# OAuth 2 Login Guide ## Config Built-in OAuth 2 Providers - [GitHub](#github) - [Google](#google) - [Microsoft](#microsoft) - [Discord](#discord) - [OpenID Connect](#openid-connect) ### GitHub Please follow the [official guide](https://docs.github.com/en/apps/oauth-apps/building-oauth-apps/creating-an-oauth-app) to create an OAuth app. Redirect URL: `https:///api/oauth/callback/github` ### Google Please follow the [official guide](https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/web-server#prerequisites) to create an OAuth 2.0 App. Redirect URL: `https:///api/oauth/callback/google` ### Microsoft Please follow the [official guide](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-register-app) to register an application. Redirect URL: `https:///api/oauth/callback/microsoft` ### Discord Create an application on [Discord Developer Portal](https://discord.com/developers/applications). Redirect URL: `https:///api/oauth/callback/discord` ### OpenID Connect Generic OpenID Connect provider is also supported, we have tested it on Keycloak and Authentik. Redirect URL: `https:///api/oauth/callback/oidc` ## Custom your OAuth 2 Provider If our built-in providers don't meet your needs, you can create your own OAuth 2 provider. ### 1. Create config Add your config (client id, client secret, etc.) in [`config.seed.ts`](../backend/prisma/seed/config.seed.ts): ```ts const configVariables: ConfigVariables = { // ... oauth: { // ... "YOUR_PROVIDER_NAME-enabled": { type: "boolean", defaultValue: "false", }, "YOUR_PROVIDER_NAME-clientId": { type: "string", defaultValue: "", }, "YOUR_PROVIDER_NAME-clientSecret": { type: "string", defaultValue: "", obscured: true, }, } } ``` ### 2. Create provider class #### OpenID Connect If your provider supports OpenID connect, it's extremely easy to extend [`GenericOidcProvider`](../backend/src/oauth/provider/genericOidc.provider.ts) to add a new OpenID Connect provider. The [Google provider](../backend/src/oauth/provider/google.provider.ts) and [Microsoft provider](../backend/src/oauth/provider/microsoft.provider.ts) are good examples. Here are some discovery URIs for popular providers: - Microsoft: `https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration` - Google: `https://accounts.google.com/.well-known/openid-configuration` - Apple: `https://appleid.apple.com/.well-known/openid-configuration` - Gitlab: `https://gitlab.com/.well-known/openid-configuration` - Huawei: `https://oauth-login.cloud.huawei.com/.well-known/openid-configuration` - Paypal: `https://www.paypal.com/.well-known/openid-configuration` - Yahoo: `https://api.login.yahoo.com/.well-known/openid-configuration` #### OAuth 2 If your provider only supports OAuth 2, you can implement [`OAuthProvider`](../backend/src/oauth/provider/oauthProvider.interface.ts) interface to add a new OAuth 2 provider. The [GitHub provider](../backend/src/oauth/provider/github.provider.ts) and [Discord provider](../backend/src/oauth/provider/discord.provider.ts) are good examples. ### 3. Register provider Register your provider in [`OAuthModule`](../backend/src/oauth/oauth.module.ts) and [`OAuthSignInDto`](../backend/src/oauth/dto/oauthSignIn.dto.ts): ```ts @Module({ providers: [ GitHubProvider, // your provider { provide: "OAUTH_PROVIDERS", useFactory(github: GitHubProvider, /* your provider */): Record> { return { github, google, oidc, }; }, inject: [GitHubProvider, /* your provider */], }, ], }) export class OAuthModule { } ``` ```ts export interface OAuthSignInDto { provider: 'github' | 'google' | 'microsoft' | 'discord' | 'oidc' /* your provider*/ ; providerId: string; providerUsername: string; email: string; } ``` ### 4. Add frontend icon Add an icon in [`oauth.util.tsx`](../frontend/src/utils/oauth.util.tsx). ```tsx const getOAuthIcon = (provider: string) => { return { 'github': , /* your provider */ }[provider]; } ``` ### 5. Add i18n text Add keys below to your i18n text in [locale file](../frontend/src/i18n/translations/en-US.ts). - `signIn.oauth.YOUR_PROVIDER_NAME` - `account.card.oauth.YOUR_PROVIDER_NAME` - `admin.config.oauth.YOUR_PROVIDER_NAME-enabled` - `admin.config.oauth.YOUR_PROVIDER_NAME-client-id` - `admin.config.oauth.YOUR_PROVIDER_NAME-client-secret` - Other config keys you defined in step 1 Congratulations! 🎉 You have successfully added a new OAuth 2 provider! Pull requests are welcome if you want to share your provider with others.