
Pingvin Share
Pingvin Share is self-hosted file sharing platform and an alternative for WeTransfer. ## ✨ Features - Create a share with files that you can access with a link - No file size limit, only your disk will be your limit - Set a share expiration - Optionally secure your share with a visitor limit and a password - Email recepients - ClamAV integration ## 🐧 Get to know Pingvin Share - [Demo](https://pingvin-share.dev.eliasschneider.com) - [Review by DB Tech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWwNeZCOPJA) ## ⌨️ Setup > Pleas note that Pingvin Share is in early stage and could include some bugs ### Recommended installation 1. Download the `docker-compose.yml` file 2. Run `docker-compose up -d` The website is now listening available on `http://localhost:3000`, have fun with Pingvin Share 🐧! ### Integrations #### ClamAV With ClamAV the shares get scanned for malicious files and get removed if any found. 1. Add the ClamAV container to the Docker Compose stack (see `docker-compose.yml`) and start the container. 2. As soon as the ClamAV container is ready (when ClamAV logs "socket found, clamd started"), restart the Pingvin Share container with `docker compose restart pingvin-share` 3. The Pingvin Share logs should now log "ClamAV is active" Please note that ClamAV needs a lot of [ressources](https://docs.clamav.net/manual/Installing/Docker.html#memory-ram-requirements). ### Additional resources - [Synology NAS installation](https://mariushosting.com/how-to-install-pingvin-share-on-your-synology-nas/) ### Upgrade to a new version Run `docker compose pull && docker compose up -d` to update your docker container ## 🖤 Contribute You're very welcome to contribute to Pingvin Share! Follow the [contribution guide](/CONTRIBUTING.md) to get started.