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#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# build.py - part of the FDroid server tools
# Copyright (C) 2010-13, Ciaran Gultnieks, ciaran@ciarang.com
# Copyright (C) 2013 Daniel Martí <mvdan@mvdan.cc>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sys
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import re
import tarfile
import traceback
import time
import json
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
from optparse import OptionParser
import common, metadata
from common import BuildException, VCSException, FDroidPopen
def get_builder_vm_id():
vd = os.path.join('builder', '.vagrant')
if os.path.isdir(vd):
# Vagrant 1.2 (and maybe 1.1?) it's a directory tree...
with open(os.path.join(vd, 'machines', 'default', 'virtualbox', 'id')) as vf:
id = vf.read()
return id
# Vagrant 1.0 - it's a json file...
with open(os.path.join('builder', '.vagrant')) as vf:
v = json.load(vf)
return v['active']['default']
def got_valid_builder_vm():
"""Returns True if we have a valid-looking builder vm
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join('builder', 'Vagrantfile')):
return False
vd = os.path.join('builder', '.vagrant')
if not os.path.exists(vd):
return False
if not os.path.isdir(vd):
# Vagrant 1.0 - if the directory is there, it's valid...
return True
# Vagrant 1.2 - the directory can exist, but the id can be missing...
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(vd, 'machines', 'default', 'virtualbox', 'id')):
return False
return True
def vagrant(params, cwd=None, printout=False):
"""Run vagrant.
:param: list of parameters to pass to vagrant
:cwd: directory to run in, or None for current directory
:returns: (ret, out) where ret is the return code, and out
is the stdout (and stderr) from vagrant
p = subprocess.Popen(['vagrant'] + params, cwd=cwd,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
out = p.communicate()[0]
if options.verbose:
print out
return (p.returncode, out)
# Note that 'force' here also implies test mode.
def build_server(app, thisbuild, vcs, build_dir, output_dir, force):
"""Do a build on the build server."""
import ssh
# Reset existing builder machine to a clean state if possible.
vm_ok = False
if not options.resetserver:
print "Checking for valid existing build server"
if got_valid_builder_vm():
print "...VM is present"
p = subprocess.Popen(['VBoxManage', 'snapshot', get_builder_vm_id(), 'list', '--details'],
cwd='builder', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
output = p.communicate()[0]
if output.find('fdroidclean') != -1:
if options.verbose:
print "...snapshot exists - resetting build server to clean state"
retcode, output = vagrant(['status'], cwd='builder')
if output.find('running') != -1:
if options.verbose:
print "...suspending"
vagrant(['suspend'], cwd='builder')
p = subprocess.Popen(['VBoxManage', 'snapshot', get_builder_vm_id(), 'restore', 'fdroidclean'],
cwd='builder', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
output = p.communicate()[0]
if options.verbose:
print output
if p.returncode == 0:
print "...reset to snapshot - server is valid"
retcode, output = vagrant(['up'], cwd='builder')
if retcode != 0:
raise BuildException("Failed to start build server")
vm_ok = True
print "...failed to reset to snapshot"
print "...snapshot doesn't exist - VBoxManage snapshot list:\n" + output
# If we can't use the existing machine for any reason, make a
# new one from scratch.
if not vm_ok:
if os.path.exists('builder'):
print "Removing broken/incomplete/unwanted build server"
vagrant(['destroy', '-f'], cwd='builder')
p = subprocess.Popen('vagrant --version', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
vver = p.communicate()[0]
if vver.startswith('Vagrant version 1.2'):
with open('builder/Vagrantfile', 'w') as vf:
vf.write('Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|\n')
vf.write('config.vm.box = "buildserver"\n')
with open('builder/Vagrantfile', 'w') as vf:
vf.write('Vagrant::Config.run do |config|\n')
vf.write('config.vm.box = "buildserver"\n')
print "Starting new build server"
retcode, _ = vagrant(['up'], cwd='builder')
if retcode != 0:
raise BuildException("Failed to start build server")
# Open SSH connection to make sure it's working and ready...
print "Connecting to virtual machine..."
if subprocess.call('vagrant ssh-config >sshconfig',
cwd='builder', shell=True) != 0:
raise BuildException("Error getting ssh config")
vagranthost = 'default' # Host in ssh config file
sshconfig = ssh.SSHConfig()
sshf = open('builder/sshconfig', 'r')
sshconfig = sshconfig.lookup(vagranthost)
sshs = ssh.SSHClient()
idfile = sshconfig['identityfile']
if idfile.startswith('"') and idfile.endswith('"'):
idfile = idfile[1:-1]
sshs.connect(sshconfig['hostname'], username=sshconfig['user'],
port=int(sshconfig['port']), timeout=300, look_for_keys=False,
print "Saving clean state of new build server"
retcode, _ = vagrant(['suspend'], cwd='builder')
if retcode != 0:
raise BuildException("Failed to suspend build server")
print "...waiting a sec..."
p = subprocess.Popen(['VBoxManage', 'snapshot', get_builder_vm_id(), 'take', 'fdroidclean'],
cwd='builder', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
output = p.communicate()[0]
if p.returncode != 0:
print output
raise BuildException("Failed to take snapshot")
print "Restarting new build server"
retcode, _ = vagrant(['up'], cwd='builder')
if retcode != 0:
raise BuildException("Failed to start build server")
# Make sure it worked...
p = subprocess.Popen(['VBoxManage', 'snapshot', get_builder_vm_id(), 'list', '--details'],
cwd='builder', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
output = p.communicate()[0]
if output.find('fdroidclean') == -1:
raise BuildException("Failed to take snapshot.")
# Get SSH configuration settings for us to connect...
if options.verbose:
print "Getting ssh configuration..."
subprocess.call('vagrant ssh-config >sshconfig',
cwd='builder', shell=True)
vagranthost = 'default' # Host in ssh config file
# Load and parse the SSH config...
sshconfig = ssh.SSHConfig()
sshf = open('builder/sshconfig', 'r')
sshconfig = sshconfig.lookup(vagranthost)
# Open SSH connection...
if options.verbose:
print "Connecting to virtual machine..."
sshs = ssh.SSHClient()
idfile = sshconfig['identityfile']
if idfile.startswith('"') and idfile.endswith('"'):
idfile = idfile[1:-1]
sshs.connect(sshconfig['hostname'], username=sshconfig['user'],
port=int(sshconfig['port']), timeout=300, look_for_keys=False,
# Get an SFTP connection...
ftp = sshs.open_sftp()
# Put all the necessary files in place...
# Helper to copy the contents of a directory to the server...
def send_dir(path):
root = os.path.dirname(path)
main = os.path.basename(path)
for r, d, f in os.walk(path):
rr = os.path.relpath(r, root)
for dd in d:
for ff in f:
lfile = os.path.join(root, rr, ff)
if not os.path.islink(lfile):
ftp.put(lfile, ff)
ftp.chmod(ff, os.stat(lfile).st_mode)
for i in range(len(rr.split('/'))):
print "Preparing server for build..."
serverpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
ftp.put(os.path.join(serverpath, 'build.py'), 'build.py')
ftp.put(os.path.join(serverpath, 'common.py'), 'common.py')
ftp.put(os.path.join(serverpath, 'metadata.py'), 'metadata.py')
ftp.put(os.path.join(serverpath, '..', 'config.buildserver.py'), 'config.py')
ftp.chmod('config.py', 0o600)
# Copy the metadata - just the file for this app...
ftp.put(os.path.join('metadata', app['id'] + '.txt'),
app['id'] + '.txt')
# And patches if there are any...
if os.path.exists(os.path.join('metadata', app['id'])):
send_dir(os.path.join('metadata', app['id']))
# Create the build directory...
# Copy any extlibs that are required...
if 'extlibs' in thisbuild:
for lib in thisbuild['extlibs'].split(';'):
lib = lib.strip()
libsrc = os.path.join('build/extlib', lib)
if not os.path.exists(libsrc):
raise BuildException("Missing extlib {0}".format(libsrc))
lp = lib.split('/')
for d in lp[:-1]:
if d not in ftp.listdir():
ftp.put(libsrc, lp[-1])
for _ in lp[:-1]:
# Copy any srclibs that are required...
srclibpaths = []
if 'srclibs' in thisbuild:
for lib in thisbuild['srclibs'].split(';'):
srclibpaths.append(common.getsrclib(lib, 'build/srclib', srclibpaths,
basepath=True, prepare=False))
# If one was used for the main source, add that too.
basesrclib = vcs.getsrclib()
if basesrclib:
for name, number, lib in srclibpaths:
if options.verbose:
print "Sending srclib '" + lib + "'"
if not os.path.exists(lib):
raise BuildException("Missing srclib directory '" + lib + "'")
fv = '.fdroidvcs-' + name
ftp.put(os.path.join('build/srclib', fv), fv)
# Copy the metadata file too...
ftp.put(os.path.join('srclibs', name + '.txt'),
name + '.txt')
# Copy the main app source code
# (no need if it's a srclib)
if (not basesrclib) and os.path.exists(build_dir):
fv = '.fdroidvcs-' + app['id']
ftp.put(os.path.join('build', fv), fv)
# Execute the build script...
print "Starting build..."
chan = sshs.get_transport().open_session()
cmdline = 'python build.py --on-server'
if force:
cmdline += ' --force --test'
if options.verbose:
cmdline += ' --verbose'
cmdline += ' -p ' + app['id'] + ' --vercode ' + thisbuild['vercode']
chan.exec_command('bash -c ". ~/.bsenv && ' + cmdline + '"')
output = ''
error = ''
while not chan.exit_status_ready():
while chan.recv_ready():
output += chan.recv(1024)
while chan.recv_stderr_ready():
error += chan.recv_stderr(1024)
print "...getting exit status"
returncode = chan.recv_exit_status()
while True:
get = chan.recv(1024)
if len(get) == 0:
output += get
while True:
get = chan.recv_stderr(1024)
if len(get) == 0:
error += get
if returncode != 0:
raise BuildException("Build.py failed on server for %s:%s" % (app['id'], thisbuild['version']), output, error)
# Retrieve the built files...
print "Retrieving build output..."
if force:
apkfile = common.getapkname(app,thisbuild)
tarball = common.getsrcname(app,thisbuild)
ftp.get(apkfile, os.path.join(output_dir, apkfile))
ftp.get(tarball, os.path.join(output_dir, tarball))
raise BuildException("Build failed for %s:%s - missing output files" % (app['id'], thisbuild['version']), output, error)
# Suspend the build server.
print "Suspending build server"
subprocess.call(['vagrant', 'suspend'], cwd='builder')
def adapt_gradle(path):
if options.verbose:
print "Adapting build.gradle at %s" % path
subprocess.call(['sed', '-i',
's@buildToolsVersion[ ]*["\\\'][0-9\.]*["\\\']@buildToolsVersion "'+ config['build_tools'] +'"@g', path])
subprocess.call(['sed', '-i',
's@com.android.tools.build:gradle:[0-9\.\+]*@com.android.tools.build:gradle:'+ config['gradle_plugin'] +'@g', path])
def build_local(app, thisbuild, vcs, build_dir, output_dir, srclib_dir, extlib_dir, tmp_dir, install, force, onserver):
"""Do a build locally."""
# Prepare the source code...
root_dir, srclibpaths = common.prepare_source(vcs, app, thisbuild,
build_dir, srclib_dir, extlib_dir, onserver)
# We need to clean via the build tool in case the binary dirs are
# different from the default ones
p = None
if thisbuild.get('maven', 'no') != 'no':
print "Cleaning Maven project..."
cmd = [config['mvn3'], 'clean', '-Dandroid.sdk.path=' + config['sdk_path']]
if '@' in thisbuild['maven']:
maven_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, thisbuild['maven'].split('@',1)[1])
maven_dir = root_dir
p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=maven_dir)
elif thisbuild.get('gradle', 'no') != 'no':
print "Cleaning Gradle project..."
cmd = [config['gradle'], 'clean']
if '@' in thisbuild['gradle']:
gradle_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, thisbuild['gradle'].split('@',1)[1])
gradle_dir = root_dir
p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=gradle_dir)
elif thisbuild.get('update', '.') != 'no' and thisbuild.get('kivy', 'no') == 'no':
print "Cleaning Ant project..."
cmd = ['ant', 'clean']
p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=root_dir)
if p is not None and p.returncode != 0:
raise BuildException("Error cleaning %s:%s" %
(app['id'], thisbuild['version']), p.stdout, p.stderr)
# Also clean jni
print "Cleaning jni dirs..."
for baddir in [
'libs/armeabi-v7a', 'libs/armeabi',
'libs/mips', 'libs/x86', 'obj']:
badpath = os.path.join(build_dir, baddir)
if os.path.exists(badpath):
print "Removing '%s'" % badpath
# Scan before building...
print "Scanning source for common problems..."
buildprobs = common.scan_source(build_dir, root_dir, thisbuild)
if len(buildprobs) > 0:
print 'Scanner found ' + str(len(buildprobs)) + ' problems:'
for problem in buildprobs:
print '...' + problem
if not force:
raise BuildException("Can't build due to " +
str(len(buildprobs)) + " scanned problems")
# Build the source tarball right before we build the release...
print "Creating source tarball..."
tarname = common.getsrcname(app,thisbuild)
tarball = tarfile.open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, tarname), "w:gz")
def tarexc(f):
for vcs_dir in ['.svn', '.git', '.hg', '.bzr']:
if f.endswith(vcs_dir):
return True
return False
tarball.add(build_dir, tarname, exclude=tarexc)
# Run a build command if one is required...
if 'build' in thisbuild:
cmd = common.replace_config_vars(thisbuild['build'])
# Substitute source library paths into commands...
for name, number, libpath in srclibpaths:
libpath = os.path.relpath(libpath, root_dir)
cmd = cmd.replace('$$' + name + '$$', libpath)
if options.verbose:
print "Running 'build' commands in %s" % root_dir
p = FDroidPopen(['bash', '-x', '-c', cmd], cwd=root_dir)
if p.returncode != 0:
raise BuildException("Error running build command for %s:%s" %
(app['id'], thisbuild['version']), p.stdout, p.stderr)
# Build native stuff if required...
if thisbuild.get('buildjni') not in (None, 'no'):
print "Building native libraries..."
jni_components = thisbuild.get('buildjni')
if jni_components == 'yes':
jni_components = ['']
jni_components = [c.strip() for c in jni_components.split(';')]
ndkbuild = os.path.join(config['ndk_path'], "ndk-build")
for d in jni_components:
if options.verbose:
print "Running ndk-build in " + root_dir + '/' + d
manifest = root_dir + '/' + d + '/AndroidManifest.xml'
if os.path.exists(manifest):
# Read and write the whole AM.xml to fix newlines and avoid
# the ndk r8c or later 'wordlist' errors. The outcome of this
# under gnu/linux is the same as when using tools like
# dos2unix, but the native python way is faster and will
# work in non-unix systems.
manifest_text = open(manifest, 'U').read()
open(manifest, 'w').write(manifest_text)
# In case the AM.xml read was big, free the memory
del manifest_text
p = FDroidPopen([ndkbuild], cwd=os.path.join(root_dir,d))
if p.returncode != 0:
raise BuildException("NDK build failed for %s:%s" % (app['id'], thisbuild['version']), p.stdout, p.stderr)
p = None
# Build the release...
if thisbuild.get('maven', 'no') != 'no':
print "Building Maven project..."
if '@' in thisbuild['maven']:
maven_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, thisbuild['maven'].split('@',1)[1])
maven_dir = root_dir
mvncmd = [config['mvn3'], '-Dandroid.sdk.path=' + config['sdk_path']]
if install:
mvncmd += ['-Dandroid.sign.debug=true', 'package', 'android:deploy']
mvncmd += ['-Dandroid.sign.debug=false', '-Dandroid.release=true', 'package']
if 'target' in thisbuild:
target = thisbuild["target"].split('-')[1]
subprocess.call(['sed', '-i',
'pom.xml'], cwd=root_dir)
if '@' in thisbuild['maven']:
subprocess.call(['sed', '-i',
'pom.xml'], cwd=maven_dir)
if 'mvnflags' in thisbuild:
mvncmd += thisbuild['mvnflags']
p = FDroidPopen(mvncmd, cwd=maven_dir)
bindir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'target')
elif thisbuild.get('kivy', 'no') != 'no':
print "Building Kivy project..."
spec = os.path.join(root_dir, 'buildozer.spec')
if not os.path.exists(spec):
raise BuildException("Expected to find buildozer-compatible spec at {0}"
defaults = {'orientation': 'landscape', 'icon': '',
'permissions': '', 'android.api': "18"}
bconfig = ConfigParser(defaults, allow_no_value=True)
distdir = 'python-for-android/dist/fdroid'
if os.path.exists(distdir):
modules = bconfig.get('app', 'requirements').split(',')
cmd = 'ANDROIDSDK=' + config['sdk_path']
cmd += ' ANDROIDNDK=' + config['ndk_path']
cmd += ' ANDROIDNDKVER=r9'
cmd += ' ANDROIDAPI=' + str(bconfig.get('app', 'android.api'))
cmd += ' VIRTUALENV=virtualenv'
cmd += ' ./distribute.sh'
cmd += ' -m ' + "'" + ' '.join(modules) + "'"
cmd += ' -d fdroid'
if subprocess.call(cmd, cwd='python-for-android', shell=True) != 0:
raise BuildException("Distribute build failed")
cid = bconfig.get('app', 'package.domain') + '.' + bconfig.get('app', 'package.name')
if cid != app['id']:
raise BuildException("Package ID mismatch between metadata and spec")
orientation = bconfig.get('app', 'orientation', 'landscape')
if orientation == 'all':
orientation = 'sensor'
cmd = ['./build.py'
'--dir', root_dir,
'--name', bconfig.get('app', 'title'),
'--package', app['id'],
'--version', bconfig.get('app', 'version'),
'--orientation', orientation,
perms = bconfig.get('app', 'permissions')
for perm in perms.split(','):
cmd.extend(['--permission', perm])
if config.get('app', 'fullscreen') == 0:
icon = bconfig.get('app', 'icon.filename')
if icon:
cmd.extend(['--icon', os.path.join(root_dir, icon)])
p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=distdir)
elif thisbuild.get('gradle', 'no') != 'no':
print "Building Gradle project..."
if '@' in thisbuild['gradle']:
flavour = thisbuild['gradle'].split('@')[0]
gradle_dir = thisbuild['gradle'].split('@')[1]
gradle_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, gradle_dir)
flavour = thisbuild['gradle']
gradle_dir = root_dir
if 'compilesdk' in thisbuild:
level = thisbuild["compilesdk"].split('-')[1]
subprocess.call(['sed', '-i',
's@compileSdkVersion[ ]*[0-9]*@compileSdkVersion '+level+'@g',
'build.gradle'], cwd=root_dir)
if '@' in thisbuild['gradle']:
subprocess.call(['sed', '-i',
's@compileSdkVersion[ ]*[0-9]*@compileSdkVersion '+level+'@g',
'build.gradle'], cwd=gradle_dir)
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(build_dir):
for f in files:
if f == 'build.gradle':
adapt_gradle(os.path.join(root, f))
if flavour in ['main', 'yes', '']:
flavour = ''
commands = [config['gradle']]
if 'preassemble' in thisbuild:
for task in thisbuild['preassemble'].split():
if install:
commands += ['assemble'+flavour+'Debug', 'install'+flavour+'Debug']
commands += ['assemble'+flavour+'Release']
p = FDroidPopen(commands, cwd=gradle_dir)
print "Building Ant project..."
cmd = ['ant']
if install:
cmd += ['debug','install']
elif 'antcommand' in thisbuild:
cmd += [thisbuild['antcommand']]
cmd += ['release']
p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=root_dir)
bindir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'bin')
if p.returncode != 0:
raise BuildException("Build failed for %s:%s" % (app['id'], thisbuild['version']), p.stdout, p.stderr)
print "Successfully built version " + thisbuild['version'] + ' of ' + app['id']
if install:
# Find the apk name in the output...
if 'bindir' in thisbuild:
bindir = os.path.join(build_dir, thisbuild['bindir'])
if thisbuild.get('maven', 'no') != 'no':
stdout_apk = '\n'.join([
line for line in p.stdout.splitlines() if any(a in line for a in ('.apk','.ap_'))])
m = re.match(r".*^\[INFO\] .*apkbuilder.*/([^/]*)\.apk",
stdout_apk, re.S|re.M)
if not m:
m = re.match(r".*^\[INFO\] Creating additional unsigned apk file .*/([^/]+)\.apk[^l]",
stdout_apk, re.S|re.M)
if not m:
m = re.match(r'.*^\[INFO\] [^$]*aapt \[package,[^$]*' + bindir + r'/([^/]+)\.ap[_k][,\]]',
stdout_apk, re.S|re.M)
if not m:
raise BuildException('Failed to find output')
src = m.group(1)
src = os.path.join(bindir, src) + '.apk'
elif thisbuild.get('kivy', 'no') != 'no':
src = 'python-for-android/dist/default/bin/{0}-{1}-release.apk'.format(
bconfig.get('app', 'title'), bconfig.get('app', 'version'))
elif thisbuild.get('gradle', 'no') != 'no':
dd = build_dir
if 'subdir' in thisbuild:
dd = os.path.join(dd, thisbuild['subdir'])
if flavour in ['main', 'yes', '']:
name = '-'.join([os.path.basename(dd), 'release', 'unsigned'])
name = '-'.join([os.path.basename(dd), flavour, 'release', 'unsigned'])
src = os.path.join(dd, 'build', 'apk', name+'.apk')
stdout_apk = '\n'.join([
line for line in p.stdout.splitlines() if '.apk' in line])
src = re.match(r".*^.*Creating (.+) for release.*$.*", stdout_apk,
src = os.path.join(bindir, src)
# Make sure it's not debuggable...
if common.isApkDebuggable(src, config):
raise BuildException("APK is debuggable")
# By way of a sanity check, make sure the version and version
# code in our new apk match what we expect...
print "Checking " + src
if not os.path.exists(src):
raise BuildException("Unsigned apk is not at expected location of " + src)
p = subprocess.Popen([os.path.join(config['sdk_path'],
'build-tools', config['build_tools'], 'aapt'),
'dump', 'badging', src],
output = p.communicate()[0]
vercode = None
version = None
foundid = None
for line in output.splitlines():
if line.startswith("package:"):
pat = re.compile(".*name='([a-zA-Z0-9._]*)'.*")
foundid = re.match(pat, line).group(1)
pat = re.compile(".*versionCode='([0-9]*)'.*")
vercode = re.match(pat, line).group(1)
pat = re.compile(".*versionName='([^']*)'.*")
version = re.match(pat, line).group(1)
if thisbuild['novcheck']:
vercode = thisbuild['vercode']
version = thisbuild['version']
if not version or not vercode:
raise BuildException("Could not find version information in build in output")
if not foundid:
raise BuildException("Could not find package ID in output")
if foundid != app['id']:
raise BuildException("Wrong package ID - build " + foundid + " but expected " + app['id'])
# Some apps (e.g. Timeriffic) have had the bonkers idea of
# including the entire changelog in the version number. Remove
# it so we can compare. (TODO: might be better to remove it
# before we compile, in fact)
index = version.find(" //")
if index != -1:
version = version[:index]
if (version != thisbuild['version'] or
vercode != thisbuild['vercode']):
raise BuildException(("Unexpected version/version code in output;"
" APK: '%s' / '%s', "
" Expected: '%s' / '%s'")
% (version, str(vercode), thisbuild['version'], str(thisbuild['vercode']))
# Copy the unsigned apk to our destination directory for further
# processing (by publish.py)...
dest = os.path.join(output_dir, common.getapkname(app,thisbuild))
shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
# Move the source tarball into the output directory...
if output_dir != tmp_dir:
shutil.move(os.path.join(tmp_dir, tarname),
os.path.join(output_dir, tarname))
def trybuild(app, thisbuild, build_dir, output_dir, also_check_dir, srclib_dir, extlib_dir,
tmp_dir, repo_dir, vcs, test, server, install, force, onserver):
Build a particular version of an application, if it needs building.
:param output_dir: The directory where the build output will go. Usually
this is the 'unsigned' directory.
:param repo_dir: The repo directory - used for checking if the build is
:paaram also_check_dir: An additional location for checking if the build
is necessary (usually the archive repo)
:param test: True if building in test mode, in which case the build will
always happen, even if the output already exists. In test mode, the
output directory should be a temporary location, not any of the real
:returns: True if the build was done, False if it wasn't necessary.
dest_apk = common.getapkname(app, thisbuild)
dest = os.path.join(output_dir, dest_apk)
dest_repo = os.path.join(repo_dir, dest_apk)
if not test:
if os.path.exists(dest) or os.path.exists(dest_repo):
return False
if also_check_dir:
dest_also = os.path.join(also_check_dir, dest_apk)
if os.path.exists(dest_also):
return False
if 'disable' in thisbuild:
return False
print "Building version " + thisbuild['version'] + ' of ' + app['id']
if server:
# When using server mode, still keep a local cache of the repo, by
# grabbing the source now.
build_server(app, thisbuild, vcs, build_dir, output_dir, force)
build_local(app, thisbuild, vcs, build_dir, output_dir, srclib_dir, extlib_dir, tmp_dir, install, force, onserver)
return True
def parse_commandline():
"""Parse the command line. Returns options, args."""
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Spew out even more information than normal")
parser.add_option("-p", "--package", default=None,
help="Build only the specified package")
parser.add_option("-c", "--vercode", default=None,
help="Build only the specified version code")
parser.add_option("-l", "--latest", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Build only the latest version code available")
parser.add_option("-s", "--stop", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Make the build stop on exceptions")
parser.add_option("-t", "--test", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Test mode - put output in the tmp directory only, and always build, even if the output already exists.")
parser.add_option("--server", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Use build server")
parser.add_option("--resetserver", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Reset and create a brand new build server, even if the existing one appears to be ok.")
parser.add_option("--on-server", dest="onserver", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Specify that we're running on the build server")
parser.add_option("-f", "--force", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Force build of disabled apps, and carries on regardless of scan problems. Only allowed in test mode.")
parser.add_option("--install", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Use 'ant debug install' to build and install a " +
"debug version on your device or emulator. " +
"Implies --force and --test")
parser.add_option("--all", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Use with --install, when not using --package"
" to confirm you really want to build and install everything.")
parser.add_option("-w", "--wiki", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Update the wiki")
options, args = parser.parse_args()
# Force --stop with --on-server to get cotrect exit code
if options.onserver:
options.stop = True
# The --install option implies --test and --force...
if options.install:
if options.server:
print "Can't install when building on a build server."
if not options.package and not options.all:
print "This would build and install everything in the repo to the device."
print "You probably want to use --package and maybe also --vercode."
print "If you really want to install everything, use --all."
options.force = True
options.test = True
if options.force and not options.test:
print "Force is only allowed in test mode"
return options, args
options = None
config = None
def main():
global options, config
options, args = parse_commandline()
config = common.read_config(options)
if config['build_server_always']:
options.server = True
if options.resetserver and not options.server:
print "Using --resetserver without --server makes no sense"
# Get all apps...
apps = metadata.read_metadata(xref=not options.onserver)
log_dir = 'logs'
if not os.path.isdir(log_dir):
print "Creating log directory"
tmp_dir = 'tmp'
if not os.path.isdir(tmp_dir):
print "Creating temporary directory"
if options.test:
output_dir = tmp_dir
output_dir = 'unsigned'
if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
print "Creating output directory"
if config['archive_older'] != 0:
also_check_dir = 'archive'
also_check_dir = None
repo_dir = 'repo'
build_dir = 'build'
if not os.path.isdir(build_dir):
print "Creating build directory"
srclib_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'srclib')
extlib_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'extlib')
# Filter apps and build versions according to command-line options, etc...
if options.package:
apps = [app for app in apps if app['id'] == options.package]
if len(apps) == 0:
print "No such package"
apps = [app for app in apps if (options.force or not app['Disabled']) and
app['builds'] and len(app['Repo Type']) > 0 and len(app['builds']) > 0]
if len(apps) == 0:
print "Nothing to do - all apps are disabled or have no builds defined."
if options.vercode:
for app in apps:
app['builds'] = [b for b in app['builds']
if str(b['vercode']) == options.vercode]
elif options.latest:
for app in apps:
m = max([i['vercode'] for i in app['builds']], key=int)
app['builds'] = [b for b in app['builds'] if b['vercode'] == m]
if options.wiki:
import mwclient
site = mwclient.Site((config['wiki_protocol'], config['wiki_server']),
site.login(config['wiki_user'], config['wiki_password'])
# Build applications...
failed_apps = {}
build_succeeded = []
for app in apps:
first = True
for thisbuild in app['builds']:
wikilog = None
# For the first build of a particular app, we need to set up
# the source repo. We can reuse it on subsequent builds, if
# there are any.
if first:
if app['Repo Type'] == 'srclib':
build_dir = os.path.join('build', 'srclib', app['Repo'])
build_dir = os.path.join('build', app['id'])
# Set up vcs interface and make sure we have the latest code...
if options.verbose:
print "Getting {0} vcs interface for {1}".format(
app['Repo Type'], app['Repo'])
vcs = common.getvcs(app['Repo Type'], app['Repo'], build_dir)
first = False
if options.verbose:
print "Checking " + thisbuild['version']
if trybuild(app, thisbuild, build_dir, output_dir, also_check_dir,
srclib_dir, extlib_dir, tmp_dir, repo_dir, vcs, options.test,
options.server, options.install, options.force, options.onserver):
wikilog = "Build succeeded"
except BuildException as be:
logfile = open(os.path.join(log_dir, app['id'] + '.log'), 'a+')
print "Could not build app %s due to BuildException: %s" % (app['id'], be)
if options.stop:
failed_apps[app['id']] = be
wikilog = be.get_wikitext()
except VCSException as vcse:
print "VCS error while building app %s: %s" % (app['id'], vcse)
if options.stop:
failed_apps[app['id']] = vcse
wikilog = str(vcse)
except Exception as e:
print "Could not build app %s due to unknown error: %s" % (app['id'], traceback.format_exc())
if options.stop:
failed_apps[app['id']] = e
wikilog = str(e)
if options.wiki and wikilog:
newpage = site.Pages[app['id'] + '/lastbuild']
txt = wikilog
if len(txt) > 8192:
txt = txt[-8192:]
txt = "Build completed at " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime()) + "\n\n" + txt
newpage.save(wikilog, summary='Build log')
print "Error while attempting to publish build log"
for app in build_succeeded:
print "success: %s" % (app['id'])
if not options.verbose:
for fa in failed_apps:
print "Build for app %s failed:\n%s" % (fa, failed_apps[fa])
print "Finished."
if len(build_succeeded) > 0:
print str(len(build_succeeded)) + ' builds succeeded'
if len(failed_apps) > 0:
print str(len(failed_apps)) + ' builds failed'
if __name__ == "__main__":