import { Prisma, PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client"; import * as crypto from "crypto"; const configVariables: ConfigVariables = { internal: { jwtSecret: { description: "Long random string used to sign JWT tokens", type: "string", defaultValue: crypto.randomBytes(256).toString("base64"), locked: true, }, }, general: { appName: { description: "Name of the application", type: "string", defaultValue: "Pingvin Share", secret: false, }, appUrl: { description: "On which URL Pingvin Share is available", type: "string", defaultValue: "http://localhost:3000", secret: false, }, showHomePage: { description: "Whether to show the home page", type: "boolean", defaultValue: "true", secret: false, }, }, share: { allowRegistration: { description: "Whether registration is allowed", type: "boolean", defaultValue: "true", secret: false, }, allowUnauthenticatedShares: { description: "Whether unauthorized users can create shares", type: "boolean", defaultValue: "false", secret: false, }, maxSize: { description: "Maximum share size in bytes", type: "number", defaultValue: "1073741824", secret: false, }, }, email: { enableShareEmailRecipients: { description: "Whether to allow emails to share recipients. Only enable this if you have enabled SMTP.", type: "boolean", defaultValue: "false", secret: false, }, shareRecipientsSubject: { description: "Subject of the email which gets sent to the share recipients.", type: "string", defaultValue: "Files shared with you", }, shareRecipientsMessage: { description: "Message which gets sent to the share recipients.\n\nAvailable variables:\n{creator} - The username of the creator of the share\n{shareUrl} - The URL of the share\n{desc} - The description of the share\n{expires} - The expiration date of the share\n\nVariables will be replaced with the actual values.", type: "text", defaultValue: "Hey!\n\n{creator} shared some files with you, view or download the files with this link: {shareUrl}\n\nThe share will expire {expires}.\n\nNote: {desc}\n\nShared securely with Pingvin Share 🐧", }, reverseShareSubject: { description: "Subject of the email which gets sent when someone created a share with your reverse share link.", type: "string", defaultValue: "Reverse share link used", }, reverseShareMessage: { description: "Message which gets sent when someone created a share with your reverse share link. {shareUrl} will be replaced with the creator's name and the share URL.", type: "text", defaultValue: "Hey!\n\nA share was just created with your reverse share link: {shareUrl}\n\nShared securely with Pingvin Share 🐧", }, resetPasswordSubject: { description: "Subject of the email which gets sent when a user requests a password reset.", type: "string", defaultValue: "Pingvin Share password reset", }, resetPasswordMessage: { description: "Message which gets sent when a user requests a password reset. {url} will be replaced with the reset password URL.", type: "text", defaultValue: "Hey!\n\nYou requested a password reset. Click this link to reset your password: {url}\nThe link expires in a hour.\n\nPingvin Share 🐧", }, inviteSubject: { description: "Subject of the email which gets sent when an admin invites an user.", type: "string", defaultValue: "Pingvin Share invite", }, inviteMessage: { description: "Message which gets sent when an admin invites an user. {url} will be replaced with the invite URL and {password} with the password.", type: "text", defaultValue: "Hey!\n\nYou were invited to Pingvin Share. Click this link to accept the invite: {url}\n\nYour password is: {password}\n\nPingvin Share 🐧", }, }, smtp: { enabled: { description: "Whether SMTP is enabled. Only set this to true if you entered the host, port, email, user and password of your SMTP server.", type: "boolean", defaultValue: "false", secret: false, }, host: { description: "Host of the SMTP server", type: "string", defaultValue: "", }, port: { description: "Port of the SMTP server", type: "number", defaultValue: "0", }, email: { description: "Email address which the emails get sent from", type: "string", defaultValue: "", }, username: { description: "Username of the SMTP server", type: "string", defaultValue: "", }, password: { description: "Password of the SMTP server", type: "string", defaultValue: "", obscured: true, }, }, }; type ConfigVariables = { [category: string]: { [variable: string]: Omit< Prisma.ConfigCreateInput, "name" | "category" | "order" >; }; }; const prisma = new PrismaClient(); async function seedConfigVariables() { for (const [category, configVariablesOfCategory] of Object.entries( configVariables )) { let order = 0; for (const [name, properties] of Object.entries( configVariablesOfCategory )) { const existingConfigVariable = await prisma.config.findUnique({ where: { name_category: { name, category } }, }); // Create a new config variable if it doesn't exist if (!existingConfigVariable) { await prisma.config.create({ data: { order, name,, category, }, }); } order++; } } } async function migrateConfigVariables() { const existingConfigVariables = await prisma.config.findMany(); for (const existingConfigVariable of existingConfigVariables) { const configVariable = configVariables[existingConfigVariable.category]?.[ ]; if (!configVariable) { await prisma.config.delete({ where: { name_category: { name:, category: existingConfigVariable.category, }, }, }); // Update the config variable if the metadata changed } else if ( JSON.stringify({ ...configVariable, name:, category: existingConfigVariable.category, value: existingConfigVariable.value, }) != JSON.stringify(existingConfigVariable) ) { await prisma.config.update({ where: { name_category: { name:, category: existingConfigVariable.category, }, }, data: { ...configVariable, name:, category: existingConfigVariable.category, value: existingConfigVariable.value, }, }); } } } seedConfigVariables() .then(() => migrateConfigVariables()) .then(async () => { await prisma.$disconnect(); }) .catch(async (e) => { console.error(e); await prisma.$disconnect(); process.exit(1); });