mirror of https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver.git synced 2024-10-01 08:40:11 +02:00
2021-11-24 18:16:07 +01:00

659 lines
24 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# checkupdates.py - part of the FDroid server tools
# Copyright (C) 2010-2015, Ciaran Gultnieks, ciaran@ciarang.com
# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Daniel Martí <mvdan@mvdan.cc>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import re
import urllib.request
import urllib.error
import time
import subprocess
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import traceback
import html
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
import logging
import copy
import urllib.parse
from pathlib import Path
from . import _
from . import common
from . import metadata
from . import net
from .exception import VCSException, NoSubmodulesException, FDroidException, MetaDataException
# Check for a new version by looking at a document retrieved via HTTP.
# The app's Update Check Data field is used to provide the information
# required.
def check_http(app):
if not app.UpdateCheckData:
raise FDroidException('Missing Update Check Data')
urlcode, codeex, urlver, verex = app.UpdateCheckData.split('|')
parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(urlcode)
if not parsed.netloc or not parsed.scheme or parsed.scheme != 'https':
raise FDroidException(_('UpdateCheckData has invalid URL: {url}').format(url=urlcode))
if urlver != '.':
parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(urlver)
if not parsed.netloc or not parsed.scheme or parsed.scheme != 'https':
raise FDroidException(_('UpdateCheckData has invalid URL: {url}').format(url=urlcode))
logging.debug("...requesting {0}".format(urlcode))
req = urllib.request.Request(urlcode, None, headers=net.HEADERS)
resp = urllib.request.urlopen(req, None, 20) # nosec B310 scheme is filtered above
page = resp.read().decode('utf-8')
m = re.search(codeex, page)
if not m:
raise FDroidException("No RE match for version code")
vercode = m.group(1).strip()
if urlver != '.':
logging.debug("...requesting {0}".format(urlver))
req = urllib.request.Request(urlver, None)
resp = urllib.request.urlopen(req, None, 20) # nosec B310 scheme is filtered above
page = resp.read().decode('utf-8')
m = re.search(verex, page)
if not m:
raise FDroidException("No RE match for version")
version = m.group(1)
if app.UpdateCheckIgnore and re.search(app.UpdateCheckIgnore, version):
logging.info("Version {version} for {appid} is ignored".format(version=version, appid=app.id))
return (None, None)
return (version, vercode)
def check_tags(app, pattern):
"""Check for a new version by looking at the tags in the source repo.
Whether this can be used reliably or not depends on
the development procedures used by the project's developers. Use it with
caution, because it's inappropriate for many projects.
if app.RepoType == 'srclib':
build_dir = Path('build/srclib') / app.Repo
repotype = common.getsrclibvcs(app.Repo)
build_dir = Path('build') / app.id
repotype = app.RepoType
if repotype not in ('git', 'git-svn', 'hg', 'bzr'):
raise MetaDataException(_('Tags update mode only works for git, hg, bzr and git-svn repositories currently'))
if repotype == 'git-svn' and ';' not in app.Repo:
raise MetaDataException(_('Tags update mode used in git-svn, but the repo was not set up with tags'))
# Set up vcs interface and make sure we have the latest code...
vcs = common.getvcs(app.RepoType, app.Repo, build_dir)
last_build = app.get_last_build()
try_init_submodules(app, last_build, vcs)
htag = None
hver = None
hcode = "0"
tags = []
if repotype == 'git':
tags = vcs.latesttags()
tags = vcs.gettags()
if not tags:
raise FDroidException(_('No tags found'))
logging.debug("All tags: " + ','.join(tags))
if pattern:
pat = re.compile(pattern)
tags = [tag for tag in tags if pat.match(tag)]
if not tags:
raise FDroidException(_('No matching tags found'))
logging.debug("Matching tags: " + ','.join(tags))
if len(tags) > 5 and repotype == 'git':
tags = tags[:5]
logging.debug("Latest tags: " + ','.join(tags))
for tag in tags:
logging.debug("Check tag: '{0}'".format(tag))
if app.UpdateCheckData:
filecode, codeex, filever, verex = app.UpdateCheckData.split('|')
if filecode:
filecode = build_dir / filecode
if not filecode.is_file():
logging.debug("UpdateCheckData file {0} not found in tag {1}".format(filecode, tag))
filecontent = filecode.read_text()
filecontent = tag
vercode = tag
if codeex:
m = re.search(codeex, filecontent)
if not m:
vercode = m.group(1).strip()
if filever:
if filever != '.':
filever = build_dir / filever
if filever.is_file():
filecontent = filever.read_text()
logging.debug("UpdateCheckData file {0} not found in tag {1}".format(filever, tag))
filecontent = tag
version = tag
if verex:
m = re.search(verex, filecontent)
if m:
version = m.group(1)
logging.debug("UpdateCheckData found version {0} ({1})"
.format(version, vercode))
i_vercode = common.version_code_string_to_int(vercode)
if i_vercode > common.version_code_string_to_int(hcode):
htag = tag
hcode = str(i_vercode)
hver = version
for subdir in possible_subdirs(app):
root_dir = build_dir / subdir
paths = common.manifest_paths(root_dir, last_build.gradle)
version, vercode, _package = common.parse_androidmanifests(paths, app)
if version == 'Unknown' or version == 'Ignore':
version = tag
if vercode:
logging.debug("Manifest exists in subdir '{0}'. Found version {1} ({2})"
.format(subdir, version, vercode))
i_vercode = common.version_code_string_to_int(vercode)
if i_vercode > common.version_code_string_to_int(hcode):
htag = tag
hcode = str(i_vercode)
hver = version
if hver:
if htag != tags[0]:
"{appid}: latest tag {tag} does not contain highest version {version}".format(
appid=app.id, tag=tags[0], version=hver
commit = vcs.getref(htag)
if commit:
return (hver, hcode, commit)
except VCSException:
return (hver, hcode, htag)
raise FDroidException(_("Couldn't find any version information"))
def check_repomanifest(app, branch=None):
"""Check for a new version by looking at the AndroidManifest.xml at the HEAD of the source repo.
Whether this can be used reliably or not depends on
the development procedures used by the project's developers. Use it with
caution, because it's inappropriate for many projects.
if app.RepoType == 'srclib':
build_dir = Path('build/srclib') / app.Repo
repotype = common.getsrclibvcs(app.Repo)
build_dir = Path('build') / app.id
repotype = app.RepoType
# Set up vcs interface and make sure we have the latest code...
vcs = common.getvcs(app.RepoType, app.Repo, build_dir)
if repotype == 'git':
if branch:
branch = 'origin/' + branch
elif repotype == 'git-svn':
elif repotype == 'hg':
elif repotype == 'bzr':
last_build = metadata.Build()
if app.get('Builds', []):
last_build = app.get('Builds', [])[-1]
try_init_submodules(app, last_build, vcs)
hpak = None
hver = None
hcode = "0"
for subdir in possible_subdirs(app):
root_dir = build_dir / subdir
paths = common.manifest_paths(root_dir, last_build.gradle)
version, vercode, package = common.parse_androidmanifests(paths, app)
if vercode:
logging.debug("Manifest exists in subdir '{0}'. Found version {1} ({2})"
.format(subdir, version, vercode))
i_vercode = common.version_code_string_to_int(vercode)
if i_vercode > common.version_code_string_to_int(hcode):
hpak = package
hcode = str(i_vercode)
hver = version
if not hpak:
raise FDroidException(_("Couldn't find package ID"))
if hver:
return (hver, hcode)
raise FDroidException(_("Couldn't find any version information"))
def check_repotrunk(app):
if app.RepoType == 'srclib':
build_dir = Path('build/srclib') / app.Repo
repotype = common.getsrclibvcs(app.Repo)
build_dir = Path('build') / app.id
repotype = app.RepoType
if repotype not in ('git-svn', ):
raise MetaDataException(_('RepoTrunk update mode only makes sense in git-svn repositories'))
# Set up vcs interface and make sure we have the latest code...
vcs = common.getvcs(app.RepoType, app.Repo, build_dir)
ref = vcs.getref()
return (ref, ref)
# Check for a new version by looking at the Google Play Store.
# Returns (None, "a message") if this didn't work, or (version, None) for
# the details of the current version.
def check_gplay(app):
url = 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=' + app.id
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0'}
req = urllib.request.Request(url, None, headers)
resp = urllib.request.urlopen(req, None, 20) # nosec B310 URL base is hardcoded above
page = resp.read().decode()
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
return (None, str(e.code))
except Exception as e:
return (None, 'Failed:' + str(e))
version = None
m = re.search('itemprop="softwareVersion">[ ]*([^<]+)[ ]*</div>', page)
if m:
version = html.unescape(m.group(1))
if version == 'Varies with device':
return (None, 'Device-variable version, cannot use this method')
if not version:
return (None, "Couldn't find version")
return (version.strip(), None)
def try_init_submodules(app, last_build, vcs):
"""Try to init submodules if the last build entry used them.
They might have been removed from the app's repo in the meantime,
so if we can't find any submodules we continue with the updates check.
If there is any other error in initializing them then we stop the check.
if last_build.submodules:
except NoSubmodulesException:
logging.info("No submodules present for {}".format(_getappname(app)))
except VCSException:
logging.info("submodule broken for {}".format(_getappname(app)))
# Return all directories under startdir that contain any of the manifest
# files, and thus are probably an Android project.
def dirs_with_manifest(startdir):
# TODO: Python3.6: Accepts a path-like object.
for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(str(startdir)):
if any(m in files for m in [
'AndroidManifest.xml', 'pom.xml', 'build.gradle', 'build.gradle.kts']):
yield Path(root)
# Tries to find a new subdir starting from the root build_dir. Returns said
# subdir relative to the build dir if found, None otherwise.
def possible_subdirs(app):
if app.RepoType == 'srclib':
build_dir = Path('build/srclib') / app.Repo
build_dir = Path('build') / app.id
last_build = app.get_last_build()
for d in dirs_with_manifest(build_dir):
m_paths = common.manifest_paths(d, last_build.gradle)
package = common.parse_androidmanifests(m_paths, app)[2]
if package is not None:
subdir = d.relative_to(build_dir)
logging.debug("Adding possible subdir %s" % subdir)
yield subdir
def _getappname(app):
return common.get_app_display_name(app)
def _getcvname(app):
return '%s (%s)' % (app.CurrentVersion, app.CurrentVersionCode)
def fetch_autoname(app, tag):
if not app.RepoType or app.UpdateCheckMode in ('None', 'Static') \
or app.UpdateCheckName == "Ignore":
return None
if app.RepoType == 'srclib':
build_dir = Path('build/srclib') / app.Repo
build_dir = Path('build') / app.id
vcs = common.getvcs(app.RepoType, app.Repo, build_dir)
except VCSException:
return None
last_build = app.get_last_build()
logging.debug("...fetch auto name from " + str(build_dir))
new_name = None
for subdir in possible_subdirs(app):
root_dir = build_dir / subdir
new_name = common.fetch_real_name(root_dir, last_build.gradle)
if new_name is not None:
commitmsg = None
if new_name:
logging.debug("...got autoname '" + new_name + "'")
if new_name != app.AutoName:
app.AutoName = new_name
if not commitmsg:
commitmsg = "Set autoname of {0}".format(_getappname(app))
logging.debug("...couldn't get autoname")
return commitmsg
def checkupdates_app(app):
# If a change is made, commitmsg should be set to a description of it.
# Only if this is set will changes be written back to the metadata.
commitmsg = None
tag = None
vercode = None
mode = app.UpdateCheckMode
if mode.startswith('Tags'):
pattern = mode[5:] if len(mode) > 4 else None
(version, vercode, tag) = check_tags(app, pattern)
elif mode == 'RepoManifest':
(version, vercode) = check_repomanifest(app)
elif mode.startswith('RepoManifest/'):
tag = mode[13:]
(version, vercode) = check_repomanifest(app, tag)
elif mode == 'RepoTrunk':
(version, vercode) = check_repotrunk(app)
elif mode == 'HTTP':
(version, vercode) = check_http(app)
elif mode in ('None', 'Static'):
logging.debug('Checking disabled')
raise MetaDataException(_('Invalid UpdateCheckMode: {mode}').format(mode=mode))
if version and vercode and app.VercodeOperation:
if not common.VERCODE_OPERATION_RE.match(app.VercodeOperation):
raise MetaDataException(_('Invalid VercodeOperation: {field}')
oldvercode = str(int(vercode))
op = app.VercodeOperation.replace("%c", oldvercode)
vercode = str(common.calculate_math_string(op))
logging.debug("Applied vercode operation: %s -> %s" % (oldvercode, vercode))
if version and any(version.startswith(s) for s in [
'${', # Gradle variable names
'@string/', # Strings we could not resolve
version = "Unknown"
updating = False
if version is None:
raise FDroidException(_('no version information found'))
elif vercode == app.CurrentVersionCode:
logging.debug("...up to date")
elif int(vercode) > int(app.CurrentVersionCode):
logging.debug("...updating - old vercode={0}, new vercode={1}".format(
app.CurrentVersionCode, vercode))
app.CurrentVersion = version
app.CurrentVersionCode = str(int(vercode))
updating = True
raise FDroidException(
_('current version is newer: old vercode={old}, new vercode={new}').format(
old=app.CurrentVersionCode, new=vercode
commitmsg = fetch_autoname(app, tag)
if updating:
name = _getappname(app)
ver = _getcvname(app)
logging.info('...updating to version %s' % ver)
commitmsg = 'Update CurrentVersion of %s to %s' % (name, ver)
if options.auto:
mode = app.AutoUpdateMode
if not app.CurrentVersionCode:
raise MetaDataException(
_("Can't auto-update app with no CurrentVersionCode")
elif mode in ('None', 'Static'):
elif mode.startswith('Version'):
pattern = mode[8:]
suffix = ''
if pattern.startswith('+'):
suffix, pattern = pattern[1:].split(' ', 1)
except ValueError:
raise MetaDataException("Invalid AutoUpdateMode: " + mode)
gotcur = False
latest = None
for build in app.get('Builds', []):
if int(build.versionCode) >= int(app.CurrentVersionCode):
gotcur = True
if not latest or int(build.versionCode) > int(latest.versionCode):
latest = build
if int(latest.versionCode) > int(app.CurrentVersionCode):
raise FDroidException(
'latest build recipe is newer: old vercode={old}, new vercode={new}'
).format(old=latest.versionCode, new=app.CurrentVersionCode)
if not gotcur:
newbuild = copy.deepcopy(latest)
newbuild.disable = False
newbuild.versionCode = app.CurrentVersionCode
newbuild.versionName = app.CurrentVersion + suffix.replace('%c', newbuild.versionCode)
logging.info("...auto-generating build for " + newbuild.versionName)
if tag:
newbuild.commit = tag
commit = pattern.replace('%v', app.CurrentVersion)
commit = commit.replace('%c', newbuild.versionCode)
newbuild.commit = commit
name = _getappname(app)
ver = _getcvname(app)
commitmsg = "Update %s to %s" % (name, ver)
raise MetaDataException(
_('Invalid AutoUpdateMode: {mode}').format(mode=mode)
if commitmsg:
metadata.write_metadata(app.metadatapath, app)
if options.commit:
logging.info("Commiting update for " + app.metadatapath)
gitcmd = ["git", "commit", "-m", commitmsg]
if 'auto_author' in config:
gitcmd.extend(['--author', config['auto_author']])
gitcmd.extend(["--", app.metadatapath])
if subprocess.call(gitcmd) != 0:
raise FDroidException("Git commit failed")
def status_update_json(processed, failed):
"""Output a JSON file with metadata about this run."""
logging.debug(_('Outputting JSON'))
output = common.setup_status_output(start_timestamp)
if processed:
output['processed'] = processed
if failed:
output['failed'] = failed
config = None
options = None
start_timestamp = time.gmtime()
def main():
global config, options
# Parse command line...
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("appid", nargs='*', help=_("application ID of file to operate on"))
parser.add_argument("--auto", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Process auto-updates"))
parser.add_argument("--autoonly", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Only process apps with auto-updates"))
parser.add_argument("--commit", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Commit changes"))
parser.add_argument("--allow-dirty", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Run on git repo that has uncommitted changes"))
parser.add_argument("--gplay", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Only print differences with the Play Store"))
options = parser.parse_args()
metadata.warnings_action = options.W
config = common.read_config(options)
if not options.allow_dirty:
status = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'status', '--porcelain'])
if status:
logging.error(_('Build metadata git repo has uncommited changes!'))
# Get all apps...
allapps = metadata.read_metadata()
apps = common.read_app_args(options.appid, allapps, False)
if options.gplay:
for appid, app in apps.items():
version, reason = check_gplay(app)
if version is None:
if reason == '404':
logging.info("{0} is not in the Play Store".format(_getappname(app)))
logging.info("{0} encountered a problem: {1}".format(_getappname(app), reason))
if version is not None:
stored = app.CurrentVersion
if not stored:
logging.info("{0} has no Current Version but has version {1} on the Play Store"
.format(_getappname(app), version))
elif LooseVersion(stored) < LooseVersion(version):
logging.info("{0} has version {1} on the Play Store, which is bigger than {2}"
.format(_getappname(app), version, stored))
if stored != version:
logging.info("{0} has version {1} on the Play Store, which differs from {2}"
.format(_getappname(app), version, stored))
logging.info("{0} has the same version {1} on the Play Store"
.format(_getappname(app), version))
processed = []
failed = dict()
exit_code = 0
for appid, app in apps.items():
if options.autoonly and app.AutoUpdateMode in ('None', 'Static'):
logging.debug(_("Nothing to do for {appid}.").format(appid=appid))
msg = _("Processing {appid}").format(appid=appid)
except Exception as e:
msg = _("...checkupdate failed for {appid} : {error}").format(appid=appid, error=e)
failed[appid] = str(e)
exit_code = 1
status_update_json(processed, failed)
if __name__ == "__main__":