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Jochen Sprickerhof 4ce79a7eaa explicitly re-raising exceptions
To fix pylint.
2022-06-01 22:52:22 +02:00

519 lines
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# encoding: utf-8
# -- ; {{{1
# File : apksigcopier
# Maintainer : Felix C. Stegerman <flx@obfusk.net>
# Date : 2021-04-14
# Copyright : Copyright (C) 2021 Felix C. Stegerman
# Version : v0.4.0
# License : GPLv3+
# -- ; }}}1
"""Copy/extract/patch apk signatures.
apksigcopier is a tool for copying APK signatures from a signed APK to an
unsigned one (in order to verify reproducible builds).
$ apksigcopier extract [OPTIONS] SIGNED_APK OUTPUT_DIR
The following environment variables can be set to 1, yes, or true to
overide the default behaviour:
* set APKSIGCOPIER_EXCLUDE_ALL_META=1 to exclude all metadata files
* set APKSIGCOPIER_COPY_EXTRA_BYTES=1 to copy extra bytes after data (e.g. a v2 sig)
>> from apksigcopier import do_extract, do_patch, do_copy
>> do_extract(signed_apk, output_dir, v1_only=NO)
>> do_patch(metadata_dir, unsigned_apk, output_apk, v1_only=NO)
>> do_copy(signed_apk, unsigned_apk, output_apk, v1_only=NO)
You can use False, None, and True instead of NO, AUTO, and YES respectively.
The following global variables (which default to False), can be set to
override the default behaviour:
* set exclude_all_meta=True to exclude all metadata files
* set copy_extra_bytes=True to copy extra bytes after data (e.g. a v2 sig)
import glob
import os
import re
import struct
import sys
import zipfile
import zlib
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Union
__version__ = "0.4.0"
NAME = "apksigcopier"
SIGBLOCK, SIGOFFSET = "APKSigningBlock", "APKSigningBlockOffset"
NOAUTOYES = NO, AUTO, YES = ("no", "auto", "yes")
APK_META = re.compile(r"^META-INF/([0-9A-Za-z_-]+\.(SF|RSA|DSA|EC)|MANIFEST\.MF)$")
DATETIMEZERO = (1980, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
ZipData = namedtuple("ZipData", ("cd_offset", "eocd_offset", "cd_and_eocd"))
copy_extra_bytes = False # copy extra bytes after data in copy_apk()
class APKSigCopierError(Exception):
"""Base class for errors."""
class APKSigningBlockError(APKSigCopierError):
"""Something wrong with the APK Signing Block."""
class NoAPKSigningBlock(APKSigningBlockError):
"""APK Signing Block Missing."""
class ZipError(APKSigCopierError):
"""Something wrong with ZIP file."""
# FIXME: is there a better alternative?
class ReproducibleZipInfo(zipfile.ZipInfo):
"""Reproducible ZipInfo hack."""
_override = {} # type: Dict[str, Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]]
def __init__(self, zinfo, **override):
if override:
self._override = {**self._override, **override}
for k in self.__slots__:
if hasattr(zinfo, k):
setattr(self, k, getattr(zinfo, k))
def __getattribute__(self, name):
if name != "_override":
return self._override[name]
except KeyError:
return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
class APKZipInfo(ReproducibleZipInfo):
"""Reproducible ZipInfo for APK files."""
_override = dict(
def noautoyes(value):
"""Turn False into NO, None into AUTO, and True into YES.
>>> from apksigcopier import noautoyes, NO, AUTO, YES
>>> noautoyes(False) == NO == noautoyes(NO)
>>> noautoyes(None) == AUTO == noautoyes(AUTO)
>>> noautoyes(True) == YES == noautoyes(YES)
if isinstance(value, str):
if value not in NOAUTOYES:
raise ValueError("expected NO, AUTO, or YES")
return value
return {False: NO, None: AUTO, True: YES}[value]
except KeyError as exc:
raise ValueError("expected False, None, or True") from exc
def is_meta(filename):
"""No summary.
Returns whether filename is a v1 (JAR) signature file (.SF), signature block
file (.RSA, .DSA, or .EC), or manifest (MANIFEST.MF).
See https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/deployment/jar/intro.html
return APK_META.fullmatch(filename) is not None
def exclude_from_copying(filename):
"""Fdroidserver always wants JAR Signature files to be excluded."""
return is_meta(filename)
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZIP_(file_format)
# https://source.android.com/security/apksigning/v2#apk-signing-block-format
# =================================
# | Contents of ZIP entries |
# =================================
# | APK Signing Block |
# | ----------------------------- |
# | | size (w/o this) uint64 LE | |
# | | ... | |
# | | size (again) uint64 LE | |
# | | "APK Sig Block 42" (16B) | |
# | ----------------------------- |
# =================================
# | ZIP Central Directory |
# =================================
# | ZIP End of Central Directory |
# | ----------------------------- |
# | | 0x06054b50 ( 4B) | |
# | | ... (12B) | |
# | | CD Offset ( 4B) | |
# | | ... | |
# | ----------------------------- |
# =================================
# FIXME: makes certain assumptions and doesn't handle all valid ZIP files!
def copy_apk(unsigned_apk, output_apk):
"""Copy APK like apksigner would, excluding files matched by exclude_from_copying().
The following global variables (which default to False), can be set to
override the default behaviour:
* set exclude_all_meta=True to exclude all metadata files
* set copy_extra_bytes=True to copy extra bytes after data (e.g. a v2 sig)
max date_time.
with zipfile.ZipFile(unsigned_apk, "r") as zf:
infos = zf.infolist()
zdata = zip_data(unsigned_apk)
offsets = {}
with open(unsigned_apk, "rb") as fhi, open(output_apk, "w+b") as fho:
for info in sorted(infos, key=lambda info: info.header_offset):
off_i = fhi.tell()
if info.header_offset > off_i:
# copy extra bytes
fho.write(fhi.read(info.header_offset - off_i))
hdr = fhi.read(30)
if hdr[:4] != b"\x50\x4b\x03\x04":
raise ZipError("Expected local file header signature")
n, m = struct.unpack("<HH", hdr[26:30])
hdr += fhi.read(n + m)
skip = exclude_from_copying(info.filename)
if skip:
fhi.seek(info.compress_size, os.SEEK_CUR)
if info.filename in offsets:
raise ZipError("Duplicate ZIP entry: " + info.filename)
offsets[info.filename] = off_o = fho.tell()
if info.compress_type == 0 and off_o != info.header_offset:
hdr = _realign_zip_entry(info, hdr, n, m, off_o)
_copy_bytes(fhi, fho, info.compress_size)
if info.flag_bits & 0x08:
data_descriptor = fhi.read(12)
if data_descriptor[:4] == b"\x50\x4b\x07\x08":
data_descriptor += fhi.read(4)
if not skip:
extra_bytes = zdata.cd_offset - fhi.tell()
if copy_extra_bytes:
_copy_bytes(fhi, fho, extra_bytes)
fhi.seek(extra_bytes, os.SEEK_CUR)
cd_offset = fho.tell()
for info in infos:
hdr = fhi.read(46)
if hdr[:4] != b"\x50\x4b\x01\x02":
raise ZipError("Expected central directory file header signature")
n, m, k = struct.unpack("<HHH", hdr[28:34])
hdr += fhi.read(n + m + k)
if not exclude_from_copying(info.filename):
off = int.to_bytes(offsets[info.filename], 4, "little")
hdr = hdr[:42] + off + hdr[46:]
eocd_offset = fho.tell()
fho.write(zdata.cd_and_eocd[zdata.eocd_offset - zdata.cd_offset:])
fho.seek(eocd_offset + 8)
fho.write(struct.pack("<HHLL", len(offsets), len(offsets),
eocd_offset - cd_offset, cd_offset))
return max(info.date_time for info in infos)
# NB: doesn't sync local & CD headers!
def _realign_zip_entry(info, hdr, n, m, off_o):
align = 4096 if info.filename.endswith(".so") else 4
old_off = 30 + n + m + info.header_offset
new_off = 30 + n + m + off_o
old_xtr = info.extra
new_xtr = b""
while len(old_xtr) >= 4:
hdr_id, size = struct.unpack("<HH", old_xtr[:4])
if size > len(old_xtr) - 4:
if not (hdr_id == 0 and size == 0):
if hdr_id == 0xd935:
if size >= 2:
align = int.from_bytes(old_xtr[4:6], "little")
new_xtr += old_xtr[:size + 4]
old_xtr = old_xtr[size + 4:]
if old_off % align == 0 and new_off % align != 0:
pad = (align - (new_off - m + len(new_xtr) + 6) % align) % align
xtr = new_xtr + struct.pack("<HHH", 0xd935, 2 + pad, align) + pad * b"\x00"
m_b = int.to_bytes(len(xtr), 2, "little")
hdr = hdr[:28] + m_b + hdr[30:30 + n] + xtr
return hdr
def _copy_bytes(fhi, fho, size, blocksize=4096):
while size > 0:
data = fhi.read(min(size, blocksize))
if not data:
size -= len(data)
if size != 0:
raise ZipError("Unexpected EOF")
def extract_meta(signed_apk):
Extract v1 signature metadata files from signed APK.
Yields (ZipInfo, data) pairs.
with zipfile.ZipFile(signed_apk, "r") as zf_sig:
for info in zf_sig.infolist():
if is_meta(info.filename):
yield info, zf_sig.read(info.filename)
def patch_meta(extracted_meta, output_apk, date_time=DATETIMEZERO):
"""Add v1 signature metadata to APK (removes v2 sig block, if any)."""
with zipfile.ZipFile(output_apk, "r") as zf_out:
for info in zf_out.infolist():
if is_meta(info.filename):
raise ZipError("Unexpected metadata")
with zipfile.ZipFile(output_apk, "a") as zf_out:
info_data = [(APKZipInfo(info, date_time=date_time), data)
for info, data in extracted_meta]
_write_to_zip(info_data, zf_out)
if sys.version_info >= (3, 7):
def _write_to_zip(info_data, zf_out):
for info, data in info_data:
zf_out.writestr(info, data, compresslevel=9)
def _write_to_zip(info_data, zf_out):
old = zipfile._get_compressor
zipfile._get_compressor = lambda _: zlib.compressobj(9, 8, -15)
for info, data in info_data:
zf_out.writestr(info, data)
zipfile._get_compressor = old
def extract_v2_sig(apkfile, expected=True):
Extract APK Signing Block and offset from APK.
When successful, returns (sb_offset, sig_block); otherwise raises
NoAPKSigningBlock when expected is True, else returns None.
cd_offset = zip_data(apkfile).cd_offset
with open(apkfile, "rb") as fh:
fh.seek(cd_offset - 16)
if fh.read(16) != b"APK Sig Block 42":
if expected:
raise NoAPKSigningBlock("No APK Signing Block")
return None
fh.seek(-24, os.SEEK_CUR)
sb_size2 = int.from_bytes(fh.read(8), "little")
fh.seek(-sb_size2 + 8, os.SEEK_CUR)
sb_size1 = int.from_bytes(fh.read(8), "little")
if sb_size1 != sb_size2:
raise APKSigningBlockError("APK Signing Block sizes not equal")
fh.seek(-8, os.SEEK_CUR)
sb_offset = fh.tell()
sig_block = fh.read(sb_size2 + 8)
return sb_offset, sig_block
def zip_data(apkfile, count=1024):
Extract central directory, EOCD, and offsets from ZIP.
with open(apkfile, "rb") as fh:
fh.seek(-count, os.SEEK_END)
data = fh.read()
pos = data.rfind(b"\x50\x4b\x05\x06")
if pos == -1:
raise ZipError("Expected end of central directory record (EOCD)")
fh.seek(pos - len(data), os.SEEK_CUR)
eocd_offset = fh.tell()
fh.seek(16, os.SEEK_CUR)
cd_offset = int.from_bytes(fh.read(4), "little")
cd_and_eocd = fh.read()
return ZipData(cd_offset, eocd_offset, cd_and_eocd)
# FIXME: can we determine signed_sb_offset?
def patch_v2_sig(extracted_v2_sig, output_apk):
"""Implant extracted v2/v3 signature into APK."""
signed_sb_offset, signed_sb = extracted_v2_sig
data_out = zip_data(output_apk)
if signed_sb_offset < data_out.cd_offset:
raise APKSigningBlockError("APK Signing Block offset < central directory offset")
padding = b"\x00" * (signed_sb_offset - data_out.cd_offset)
offset = len(signed_sb) + len(padding)
with open(output_apk, "r+b") as fh:
fh.seek(data_out.eocd_offset + offset + 16)
fh.write(int.to_bytes(data_out.cd_offset + offset, 4, "little"))
def patch_apk(extracted_meta, extracted_v2_sig, unsigned_apk, output_apk):
"""Patch extracted_meta + extracted_v2_sig.
Patches extracted_meta + extracted_v2_sig (if not None)
onto unsigned_apk and save as output_apk.
date_time = copy_apk(unsigned_apk, output_apk)
patch_meta(extracted_meta, output_apk, date_time=date_time)
if extracted_v2_sig is not None:
patch_v2_sig(extracted_v2_sig, output_apk)
def do_extract(signed_apk, output_dir, v1_only=NO):
"""Extract signatures from signed_apk and save in output_dir.
The v1_only parameter controls whether the absence of a v1 signature is
considered an error or not:
* use v1_only=NO (or v1_only=False) to only accept (v1+)v2/v3 signatures;
* use v1_only=AUTO (or v1_only=None) to automatically detect v2/v3 signatures;
* use v1_only=YES (or v1_only=True) to ignore any v2/v3 signatures.
v1_only = noautoyes(v1_only)
extracted_meta = tuple(extract_meta(signed_apk))
if len(extracted_meta) not in (len(META_EXT), 0):
raise APKSigCopierError("Unexpected or missing metadata files in signed_apk")
for info, data in extracted_meta:
name = os.path.basename(info.filename)
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, name), "wb") as fh:
if v1_only == YES:
if not extracted_meta:
raise APKSigCopierError("Expected v1 signature")
expected = v1_only == NO
extracted_v2_sig = extract_v2_sig(signed_apk, expected=expected)
if extracted_v2_sig is None:
if not extracted_meta:
raise APKSigCopierError("Expected v1 and/or v2/v3 signature, found neither")
signed_sb_offset, signed_sb = extracted_v2_sig
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, SIGOFFSET), "w") as fh:
fh.write(str(signed_sb_offset) + "\n")
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, SIGBLOCK), "wb") as fh:
def do_patch(metadata_dir, unsigned_apk, output_apk, v1_only=NO):
"""Patch signatures from metadata_dir onto unsigned_apk and save as output_apk.
The v1_only parameter controls whether the absence of a v1 signature is
considered an error or not:
* use v1_only=NO (or v1_only=False) to only accept (v1+)v2/v3 signatures;
* use v1_only=AUTO (or v1_only=None) to automatically detect v2/v3 signatures;
* use v1_only=YES (or v1_only=True) to ignore any v2/v3 signatures.
v1_only = noautoyes(v1_only)
extracted_meta = []
for pat in META_EXT:
files = [fn for ext in pat.split("|") for fn in
glob.glob(os.path.join(metadata_dir, "*." + ext))]
if len(files) != 1:
info = zipfile.ZipInfo("META-INF/" + os.path.basename(files[0]))
with open(files[0], "rb") as fh:
extracted_meta.append((info, fh.read()))
if len(extracted_meta) not in (len(META_EXT), 0):
raise APKSigCopierError("Unexpected or missing files in metadata_dir")
if v1_only == YES:
extracted_v2_sig = None
sigoffset_file = os.path.join(metadata_dir, SIGOFFSET)
sigblock_file = os.path.join(metadata_dir, SIGBLOCK)
if v1_only == AUTO and not os.path.exists(sigblock_file):
extracted_v2_sig = None
with open(sigoffset_file, "r") as fh:
signed_sb_offset = int(fh.read())
with open(sigblock_file, "rb") as fh:
signed_sb = fh.read()
extracted_v2_sig = signed_sb_offset, signed_sb
if not extracted_meta and extracted_v2_sig is None:
raise APKSigCopierError("Expected v1 and/or v2/v3 signature, found neither")
patch_apk(extracted_meta, extracted_v2_sig, unsigned_apk, output_apk)
def do_copy(signed_apk, unsigned_apk, output_apk, v1_only=NO):
"""Copy signatures from signed_apk onto unsigned_apk and save as output_apk.
The v1_only parameter controls whether the absence of a v1 signature is
considered an error or not:
* use v1_only=NO (or v1_only=False) to only accept (v1+)v2/v3 signatures;
* use v1_only=AUTO (or v1_only=None) to automatically detect v2/v3 signatures;
* use v1_only=YES (or v1_only=True) to ignore any v2/v3 signatures.
v1_only = noautoyes(v1_only)
extracted_meta = extract_meta(signed_apk)
if v1_only == YES:
extracted_v2_sig = None
extracted_v2_sig = extract_v2_sig(signed_apk, expected=v1_only == NO)
patch_apk(extracted_meta, extracted_v2_sig, unsigned_apk, output_apk)
# vim: set tw=80 sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker :