mirror of
synced 2024-11-19 13:20:10 +01:00
They will be in the form Repo:http://foo.com/svn/project;trunk=...;tags=... Both trunk and tags are optional. If trunk is not given, it is assumed that the Repo url itself contains the raw trunk folder.
2173 lines
81 KiB
2173 lines
81 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# common.py - part of the FDroid server tools
# Copyright (C) 2010-13, Ciaran Gultnieks, ciaran@ciarang.com
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import glob, os, sys, re
import shutil
import subprocess
import time
import operator
import cgi
def getvcs(vcstype, remote, local, sdk_path):
if vcstype == 'git':
return vcs_git(remote, local, sdk_path)
elif vcstype == 'svn':
return vcs_svn(remote, local, sdk_path)
elif vcstype == 'git-svn':
return vcs_gitsvn(remote, local, sdk_path)
elif vcstype == 'hg':
return vcs_hg(remote, local, sdk_path)
elif vcstype == 'bzr':
return vcs_bzr(remote, local, sdk_path)
elif vcstype == 'srclib':
return vcs_srclib(remote, local, sdk_path)
raise VCSException("Invalid vcs type " + vcstype)
class vcs:
def __init__(self, remote, local, sdk_path):
self.sdk_path = sdk_path
# It's possible to sneak a username and password in with
# the remote address... (this really only applies to svn
# and we should probably be more specific!)
index = remote.find('@')
if index != -1:
self.username = remote[:index]
remote = remote[index+1:]
index = self.username.find(':')
if index == -1:
raise VCSException("Password required with username")
self.password = self.username[index+1:]
self.username = self.username[:index]
self.username = None
self.remote = remote
self.local = local
self.refreshed = False
self.srclib = None
# Take the local repository to a clean version of the given revision, which
# is specificed in the VCS's native format. Beforehand, the repository can
# be dirty, or even non-existent. If the repository does already exist
# locally, it will be updated from the origin, but only once in the
# lifetime of the vcs object.
# None is acceptable for 'rev' if you know you are cloning a clean copy of
# the repo - otherwise it must specify a valid revision.
def gotorevision(self, rev):
# The .fdroidvcs-id file for a repo tells us what VCS type
# and remote that directory was created from, allowing us to drop it
# automatically if either of those things changes.
fdpath = os.path.join(self.local, '..',
'.fdroidvcs-' + os.path.basename(self.local))
cdata = self.repotype() + ' ' + self.remote
writeback = True
if os.path.exists(self.local):
if os.path.exists(fdpath):
with open(fdpath, 'r') as f:
fsdata = f.read()
if fsdata == cdata:
writeback = False
print "*** Repository details changed - deleting ***"
# If necessary, write the .fdroidvcs file.
if writeback:
with open(fdpath, 'w') as f:
# Derived classes need to implement this. It's called once basic checking
# has been performend.
def gotorevisionx(self, rev):
raise VCSException("This VCS type doesn't define gotorevisionx")
# Initialise and update submodules
def initsubmodules(self):
raise VCSException('Submodules not supported for this vcs type')
# Get a list of all known tags
def gettags(self):
raise VCSException('gettags not supported for this vcs type')
# Returns the srclib (name, path) used in setting up the current
# revision, or None.
def getsrclib(self):
return self.srclib
class vcs_git(vcs):
def repotype(self):
return 'git'
# If the local directory exists, but is somehow not a git repository, git
# will traverse up the directory tree until it finds one that is (i.e.
# fdroidserver) and then we'll proceed to destroy it! This is called as
# a safety check.
def checkrepo(self):
p = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=self.local)
result = p.communicate()[0].rstrip()
if not result.endswith(self.local):
raise VCSException('Repository mismatch')
def gotorevisionx(self, rev):
if not os.path.exists(self.local):
# Brand new checkout...
if subprocess.call(['git', 'clone', self.remote, self.local]) != 0:
raise VCSException("Git clone failed")
# Discard any working tree changes...
if subprocess.call(['git', 'reset', '--hard'], cwd=self.local) != 0:
raise VCSException("Git reset failed")
# Remove untracked files now, in case they're tracked in the target
# revision (it happens!)...
if subprocess.call(['git', 'clean', '-dffx'], cwd=self.local) != 0:
raise VCSException("Git clean failed")
if not self.refreshed:
# Get latest commits and tags from remote...
if subprocess.call(['git', 'fetch', 'origin'],
cwd=self.local) != 0:
raise VCSException("Git fetch failed")
if subprocess.call(['git', 'fetch', '--tags', 'origin'],
cwd=self.local) != 0:
raise VCSException("Git fetch failed")
self.refreshed = True
# Check out the appropriate revision...
if rev:
if subprocess.call(['git', 'checkout', rev], cwd=self.local) != 0:
raise VCSException("Git checkout failed")
# Get rid of any uncontrolled files left behind...
if subprocess.call(['git', 'clean', '-dffx'], cwd=self.local) != 0:
raise VCSException("Git clean failed")
def initsubmodules(self):
if subprocess.call(['git', 'submodule', 'init'],
cwd=self.local) != 0:
raise VCSException("Git submodule init failed")
if subprocess.call(['git', 'submodule', 'update'],
cwd=self.local) != 0:
raise VCSException("Git submodule update failed")
def gettags(self):
p = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'tag'],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=self.local)
return p.communicate()[0].splitlines()
class vcs_gitsvn(vcs):
def repotype(self):
return 'git-svn'
# If the local directory exists, but is somehow not a git repository, git
# will traverse up the directory tree until it finds one that is (i.e.
# fdroidserver) and then we'll proceed to destory it! This is called as
# a safety check.
def checkrepo(self):
p = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=self.local)
result = p.communicate()[0].rstrip()
if not result.endswith(self.local):
raise VCSException('Repository mismatch')
def gotorevisionx(self, rev):
if not os.path.exists(self.local):
# Brand new checkout...
gitsvn_cmd = ['git', 'svn', 'clone']
remote_split = self.remote.split(';')
if len(remote_split) > 1:
for i in remote_split[1:]:
if i.startswith('trunk='):
trunk = i[6:]
elif i.startswith('tags='):
tags = i[5:]
gitsvn_cmd = []
if trunk:
gitsvn_cmd += ['-T', trunk]
if tags:
gitsvn_cmd += ['-t', tags]
if subprocess.call(gitsvn_cmd + [remote_split[0], self.local]) != 0:
raise VCSException("Git clone failed")
if subprocess.call(gitsvn_cmd + [self.remote, self.local]) != 0:
raise VCSException("Git clone failed")
# Discard any working tree changes...
if subprocess.call(['git', 'reset', '--hard'], cwd=self.local) != 0:
raise VCSException("Git reset failed")
# Remove untracked files now, in case they're tracked in the target
# revision (it happens!)...
if subprocess.call(['git', 'clean', '-dffx'], cwd=self.local) != 0:
raise VCSException("Git clean failed")
if not self.refreshed:
# Get new commits and tags from repo...
if subprocess.call(['git', 'svn', 'rebase'],
cwd=self.local) != 0:
raise VCSException("Git svn rebase failed")
self.refreshed = True
if rev:
if rev == 'trunk':
if subprocess.call(['git', 'checkout', 'trunk'], cwd=self.local) != 0:
raise VCSException("Git checkout failed")
# Try finding a svn tag
if subprocess.call(['git', 'checkout', 'tags/' + rev], cwd=self.local) != 0:
# No tag found, normal svn rev translation
# Translate svn rev into git format
p = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'svn', 'find-rev', 'r' + rev],
cwd=self.local, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
rev = p.communicate()[0].rstrip()
if p.returncode != 0 or len(rev) == 0:
raise VCSException("Failed to get git treeish from svn rev")
# Check out the appropriate git revision...
if subprocess.call(['git', 'checkout', rev], cwd=self.local) != 0:
raise VCSException("Git checkout failed")
# Get rid of any uncontrolled files left behind...
if subprocess.call(['git', 'clean', '-dffx'], cwd=self.local) != 0:
raise VCSException("Git clean failed")
def gettags(self):
return os.listdir(self.local+'/.git/svn/refs/remotes/tags')
class vcs_svn(vcs):
def repotype(self):
return 'svn'
def userargs(self):
if self.username is None:
return ['--non-interactive']
return ['--username', self.username,
'--password', self.password,
def gotorevisionx(self, rev):
if not os.path.exists(self.local):
if subprocess.call(['svn', 'checkout', self.remote, self.local] +
self.userargs()) != 0:
raise VCSException("Svn checkout failed")
for svncommand in (
'svn revert -R .',
r"svn status | awk '/\?/ {print $2}' | xargs rm -rf"):
if subprocess.call(svncommand, cwd=self.local,
shell=True) != 0:
raise VCSException("Svn reset failed")
if not self.refreshed:
if subprocess.call(['svn', 'update'] +
self.userargs(), cwd=self.local) != 0:
raise VCSException("Svn update failed")
self.refreshed = True
if rev:
revargs = ['-r', rev]
if subprocess.call(['svn', 'update', '--force'] + revargs +
self.userargs(), cwd=self.local) != 0:
raise VCSException("Svn update failed")
class vcs_hg(vcs):
def repotype(self):
return 'hg'
def gotorevisionx(self, rev):
if not os.path.exists(self.local):
if subprocess.call(['hg', 'clone', self.remote, self.local]) !=0:
raise VCSException("Hg clone failed")
if subprocess.call('hg status -u | xargs rm -rf',
cwd=self.local, shell=True) != 0:
raise VCSException("Hg clean failed")
if not self.refreshed:
if subprocess.call(['hg', 'pull'],
cwd=self.local) != 0:
raise VCSException("Hg pull failed")
self.refreshed = True
if rev:
revargs = [rev]
if subprocess.call(['hg', 'checkout', '-C'] + revargs,
cwd=self.local) != 0:
raise VCSException("Hg checkout failed")
class vcs_bzr(vcs):
def repotype(self):
return 'bzr'
def gotorevisionx(self, rev):
if not os.path.exists(self.local):
if subprocess.call(['bzr', 'branch', self.remote, self.local]) != 0:
raise VCSException("Bzr branch failed")
if subprocess.call(['bzr', 'clean-tree', '--force',
'--unknown', '--ignored'], cwd=self.local) != 0:
raise VCSException("Bzr revert failed")
if not self.refreshed:
if subprocess.call(['bzr', 'pull'],
cwd=self.local) != 0:
raise VCSException("Bzr update failed")
self.refreshed = True
if rev:
revargs = ['-r', rev]
if subprocess.call(['bzr', 'revert'] + revargs,
cwd=self.local) != 0:
raise VCSException("Bzr revert failed")
class vcs_srclib(vcs):
def repotype(self):
return 'srclib'
def gotorevisionx(self, rev):
# Yuk...
extlib_dir = 'build/extlib'
if os.path.exists(self.local):
if self.remote.find(':') != -1:
srclib, path = self.remote.split(':')
srclib = self.remote
path = None
libdir = getsrclib(srclib + '@' + rev, extlib_dir, self.sdk_path)
self.srclib = (srclib, libdir)
if path:
libdir = os.path.join(libdir, path)
shutil.copytree(libdir, self.local)
return self.local
# Get the type expected for a given metadata field.
def metafieldtype(name):
if name == 'Description':
return 'multiline'
elif name == 'Requires Root':
return 'flag'
elif name == 'Build Version':
return 'build'
elif name == 'Use Built':
return 'obsolete'
return 'string'
# Parse metadata for a single application.
# 'metafile' - the filename to read. The package id for the application comes
# from this filename. Pass None to get a blank entry.
# Returns a dictionary containing all the details of the application. There are
# two major kinds of information in the dictionary. Keys beginning with capital
# letters correspond directory to identically named keys in the metadata file.
# Keys beginning with lower case letters are generated in one way or another,
# and are not found verbatim in the metadata.
# Known keys not originating from the metadata are:
# 'id' - the application's package ID
# 'builds' - a list of dictionaries containing build information
# for each defined build
# 'comments' - a list of comments from the metadata file. Each is
# a tuple of the form (field, comment) where field is
# the name of the field it preceded in the metadata
# file. Where field is None, the comment goes at the
# end of the file. Alternatively, 'build:version' is
# for a comment before a particular build version.
# 'descriptionlines' - original lines of description as formatted in the
# metadata file.
def parse_metadata(metafile, **kw):
def parse_buildline(lines):
value = "".join(lines)
parts = [p.replace("\\,", ",")
for p in re.split(r"(?<!\\),", value)]
if len(parts) < 3:
raise MetaDataException("Invalid build format: " + value + " in " + metafile.name)
thisbuild = {}
thisbuild['origlines'] = lines
thisbuild['version'] = parts[0]
thisbuild['vercode'] = parts[1]
thisbuild['commit'] = parts[2]
for p in parts[3:]:
pk, pv = p.split('=', 1)
thisbuild[pk] = pv
return thisbuild
def add_comments(key):
for comment in curcomments:
thisinfo['comments'].append((key, comment))
del curcomments[:]
thisinfo = {}
if metafile:
if not isinstance(metafile, file):
metafile = open(metafile, "r")
thisinfo['id'] = metafile.name[9:-4]
if kw.get("verbose", False):
print "Reading metadata for " + thisinfo['id']
thisinfo['id'] = None
# Defaults for fields that come from metadata...
thisinfo['Name'] = None
thisinfo['Category'] = 'None'
thisinfo['Description'] = []
thisinfo['Summary'] = ''
thisinfo['License'] = 'Unknown'
thisinfo['Web Site'] = ''
thisinfo['Source Code'] = ''
thisinfo['Issue Tracker'] = ''
thisinfo['Donate'] = None
thisinfo['FlattrID'] = None
thisinfo['Bitcoin'] = None
thisinfo['Disabled'] = None
thisinfo['AntiFeatures'] = None
thisinfo['Update Check Mode'] = 'Market'
thisinfo['Auto Update Mode'] = 'None'
thisinfo['Current Version'] = ''
thisinfo['Current Version Code'] = '0'
thisinfo['Repo Type'] = ''
thisinfo['Repo'] = ''
thisinfo['Requires Root'] = False
# General defaults...
thisinfo['builds'] = []
thisinfo['comments'] = []
if metafile is None:
return thisinfo
mode = 0
buildlines = []
curcomments = []
for line in metafile:
line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
if mode == 0:
if len(line) == 0:
if line.startswith("#"):
index = line.find(':')
if index == -1:
raise MetaDataException("Invalid metadata in " + metafile.name + " at: " + line)
field = line[:index]
value = line[index+1:]
# Translate obsolete fields...
if field == 'Market Version':
field = 'Current Version'
if field == 'Market Version Code':
field = 'Current Version Code'
fieldtype = metafieldtype(field)
if fieldtype != 'build':
if fieldtype == 'multiline':
mode = 1
thisinfo[field] = []
if len(value) > 0:
raise MetaDataException("Unexpected text on same line as " + field + " in " + metafile.name)
elif fieldtype == 'string':
thisinfo[field] = value
elif fieldtype == 'flag':
if value == 'Yes':
thisinfo[field] = True
elif value == 'No':
thisinfo[field] = False
raise MetaDataException("Expected Yes or No for " + field + " in " + metafile.name)
elif fieldtype == 'build':
if value.endswith("\\"):
mode = 2
buildlines = [value[:-1]]
add_comments('build:' + thisinfo['builds'][-1]['version'])
elif fieldtype == 'obsolete':
pass # Just throw it away!
raise MetaDataException("Unrecognised field type for " + field + " in " + metafile.name)
elif mode == 1: # Multiline field
if line == '.':
mode = 0
elif mode == 2: # Line continuation mode in Build Version
if line.endswith("\\"):
add_comments('build:' + thisinfo['builds'][-1]['version'])
mode = 0
# Mode at end of file should always be 0...
if mode == 1:
raise MetaDataException(field + " not terminated in " + metafile.name)
elif mode == 2:
raise MetaDataException("Unterminated continuation in " + metafile.name)
if len(thisinfo['Description']) == 0:
thisinfo['Description'].append('No description available')
# Ensure all AntiFeatures are recognised...
if thisinfo['AntiFeatures']:
parts = thisinfo['AntiFeatures'].split(",")
for part in parts:
if (part != "Ads" and
part != "Tracking" and
part != "NonFreeNet" and
part != "NonFreeDep" and
part != "NonFreeAdd"):
raise MetaDataException("Unrecognised antifeature '" + part + "' in " \
+ metafile.name)
return thisinfo
# Write a metadata file.
# 'dest' - The path to the output file
# 'app' - The app data
def write_metadata(dest, app):
def writecomments(key):
for pf, comment in app['comments']:
if pf == key:
mf.write(comment + '\n')
def writefield(field, value=None):
if value is None:
value = app[field]
mf.write(field + ':' + value + '\n')
mf = open(dest, 'w')
if app['Disabled']:
if app['AntiFeatures']:
writefield('Web Site')
writefield('Source Code')
writefield('Issue Tracker')
if app['Donate']:
if app['FlattrID']:
if app['Bitcoin']:
if app['Name']:
writefield('Description', '')
for line in app['Description']:
mf.write(line + '\n')
if app['Requires Root']:
writefield('Requires Root', 'Yes')
if len(app['Repo Type']) > 0:
writefield('Repo Type')
for build in app['builds']:
writecomments('build:' + build['version'])
mf.write('Build Version:')
if 'origlines' in build:
# Keeping the original formatting if we loaded it from a file...
mf.write('\\\n'.join(build['origlines']) + '\n')
mf.write(build['version'] + ',' + build['vercode'] + ',' +
for key,value in build.iteritems():
if key not in ['version', 'vercode', 'commit']:
mf.write(',' + key + '=' + value)
if len(app['builds']) > 0:
writefield('Auto Update Mode')
writefield('Update Check Mode')
if len(app['Current Version']) > 0:
writefield('Current Version')
writefield('Current Version Code')
# Read all metadata. Returns a list of 'app' objects (which are dictionaries as
# returned by the parse_metadata function.
def read_metadata(verbose=False, xref=True):
apps = []
for metafile in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join('metadata', '*.txt'))):
if verbose:
print "Reading " + metafile
apps.append(parse_metadata(metafile, verbose=verbose))
if xref:
# Parse all descriptions at load time, just to ensure cross-referencing
# errors are caught early rather than when they hit the build server.
def linkres(link):
for app in apps:
if app['id'] == link:
return ("fdroid.app:" + link, "Dummy name - don't know yet")
raise MetaDataException("Cannot resolve app id " + link)
for app in apps:
description_html(app['Description'], linkres)
except Exception, e:
raise MetaDataException("Problem with description of " + app['id'] +
" - " + str(e))
return apps
# Formatter for descriptions. Create an instance, and call parseline() with
# each line of the description source from the metadata. At the end, call
# end() and then text_plain, text_wiki and text_html will contain the result.
class DescriptionFormatter:
stNONE = 0
stPARA = 1
stUL = 2
stOL = 3
bold = False
ital = False
state = stNONE
text_plain = ''
text_wiki = ''
text_html = ''
linkResolver = None
def __init__(self, linkres):
self.linkResolver = linkres
def endcur(self, notstates=None):
if notstates and self.state in notstates:
if self.state == self.stPARA:
elif self.state == self.stUL:
elif self.state == self.stOL:
def endpara(self):
self.text_plain += '\n'
self.text_html += '</p>'
self.state = self.stNONE
def endul(self):
self.text_html += '</ul>'
self.state = self.stNONE
def endol(self):
self.text_html += '</ol>'
self.state = self.stNONE
def formatted(self, txt, html):
formatted = ''
if html:
txt = cgi.escape(txt)
while True:
index = txt.find("''")
if index == -1:
return formatted + txt
formatted += txt[:index]
txt = txt[index:]
if txt.startswith("'''"):
if html:
if self.bold:
formatted += '</b>'
formatted += '<b>'
self.bold = not self.bold
txt = txt[3:]
if html:
if self.ital:
formatted += '</i>'
formatted += '<i>'
self.ital = not self.ital
txt = txt[2:]
def linkify(self, txt):
linkified_plain = ''
linkified_html = ''
while True:
index = txt.find("[")
if index == -1:
return (linkified_plain + self.formatted(txt, False), linkified_html + self.formatted(txt, True))
linkified_plain += self.formatted(txt[:index], False)
linkified_html += self.formatted(txt[:index], True)
txt = txt[index:]
if txt.startswith("[["):
index = txt.find("]]")
if index == -1:
raise MetaDataException("Unterminated ]]")
url = txt[2:index]
if self.linkResolver:
url, urltext = self.linkResolver(url)
urltext = url
linkified_html += '<a href="' + url + '">' + cgi.escape(urltext) + '</a>'
linkified_plain += urltext
txt = txt[index+2:]
index = txt.find("]")
if index == -1:
raise MetaDataException("Unterminated ]")
url = txt[1:index]
index2 = url.find(' ')
if index2 == -1:
urltxt = url
urltxt = url[index2 + 1:]
url = url[:index2]
linkified_html += '<a href="' + url + '">' + cgi.escape(urltxt) + '</a>'
linkified_plain += urltxt
if urltxt != url:
linkified_plain += ' (' + url + ')'
txt = txt[index+1:]
def addtext(self, txt):
p, h = self.linkify(txt)
self.text_plain += p
self.text_html += h
def parseline(self, line):
self.text_wiki += line + '\n'
if len(line) == 0:
elif line.startswith('*'):
if self.state != self.stUL:
self.text_html += '<ul>'
self.state = self.stUL
self.text_html += '<li>'
self.text_plain += '*'
self.text_html += '</li>'
elif line.startswith('#'):
if self.state != self.stOL:
self.text_html += '<ol>'
self.state = self.stOL
self.text_html += '<li>'
self.text_plain += '*' #TODO: lazy - put the numbers in!
self.text_html += '</li>'
if self.state == self.stNONE:
self.text_html += '<p>'
self.state = self.stPARA
elif self.state == self.stPARA:
self.text_html += ' '
self.text_plain += ' '
def end(self):
# Parse multiple lines of description as written in a metadata file, returning
# a single string in plain text format.
def description_plain(lines, linkres):
ps = DescriptionFormatter(linkres)
for line in lines:
return ps.text_plain
# Parse multiple lines of description as written in a metadata file, returning
# a single string in wiki format.
def description_wiki(lines):
ps = DescriptionFormatter(None)
for line in lines:
return ps.text_wiki
# Parse multiple lines of description as written in a metadata file, returning
# a single string in HTML format.
def description_html(lines,linkres):
ps = DescriptionFormatter(linkres)
for line in lines:
return ps.text_html
# Extract some information from the AndroidManifest.xml at the given path.
# Returns (version, vercode, package), any or all of which might be None.
# All values returned are strings.
def parse_androidmanifest(manifest):
vcsearch = re.compile(r'.*android:versionCode="([^"]+)".*').search
vnsearch = re.compile(r'.*android:versionName="([^"]+)".*').search
psearch = re.compile(r'.*package="([^"]+)".*').search
version = None
vercode = None
package = None
for line in file(manifest):
if not package:
matches = psearch(line)
if matches:
package = matches.group(1)
if not version:
matches = vnsearch(line)
if matches:
version = matches.group(1)
if not vercode:
matches = vcsearch(line)
if matches:
vercode = matches.group(1)
return (version, vercode, package)
class BuildException(Exception):
def __init__(self, value, stdout = None, stderr = None):
self.value = value
self.stdout = stdout
self.stderr = stderr
def __str__(self):
ret = repr(self.value)
if self.stdout:
ret = ret + "\n==== stdout begin ====\n" + str(self.stdout) + "\n==== stdout end ===="
if self.stderr:
ret = ret + "\n==== stderr begin ====\n" + str(self.stderr) + "\n==== stderr end ===="
return ret
class VCSException(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value)
class MetaDataException(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value)
# Get the specified source library.
# Returns the path to it. Normally this is the path to be used when referencing
# it, which may be a subdirectory of the actual project. If you want the base
# directory of the project, pass 'basepath=True'.
# TODO: These are currently just hard-coded in this method. It will be a
# metadata-driven system eventually, but not yet.
def getsrclib(spec, extlib_dir, sdk_path, basepath=False):
name, ref = spec.split('@')
if name == 'GreenDroid':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'GreenDroid')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/cyrilmottier/GreenDroid.git', sdir, sdk_path)
return os.path.join(sdir, 'GreenDroid')
elif name == 'Dropbear':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'Dropbear')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_external_dropbear.git', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'ActionBarSherlock':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'ActionBarSherlock')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/JakeWharton/ActionBarSherlock.git', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'library')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
libdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating ActionBarSherlock project')
if basepath:
return sdir
return libdir
elif name == 'Google-Gson':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'Google-Gson')
vcs = getvcs('git-svn',
'http://google-gson.googlecode.com/svn/trunk', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'gson')
return libdir
elif name == 'libsuperuser':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'libsuperuser')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/Chainfire/libsuperuser', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'libsuperuser')
if basepath:
return sdir
return libdir
elif name == 'AndroidUtils':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'AndroidUtils')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/yuriykulikov/AndroidUtils', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'Amazing-ListView':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'Amazing-ListView')
vcs = getvcs('git-svn',
'http://android-amazing-listview.googlecode.com/svn/trunk', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'AmazingListView')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
libdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating Amazing-ListView project')
if basepath:
return sdir
return libdir
elif name == 'ViewPagerIndicator':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'ViewPagerIndicator')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/JakeWharton/Android-ViewPagerIndicator.git', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'library')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
libdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating Android-ViewPagerIndicator project')
if basepath:
return sdir
return libdir
elif name == 'UITableView':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'UITableView')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/thiagolocatelli/android-uitableview.git', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'android-uitableview')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
libdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating UITableView project')
if basepath:
return sdir
return libdir
elif name == 'ViewPagerTabs':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'ViewPagerTabs')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/astuetz/android-viewpagertabs.git', sdir, sdk_path)
pp = open(os.path.join(sdir, 'project.properties'), 'w')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
sdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating ViewPagerTabs project')
return sdir
elif name == 'ActionBar':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'ActionBar')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/johannilsson/android-actionbar.git', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'actionbar')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
libdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating ActionBar project')
if basepath:
return sdir
return libdir
elif name == 'ActionBarNW':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'ActionBarNW')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/NightWhistler/android-actionbar.git', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'actionbar')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
libdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating ActionBarNW project')
if basepath:
return sdir
return libdir
elif name == 'FacebookSDK':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'FacebookSDK')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'git://github.com/facebook/facebook-android-sdk.git', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'facebook')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
libdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating FacebookSDK project')
if basepath:
return sdir
return libdir
elif name == 'OI':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'OI')
vcs = getvcs('git-svn',
'http://openintents.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'JOpenDocument':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'JOpenDocument')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/andiwand/JOpenDocument.git', sdir, sdk_path)
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(sdir, 'bin'))
return sdir
elif name == 'BitcoinJWallet':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'BitcoinJWallet')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://code.google.com/r/andreasschildbach-bitcoinj/', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'Color-Picker':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'Color-Picker')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/brk3/android-color-picker.git', sdir, sdk_path)
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
sdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating Color-Picker project')
return sdir
elif name == 'Processing-Multitouch':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'Processing-Multitouch')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/rjmarsan/AndroidProcessingMultitouch.git', sdir, sdk_path)
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
sdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating Multitouch project')
return sdir
elif name == 'NewQuickAction3D':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'NewQuickAction3D')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/alt236/NewQuickAction3D.git', sdir, sdk_path)
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
sdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating NewQuickAction3D project')
return sdir
elif name == 'AnySoftKeyboard-API':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'AnySoftKeyboard-API')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboard-API.git', sdir, sdk_path)
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
sdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating AnySoftKeyboard-API project')
return sdir
elif name == 'File-Picker':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'File-Picker')
vcs = getvcs('hg',
'https://code.google.com/p/android-file-picker/', sdir, sdk_path)
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
sdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating File-Picker project')
return sdir
elif name == 'EmulatorView':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'EmulatorView')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/jackpal/Android-Terminal-Emulator.git', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'libraries', 'emulatorview')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
libdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating EmulatorView project')
if basepath:
return sdir
return libdir
#Leave the native code as a blob; submodules required for that
elif name == 'Libpd':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'Libpd')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/libpd/pd-for-android.git', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'PdCore')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
libdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('LibPd project')
if basepath:
return sdir
return libdir
elif name == 'Tree-View-List':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'Tree-View-List')
vcs = getvcs('hg',
'https://code.google.com/p/tree-view-list-android/', sdir, sdk_path)
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
sdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating Tree-List-View project')
return sdir
elif name == 'PrayTimes':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'PrayTimes')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/ebraminio/PrayTimes.git', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'HoloEverywhere':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'HoloEverywhere')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/ChristopheVersieux/HoloEverywhere.git', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'library')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
libdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating HoloEverywhere project')
if basepath:
return sdir
return libdir
elif name == 'PullToRefresh':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'PullToRefresh')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/chrisbanes/Android-PullToRefresh.git', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'TessTwo':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'TessTwo')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/rmtheis/tess-two.git', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'tess-two')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
libdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating TessTwo project')
if basepath:
return sdir
return libdir
elif name == 'TwidereExtension':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'TwidereExtension')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/mariotaku/twidere-extension-library.git', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'EncfsJava':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'EncfsJava')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/mrpdaemon/encfs-java.git', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'FinfAgent':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'FinfAgent')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/uniqdom/FinfAgent.git', sdir, sdk_path)
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
sdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating FinfAgent project')
return sdir
elif name == 'MobAdMob':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'MobAdMob')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/mar-v-in/MobAdMob.git', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'MobAdMob')
pp = open(os.path.join(libdir, 'project.properties'), 'w')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
libdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating MobAdMob project')
if basepath:
return sdir
return libdir
elif name == 'WebSMSAPI':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'WebSMSAPI')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/felixb/websms-api.git', sdir, sdk_path)
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
sdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating WebSMSAPI project')
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(sdir, 'test'))
return sdir
elif name == 'ub0rlib':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'ub0rlib')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/felixb/ub0rlib.git', sdir, sdk_path)
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
sdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating ub0rlib project')
return sdir
elif name == 'JustPlayerPluginsAdView':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'JustPlayerPluginsAdView')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://bitbucket.org/yokmama/just-player-plugins.git', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'AdView')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
libdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating JustPlayerPluginsAdview project')
if basepath:
return sdir
return libdir
elif name == 'NoAnalytics':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'NoAnalytics')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/mar-v-in/NoAnalytics.git', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'NoAnalytics')
pp = open(os.path.join(libdir, 'project.properties'), 'w')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
libdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating NoAnalytics project')
if basepath:
return sdir
return libdir
elif name == 'TintAddon':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'TintAddon')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/Anasthase/TintBrowserAddonFrameworkLibrary.git', sdir, sdk_path)
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
sdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating TintAddon project')
return sdir
elif name == 'EyesFree':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'EyesFree')
vcs = getvcs('git-svn',
'http://eyes-free.googlecode.com/svn/trunk', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'SL4A':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'SL4A')
vcs = getvcs('hg',
'https://code.google.com/p/android-scripting', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'GNUPG':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'GNUPG')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/guardianproject/gnupg-for-android.git', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'IOCipher':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'IOCipher')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/guardianproject/IOCipher.git', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'FFMPEG-Java':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'FFMPEG-Java')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/guardianproject/android-ffmpeg-java.git', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'Slider':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'Slider')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/Xlythe/Slider', sdir, sdk_path)
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
sdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating Slider project')
return sdir
elif name == 'NumberPicker':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'NumberPicker')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/thibault/NumberPickerWidget.git', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'RootCommands':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'RootCommands')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/dschuermann/root-commands.git', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'RootCommands-Library')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
libdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating RootCommands project')
if basepath:
return sdir
return libdir
elif name == 'LibPageKite':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'LibPageKite')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/pagekite/libpagekite.git', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'OpenSSL-GP':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'OpenSSL-GP')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/guardianproject/openssl-android.git', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'NumberPicker-SimonVT':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'NumberPicker-SimonVT')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/SimonVT/android-numberpicker.git', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'library')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
libdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating NumberPicker-SimonVT project')
if basepath:
return sdir
return libdir
elif name == 'ComicViewer':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'ComicViewer')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/tcoxon/ComicViewer.git', sdir, sdk_path)
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
sdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating ComicViewer project')
return sdir
elif name == 'GitHubAPI':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'GitHubAPI')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'git://git.eclipse.org/gitroot/egit/egit-github.git', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'Busybox':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'Busybox')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'git://busybox.net/busybox.git', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'BusyboxConfigs':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'BusyboxConfigs')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/tias/android-busybox-ndk.git', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'AppMsg':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'AppMsg')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/johnkil/Android-AppMsg.git', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'library')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
libdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating AppMsg project')
if basepath:
return sdir
return libdir
elif name == 'BillingLibrary':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'BillingLibrary')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/robotmedia/AndroidBillingLibrary.git', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'AndroidBillingLibrary')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
libdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating BillingLibrary project')
if basepath:
return sdir
return libdir
elif name == 'FilePicker':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'FilePicker')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/Filepicker/filepicker-android.git', sdir, sdk_path)
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
sdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating AppMsg project')
return sdir
elif name == 'aFileChooser':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'aFileChooser')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/TomTasche/aFileChooser', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'aFileChooser')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
libdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating aFileChooser project')
if basepath:
return sdir
return libdir
elif name == 'SlidingMenu':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'SlidingMenu')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'library')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
libdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating SlidingMenu project')
if basepath:
return sdir
return libdir
elif name == 'K9Mail-XOAUTH':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'K9Mail-XOAUTH')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/jberkel/k9mail.git', sdir, sdk_path)
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
sdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating KMail-XOAUTH project')
return sdir
elif name == 'RootTools':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'RootTools')
vcs = getvcs('svn',
'http://roottools.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Stable/RootTools-sdk3-generic', sdir, sdk_path)
pp = open(os.path.join(sdir, 'project.properties'), 'w')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
sdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating RootTools project')
os.remove(os.path.join(sdir, 'android.jar'))
return sdir
elif name == 'OsmAnd-tools':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'OsmAnd-tools')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/osmandapp/OsmAnd-tools', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'OsmAnd-core':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'OsmAnd-core')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/osmandapp/OsmAnd-core', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'AndrozicLib':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'AndrozicLib')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/andreynovikov/androzic-library', sdir, sdk_path)
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
sdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating AndrozicLib project')
return sdir
elif name == 'Otr4j':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'Otr4j')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/redsolution/otr4j.git', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'AnySoftKeyboardTools':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'AnySoftKeyboardTools')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboardTools', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'DashClock':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'DashClock')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://code.google.com/p/dashclock', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'KoushWidgets':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'KoushWidgets')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/koush/Widgets', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'Widgets')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
libdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating KoushWidgets project')
if basepath:
return sdir
return libdir
elif name == 'HoloColorPicker':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'HoloColorPicker')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/frigus02/HoloColorPicker', sdir, sdk_path)
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
sdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating HoloColorPicker project')
return sdir
elif name == 'ColorPickerPreference':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'ColorPickerPreference')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/attenzione/android-ColorPickerPreference', sdir, sdk_path)
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
sdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating ColorPickerPreference project')
return sdir
elif name == 'ChartLib':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'ChartLib')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://bitbucket.org/frigus02/chartlib', sdir, sdk_path)
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
sdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating ChartLib project')
return sdir
elif name == 'MeterLib':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'MeterLib')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/zaren678/HdhomerunSignalMeterLib', sdir, sdk_path)
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
sdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating MeterLib project')
return sdir
elif name == 'SunriseSunset':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'SunriseSunset')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://github.com/mikereedell/sunrisesunsetlib-java', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'LocaleAPI':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'LocaleAPI')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://git.gitorious.org/locale-api/mirror.git', sdir, sdk_path)
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
sdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating LocaleAPI project')
return sdir
elif name == 'iptables':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'iptables')
vcs = getvcs('git',
'https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/iptables', sdir, sdk_path)
return sdir
elif name == 'LockPattern':
sdir = os.path.join(extlib_dir, 'LockPattern')
vcs = getvcs('hg',
'https://code.google.com/p/android-lockpattern', sdir, sdk_path)
libdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'code')
if subprocess.call([os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p',
libdir]) != 0:
raise BuildException('Error updating LockPattern project')
if basepath:
return sdir
return libdir
raise BuildException('Unknown srclib ' + name)
# Prepare the source code for a particular build
# 'vcs' - the appropriate vcs object for the application
# 'app' - the application details from the metadata
# 'build' - the build details from the metadata
# 'build_dir' - the path to the build directory, usually
# 'build/app.id'
# 'extlib_dir' - the path to the external libraries directory, usually
# 'build/extlib'
# 'sdk_path' - the path to the Android SDK
# 'ndk_path' - the path to the Android NDK
# 'javacc_path' - the path to javacc
# 'mvn3' - the path to the maven 3 executable
# 'verbose' - optional: verbose or not (default=False)
# Returns the (root, srclibpaths) where:
# 'root' is the root directory, which may be the same as 'build_dir' or may
# be a subdirectory of it.
# 'srclibpaths' is information on the srclibs being used
def prepare_source(vcs, app, build, build_dir, extlib_dir, sdk_path, ndk_path, javacc_path, mvn3, verbose=False):
# Optionally, the actual app source can be in a subdirectory...
if 'subdir' in build:
root_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, build['subdir'])
root_dir = build_dir
# Get a working copy of the right revision...
print "Getting source for revision " + build['commit']
# Check that a subdir (if we're using one) exists. This has to happen
# after the checkout, since it might not exist elsewhere...
if not os.path.exists(root_dir):
raise BuildException('Missing subdir ' + root_dir)
# Initialise submodules if requred...
if build.get('submodules', 'no') == 'yes':
if verbose: print "Initialising submodules..."
# Run an init command if one is required...
if 'init' in build:
init = build['init']
init = init.replace('$$SDK$$', sdk_path)
init = init.replace('$$NDK$$', ndk_path)
init = init.replace('$$MVN$$', mvn3)
if verbose: print "Doing init: exec '%s' in '%s'"%(init,root_dir)
if subprocess.call(init, cwd=root_dir, shell=True) != 0:
raise BuildException("Error running init command")
# Generate (or update) the ant build file, build.xml...
updatemode = build.get('update', '.')
if (updatemode != 'no' and
'maven' not in build):
parms = [os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android'),
'update', 'project', '-p', '.']
if 'target' in build:
update_dirs = updatemode.split(';')
# Force build.xml update if necessary...
if updatemode == 'force' or 'target' in build:
if updatemode == 'force':
update_dirs = ['.']
buildxml = os.path.join(root_dir, 'build.xml')
if os.path.exists(buildxml):
print 'Force-removing old build.xml'
for d in update_dirs:
cwd = root_dir + '/' + d
if verbose:
print "Update of '%s': exec '%s' in '%s'"%\
(d," ".join(parms),cwd)
p = subprocess.Popen(parms, cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(out, err) = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0:
raise BuildException("Failed to update project with stdout '%s' and stderr '%s'"%(out,err))
# check to see whether an error was returned without a proper exit code (this is the case for the 'no target set or target invalid' error)
if err != "" and err.startswith("Error: "):
raise BuildException("Failed to update project with stdout '%s' and stderr '%s'"%(out,err))
# If the app has ant set up to sign the release, we need to switch
# that off, because we want the unsigned apk...
for propfile in ('build.properties', 'default.properties', 'ant.properties'):
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(root_dir, propfile)):
if subprocess.call(['sed','-i','s/^key.store/#/',
propfile], cwd=root_dir) !=0:
raise BuildException("Failed to amend %s" % propfile)
# Update the local.properties file...
locprops = os.path.join(root_dir, 'local.properties')
if os.path.exists(locprops):
f = open(locprops, 'r')
props = f.read()
# Fix old-fashioned 'sdk-location' by copying
# from sdk.dir, if necessary...
if build.get('oldsdkloc', 'no') == "yes":
sdkloc = re.match(r".*^sdk.dir=(\S+)$.*", props,
props += "\nsdk-location=" + sdkloc + "\n"
# Add ndk location...
props+= "\nndk.dir=" + ndk_path + "\n"
# Add java.encoding if necessary...
if 'encoding' in build:
props += "\njava.encoding=" + build['encoding'] + "\n"
f = open(locprops, 'w')
# Insert version code and number into the manifest if necessary...
if 'forceversion' in build:
if subprocess.call(['sed','-r','-i',
's/android:versionName="[^"]+"/android:versionName="' + build['version'] + '"/g',
'AndroidManifest.xml'], cwd=root_dir) !=0:
raise BuildException("Failed to amend manifest")
if 'forcevercode' in build:
if subprocess.call(['sed','-r','-i',
's/android:versionCode="[^"]+"/android:versionCode="' + build['vercode'] + '"/g',
'AndroidManifest.xml'], cwd=root_dir) !=0:
raise BuildException("Failed to amend manifest")
# Delete unwanted file...
if 'rm' in build:
for part in build['rm'].split(';'):
dest = os.path.join(build_dir, part)
if os.path.exists(dest):
# Fix apostrophes translation files if necessary...
if build.get('fixapos', 'no') == 'yes':
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(root_dir, 'res')):
for filename in files:
if filename.endswith('.xml'):
if subprocess.call(['sed','-i','s@' +
r"\([^\\]\)'@\1\\'" +
os.path.join(root, filename)]) != 0:
raise BuildException("Failed to amend " + filename)
# Fix translation files if necessary...
if build.get('fixtrans', 'no') == 'yes':
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(root_dir, 'res')):
for filename in files:
if filename.endswith('.xml'):
f = open(os.path.join(root, filename))
changed = False
outlines = []
for line in f:
num = 1
index = 0
oldline = line
while True:
index = line.find("%", index)
if index == -1:
next = line[index+1:index+2]
if next == "s" or next == "d":
line = (line[:index+1] +
str(num) + "$" +
num += 1
index += 3
index += 1
# We only want to insert the positional arguments
# when there is more than one argument...
if oldline != line:
if num > 2:
changed = True
line = oldline
if changed:
f = open(os.path.join(root, filename), 'w')
# Add required external libraries...
if 'extlibs' in build:
libsdir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'libs')
if not os.path.exists(libsdir):
for lib in build['extlibs'].split(';'):
libf = os.path.basename(lib)
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(extlib_dir, lib),
os.path.join(libsdir, libf))
# Get required source libraries...
srclibpaths = []
if 'srclibs' in build:
for lib in build['srclibs'].split(';'):
name, _ = lib.split('@')
srclibpaths.append((name, getsrclib(lib, extlib_dir, sdk_path)))
basesrclib = vcs.getsrclib()
# If one was used for the main source, add that too.
if basesrclib:
# There should never be gen or bin directories in the source, so just get
# rid of them...
for baddir in ['gen', 'bin', 'obj', 'libs/armeabi', 'libs/mips', 'libs/x86']:
badpath = os.path.join(root_dir, baddir)
if os.path.exists(badpath):
# Apply patches if any
if 'patch' in build:
for patch in build['patch'].split(';'):
print "Applying " + patch
patch_path = os.path.join('metadata', app['id'], patch)
if subprocess.call(['patch', '-p1',
'-i', os.path.abspath(patch_path)], cwd=build_dir) != 0:
raise BuildException("Failed to apply patch %s" % patch_path)
# Run a pre-build command if one is required...
if 'prebuild' in build:
prebuild = build['prebuild']
# Substitute source library paths into prebuild commands...
for name, libpath in srclibpaths:
libpath = os.path.relpath(libpath, root_dir)
prebuild = prebuild.replace('$$' + name + '$$', libpath)
prebuild = prebuild.replace('$$SDK$$', sdk_path)
prebuild = prebuild.replace('$$NDK$$', ndk_path)
prebuild = prebuild.replace('$$MVN3$$', mvn3)
p = subprocess.Popen(prebuild, cwd=root_dir, shell=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0:
raise BuildException("Error running pre-build command", out, err)
if build.get('anal-tics', 'no') == 'yes':
fp = os.path.join(root_dir, 'src', 'com', 'google', 'android', 'apps', 'analytics')
with open(os.path.join(fp, 'GoogleAnalyticsTracker.java'), 'w') as f:
package com.google.android.apps.analytics;
public class GoogleAnalyticsTracker {
private static GoogleAnalyticsTracker instance;
private GoogleAnalyticsTracker() {
public static GoogleAnalyticsTracker getInstance() {
if(instance == null)
instance = new GoogleAnalyticsTracker();
return instance;
public void start(String i,int think ,Object not) {
public void dispatch() {
public void stop() {
public void setProductVersion(String uh, String hu) {
public void trackEvent(String that,String just,String aint,int happening) {
public void trackPageView(String nope) {
public void setCustomVar(int mind,String your,String own,int business) {
# Special case init functions for funambol...
if build.get('initfun', 'no') == "yes":
if subprocess.call(['sed','-i','s@' +
'<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties" />' +
'@' +
'<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties">' +
'<classpath>' +
'<pathelement location="/usr/share/java/ant-contrib.jar"/>' +
'</classpath>' +
'</taskdef>' +
'build.xml'], cwd=root_dir) !=0:
raise BuildException("Failed to amend build.xml")
if subprocess.call(['sed','-i','s@' +
'\${user.home}/funambol/build/android/build.properties' +
'@' +
'build.properties' +
'build.xml'], cwd=root_dir) !=0:
raise BuildException("Failed to amend build.xml")
buildxml = os.path.join(root_dir, 'build.xml')
f = open(buildxml, 'r')
xml = f.read()
xmlout = ""
mode = 0
for line in xml.splitlines():
if mode == 0:
if line.find("jarsigner") != -1:
mode = 1
xmlout += line + "\n"
if line.find("/exec") != -1:
mode += 1
if mode == 3:
mode =0
f = open(buildxml, 'w')
if subprocess.call(['sed','-i','s@' +
'platforms/android-2.0' +
'@' +
'platforms/android-8' +
'build.xml'], cwd=root_dir) !=0:
raise BuildException("Failed to amend build.xml")
os.path.join(root_dir, "build.properties.example"),
os.path.join(root_dir, "build.properties"))
if subprocess.call(['sed','-i','s@' +
'@' +
'javacchome=' + javacc_path +
'build.properties'], cwd=root_dir) !=0:
raise BuildException("Failed to amend build.properties")
if subprocess.call(['sed','-i','s@' +
'@' +
'sdk-folder=' + sdk_path +
'build.properties'], cwd=root_dir) !=0:
raise BuildException("Failed to amend build.properties")
if subprocess.call(['sed','-i','s@' +
'@' +
'android.sdk.version=2.0' +
'build.properties'], cwd=root_dir) !=0:
raise BuildException("Failed to amend build.properties")
return (root_dir, srclibpaths)
# Scan the source code in the given directory (and all subdirectories)
# and return a list of potential problems.
def scan_source(build_dir, root_dir, thisbuild):
problems = []
# Common known non-free blobs:
usual_suspects = ['flurryagent',
if 'scanignore' in thisbuild:
ignore = thisbuild['scanignore'].split(';')
ignore = []
# Iterate through all files in the source code...
for r,d,f in os.walk(build_dir):
for curfile in f:
if '/.hg' in r or '/.git' in r or '/.svn' in r:
# Path (relative) to the file...
fp = os.path.join(r, curfile)
# Check if this file has been explicitly excluded from scanning...
ignorethis = False
for i in ignore:
if fp.startswith(i):
ignorethis = True
if ignorethis:
for suspect in usual_suspects:
if suspect in curfile.lower():
msg = 'Found probable non-free blob ' + fp
if curfile.endswith('.apk'):
msg = 'Found apk file, which should not be in the source - ' + fp
elif curfile.endswith('.elf'):
msg = 'Found .elf at ' + fp
elif curfile.endswith('.so'):
msg = 'Found .so at ' + fp
elif curfile.endswith('.java'):
for line in file(fp):
if 'DexClassLoader' in line:
msg = 'Found DexClassLoader in ' + fp
# Presence of a jni directory without buildjni=yes might
# indicate a problem... (if it's not a problem, explicitly use
# buildjni=no to bypass this check)
if (os.path.exists(os.path.join(root_dir, 'jni')) and
thisbuild.get('buildjni') is None):
msg = 'Found jni directory, but buildjni is not enabled'
return problems
class KnownApks:
def __init__(self):
self.path = os.path.join('stats', 'known_apks.txt')
self.apks = {}
if os.path.exists(self.path):
for line in file( self.path):
t = line.rstrip().split(' ')
if len(t) == 2:
self.apks[t[0]] = (t[1], None)
self.apks[t[0]] = (t[1], time.strptime(t[2], '%Y-%m-%d'))
self.changed = False
def writeifchanged(self):
if self.changed:
if not os.path.exists('stats'):
f = open(self.path, 'w')
lst = []
for apk, app in self.apks.iteritems():
appid, added = app
line = apk + ' ' + appid
if added:
line += ' ' + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', added)
for line in sorted(lst):
f.write(line + '\n')
# Record an apk (if it's new, otherwise does nothing)
# Returns the date it was added.
def recordapk(self, apk, app):
if not apk in self.apks:
self.apks[apk] = (app, time.gmtime(time.time()))
self.changed = True
_, added = self.apks[apk]
return added
# Look up information - given the 'apkname', returns (app id, date added/None).
# Or returns None for an unknown apk.
def getapp(self, apkname):
if apkname in self.apks:
return self.apks[apkname]
return None
# Get the most recent 'num' apps added to the repo, as a list of package ids
# with the most recent first.
def getlatest(self, num):
apps = {}
for apk, app in self.apks.iteritems():
appid, added = app
if added:
if appid in apps:
if apps[appid] > added:
apps[appid] = added
apps[appid] = added
sortedapps = sorted(apps.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[-num:]
lst = []
for app, added in sortedapps:
return lst