mirror of https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver.git synced 2024-11-20 13:50:12 +01:00

272 lines
10 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# import.py - part of the FDroid server tools
# Copyright (C) 2010-13, Ciaran Gultnieks, ciaran@ciarang.com
# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Daniel Martí <mvdan@mvdan.cc>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import configparser
import git
import json
import shutil
import sys
import yaml
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from yaml import CSafeLoader as SafeLoader
except ImportError:
from yaml import SafeLoader
from . import _
from . import common
from . import metadata
from .exception import FDroidException
config = None
options = None
# WARNING! This cannot be imported as a Python module, so reuseable functions need to go into common.py!
def clone_to_tmp_dir(app):
tmp_dir = Path('tmp')
tmp_dir = tmp_dir / 'importer'
if tmp_dir.exists():
shutil.rmtree(str(tmp_dir), onerror=common.handle_retree_error_on_windows)
vcs = common.getvcs(app.RepoType, app.Repo, tmp_dir)
return tmp_dir
def check_for_kivy_buildozer(tmp_importer_dir, app, build):
versionCode = None
buildozer_spec = tmp_importer_dir / 'buildozer.spec'
if buildozer_spec.exists():
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
import pprint
app.id = config['app'].get('package.domain')
app.AutoName = config['app'].get('package.name', app.AutoName)
app.License = config['app'].get('license', app.License)
app.Description = config['app'].get('description', app.Description)
build.versionName = config['app'].get('version')
build.output = 'bin/%s-$$VERSION$$-release-unsigned.apk' % app.AutoName
build.ndk = 'r17c'
build.srclibs = [
build.sudo = [
'apt-get update',
'apt-get install -y build-essential libffi-dev libltdl-dev',
build.prebuild = [
'sed -iE "/^[# ]*android\\.(ant|ndk|sdk)_path[ =]/d" buildozer.spec',
'sed -iE "/^[# ]*android.accept_sdk_license[ =]+.*/d" buildozer.spec',
'sed -iE "/^[# ]*android.skip_update[ =]+.*/d" buildozer.spec',
'sed -iE "/^[# ]*p4a.source_dir[ =]+.*/d" buildozer.spec',
'sed -i "s,\\[app\\],[app]\\n\\nandroid.sdk_path = $$SDK$$\\nandroid.ndk_path = $$NDK$$\\np4a.source_dir = $$python-for-android$$\\nandroid.accept_sdk_license = False\\nandroid.skip_update = True\\nandroid.ant_path = /usr/bin/ant\\n," buildozer.spec',
'pip3 install --user --upgrade $$buildozer$$ Cython==0.28.6',
build.build = [
'PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" buildozer android release',
return build.get('versionName'), versionCode, app.get('id')
def main():
global config, options
# Parse command line...
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-u", "--url", default=None,
help=_("Project URL to import from."))
parser.add_argument("-s", "--subdir", default=None,
help=_("Path to main Android project subdirectory, if not in root."))
parser.add_argument("-c", "--categories", default=None,
help=_("Comma separated list of categories."))
parser.add_argument("-l", "--license", default=None,
help=_("Overall license of the project."))
parser.add_argument("--omit-disable", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("Do not add 'disable:' to the generated build entries"))
parser.add_argument("--rev", default=None,
help=_("Allows a different revision (or git branch) to be specified for the initial import"))
options = parser.parse_args()
metadata.warnings_action = options.W
config = common.read_config(options)
apps = metadata.read_metadata()
app = None
tmp_importer_dir = None
local_metadata_files = common.get_local_metadata_files()
if local_metadata_files != []:
raise FDroidException(_("This repo already has local metadata: %s") % local_metadata_files[0])
build = metadata.Build()
if options.url is None and Path('.git').is_dir():
app = metadata.App()
app.AutoName = Path.cwd().name
app.RepoType = 'git'
if Path('build.gradle').exists() or Path('build.gradle.kts').exists():
build.gradle = ['yes']
# TODO: Python3.6: Should accept path-like
git_repo = git.Repo(str(Path.cwd()))
for remote in git.Remote.iter_items(git_repo):
if remote.name == 'origin':
url = git_repo.remotes.origin.url
if url.startswith('https://git'): # github, gitlab
app.SourceCode = url.rstrip('.git')
app.Repo = url
write_local_file = True
elif options.url:
app = common.get_app_from_url(options.url)
tmp_importer_dir = clone_to_tmp_dir(app)
# TODO: Python3.6: Should accept path-like
git_repo = git.Repo(str(tmp_importer_dir))
if not options.omit_disable:
build.disable = 'Generated by import.py - check/set version fields and commit id'
write_local_file = False
raise FDroidException("Specify project url.")
app.UpdateCheckMode = 'Tags'
build.commit = common.get_head_commit_id(git_repo)
versionName, versionCode, appid = check_for_kivy_buildozer(tmp_importer_dir, app, build)
# Extract some information...
paths = common.get_all_gradle_and_manifests(tmp_importer_dir)
subdir = common.get_gradle_subdir(tmp_importer_dir, paths)
if paths:
versionName, versionCode, appid = common.parse_androidmanifests(paths, app)
if not appid:
raise FDroidException(_("Couldn't find Application ID"))
if not versionName:
logging.warning(_('Could not find latest version name'))
if not versionCode:
logging.warning(_('Could not find latest version code'))
elif not appid:
raise FDroidException(_("No gradle project could be found. Specify --subdir?"))
# Make sure it's actually new...
if appid in apps:
raise FDroidException(_('Package "{appid}" already exists').format(appid=appid))
# Create a build line...
build.versionName = versionName or 'Unknown'
build.versionCode = versionCode or '0' # TODO heinous but this is still a str
if options.subdir:
build.subdir = options.subdir
build.gradle = ['yes']
elif subdir:
build.subdir = subdir.as_posix()
build.gradle = ['yes']
if options.license:
app.License = options.license
if options.categories:
app.Categories = options.categories.split(',')
if (subdir / 'jni').exists():
build.buildjni = ['yes']
if (subdir / 'build.gradle').exists() or (subdir / 'build.gradle').exists():
build.gradle = ['yes']
package_json = tmp_importer_dir / 'package.json' # react-native
pubspec_yaml = tmp_importer_dir / 'pubspec.yaml' # flutter
if package_json.exists():
build.sudo = ['apt-get update || apt-get update', 'apt-get install -t stretch-backports npm', 'npm install -g react-native-cli']
build.init = ['npm install']
with package_json.open() as fp:
data = json.load(fp)
app.AutoName = data.get('name', app.AutoName)
app.License = data.get('license', app.License)
app.Description = data.get('description', app.Description)
app.WebSite = data.get('homepage', app.WebSite)
app_json = tmp_importer_dir / 'app.json'
if app_json.exists():
with app_json.open() as fp:
data = json.load(fp)
app.AutoName = data.get('name', app.AutoName)
if pubspec_yaml.exists():
with pubspec_yaml.open() as fp:
data = yaml.load(fp, Loader=SafeLoader)
app.AutoName = data.get('name', app.AutoName)
app.License = data.get('license', app.License)
app.Description = data.get('description', app.Description)
build.srclibs = ['flutter@stable']
build.output = 'build/app/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk'
build.build = [
'$$flutter$$/bin/flutter config --no-analytics',
'$$flutter$$/bin/flutter packages pub get',
'$$flutter$$/bin/flutter build apk',
git_modules = tmp_importer_dir / '.gitmodules'
if git_modules.exists():
build.submodules = True
if write_local_file:
metadata.write_metadata(Path('.fdroid.yml'), app)
# Keep the repo directory to save bandwidth...
build_dir = Path('build') / appid
if build_dir.exists():
logging.warning(_('{path} already exists, ignoring import results!')
elif tmp_importer_dir:
# For Windows: Close the repo or a git.exe instance holds handles to repo
except AttributeError: # Debian/stretch's version does not have close()
# TODO: Python3.9: Accepts a path-like object for both src and dst.
shutil.move(str(tmp_importer_dir), str(build_dir))
Path('build/.fdroidvcs-' + appid).write_text(app.RepoType + ' ' + app.Repo)
metadatapath = Path('metadata') / (appid + '.yml')
metadata.write_metadata(metadatapath, app)
logging.info("Wrote " + str(metadatapath))
if __name__ == "__main__":