneScreenshots"
for f in fragments:
if "iphone" in f:
device = f
if "ipad" in f:
screenshot_type = "tenInchScreenshots"
device = f
if "ios" in f:
os = f
return (screenshot_type, device, os)
return ("phoneScreenshots", 'unknown', 'unknown')
def discover_ios_screenshots(fastlane_dir):
"""Traverse git checkouts in build dir, search for fastlane-screenshots and put findings into a dict."""
fastlane_screenshot_dir = fastlane_dir / 'screenshots'
screenshots = {}
if fastlane_screenshot_dir.is_dir():
for lang_sdir in fastlane_screenshot_dir.iterdir():
locale = lang_sdir.name
m = LANG_CODE.match(locale)
if m:
screenshots[locale] = {}
fifo_idevice = {}
fifo_ios = {}
for screenshot in lang_sdir.iterdir():
if screenshot.suffix[1:] in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS:
screenshot_type, idevice_name, ios_name = parse_ios_screenshot_name(screenshot)
# since there is no easy mapping here, we're just
# resorting to fifo here, so ieg. if there's 2
# screenshots categorized for more than one
# iPhone/iOS combinations we just remember the
# first combination, use them as screenshots in
# F-Droid and ignore all other screenshots, for
# this screenshot type
if not fifo_idevice.get(screenshot_type):
fifo_idevice[screenshot_type] = idevice_name
fifo_ios[screenshot_type] = ios_name
if fifo_idevice[screenshot_type] == idevice_name and fifo_ios[screenshot_type] == ios_name:
if screenshot_type not in screenshots[locale]:
screenshots[locale][screenshot_type] = []
# sort all found screenshots alphanumerically
for locale, translated_screenshots in screenshots.items():
for device in translated_screenshots.keys():
return screenshots
def copy_ios_screenshots_to_repo(screenshots, package_name):
for locale, translated_screenshots in screenshots.items():
for device, translated_device_screenshots in translated_screenshots.items():
dest_dir = Path('repo') / package_name / locale / device
dest_dir.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True)
for path in translated_device_screenshots:
dest = dest_dir / (path.name.replace(" ", "_").replace("\t", "_"))
fdroidserver.update._strip_and_copy_image(str(path), str(dest))
def insert_localized_ios_app_metadata(apps_with_packages):
if not any(Path('repo').glob('*.ipa')):
# no IPA files present in repo, nothing to do here, exiting early
for package_name, app in apps_with_packages.items():
if not any(Path('repo').glob(f'{package_name}*.ipa')):
# couldn't find any IPA files for this package_name
# so we don't have to look for fastlane data
fastlane_dir = Path('build', package_name, 'fastlane')
fastlane_meta_dir = (fastlane_dir / "metadata")
if fastlane_meta_dir.is_dir():
for lang_dir in fastlane_meta_dir.iterdir():
locale = lang_dir.name
m = LANG_CODE.match(locale)
if m:
for metadata_file in (lang_dir).iterdir():
key = FASTLANE_IOS_MAP.get(metadata_file.name)
if key:
app, locale, key, metadata_file
screenshots = fdroidserver.update.discover_ios_screenshots(fastlane_dir)
fdroidserver.update.copy_ios_screenshots_to_repo(screenshots, package_name)
# lookup icons, copy them and put them into app
icon_path = _get_ipa_icon(Path('build') / package_name)
icon_dest = Path('repo') / package_name / 'icon.png' # for now just assume png
icon_stat = os.stat(icon_path)
app['iconv2'] = {
'name': str(icon_dest).lstrip('repo'),
'sha256': common.sha256sum(icon_dest),
'size': icon_stat.st_size,
if not icon_dest.exists():
icon_dest.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
shutil.copy(icon_path, icon_dest)
def scan_repo_files(apkcache, repodir, knownapks, use_date_from_file=False):
"""Scan a repo for all files with an extension except APK/OBB/IPA.
This allows putting all kinds of files into repostories. E.g. Media Files,
Zip archives, ...
current cached info about all repo files
repo directory to scan
list of all known files, as per metadata.read_metadata
use date from file (instead of current date) for newly added files
cachechanged = False
repo_files = []
repodir = repodir.encode()
for name in os.listdir(repodir):
# skip files based on file extensions, that are handled elsewhere
file_extension = common.get_file_extension(name)
if file_extension in ('apk', 'obb', 'ipa'):
# skip source tarballs generated by fdroidserver
filename = os.path.join(repodir, name)
name_utf8 = name.decode()
if filename.endswith(b'_src.tar.gz'):
logging.debug(_('skipping source tarball: {path}')
# skip all other files generated by fdroidserver
if not common.is_repo_file(filename):
stat = os.stat(filename)
if stat.st_size == 0:
raise FDroidException(_('{path} is zero size!')
# load file infos from cache if not stale
shasum = common.sha256sum(filename)
usecache = False
if name_utf8 in apkcache:
repo_file = apkcache[name_utf8]
if repo_file.get('hash') == shasum:
logging.debug(_("Reading {apkfilename} from cache")
usecache = True
logging.debug(_("Ignoring stale cache data for {apkfilename}")
# scan file if info wasn't in cache
if not usecache:
logging.debug(_("Processing {apkfilename}").format(apkfilename=name_utf8))
repo_file = collections.OrderedDict()
repo_file['name'] = os.path.splitext(name_utf8)[0]
# TODO rename apkname globally to something more generic
repo_file['apkName'] = name_utf8
repo_file['hash'] = shasum
repo_file['hashType'] = 'sha256'
repo_file['ipfsCIDv1'] = common.calculate_IPFS_cid(name_utf8)
repo_file['versionCode'] = 0
repo_file['versionName'] = shasum[0:7]
# the static ID is the SHA256 unless it is set in the metadata
repo_file['packageName'] = shasum
m = common.STANDARD_FILE_NAME_REGEX.match(name_utf8)
if m:
repo_file['packageName'] = m.group(1)
repo_file['versionCode'] = int(m.group(2))
srcfilename = name + b'_src.tar.gz'
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(repodir, srcfilename)):
repo_file['srcname'] = srcfilename.decode()
repo_file['size'] = stat.st_size
apkcache[name_utf8] = repo_file
cachechanged = True
if use_date_from_file:
timestamp = stat.st_ctime
default_date_param = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, tz=timezone.utc)
default_date_param = None
# Record in knownapks, getting the added date at the same time..
added = knownapks.recordapk(repo_file['apkName'], repo_file['packageName'],
if added:
repo_file['added'] = added
return repo_files, cachechanged
def scan_apk(apk_file, require_signature=True):
"""Scan an APK file and returns dictionary with metadata of the APK.
Attention: This does *not* verify that the APK signature is correct.
The (ideally absolute) path to the APK file
Raise an exception is there is no valid signature. Default to True.
A dict containing APK metadata
apk = {
'hash': common.sha256sum(apk_file),
'hashType': 'sha256',
'uses-permission': [],
'uses-permission-sdk-23': [],
'features': [],
'icons_src': {},
'icons': {},
'antiFeatures': {},
ipfsCIDv1 = common.calculate_IPFS_cid(apk_file)
if ipfsCIDv1:
apk['ipfsCIDv1'] = ipfsCIDv1
scan_apk_androguard(apk, apk_file)
if not common.is_valid_package_name(apk['packageName']):
raise BuildException(_("{appid} from {path} is not a valid Java Package Name!")
.format(appid=apk['packageName'], path=apk_file))
elif not common.is_strict_application_id(apk['packageName']):
logging.warning(_("{appid} from {path} is not a valid Android application ID!")
.format(appid=apk['packageName'], path=apk_file))
# Get the signature, or rather the signing key fingerprints
logging.debug('Getting signature of {0}'.format(os.path.basename(apk_file)))
apk['sig'] = getsig(apk_file)
if require_signature:
if not apk['sig']:
raise BuildException(_("Failed to get APK signing key fingerprint"))
apk['signer'] = common.apk_signer_fingerprint(
os.path.join(os.getcwd(), apk_file)
if not apk.get('signer'):
raise BuildException(_("Failed to get APK signing key fingerprint"))
# Get size of the APK
apk['size'] = os.path.getsize(apk_file)
if 'minSdkVersion' not in apk:
logging.warning(_("No minimum SDK version found in {0}, using default (3).").format(apk_file))
apk['minSdkVersion'] = 3 # aapt defaults to 3 as the min
# Check for known vulnerabilities
hkv = has_known_vulnerability(apk_file)
if hkv:
apk['antiFeatures']['KnownVuln'] = {DEFAULT_LOCALE: hkv}
return apk
def _get_apk_icons_src(apkfile, icon_name):
"""Extract the paths to the app icon in all available densities.
The folder name is normally generated by the Android Tools, but
there is nothing that prevents people from using whatever DPI
names they make up. Android will just ignore them, so we should
icons_src = dict()
density_re = re.compile(r'^res/(.*)/{}\.png$'.format(icon_name))
with zipfile.ZipFile(apkfile) as zf:
for filename in zf.namelist():
m = density_re.match(filename)
if m:
folder = m.group(1).split('-')
density = screen_resolutions[folder[1]]
except Exception:
density = '160'
icons_src[density] = m.group(0)
if icons_src.get('-1') is None and '160' in icons_src:
icons_src['-1'] = icons_src['160']
return icons_src
def _get_ipa_icon(src_dir):
"""Search source directory of an IPA project for the app icon."""
# parse app icon name from project config file
src_dir = Path(src_dir)
prj = next(src_dir.glob("**/project.pbxproj"), None)
if not prj or not prj.exists():
icon_name = _parse_from_pbxproj(prj, 'ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME')
if not icon_name:
icon_dir = next(src_dir.glob(f'**/{icon_name}.appiconset'), None)
if not icon_dir:
with open(icon_dir / "Contents.json") as f:
cntnt = json.load(f)
fname = None
fsize = 0
for image in cntnt['images']:
s = float(image.get("size", "0x0").split("x")[0])
if image.get('scale') == "1x" and s > fsize and s <= 128:
fname = image['filename']
fsize = s
return str(icon_dir / fname)
def _parse_from_pbxproj(pbxproj_path, key):
"""Parse values from apple project files.
This is a naive regex based parser. Should this proofe to unreliable we
might want to consider using a dedicated pbxproj parser:
e.g. when looking for key 'ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME'
This function will extract 'MyIcon' from if the provided file
contains this line:
returns None if parsing for that value didn't yield anything
r = re.compile(f"\\s*{key}\\s*=\\s*(?P<value>[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)\\s*;\\s*")
with open(pbxproj_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
m = r.match(line)
if m:
return m.group("value")
return None
def _sanitize_sdk_version(value):
"""Sanitize the raw values from androguard to handle bad values.
minSdkVersion/targetSdkVersion/maxSdkVersion must be integers, but
that doesn't stop devs from doing strange things like setting them
using Android XML strings. This method makes the Androguard output
match the output from `aapt dump badging`: bad values are ignored.
sdk_version = int(value)
if sdk_version > 0:
return sdk_version
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return None
def scan_apk_androguard(apk, apkfile):
apkobject = common.get_androguard_APK(apkfile)
if apkobject.is_valid_APK():
arsc = apkobject.get_android_resources()
if options.delete_unknown:
if os.path.exists(apkfile):
logging.error(_("Failed to get APK information, deleting {path}")
logging.error(_("Could not find {path} to remove it")
logging.error(_("Failed to get APK information, skipping {path}")
raise BuildException(_("Invalid APK"))
except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError, zipfile.BadZipFile) as e:
logging.error(_("Could not open APK {path} for analysis: ").format(path=apkfile)
+ str(e))
raise BuildException(_("Invalid APK")) from e
apk['packageName'] = apkobject.get_package()
xml = apkobject.get_android_manifest_xml()
androidmanifest_xml = apkobject.xml['AndroidManifest.xml']
if len(xml.nsmap) > 0:
# one of them surely will be the Android one, or its corrupt
xmlns = common.XMLNS_ANDROID
# strange but sometimes the namespace is blank. This seems to
# only happen with the Bromite/Chromium APKs
xmlns = '{}'
vcstr = androidmanifest_xml.get(xmlns + 'versionCode')
if vcstr.startswith('0x'):
apk['versionCode'] = int(vcstr, 16)
apk['versionCode'] = int(vcstr)
apk['name'] = apkobject.get_app_name()
apk['versionName'] = common.ensure_final_value(apk['packageName'], arsc,
androidmanifest_xml.get(xmlns + 'versionName'))
minSdkVersion = _sanitize_sdk_version(apkobject.get_min_sdk_version())
if minSdkVersion is not None:
apk['minSdkVersion'] = minSdkVersion
targetSdkVersion = _sanitize_sdk_version(apkobject.get_target_sdk_version())
if targetSdkVersion is not None:
apk['targetSdkVersion'] = targetSdkVersion
maxSdkVersion = _sanitize_sdk_version(apkobject.get_max_sdk_version())
if maxSdkVersion is not None:
apk['maxSdkVersion'] = maxSdkVersion
icon_id_str = apkobject.get_attribute_value("application", "icon")
if icon_id_str:
icon_id = int(icon_id_str.replace("@", "0x"), 16)
resource_id = arsc.get_id(apk['packageName'], icon_id)
if resource_id:
icon_name = arsc.get_id(apk['packageName'], icon_id)[1]
# don't use 'anydpi' aka 0xFFFE aka 65534 since it is XML
icon_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(apkobject.get_app_icon(max_dpi=65534 - 1)))[0]
apk['icons_src'] = _get_apk_icons_src(apkfile, icon_name)
except Exception as e:
logging.error("Cannot fetch icon from %s: %s" % (apkfile, str(e)))
arch_re = re.compile("^lib/(.*)/.*$")
arch = set([arch_re.match(file).group(1) for file in apkobject.get_files() if arch_re.match(file)])
if len(arch) >= 1:
apk['nativecode'] = []
for item in xml.findall('uses-permission'):
name = item.attrib.get(xmlns + 'name')
if not name:
_('Ignoring bad element in manifest: %s')
% ElementTree.tostring(item).decode()
maxSdkVersion = item.attrib.get(xmlns + 'maxSdkVersion')
maxSdkVersion = int(maxSdkVersion) if maxSdkVersion else None
permission = UsesPermission(str(name), maxSdkVersion)
for name, maxSdkVersion in apkobject.get_uses_implied_permission_list():
permission = UsesPermission(
for item in xml.findall('uses-permission-sdk-23'):
name = item.attrib.get(xmlns + 'name')
if not name:
_('Ignoring bad element in manifest: %s')
% ElementTree.tostring(item).decode()
maxSdkVersion = item.attrib.get(xmlns + 'maxSdkVersion')
maxSdkVersion = int(maxSdkVersion) if maxSdkVersion else None
permission_sdk_23 = UsesPermissionSdk23(str(name), maxSdkVersion)
for item in xml.findall('uses-feature'):
feature = str(item.attrib.get(xmlns + 'name', ''))
if not feature:
_('Ignoring bad element in manifest: %s')
% ElementTree.tostring(item).decode()
if feature not in (
if feature.startswith("android.feature."):
feature = feature[16:]
required = item.attrib.get(xmlns + 'required')
if required is None or required == 'true':
def process_apk(apkcache, apkfilename, repodir, knownapks, use_date_from_apk=False,
allow_disabled_algorithms=False, archive_bad_sig=False, apps=None):
"""Process the apk with the given filename in the given repo directory.
This also extracts the icons.
current apk cache information
the filename of the apk to scan
repo directory to scan
known apks info
use date from APK (instead of current date) for newly added APKs
allow APKs with valid signatures that include
disabled algorithms in the signature (e.g. MD5)
move APKs with a bad signature to the archive
(skip, apk, cachechanged) where skip is a boolean indicating whether to skip this apk,
apk is the scanned apk information, and cachechanged is True if the apkcache got changed.
apk = {}
apkfile = os.path.join(repodir, apkfilename)
cachechanged = False
usecache = False
if apkfilename in apkcache:
apk = apkcache[apkfilename]
if apk.get('hash') == common.sha256sum(apkfile):
logging.debug(_("Reading {apkfilename} from cache")
usecache = True
logging.debug(_("Ignoring stale cache data for {apkfilename}")
if not usecache:
logging.debug(_("Processing {apkfilename}").format(apkfilename=apkfilename))
apk = scan_apk(apkfile)
except BuildException:
logging.warning(_("Skipping '{apkfilename}' with invalid signature!")
return True, None, False
if apps:
if apk['packageName'] in apps:
for build in apps[apk['packageName']].get('Builds', []):
if build['versionCode'] == apk['versionCode'] and build['disable']:
return True, None, False
# Check for debuggable apks...
if common.is_debuggable_or_testOnly(apkfile):
"%s: debuggable or testOnly set in AndroidManifest.xml" % apkfile
if options.rename_apks:
n = apk['packageName'] + '_' + str(apk['versionCode']) + '.apk'
std_short_name = os.path.join(repodir, n)
if apkfile != std_short_name:
if os.path.exists(std_short_name):
std_long_name = std_short_name.replace('.apk', '_' + apk['sig'][:7] + '.apk')
if apkfile != std_long_name:
if os.path.exists(std_long_name):
dupdir = os.path.join('duplicates', repodir)
if not os.path.isdir(dupdir):
os.makedirs(dupdir, exist_ok=True)
dupfile = os.path.join('duplicates', std_long_name)
logging.warning('Moving duplicate ' + std_long_name + ' to ' + dupfile)
os.rename(apkfile, dupfile)
return True, None, False
os.rename(apkfile, std_long_name)
apkfile = std_long_name
os.rename(apkfile, std_short_name)
apkfile = std_short_name
apkfilename = apkfile[len(repodir) + 1:]
apk['apkName'] = apkfilename
srcfilename = apkfilename[:-4] + "_src.tar.gz"
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(repodir, srcfilename)):
apk['srcname'] = srcfilename
# verify the jar signature is correct, allow deprecated
# algorithms only if the APK is in the archive.
skipapk = False
if not common.verify_apk_signature(apkfile):
if repodir == 'archive' or allow_disabled_algorithms:
apk['antiFeatures'].update(['KnownVuln', 'DisabledAlgorithm']) # TODO
except VerificationException:
skipapk = True
skipapk = True
if skipapk:
if archive_bad_sig:
logging.warning(_('Archiving {apkfilename} with invalid signature!')
move_apk_between_sections(repodir, 'archive', apk)
logging.warning(_('Skipping {apkfilename} with invalid signature!')
return True, None, False
apkzip = zipfile.ZipFile(apkfile, 'r')
manifest = apkzip.getinfo('AndroidManifest.xml')
# 1980-0-0 means zeroed out, any other invalid date should trigger a warning
if (1980, 0, 0) != manifest.date_time[0:3]:
common.check_system_clock(datetime(*manifest.date_time), apkfilename)
except ValueError as e:
logging.warning(_("{apkfilename}'s AndroidManifest.xml has a bad date: ")
.format(apkfilename=apkfile) + str(e))
# extract icons from APK zip file
iconfilename = "%s.%s.png" % (apk['packageName'], apk['versionCode'])
empty_densities = extract_apk_icons(iconfilename, apk, apkzip, repodir)
apkzip.close() # ensure that APK zip file gets closed
# resize existing icons for densities missing in the APK
fill_missing_icon_densities(empty_densities, iconfilename, apk, repodir)
if use_date_from_apk:
default_date_param = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(apkfile).st_mtime)
default_date_param = None
# Record in known apks, getting the added date at the same time..
added = knownapks.recordapk(apk['apkName'], apk['packageName'],
if added:
apk['added'] = added
apkcache[apkfilename] = apk
cachechanged = True
return False, apk, cachechanged
def process_apks(apkcache, repodir, knownapks, use_date_from_apk=False, apps=None):
"""Process the apks in the given repo directory.
This also extracts the icons.
current apk cache information
repo directory to scan
b known apks info
use date from APK (instead of current date) for newly added APKs
(apks, cachechanged) where apks is a list of apk information,
and cachechanged is True if the apkcache got changed.
cachechanged = False
for icon_dir in get_all_icon_dirs(repodir):
if os.path.exists(icon_dir):
if options is not None and options.clean:
apks = []
for apkfile in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(repodir, '*.apk'))):
apkfilename = apkfile[len(repodir) + 1:]
ada = disabled_algorithms_allowed()
(skip, apk, cachethis) = process_apk(apkcache, apkfilename, repodir, knownapks,
use_date_from_apk, ada, True, apps)
if skip:
cachechanged = cachechanged or cachethis
return apks, cachechanged
def extract_apk_icons(icon_filename, apk, apkzip, repo_dir):
"""Extract PNG icons from an APK with the supported pixel densities.
Extracts icons from the given APK zip in various densities, saves
them into given repo directory and stores their names in the APK
metadata dictionary. If the icon is an XML icon, then this tries
to find PNG icon that can replace it.
A string representing the icon's file name
A populated dictionary containing APK metadata.
Needs to have 'icons_src' key
An opened zipfile.ZipFile of the APK file
The directory of the APK's repository
A list of icon densities that are missing
res_name_re = re.compile(r'res/(drawable|mipmap)-(x*[hlm]dpi|anydpi).*/(.*)_[0-9]+dp.(png|xml)')
pngs = dict()
for f in apkzip.namelist():
m = res_name_re.match(f)
if m and m.group(4) == 'png':
density = screen_resolutions[m.group(2)]
pngs[m.group(3) + '/' + density] = m.group(0)
empty_densities = []
for density in screen_densities:
if density not in apk['icons_src']:
icon_src = apk['icons_src'][density]
icon_dir = get_icon_dir(repo_dir, density)
icon_dest = os.path.join(icon_dir, icon_filename)
# Extract the icon files per density
if icon_src.endswith('.xml'):
m = res_name_re.match(icon_src)
if m:
name = pngs.get(m.group(3) + '/' + str(density))
if name:
icon_src = name
if icon_src.endswith('.xml'):
with open(icon_dest, 'wb') as f:
f.write(get_icon_bytes(apkzip, icon_src))
apk['icons'][density] = icon_filename
except (zipfile.BadZipFile, ValueError, KeyError) as e:
logging.warning("Error retrieving icon file: %s %s", icon_dest, e)
del apk['icons_src'][density]
# '-1' here is a remnant of the parsing of aapt output, meaning "no DPI specified"
if '-1' in apk['icons_src'] and not apk['icons_src']['-1'].endswith('.xml'):
icon_src = apk['icons_src']['-1']
icon_path = os.path.join(get_icon_dir(repo_dir, '0'), icon_filename)
with open(icon_path, 'wb') as f:
f.write(get_icon_bytes(apkzip, icon_src))
im = None
im = Image.open(icon_path)
dpi = px_to_dpi(im.size[0])
for density in screen_densities:
if density in apk['icons']:
if density == screen_densities[-1] or dpi >= int(density):
apk['icons'][density] = icon_filename
os.path.join(get_icon_dir(repo_dir, density), icon_filename))
except Exception as e:
logging.warning(_("Failed reading {path}: {error}")
.format(path=icon_path, error=e))
if im and hasattr(im, 'close'):
if apk['icons']:
apk['icon'] = icon_filename
return empty_densities
def fill_missing_icon_densities(empty_densities, icon_filename, apk, repo_dir):
"""Resize existing PNG icons for densities missing in the APK to ensure all densities are available.
empty_densities: A list of icon densities that are missing
icon_filename: A string representing the icon's file name
apk: A populated dictionary containing APK metadata. Needs to have 'icons' key
repo_dir: The directory of the APK's repository
# First try resizing down to not lose quality
last_density = None
for density in screen_densities:
if density == '65534': # not possible to generate 'anydpi' from other densities
if density not in empty_densities:
last_density = density
if last_density is None:
logging.debug("Density %s not available, resizing down from %s", density, last_density)
last_icon_path = os.path.join(get_icon_dir(repo_dir, last_density), icon_filename)
icon_path = os.path.join(get_icon_dir(repo_dir, density), icon_filename)
fp = None
fp = open(last_icon_path, 'rb')
im = Image.open(fp)
size = dpi_to_px(density)
im.thumbnail((size, size), Image.LANCZOS)
im.save(icon_path, "PNG", optimize=True,
pnginfo=BLANK_PNG_INFO, icc_profile=None)
except Exception as e:
logging.warning("Invalid image file at %s: %s", last_icon_path, e)
if fp:
# Then just copy from the highest resolution available
last_density = None
for density in reversed(screen_densities):
if density not in empty_densities:
last_density = density
if last_density is None:
os.path.join(get_icon_dir(repo_dir, last_density), icon_filename),
os.path.join(get_icon_dir(repo_dir, density), icon_filename)
for density in screen_densities:
icon_dir = get_icon_dir(repo_dir, density)
icon_dest = os.path.join(icon_dir, icon_filename)
resize_icon(icon_dest, density)
# Copy from icons-mdpi to icons since mdpi is the baseline density
baseline = os.path.join(get_icon_dir(repo_dir, '160'), icon_filename)
if os.path.isfile(baseline):
apk['icons']['0'] = icon_filename
shutil.copyfile(baseline, os.path.join(get_icon_dir(repo_dir, '0'), icon_filename))
def apply_info_from_latest_apk(apps, apks):
"""No summary.
Some information from the apks needs to be applied up to the application level.
When doing this, we use the info from the most recent version's apk.
We deal with figuring out when the app was added and last updated at the same time.
for appid, app in apps.items():
for apk in apks:
if apk['packageName'] == appid:
if apk['versionCode'] > bestver:
bestver = apk['versionCode']
bestapk = apk
if not app['added']:
logging.debug("Don't know when " + appid + " was added")
if not app['lastUpdated']:
logging.debug("Don't know when " + appid + " was last updated")
if bestver == UNSET_VERSION_CODE:
app['icon'] = None
logging.debug("Application " + appid + " has no packages")
app.icon = bestapk['icon'] if 'icon' in bestapk else None
if app.get('CurrentVersionCode') is None:
app['CurrentVersionCode'] = bestver
def archive_old_apks(apps, apks, archapks, repodir, archivedir, defaultkeepversions):
def filter_apk_list_sorted(apk_list):
apkList = []
currentVersionApk = None
for apk in apk_list:
if apk['packageName'] == appid:
if app.get('CurrentVersionCode') is not None:
if apk['versionCode'] == app['CurrentVersionCode']:
currentVersionApk = apk
# Sort the apk list by version code. First is highest/newest.
sorted_list = sorted(apkList, key=lambda apk: apk['versionCode'], reverse=True)
if currentVersionApk:
# Insert apk which corresponds to currentVersion at the front
sorted_list.insert(0, currentVersionApk)
return sorted_list
for appid, app in apps.items():
if app.get('ArchivePolicy') is not None:
keepversions = app['ArchivePolicy']
keepversions = defaultkeepversions
if app.get('VercodeOperation'):
keepversions *= len(app['VercodeOperation'])
if common.metadata_find_developer_signing_files(appid, app['CurrentVersionCode']):
keepversions *= 2
logging.debug(_("Checking archiving for {appid} - apks:{integer}, keepversions:{keep}, archapks:{arch}")
.format(appid=appid, integer=len(apks), keep=keepversions, arch=len(archapks)))
all_app_apks = filter_apk_list_sorted(apks + archapks)
# determine which apks to keep in repo
keep = []
for apk in all_app_apks:
if len(keep) == keepversions:
if 'antiFeatures' not in apk: # TODO
elif 'DisabledAlgorithm' not in apk['antiFeatures'] or disabled_algorithms_allowed():
# actually move apks to the target section
for apk in all_app_apks:
if apk in apks and apk not in keep:
move_apk_between_sections(repodir, archivedir, apk)
elif apk in archapks and apk in keep:
move_apk_between_sections(archivedir, repodir, apk)
def move_apk_between_sections(from_dir, to_dir, apk):
"""Move an APK from repo to archive or vice versa."""
def _move_file(from_dir, to_dir, filename, ignore_missing):
from_path = os.path.join(from_dir, filename)
if ignore_missing and not os.path.exists(from_path):
to_path = os.path.join(to_dir, filename)
if not os.path.exists(to_dir):
shutil.move(from_path, to_path)
if from_dir == to_dir:
logging.info("Moving %s from %s to %s" % (apk['apkName'], from_dir, to_dir))
_move_file(from_dir, to_dir, apk['apkName'], False)
_move_file(from_dir, to_dir, apk['apkName'] + '.asc', True)
_move_file(from_dir, to_dir, apk['apkName'] + '.idsig', True)
_move_file(from_dir, to_dir, apk['apkName'][:-4] + '.log.gz', True)
for density in all_screen_densities:
from_icon_dir = get_icon_dir(from_dir, density)
to_icon_dir = get_icon_dir(to_dir, density)
if density not in apk.get('icons', []):
_move_file(from_icon_dir, to_icon_dir, apk['icons'][density], True)
if 'srcname' in apk:
_move_file(from_dir, to_dir, apk['srcname'], False)
_move_file(from_dir, to_dir, apk['srcname'] + '.asc', True)
def add_apks_to_per_app_repos(repodir, apks):
apks_per_app = dict()
for apk in apks:
apk['per_app_dir'] = os.path.join(apk['packageName'], 'fdroid')
apk['per_app_repo'] = os.path.join(apk['per_app_dir'], 'repo')
apk['per_app_icons'] = os.path.join(apk['per_app_repo'], 'icons')
apks_per_app[apk['packageName']] = apk
if not os.path.exists(apk['per_app_icons']):
logging.info(_('Adding new repo for only {name}').format(name=apk['packageName']))
apkpath = os.path.join(repodir, apk['apkName'])
shutil.copy(apkpath, apk['per_app_repo'])
apksigpath = apkpath + '.sig'
if os.path.exists(apksigpath):
shutil.copy(apksigpath, apk['per_app_repo'])
apkascpath = apkpath + '.asc'
if os.path.exists(apkascpath):
shutil.copy(apkascpath, apk['per_app_repo'])
def create_metadata_from_template(apk):
"""Create a new metadata file using internal or external template.
Generate warnings for apk's with no metadata (or create skeleton
metadata files, if requested on the command line). Though the
template file is YAML, this uses neither pyyaml nor ruamel.yaml
since those impose things on the metadata file made from the
template: field sort order, empty field value, formatting, etc.
if os.path.exists('template.yml'):
with open('template.yml') as f:
metatxt = f.read()
if 'name' in apk and apk['name'] != '':
metatxt = re.sub(r'''^(((Auto)?Name|Summary):)[ '"\.]*$''',
r'\1 ' + apk['name'],
logging.warning(_('{appid} does not have a name! Using application ID instead.')
metatxt = re.sub(r'^(((Auto)?Name|Summary):).*$',
r'\1 ' + apk['packageName'],
# make sure unset string values will be interpreted as blank strings
str_fields = [x for x in metadata.yaml_app_fields if metadata.fieldtype(x) == metadata.TYPE_STRING]
metatxt = re.sub(r'^(' + '|'.join(str_fields) + '):\\s*$',
r"\1: ''", metatxt,
with open(os.path.join('metadata', apk['packageName'] + '.yml'), 'w') as f:
app = dict()
app['Categories'] = [os.path.basename(os.getcwd())]
# include some blanks as part of the template
app['AuthorName'] = ''
app['Summary'] = ''
app['WebSite'] = ''
app['IssueTracker'] = ''
app['SourceCode'] = ''
app['CurrentVersionCode'] = 2147483647 # Java's Integer.MAX_VALUE
if 'name' in apk and apk['name'] != '':
app['Name'] = apk['name']
logging.warning(_('{appid} does not have a name! Using application ID instead.')
app['Name'] = apk['packageName']
with open(os.path.join('metadata', apk['packageName'] + '.yml'), 'w') as f:
yaml.dump(app, f, default_flow_style=False)
logging.info(_("Generated skeleton metadata for {appid}").format(appid=apk['packageName']))
def read_added_date_from_all_apks(apps, apks):
"""No summary.
Added dates come from the stats/known_apks.txt file but are
read when scanning apks and thus need to be applied form apk
level to app level for _all_ apps and not only from non-archived
TODO: read the added dates directly from known_apks.txt instead of
going through apks that way it also works for for repos that
don't keep an archive of apks.
for appid, app in apps.items():
for apk in apks:
if apk['packageName'] == appid:
if 'added' in apk:
if not app.get('added') or apk['added'] < app['added']:
app['added'] = apk['added']
if not app.get('lastUpdated') or apk['added'] > app['lastUpdated']:
app['lastUpdated'] = apk['added']
def insert_missing_app_names_from_apks(apps, apks):
"""Use app name from APK if it is not set in the metadata.
Name -> localized -> from APK
The name from the APK is set as the default name for the app if
there is no other default set, e.g. app['Name'] or
app['localized'][DEFAULT_LOCALE]['name']. The default is defined in
the F-Droid ecosystem as the locale of last resort, as in the one
that should always be present. en-US is used since it is the
locale of the source strings.
This should only be used for index v0 and v1. Later versions of
the index should be sorted by Application ID, since it is
guaranteed to always be there. Before, the index was stored by
the app name (aka <application android:label="">) to save the
website from having to sort the entries. That is no longer
relevant since the website switched from Wordpress to Jekyll.
for appid, app in apps.items():
if app.get('Name') is not None:
if app.get('localized', {}).get(DEFAULT_LOCALE, {}).get('name') is not None:
for apk in apks:
if apk['packageName'] == appid:
if apk.get('name') and apk['versionCode'] > bestver:
bestver = apk['versionCode']
bestapk = apk
if bestver != UNSET_VERSION_CODE:
if 'localized' not in app:
app['localized'] = {}
if DEFAULT_LOCALE not in app['localized']:
app['localized'][DEFAULT_LOCALE] = {}
app['localized'][DEFAULT_LOCALE]['name'] = bestapk.get('name')
def get_apps_with_packages(apps, apks):
"""Return a deepcopy of that subset apps that actually has any associated packages. Skips disabled apps."""
appsWithPackages = collections.OrderedDict()
for packageName in apps:
app = apps[packageName]
if app['Disabled']:
# only include apps with packages
for apk in apks:
if apk['packageName'] == packageName:
newapp = copy.copy(app)
appsWithPackages[packageName] = newapp
return appsWithPackages
def get_apks_without_allowed_signatures(app, apk):
"""Check the APK or package has been signed by one of the allowed signing certificates.
The fingerprint of the signing certificate is the standard X.509
SHA-256 fingerprint as a hex string. It can be fetched from an
APK using:
apksigner verify --print-certs my.apk | grep SHA-256
The app which declares the AllowedSigningKey
The APK to check
if not app or not apk:
allowed_signer_keys = app.get('AllowedAPKSigningKeys', [])
if not allowed_signer_keys:
if apk['signer'] not in allowed_signer_keys:
return apk['apkName']
def prepare_apps(apps, apks, repodir):
"""Encapsulate all necessary preparation steps before we can build an index out of apps and apks.
All apps as read from metadata
list of apks that belong into repo, this gets modified in place
the target repository directory, metadata files will be copied here
the relevant subset of apps (as a deepcopy)
apps_with_packages = get_apps_with_packages(apps, apks)
apply_info_from_latest_apk(apps_with_packages, apks)
# This is only currently done for /repo because doing it for the archive
# will take a lot of time and bloat the archive mirrors and index
if repodir == 'repo':
insert_obbs(repodir, apps_with_packages, apks)
translate_per_build_anti_features(apps_with_packages, apks)
if repodir == 'repo':
insert_missing_app_names_from_apks(apps_with_packages, apks)
return apps_with_packages
config = None
options = None
start_timestamp = time.gmtime()
def main():
global config, options
# Parse command line...
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--create-key", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Add a repo signing key to an unsigned repo"))
parser.add_argument("-c", "--create-metadata", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Add skeleton metadata files for APKs that are missing them"))
parser.add_argument("--delete-unknown", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Delete APKs and/or OBBs without metadata from the repo"))
parser.add_argument("-I", "--icons", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Resize all the icons exceeding the max pixel size and exit"))
parser.add_argument("-w", "--wiki", default=False, action="store_true",
parser.add_argument("--pretty", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Produce human-readable XML/JSON for index files"))
parser.add_argument("--clean", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Clean update - don't uses caches, reprocess all APKs"))
parser.add_argument("--nosign", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("When configured for signed indexes, create only unsigned indexes at this stage"))
parser.add_argument("--use-date-from-apk", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Use date from APK instead of current time for newly added APKs"))
parser.add_argument("--rename-apks", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Rename APK files that do not match package.name_123.apk"))
parser.add_argument("--allow-disabled-algorithms", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Include APKs that are signed with disabled algorithms like MD5"))
options = common.parse_args(parser)
metadata.warnings_action = options.W
config = common.read_config()
if not (('jarsigner' in config or 'apksigner' in config)
and 'keytool' in config):
raise FDroidException(_('Java JDK not found! Install in standard location or set java_paths!'))
repodirs = ['repo']
if config['archive_older'] != 0:
if not os.path.exists('archive'):
if options.icons:
if options.rename_apks:
options.clean = True
# check that icons exist now, rather than fail at the end of `fdroid update`
for k in ['repo_icon', 'archive_icon']:
if k in config:
if not os.path.exists(config[k]):
logging.warning(_('{name} "{section}/icons/{path}" does not exist! Check "config.yml".')
.format(name=k, section=k.split('_')[0], path=config[k]))
# if the user asks to create a keystore, do it now, reusing whatever it can
if options.create_key:
if os.path.exists(config['keystore']):
logging.critical(_("Cowardily refusing to overwrite existing signing key setup!"))
logging.critical("\t'" + config['keystore'] + "'")
if 'repo_keyalias' not in config:
config['repo_keyalias'] = socket.getfqdn()
common.write_to_config(config, 'repo_keyalias', config['repo_keyalias'])
if 'keydname' not in config:
config['keydname'] = 'CN=' + config['repo_keyalias'] + ', OU=F-Droid'
common.write_to_config(config, 'keydname', config['keydname'])
if 'keystore' not in config:
config['keystore'] = common.default_config['keystore']
common.write_to_config(config, 'keystore', config['keystore'])
password = common.genpassword()
if 'keystorepass' not in config:
config['keystorepass'] = password
common.write_to_config(config, 'keystorepass', config['keystorepass'])
if 'keypass' not in config and not config['keystore'] == "NONE":
config['keypass'] = password
common.write_to_config(config, 'keypass', config['keypass'])
# Get all apps...
apps = metadata.read_metadata()
# Read known apks data (will be updated and written back when we've finished)
knownapks = common.KnownApks()
# Get APK cache
apkcache = get_cache()
# Delete builds for disabled apps
delete_disabled_builds(apps, apkcache, repodirs)
# Scan all apks in the main repo
apks, cachechanged = process_apks(apkcache, repodirs[0], knownapks,
options.use_date_from_apk, apps)
files, fcachechanged = scan_repo_files(apkcache, repodirs[0], knownapks,
cachechanged = cachechanged or fcachechanged
apks += files
ipas, icachechanged = scan_repo_for_ipas(apkcache, repodirs[0], knownapks)
cachechanged = cachechanged or icachechanged
apks += ipas
appid_has_apks = set()
appid_has_repo_files = set()
remove_apks = []
for apk in apks:
to_remove = get_apks_without_allowed_signatures(apps.get(apk['packageName']), apk)
if to_remove:
_('"{path}" is signed by a key that is not allowed:').format(
+ '\n'
+ apk['signer']
if options.delete_unknown:
for d in repodirs:
path = Path(d) / to_remove
if path.exists():
logging.warning(_('Removing {path}"').format(path=path))
if apk['apkName'].endswith('.apk'):
if apk['packageName'] not in apps:
if options.create_metadata:
apps = metadata.read_metadata()
msg = _("{apkfilename} ({appid}) has no metadata!") \
.format(apkfilename=apk['apkName'], appid=apk['packageName'])
if options.delete_unknown:
logging.warning(msg + '\n\t' + _("deleting: repo/{apkfilename}")
rmf = os.path.join(repodirs[0], apk['apkName'])
if not os.path.exists(rmf):
logging.error(_("Could not find {path} to remove it").format(path=rmf))
logging.warning(msg + '\n\t' + _('Use `fdroid update -c` to create it.'))
for apk in remove_apks:
mismatch_errors = ''
for appid in appid_has_apks:
if appid in appid_has_repo_files:
appid_files = ', '.join(glob.glob(os.path.join('repo', appid + '_[0-9]*.*')))
mismatch_errors += (_('{appid} has both APKs and files: {files}')
.format(appid=appid, files=appid_files)) + '\n'
if mismatch_errors:
raise FDroidException(mismatch_errors)
# Scan the archive repo for apks as well
if len(repodirs) > 1:
archapks, cc = process_apks(apkcache, repodirs[1], knownapks,
options.use_date_from_apk, apps)
if cc:
cachechanged = True
archapks = []
if cachechanged:
# The added date currently comes from the oldest apk which might be in the archive.
# So we need this populated at app level before continuing with only processing /repo
# or /archive
read_added_date_from_all_apks(apps, apks + archapks)
if len(repodirs) > 1:
archive_old_apks(apps, apks, archapks, repodirs[0], repodirs[1], config['archive_older'])
archived_apps = prepare_apps(apps, archapks, repodirs[1])
fdroidserver.index.make(archived_apps, archapks, repodirs[1], True)
repoapps = prepare_apps(apps, apks, repodirs[0])
# APKs are placed into multiple repos based on the app package, providing
# per-app subscription feeds for nightly builds and things like it
if config['per_app_repos']:
add_apks_to_per_app_repos(repodirs[0], apks)
for appid, app in apps.items():
repodir = os.path.join(appid, 'fdroid', 'repo')
app_dict = dict()
app_dict[appid] = app
if os.path.isdir(repodir):
fdroidserver.index.make(app_dict, apks, repodir, False)
logging.info(_('Skipping index generation for {appid}').format(appid=appid))
# Make the index for the main repo...
fdroidserver.index.make(repoapps, apks, repodirs[0], False)
git_remote = config.get('binary_transparency_remote')
if git_remote or os.path.isdir(os.path.join('binary_transparency', '.git')):
from . import btlog
if config['update_stats']:
# Update known apks info...
status_update_json(apps, apks + archapks)
if __name__ == "__main__":