mirror of https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver.git synced 2024-10-10 20:53:58 +02:00
Hans-Christoph Steiner 3967a0068b added 'mirrors' option to config for giving official mirror URLs
serverwebroot has long supported uploading to multiple servers, this bit of
metadata communicates those official mirrors to the client so that it can
automatically do something useful with that information.

closes #14 https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver/issues/14
2016-02-17 10:40:07 +01:00

247 lines
9.5 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copy this file to config.py, then amend the settings below according to
# your system configuration.
# Custom path to the Android SDK, defaults to $ANDROID_HOME
# sdk_path = "$ANDROID_HOME"
# Custom paths to various versions of the Android NDK, defaults to 'r10e' set
# to $ANDROID_NDK. Most users will have the latest at $ANDROID_NDK, which is
# used by default. If a version is missing or assigned to None, it is assumed
# not installed.
# ndk_paths = {
# 'r9b': None,
# 'r10e': "$ANDROID_NDK",
# }
# If you want to build apps that use retrolambda and Java 1.8, you'll need to
# have both 1.7 and 1.8 installed.
# java_paths = {
# '1.7': "/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk",
# '1.8': None,
# }
# Build tools version to be used
# build_tools = "23.0.2"
# Command or path to binary for running Ant
# ant = "ant"
# Command or path to binary for running maven 3
# mvn3 = "mvn"
# Command or path to binary for running Gradle
# gradle = "gradle"
# Set the maximum age (in days) of an index that a client should accept from
# this repo. Setting it to 0 or not setting it at all disables this
# functionality. If you do set this to a non-zero value, you need to ensure
# that your index is updated much more frequently than the specified interval.
# The same policy is applied to the archive repo, if there is one.
# repo_maxage = 0
repo_url = "https://MyFirstFDroidRepo.org/fdroid/repo"
repo_name = "My First F-Droid Repo Demo"
repo_icon = "fdroid-icon.png"
repo_description = """
This is a repository of apps to be used with F-Droid. Applications in this
repository are either official binaries built by the original application
developers, or are binaries built from source by the admin of f-droid.org
using the tools on https://gitlab.com/u/fdroid.
# As above, but for the archive repo.
# archive_older sets the number of versions kept in the main repo, with all
# older ones going to the archive. Set it to 0, and there will be no archive
# repository, and no need to define the other archive_ values.
archive_older = 3
archive_url = "https://f-droid.org/archive"
archive_name = "My First F-Droid Archive Demo"
archive_icon = "fdroid-icon.png"
archive_description = """
The repository of older versions of applications from the main demo repository.
# Normally, all apps are collected into a single app repository, like on
# https://f-droid.org. For certain situations, it is better to make a repo
# that is made up of APKs only from a single app. For example, an automated
# build server that publishes nightly builds.
# per_app_repos = True
# `fdroid update` will create a link to the current version of a given app.
# This provides a static path to the current APK. To disable the creation of
# this link, uncomment this:
# make_current_version_link = False
# By default, the "current version" link will be based on the "Name" of the
# app from the metadata. You can change it to use a different field from the
# metadata here:
# current_version_name_source = 'id'
# Optionally, override home directory for gpg
# gpghome = /home/fdroid/somewhere/else/.gnupg
# The ID of a GPG key for making detached signatures for apks. Optional.
# gpgkey = '1DBA2E89'
# The key (from the keystore defined below) to be used for signing the
# repository itself. This is the same name you would give to keytool or
# jarsigner using -alias. (Not needed in an unsigned repository).
# repo_keyalias = "fdroidrepo"
# Optionally, the public key for the key defined by repo_keyalias above can
# be specified here. There is no need to do this, as the public key can and
# will be retrieved from the keystore when needed. However, specifying it
# manually can allow some processing to take place without access to the
# keystore.
# repo_pubkey = "..."
# The keystore to use for release keys when building. This needs to be
# somewhere safe and secure, and backed up! The best way to manage these
# sensitive keys is to use a "smartcard" (aka Hardware Security Module). To
# configure F-Droid to use a smartcard, set the keystore file using the keyword
# "NONE" (i.e. keystore = "NONE"). That makes Java find the keystore on the
# smartcard based on 'smartcardoptions' below.
# keystore = "~/.local/share/fdroidserver/keystore.jks"
# You should not need to change these at all, unless you have a very
# customized setup for using smartcards in Java with keytool/jarsigner
# smartcardoptions = "-storetype PKCS11 -providerName SunPKCS11-OpenSC \
# -providerClass sun.security.pkcs11.SunPKCS11 \
# -providerArg opensc-fdroid.cfg"
# The password for the keystore (at least 6 characters). If this password is
# different than the keypass below, it can be OK to store the password in this
# file for real use. But in general, sensitive passwords should not be stored
# in text files!
# keystorepass = "password1"
# The password for keys - the same is used for each auto-generated key as well
# as for the repository key. You should not normally store this password in a
# file since it is a sensitive password.
# keypass = "password2"
# The distinguished name used for all keys.
# keydname = "CN=Birdman, OU=Cell, O=Alcatraz, L=Alcatraz, S=California, C=US"
# Use this to override the auto-generated key aliases with specific ones
# for particular applications. Normally, just leave it empty.
# keyaliases = {}
# keyaliases['com.example.app'] = 'example'
# You can also force an app to use the same key alias as another one, using
# the @ prefix.
# keyaliases['com.example.another.plugin'] = '@com.example.another'
# The full path to the root of the repository. It must be specified in
# rsync/ssh format for a remote host/path. This is used for syncing a locally
# generated repo to the server that is it hosted on. It must end in the
# standard public repo name of "/fdroid", but can be in up to three levels of
# sub-directories (i.e. /var/www/packagerepos/fdroid). You can include
# multiple servers to sync to by wrapping the whole thing in {} or [], and
# including the serverwebroot strings in a comma-separated list.
# serverwebroot = 'user@example:/var/www/fdroid'
# serverwebroot = {
# 'foo.com:/usr/share/nginx/www/fdroid',
# 'bar.info:/var/www/fdroid',
# }
# Any mirrors of this repo, for example all of the servers declared in
# serverwebroot, will automatically be used by the client. If one
# mirror is not working, then the client will try another. If the
# client has Tor enabled, then the client will prefer mirrors with
# .onion addresses. This base URL will be used for both the main repo
# and the archive, if it is enabled. So these URLs should end in the
# 'fdroid' base of the F-Droid part of the web server like serverwebroot.
# mirrors = {
# 'https://foo.bar/fdroid',
# 'http://foobarfoobarfoobar.onion/fdroid',
# }
# optionally specific which identity file to use when using rsync over SSH
# identity_file = '~/.ssh/fdroid_id_rsa'
# If you are running the repo signing process on a completely offline machine,
# which provides the best security, then you can specify a folder to sync the
# repo to when running `fdroid server update`. This is most likely going to
# be a USB thumb drive, SD Card, or some other kind of removable media. Make
# sure it is mounted before running `fdroid server update`. Using the
# standard folder called 'fdroid' as the specified folder is recommended, like
# with serverwebroot.
# local_copy_dir = '/media/MyUSBThumbDrive/fdroid'
# If you are using local_copy_dir on an offline build/signing server, once the
# thumb drive has been plugged into the online machine, it will need to be
# synced to the copy on the online machine. To make that happen
# automatically, set sync_from_local_copy_dir to True:
# sync_from_local_copy_dir = True
# To upload the repo to an Amazon S3 bucket using `fdroid server update`.
# Warning, this deletes and recreates the whole fdroid/ directory each
# time. This is based on apache-libcloud, which supports basically all cloud
# storage services, so it should be easy to port the fdroid server tools to
# any of them.
# awsbucket = 'myawsfdroid'
# awsaccesskeyid = 'SEE0CHAITHEIMAUR2USA'
# awssecretkey = 'yourverysecretkeywordpassphraserighthere'
# If you want to force 'fdroid server' to use a non-standard serverwebroot
# nonstandardwebroot = False
# The build logs can be posted to a mediawiki instance, like on f-droid.org.
# wiki_protocol = "http"
# wiki_server = "server"
# wiki_path = "/wiki/"
# wiki_user = "login"
# wiki_password = "1234"
# Only set this to true when running a repository where you want to generate
# stats, and only then on the master build servers, not a development
# machine.
# update_stats = True
# When used with stats, this is a list of IP addresses that are ignored for
# calculation purposes.
# stats_ignore = []
# Server stats logs are retrieved from. Required when update_stats is True.
# stats_server = "example.com"
# User stats logs are retrieved from. Required when update_stats is True.
# stats_user = "bob"
# Use the following to push stats to a Carbon instance:
# stats_to_carbon = False
# carbon_host = ''
# carbon_port = 2003
# Set this to true to always use a build server. This saves specifying the
# --server option on dedicated secure build server hosts.
# build_server_always = True
# By default, fdroid will use YAML and the custom .txt metadata formats. It
# is also possible to have metadata in JSON and XML by adding 'json' and
# 'xml'.
# accepted_formats = ['txt', 'yaml']
# Limit in number of characters that fields can take up
# Only the fields listed here are supported, defaults shown
# char_limits = {
# 'Summary': 80,
# 'Description': 4000,
# }