name: "🐛 Bug Report" description: "Submit a bug report to help us improve" title: "🐛 Bug Report: " labels: [bug] body: - type: markdown attributes: value: | Thanks for taking the time to fill out our bug report form 🙏 - type: textarea id: steps-to-reproduce validations: required: true attributes: label: "👟 Reproduction steps" description: "How do you trigger this bug? Please walk us through it step by step." placeholder: "When I ..." - type: textarea id: expected-behavior validations: required: true attributes: label: "👍 Expected behavior" description: "What did you think would happen?" placeholder: "It should ..." - type: textarea id: actual-behavior validations: required: true attributes: label: "👎 Actual Behavior" description: "What did actually happen? Add screenshots, if applicable." placeholder: "It actually ..." - type: input id: operating-system attributes: label: "🌐 Browser" description: "Which browser do you use?" placeholder: "Firefox" validations: required: true - type: markdown attributes: value: | Before submitting, please check if the issues hasn't been raised before.