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2023-02-17 13:08:23 +00:00

1011 lines
37 KiB

# encoding: utf-8
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 FC Stegerman <flx@obfusk.net>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# -- ; {{{1
# File : apksigcopier
# Maintainer : FC Stegerman <flx@obfusk.net>
# Date : 2023-02-08
# Copyright : Copyright (C) 2023 FC Stegerman
# Version : v1.1.1
# License : GPLv3+
# -- ; }}}1
Copy/extract/patch android apk signatures & compare apks.
apksigcopier is a tool for copying android APK signatures from a signed APK to
an unsigned one (in order to verify reproducible builds).
It can also be used to compare two APKs with different signatures; this requires
$ apksigcopier extract [OPTIONS] SIGNED_APK OUTPUT_DIR
$ apksigcopier compare [OPTIONS] FIRST_APK SECOND_APK
The following environment variables can be set to 1, yes, or true to
override the default behaviour:
* set APKSIGCOPIER_EXCLUDE_ALL_META=1 to exclude all metadata files
* set APKSIGCOPIER_COPY_EXTRA_BYTES=1 to copy extra bytes after data (e.g. a v2 sig)
* set APKSIGCOPIER_SKIP_REALIGNMENT=1 to skip realignment of ZIP entries
>> from apksigcopier import do_extract, do_patch, do_copy, do_compare
>> do_extract(signed_apk, output_dir, v1_only=NO)
>> do_patch(metadata_dir, unsigned_apk, output_apk, v1_only=NO)
>> do_copy(signed_apk, unsigned_apk, output_apk, v1_only=NO)
>> do_compare(first_apk, second_apk, unsigned=False)
You can use False, None, and True instead of NO, AUTO, and YES respectively.
The following global variables (which default to False), can be set to
override the default behaviour:
* set exclude_all_meta=True to exclude all metadata files
* set copy_extra_bytes=True to copy extra bytes after data (e.g. a v2 sig)
* set skip_realignment=True to skip realignment of ZIP entries
import glob
import json
import os
import re
import struct
import sys
import zipfile
import zlib
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, Optional, Tuple, Union
__version__ = "1.1.1"
NAME = "apksigcopier"
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
from typing import Literal
NoAutoYes = Literal["no", "auto", "yes"]
NoAutoYes = str
DateTime = Tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int]
NoAutoYesBoolNone = Union[NoAutoYes, bool, None]
ZipInfoDataPairs = Iterable[Tuple[zipfile.ZipInfo, bytes]]
SIGBLOCK, SIGOFFSET = "APKSigningBlock", "APKSigningBlockOffset"
NOAUTOYES: Tuple[NoAutoYes, NoAutoYes, NoAutoYes] = ("no", "auto", "yes")
APK_META = re.compile(r"^META-INF/([0-9A-Za-z_-]+\.(SF|RSA|DSA|EC)|MANIFEST\.MF)$")
META_EXT: Tuple[str, ...] = ("SF", "RSA|DSA|EC", "MF")
DATETIMEZERO: DateTime = (1980, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
# NB: these values are all from apksigner (the first element of each tuple, same
# as APKZipInfo) or signflinger/zipflinger, except for external_attr w/ 0664
# permissions and flag_bits 0x08, added for completeness.
# NB: zipflinger changed from 0666 to 0644 in commit 895ba5fba6ab84617dd67e38f456a8f96aa37ff0
# https://android.googlesource.com/platform/tools/apksig
# src/main/java/com/android/apksig/internal/zip/{CentralDirectoryRecord,LocalFileRecord,ZipUtils}.java
# https://android.googlesource.com/platform/tools/base
# signflinger/src/com/android/signflinger/SignedApk.java
# zipflinger/src/com/android/zipflinger/{CentralDirectoryRecord,LocalFileHeader,Source}.java
compresslevel=(9, 1), # best compression, best speed
create_system=(0, 3), # fat, unx
create_version=(20, 0), # 2.0, 0.0
external_attr=(0, # N/A
0o100644 << 16, # regular file rw-r--r--
0o100664 << 16, # regular file rw-rw-r--
0o100666 << 16), # regular file rw-rw-rw-
extract_version=(20, 0), # 2.0, 0.0
flag_bits=(0x800, 0, 0x08, 0x808), # 0x800 = utf8, 0x08 = data_descriptor
ZipData = namedtuple("ZipData", ("cd_offset", "eocd_offset", "cd_and_eocd"))
exclude_all_meta = False # exclude all metadata files in copy_apk()
copy_extra_bytes = False # copy extra bytes after data in copy_apk()
skip_realignment = False # skip realignment of ZIP entries in copy_apk()
class APKSigCopierError(Exception):
"""Base class for errors."""
class APKSigningBlockError(APKSigCopierError):
"""Something wrong with the APK Signing Block."""
class NoAPKSigningBlock(APKSigningBlockError):
"""APK Signing Block Missing."""
class ZipError(APKSigCopierError):
"""Something wrong with ZIP file."""
# FIXME: is there a better alternative?
class ReproducibleZipInfo(zipfile.ZipInfo):
"""Reproducible ZipInfo hack."""
_override: Dict[str, Any] = {}
def __init__(self, zinfo: zipfile.ZipInfo, **override: Any) -> None:
# pylint: disable=W0231
if override:
self._override = {**self._override, **override}
for k in self.__slots__:
if hasattr(zinfo, k):
setattr(self, k, getattr(zinfo, k))
def __getattribute__(self, name: str) -> Any:
if name != "_override":
return self._override[name]
except KeyError:
return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
class APKZipInfo(ReproducibleZipInfo):
"""Reproducible ZipInfo for APK files."""
_override = dict(
def noautoyes(value: NoAutoYesBoolNone) -> NoAutoYes:
Turn False into NO, None into AUTO, and True into YES.
>>> from apksigcopier import noautoyes, NO, AUTO, YES
>>> noautoyes(False) == NO == noautoyes(NO)
>>> noautoyes(None) == AUTO == noautoyes(AUTO)
>>> noautoyes(True) == YES == noautoyes(YES)
if isinstance(value, str):
if value not in NOAUTOYES:
raise ValueError("expected NO, AUTO, or YES")
return value
return {False: NO, None: AUTO, True: YES}[value]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("expected False, None, or True") # pylint: disable=W0707
def is_meta(filename: str) -> bool:
Check whether filename is a JAR metadata file.
Returns whether filename is a v1 (JAR) signature file (.SF), signature block
file (.RSA, .DSA, or .EC), or manifest (MANIFEST.MF).
See https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/deployment/jar/intro.html
>>> from apksigcopier import is_meta
>>> is_meta("classes.dex")
>>> is_meta("META-INF/CERT.SF")
>>> is_meta("META-INF/CERT.RSA")
>>> is_meta("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF")
>>> is_meta("META-INF/OOPS")
return APK_META.fullmatch(filename) is not None
def exclude_from_copying(filename: str) -> bool:
Check whether to exclude a file during copy_apk().
Excludes filenames in COPY_EXCLUDE (i.e. MANIFEST.MF) by default; when
exclude_all_meta is set to True instead, excludes all metadata files as
matched by is_meta().
Directories are always excluded.
>>> import apksigcopier
>>> from apksigcopier import exclude_from_copying
>>> exclude_from_copying("classes.dex")
>>> exclude_from_copying("foo/")
>>> exclude_from_copying("META-INF/")
>>> exclude_from_copying("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF")
>>> exclude_from_copying("META-INF/CERT.SF")
>>> exclude_from_copying("META-INF/OOPS")
>>> apksigcopier.exclude_all_meta = True
>>> exclude_from_copying("classes.dex")
>>> exclude_from_copying("META-INF/")
>>> exclude_from_copying("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF")
>>> exclude_from_copying("META-INF/CERT.SF")
>>> exclude_from_copying("META-INF/OOPS")
return exclude_meta(filename) if exclude_all_meta else exclude_default(filename)
def exclude_default(filename: str) -> bool:
Like exclude_from_copying().
Excludes directories and filenames in COPY_EXCLUDE (i.e. MANIFEST.MF).
return is_directory(filename) or filename in COPY_EXCLUDE
def exclude_meta(filename: str) -> bool:
"""Like exclude_from_copying(); excludes directories and all metadata files."""
return is_directory(filename) or is_meta(filename)
def is_directory(filename: str) -> bool:
"""ZIP entries with filenames that end with a '/' are directories."""
return filename.endswith("/")
# There is usually a 132-byte virtual entry at the start of an APK signed with a
# v1 signature by signflinger/zipflinger; almost certainly this is a default
# manifest ZIP entry created at initialisation, deleted (from the CD but not
# from the file) during v1 signing, and eventually replaced by a virtual entry.
# >>> (30 + len("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF") +
# ... len("Manifest-Version: 1.0\r\n"
# ... "Created-By: Android Gradle 7.1.3\r\n"
# ... "Built-By: Signflinger\r\n\r\n"))
# 132
# NB: they could be a different size, depending on Created-By and Built-By.
# FIXME: could virtual entries occur elsewhere as well?
# https://android.googlesource.com/platform/tools/base
# signflinger/src/com/android/signflinger/SignedApk.java
# zipflinger/src/com/android/zipflinger/{LocalFileHeader,ZipArchive}.java
def zipflinger_virtual_entry(size: int) -> bytes:
"""Create zipflinger virtual entry."""
if size < 30:
raise ValueError("Minimum size for virtual entries is 30 bytes")
return (
# header extract_version flag_bits
b"\x50\x4b\x03\x04" b"\x00\x00" b"\x00\x00"
# compress_type (1981,1,1,1,1,2) crc32
b"\x00\x00" b"\x21\x08\x21\x02" b"\x00\x00\x00\x00"
# compress_size file_size filename length
b"\x00\x00\x00\x00" b"\x00\x00\x00\x00" b"\x00\x00"
) + int.to_bytes(size - 30, 2, "little") + b"\x00" * (size - 30)
def detect_zfe(apkfile: str) -> Optional[int]:
Detect zipflinger virtual entry.
Returns the size of the virtual entry if found, None otherwise.
Raises ZipError if the size is less than 30 or greater than 4096, or the
data isn't all zeroes.
with open(apkfile, "rb") as fh:
zfe_start = zipflinger_virtual_entry(30)[:28] # w/o len(extra)
if fh.read(28) == zfe_start:
zfe_size = 30 + int.from_bytes(fh.read(2), "little")
if not (30 <= zfe_size <= 4096):
raise ZipError("Unsupported virtual entry size")
if not fh.read(zfe_size - 30) == b"\x00" * (zfe_size - 30):
raise ZipError("Unsupported virtual entry data")
return zfe_size
return None
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZIP_(file_format)
# https://source.android.com/docs/security/features/apksigning/v2#apk-signing-block-format
# =================================
# | Contents of ZIP entries |
# =================================
# | APK Signing Block |
# | ----------------------------- |
# | | size (w/o this) uint64 LE | |
# | | ... | |
# | | size (again) uint64 LE | |
# | | "APK Sig Block 42" (16B) | |
# | ----------------------------- |
# =================================
# | ZIP Central Directory |
# =================================
# | ZIP End of Central Directory |
# | ----------------------------- |
# | | 0x06054b50 ( 4B) | |
# | | ... (12B) | |
# | | CD Offset ( 4B) | |
# | | ... | |
# | ----------------------------- |
# =================================
# FIXME: makes certain assumptions and doesn't handle all valid ZIP files!
# FIXME: support zip64?
# FIXME: handle utf8 filenames w/o utf8 flag (as produced by zipflinger)?
# https://android.googlesource.com/platform/tools/apksig
# src/main/java/com/android/apksig/ApkSigner.java
def copy_apk(unsigned_apk: str, output_apk: str, *,
copy_extra: Optional[bool] = None,
exclude: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]] = None,
realign: Optional[bool] = None,
zfe_size: Optional[int] = None) -> DateTime:
Copy APK like apksigner would, excluding files matched by exclude_from_copying().
Adds a zipflinger virtual entry of zfe_size bytes if one is not already
present and zfe_size is not None.
Returns max date_time.
The following global variables (which default to False), can be set to
override the default behaviour:
* set exclude_all_meta=True to exclude all metadata files
* set copy_extra_bytes=True to copy extra bytes after data (e.g. a v2 sig)
* set skip_realignment=True to skip realignment of ZIP entries
The default behaviour can also be changed using the keyword-only arguments
exclude, copy_extra, and realign; these take precedence over the global
variables when not None. NB: exclude is a callable, not a bool; realign is
the inverse of skip_realignment.
>>> import apksigcopier, os, zipfile
>>> apk = "test/apks/apks/golden-aligned-in.apk"
>>> with zipfile.ZipFile(apk, "r") as zf:
... infos_in = zf.infolist()
>>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
... out = os.path.join(tmpdir, "out.apk")
... apksigcopier.copy_apk(apk, out)
... with zipfile.ZipFile(out, "r") as zf:
... infos_out = zf.infolist()
(2017, 5, 15, 11, 28, 40)
>>> for i in infos_in:
... print(i.filename)
>>> for i in infos_out:
... print(i.filename)
>>> infos_in[2]
<ZipInfo filename='AndroidManifest.xml' compress_type=deflate file_size=1672 compress_size=630>
>>> infos_out[0]
<ZipInfo filename='AndroidManifest.xml' compress_type=deflate file_size=1672 compress_size=630>
>>> repr(infos_in[2:]) == repr(infos_out)
if copy_extra is None:
copy_extra = copy_extra_bytes
if exclude is None:
exclude = exclude_from_copying
if realign is None:
realign = not skip_realignment
with zipfile.ZipFile(unsigned_apk, "r") as zf:
infos = zf.infolist()
zdata = zip_data(unsigned_apk)
offsets = {}
with open(unsigned_apk, "rb") as fhi, open(output_apk, "w+b") as fho:
if zfe_size:
zfe = zipflinger_virtual_entry(zfe_size)
if fhi.read(zfe_size) != zfe:
for info in sorted(infos, key=lambda info: info.header_offset):
off_i = fhi.tell()
if info.header_offset > off_i:
# copy extra bytes
fho.write(fhi.read(info.header_offset - off_i))
hdr = fhi.read(30)
if hdr[:4] != b"\x50\x4b\x03\x04":
raise ZipError("Expected local file header signature")
n, m = struct.unpack("<HH", hdr[26:30])
hdr += fhi.read(n + m)
skip = exclude(info.filename)
if skip:
fhi.seek(info.compress_size, os.SEEK_CUR)
if info.filename in offsets:
raise ZipError(f"Duplicate ZIP entry: {info.filename!r}")
offsets[info.filename] = off_o = fho.tell()
if realign and info.compress_type == 0 and off_o != info.header_offset:
hdr = _realign_zip_entry(info, hdr, n, m, off_o,
pad_like_apksigner=not zfe_size)
_copy_bytes(fhi, fho, info.compress_size)
if info.flag_bits & 0x08:
data_descriptor = fhi.read(12)
if data_descriptor[:4] == b"\x50\x4b\x07\x08":
data_descriptor += fhi.read(4)
if not skip:
extra_bytes = zdata.cd_offset - fhi.tell()
if copy_extra:
_copy_bytes(fhi, fho, extra_bytes)
fhi.seek(extra_bytes, os.SEEK_CUR)
cd_offset = fho.tell()
for info in infos:
hdr = fhi.read(46)
if hdr[:4] != b"\x50\x4b\x01\x02":
raise ZipError("Expected central directory file header signature")
n, m, k = struct.unpack("<HHH", hdr[28:34])
hdr += fhi.read(n + m + k)
if not exclude(info.filename):
off = int.to_bytes(offsets[info.filename], 4, "little")
hdr = hdr[:42] + off + hdr[46:]
eocd_offset = fho.tell()
fho.write(zdata.cd_and_eocd[zdata.eocd_offset - zdata.cd_offset:])
fho.seek(eocd_offset + 8)
fho.write(struct.pack("<HHLL", len(offsets), len(offsets),
eocd_offset - cd_offset, cd_offset))
return max(info.date_time for info in infos if info.filename in offsets)
# NB: doesn't sync local & CD headers!
def _realign_zip_entry(info: zipfile.ZipInfo, hdr: bytes, n: int, m: int,
off_o: int, pad_like_apksigner: bool = True) -> bytes:
align = 4096 if info.filename.endswith(".so") else 4
old_off = 30 + n + m + info.header_offset
new_off = 30 + n + m + off_o
old_xtr = hdr[30 + n:30 + n + m]
new_xtr = b""
while len(old_xtr) >= 4:
hdr_id, size = struct.unpack("<HH", old_xtr[:4])
if size > len(old_xtr) - 4:
if not (hdr_id == 0 and size == 0):
if hdr_id == 0xd935:
if size >= 2:
align = int.from_bytes(old_xtr[4:6], "little")
new_xtr += old_xtr[:size + 4]
old_xtr = old_xtr[size + 4:]
if old_off % align == 0 and new_off % align != 0:
if pad_like_apksigner:
pad = (align - (new_off - m + len(new_xtr) + 6) % align) % align
xtr = new_xtr + struct.pack("<HHH", 0xd935, 2 + pad, align) + pad * b"\x00"
pad = (align - (new_off - m + len(new_xtr)) % align) % align
xtr = new_xtr + pad * b"\x00"
m_b = int.to_bytes(len(xtr), 2, "little")
hdr = hdr[:28] + m_b + hdr[30:30 + n] + xtr
return hdr
def _copy_bytes(fhi: BinaryIO, fho: BinaryIO, size: int, blocksize: int = 4096) -> None:
while size > 0:
data = fhi.read(min(size, blocksize))
if not data:
size -= len(data)
if size != 0:
raise ZipError("Unexpected EOF")
def extract_meta(signed_apk: str) -> Iterator[Tuple[zipfile.ZipInfo, bytes]]:
Extract v1 signature metadata files from signed APK.
Yields (ZipInfo, data) pairs.
>>> from apksigcopier import extract_meta
>>> apk = "test/apks/apks/golden-aligned-v1v2v3-out.apk"
>>> meta = tuple(extract_meta(apk))
>>> [ x.filename for x, _ in meta ]
>>> for line in meta[0][1].splitlines()[:4]:
... print(line.decode())
Signature-Version: 1.0
Created-By: 1.0 (Android)
SHA-256-Digest-Manifest: hz7AxDJU9Namxoou/kc4Z2GVRS9anCGI+M52tbCsXT0=
X-Android-APK-Signed: 2, 3
>>> for line in meta[2][1].splitlines()[:2]:
... print(line.decode())
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: 1.8.0_45-internal (Oracle Corporation)
with zipfile.ZipFile(signed_apk, "r") as zf_sig:
for info in zf_sig.infolist():
if is_meta(info.filename):
yield info, zf_sig.read(info.filename)
def extract_differences(signed_apk: str, extracted_meta: ZipInfoDataPairs) \
-> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
Extract ZIP metadata differences from signed APK.
>>> import apksigcopier as asc, pprint
>>> apk = "test/apks/apks/debuggable-boolean.apk"
>>> meta = tuple(asc.extract_meta(apk))
>>> [ x.filename for x, _ in meta ]
>>> diff = asc.extract_differences(apk, meta)
>>> pprint.pprint(diff)
{'files': {'META-INF/CERT.RSA': {'flag_bits': 2056},
'META-INF/CERT.SF': {'flag_bits': 2056},
'META-INF/MANIFEST.MF': {'flag_bits': 2056}}}
>>> meta[2][0].extract_version = 42
>>> try:
... asc.extract_differences(apk, meta)
... except asc.ZipError as e:
... print(e)
Unsupported extract_version
>>> asc.validate_differences(diff) is None
>>> diff["files"]["META-INF/OOPS"] = {}
>>> asc.validate_differences(diff)
".files key 'META-INF/OOPS' is not a metadata file"
>>> del diff["files"]["META-INF/OOPS"]
>>> diff["files"]["META-INF/CERT.RSA"]["compresslevel"] = 42
>>> asc.validate_differences(diff)
".files['META-INF/CERT.RSA'].compresslevel has an unexpected value"
>>> diff["oops"] = 42
>>> asc.validate_differences(diff)
'contains unknown key(s)'
differences: Dict[str, Any] = {}
files = {}
for info, data in extracted_meta:
diffs = {}
for k in VALID_ZIP_META:
if k != "compresslevel":
v = getattr(info, k)
if v != APKZipInfo._override[k]:
if v not in VALID_ZIP_META[k]:
raise ZipError(f"Unsupported {k}")
diffs[k] = v
level = _get_compresslevel(signed_apk, info, data)
if level != APKZipInfo.COMPRESSLEVEL:
diffs["compresslevel"] = level
if diffs:
files[info.filename] = diffs
if files:
differences["files"] = files
zfe_size = detect_zfe(signed_apk)
if zfe_size:
differences["zipflinger_virtual_entry"] = zfe_size
return differences or None
def validate_differences(differences: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[str]:
Validate differences dict.
Returns None if valid, error otherwise.
if set(differences) - {"files", "zipflinger_virtual_entry"}:
return "contains unknown key(s)"
if "zipflinger_virtual_entry" in differences:
if type(differences["zipflinger_virtual_entry"]) is not int:
return ".zipflinger_virtual_entry is not an int"
if not (30 <= differences["zipflinger_virtual_entry"] <= 4096):
return ".zipflinger_virtual_entry is < 30 or > 4096"
if "files" in differences:
if not isinstance(differences["files"], dict):
return ".files is not a dict"
for name, info in differences["files"].items():
if not is_meta(name):
return f".files key {name!r} is not a metadata file"
if not isinstance(info, dict):
return f".files[{name!r}] is not a dict"
if set(info) - set(VALID_ZIP_META):
return f".files[{name!r}] contains unknown key(s)"
for k, v in info.items():
if v not in VALID_ZIP_META[k]:
return f".files[{name!r}].{k} has an unexpected value"
return None
def _get_compresslevel(apkfile: str, info: zipfile.ZipInfo, data: bytes) -> int:
if info.compress_type != 8:
raise ZipError("Unsupported compress_type")
crc = _get_compressed_crc(apkfile, info)
for level in VALID_ZIP_META["compresslevel"]:
comp = zlib.compressobj(level, 8, -15)
if zlib.crc32(comp.compress(data) + comp.flush()) == crc:
return level
raise ZipError("Unsupported compresslevel")
def _get_compressed_crc(apkfile: str, info: zipfile.ZipInfo) -> int:
with open(apkfile, "rb") as fh:
hdr = fh.read(30)
if hdr[:4] != b"\x50\x4b\x03\x04":
raise ZipError("Expected local file header signature")
n, m = struct.unpack("<HH", hdr[26:30])
fh.seek(n + m, os.SEEK_CUR)
return zlib.crc32(fh.read(info.compress_size))
def patch_meta(extracted_meta: ZipInfoDataPairs, output_apk: str,
date_time: DateTime = DATETIMEZERO, *,
differences: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> None:
Add v1 signature metadata to APK (removes v2 sig block, if any).
>>> import apksigcopier as asc
>>> unsigned_apk = "test/apks/apks/golden-aligned-in.apk"
>>> signed_apk = "test/apks/apks/golden-aligned-v1v2v3-out.apk"
>>> meta = tuple(asc.extract_meta(signed_apk))
>>> [ x.filename for x, _ in meta ]
>>> with zipfile.ZipFile(unsigned_apk, "r") as zf:
... infos_in = zf.infolist()
>>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
... out = os.path.join(tmpdir, "out.apk")
... asc.copy_apk(unsigned_apk, out)
... asc.patch_meta(meta, out)
... with zipfile.ZipFile(out, "r") as zf:
... infos_out = zf.infolist()
(2017, 5, 15, 11, 28, 40)
>>> for i in infos_in:
... print(i.filename)
>>> for i in infos_out:
... print(i.filename)
with zipfile.ZipFile(output_apk, "r") as zf_out:
for info in zf_out.infolist():
if is_meta(info.filename):
raise ZipError("Unexpected metadata")
with zipfile.ZipFile(output_apk, "a") as zf_out:
for info, data in extracted_meta:
if differences and "files" in differences:
more = differences["files"].get(info.filename, {}).copy()
more = {}
level = more.pop("compresslevel", APKZipInfo.COMPRESSLEVEL)
zinfo = APKZipInfo(info, date_time=date_time, **more)
zf_out.writestr(zinfo, data, compresslevel=level)
def extract_v2_sig(apkfile: str, expected: bool = True) -> Optional[Tuple[int, bytes]]:
Extract APK Signing Block and offset from APK.
When successful, returns (sb_offset, sig_block); otherwise raises
NoAPKSigningBlock when expected is True, else returns None.
>>> import apksigcopier as asc
>>> apk = "test/apks/apks/golden-aligned-v1v2v3-out.apk"
>>> sb_offset, sig_block = asc.extract_v2_sig(apk)
>>> sb_offset
>>> len(sig_block)
>>> apk = "test/apks/apks/golden-aligned-in.apk"
>>> try:
... asc.extract_v2_sig(apk)
... except asc.NoAPKSigningBlock as e:
... print(e)
No APK Signing Block
cd_offset = zip_data(apkfile).cd_offset
with open(apkfile, "rb") as fh:
fh.seek(cd_offset - 16)
if fh.read(16) != b"APK Sig Block 42":
if expected:
raise NoAPKSigningBlock("No APK Signing Block")
return None
fh.seek(-24, os.SEEK_CUR)
sb_size2 = int.from_bytes(fh.read(8), "little")
fh.seek(-sb_size2 + 8, os.SEEK_CUR)
sb_size1 = int.from_bytes(fh.read(8), "little")
if sb_size1 != sb_size2:
raise APKSigningBlockError("APK Signing Block sizes not equal")
fh.seek(-8, os.SEEK_CUR)
sb_offset = fh.tell()
sig_block = fh.read(sb_size2 + 8)
return sb_offset, sig_block
# FIXME: OSError for APKs < 1024 bytes [wontfix]
def zip_data(apkfile: str, count: int = 1024) -> ZipData:
Extract central directory, EOCD, and offsets from ZIP.
Returns ZipData.
>>> import apksigcopier
>>> apk = "test/apks/apks/golden-aligned-v1v2v3-out.apk"
>>> data = apksigcopier.zip_data(apk)
>>> data.cd_offset, data.eocd_offset
(12288, 12843)
>>> len(data.cd_and_eocd)
with open(apkfile, "rb") as fh:
fh.seek(-count, os.SEEK_END)
data = fh.read()
pos = data.rfind(b"\x50\x4b\x05\x06")
if pos == -1:
raise ZipError("Expected end of central directory record (EOCD)")
fh.seek(pos - len(data), os.SEEK_CUR)
eocd_offset = fh.tell()
fh.seek(16, os.SEEK_CUR)
cd_offset = int.from_bytes(fh.read(4), "little")
cd_and_eocd = fh.read()
return ZipData(cd_offset, eocd_offset, cd_and_eocd)
# FIXME: can we determine signed_sb_offset?
def patch_v2_sig(extracted_v2_sig: Tuple[int, bytes], output_apk: str) -> None:
Implant extracted v2/v3 signature into APK.
>>> import apksigcopier as asc
>>> unsigned_apk = "test/apks/apks/golden-aligned-in.apk"
>>> signed_apk = "test/apks/apks/golden-aligned-v1v2v3-out.apk"
>>> meta = tuple(asc.extract_meta(signed_apk))
>>> v2_sig = asc.extract_v2_sig(signed_apk)
>>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
... out = os.path.join(tmpdir, "out.apk")
... date_time = asc.copy_apk(unsigned_apk, out)
... asc.patch_meta(meta, out, date_time=date_time)
... asc.extract_v2_sig(out, expected=False) is None
... asc.patch_v2_sig(v2_sig, out)
... asc.extract_v2_sig(out) == v2_sig
... with open(signed_apk, "rb") as a, open(out, "rb") as b:
... a.read() == b.read()
signed_sb_offset, signed_sb = extracted_v2_sig
data_out = zip_data(output_apk)
if signed_sb_offset < data_out.cd_offset:
raise APKSigningBlockError("APK Signing Block offset < central directory offset")
padding = b"\x00" * (signed_sb_offset - data_out.cd_offset)
offset = len(signed_sb) + len(padding)
with open(output_apk, "r+b") as fh:
fh.seek(data_out.eocd_offset + offset + 16)
fh.write(int.to_bytes(data_out.cd_offset + offset, 4, "little"))
def patch_apk(extracted_meta: ZipInfoDataPairs, extracted_v2_sig: Optional[Tuple[int, bytes]],
unsigned_apk: str, output_apk: str, *,
differences: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
exclude: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]] = None) -> None:
"""Patch extracted_meta + extracted_v2_sig (if not None) onto unsigned_apk and save as output_apk."""
if differences and "zipflinger_virtual_entry" in differences:
zfe_size = differences["zipflinger_virtual_entry"]
zfe_size = None
date_time = copy_apk(unsigned_apk, output_apk, exclude=exclude, zfe_size=zfe_size)
patch_meta(extracted_meta, output_apk, date_time=date_time, differences=differences)
if extracted_v2_sig is not None:
patch_v2_sig(extracted_v2_sig, output_apk)
# FIXME: support multiple signers?
def do_extract(signed_apk: str, output_dir: str, v1_only: NoAutoYesBoolNone = NO,
*, ignore_differences: bool = False) -> None:
Extract signatures from signed_apk and save in output_dir.
The v1_only parameter controls whether the absence of a v1 signature is
considered an error or not:
* use v1_only=NO (or v1_only=False) to only accept (v1+)v2/v3 signatures;
* use v1_only=AUTO (or v1_only=None) to automatically detect v2/v3 signatures;
* use v1_only=YES (or v1_only=True) to ignore any v2/v3 signatures.
v1_only = noautoyes(v1_only)
extracted_meta = tuple(extract_meta(signed_apk))
if len(extracted_meta) not in (len(META_EXT), 0):
raise APKSigCopierError("Unexpected or missing metadata files in signed_apk")
for info, data in extracted_meta:
name = os.path.basename(info.filename)
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, name), "wb") as fh:
if v1_only == YES:
if not extracted_meta:
raise APKSigCopierError("Expected v1 signature")
expected = v1_only == NO
extracted_v2_sig = extract_v2_sig(signed_apk, expected=expected)
if extracted_v2_sig is None:
if not extracted_meta:
raise APKSigCopierError("Expected v1 and/or v2/v3 signature, found neither")
signed_sb_offset, signed_sb = extracted_v2_sig
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, SIGOFFSET), "w") as fh:
fh.write(str(signed_sb_offset) + "\n")
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, SIGBLOCK), "wb") as fh:
if not ignore_differences:
differences = extract_differences(signed_apk, extracted_meta)
if differences:
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, "differences.json"), "w") as fh:
json.dump(differences, fh, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
# FIXME: support multiple signers?
def do_patch(metadata_dir: str, unsigned_apk: str, output_apk: str,
v1_only: NoAutoYesBoolNone = NO, *,
exclude: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]] = None,
ignore_differences: bool = False) -> None:
Patch signatures from metadata_dir onto unsigned_apk and save as output_apk.
The v1_only parameter controls whether the absence of a v1 signature is
considered an error or not:
* use v1_only=NO (or v1_only=False) to only accept (v1+)v2/v3 signatures;
* use v1_only=AUTO (or v1_only=None) to automatically detect v2/v3 signatures;
* use v1_only=YES (or v1_only=True) to ignore any v2/v3 signatures.
v1_only = noautoyes(v1_only)
extracted_meta = []
differences = None
for pat in META_EXT:
files = [fn for ext in pat.split("|") for fn in
glob.glob(os.path.join(metadata_dir, "*." + ext))]
if len(files) != 1:
info = zipfile.ZipInfo("META-INF/" + os.path.basename(files[0]))
with open(files[0], "rb") as fh:
extracted_meta.append((info, fh.read()))
if len(extracted_meta) not in (len(META_EXT), 0):
raise APKSigCopierError("Unexpected or missing files in metadata_dir")
if v1_only == YES:
extracted_v2_sig = None
sigoffset_file = os.path.join(metadata_dir, SIGOFFSET)
sigblock_file = os.path.join(metadata_dir, SIGBLOCK)
if v1_only == AUTO and not os.path.exists(sigblock_file):
extracted_v2_sig = None
with open(sigoffset_file, "r") as fh:
signed_sb_offset = int(fh.read())
with open(sigblock_file, "rb") as fh:
signed_sb = fh.read()
extracted_v2_sig = signed_sb_offset, signed_sb
differences_file = os.path.join(metadata_dir, "differences.json")
if not ignore_differences and os.path.exists(differences_file):
with open(differences_file, "r") as fh:
differences = json.load(fh)
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
raise APKSigCopierError(f"Invalid differences.json: {e}") # pylint: disable=W0707
error = validate_differences(differences)
if error:
raise APKSigCopierError(f"Invalid differences.json: {error}")
if not extracted_meta and extracted_v2_sig is None:
raise APKSigCopierError("Expected v1 and/or v2/v3 signature, found neither")
patch_apk(extracted_meta, extracted_v2_sig, unsigned_apk, output_apk,
differences=differences, exclude=exclude)
def do_copy(signed_apk: str, unsigned_apk: str, output_apk: str,
v1_only: NoAutoYesBoolNone = NO, *,
exclude: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]] = None,
ignore_differences: bool = False) -> None:
Copy signatures from signed_apk onto unsigned_apk and save as output_apk.
The v1_only parameter controls whether the absence of a v1 signature is
considered an error or not:
* use v1_only=NO (or v1_only=False) to only accept (v1+)v2/v3 signatures;
* use v1_only=AUTO (or v1_only=None) to automatically detect v2/v3 signatures;
* use v1_only=YES (or v1_only=True) to ignore any v2/v3 signatures.
v1_only = noautoyes(v1_only)
extracted_meta = tuple(extract_meta(signed_apk))
differences = None
if v1_only == YES:
extracted_v2_sig = None
extracted_v2_sig = extract_v2_sig(signed_apk, expected=v1_only == NO)
if extracted_v2_sig is not None and not ignore_differences:
differences = extract_differences(signed_apk, extracted_meta)
patch_apk(extracted_meta, extracted_v2_sig, unsigned_apk, output_apk,
differences=differences, exclude=exclude)
# vim: set tw=80 sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker :