mirror of https://github.com/stonith404/pingvin-share.git synced 2024-06-02 22:00:14 +02:00
SFGrenade 3b1c9f1efb
feat: add admin-exclusive share-management page (#461)
* testing with all_shares

* share table

* share table

* change icon on admin page

* add share size to list


Co-authored-by: Elias Schneider <login@eliasschneider.com>
2024-05-04 00:18:27 +03:00

359 lines
9.7 KiB

import {
} from "@nestjs/common";
import { JwtService } from "@nestjs/jwt";
import { Share, User } from "@prisma/client";
import * as archiver from "archiver";
import * as argon from "argon2";
import * as fs from "fs";
import * as moment from "moment";
import { ClamScanService } from "src/clamscan/clamscan.service";
import { ConfigService } from "src/config/config.service";
import { EmailService } from "src/email/email.service";
import { FileService } from "src/file/file.service";
import { PrismaService } from "src/prisma/prisma.service";
import { ReverseShareService } from "src/reverseShare/reverseShare.service";
import { parseRelativeDateToAbsolute } from "src/utils/date.util";
import { SHARE_DIRECTORY } from "../constants";
import { CreateShareDTO } from "./dto/createShare.dto";
export class ShareService {
private prisma: PrismaService,
private fileService: FileService,
private emailService: EmailService,
private config: ConfigService,
private jwtService: JwtService,
private reverseShareService: ReverseShareService,
private clamScanService: ClamScanService,
) {}
async create(share: CreateShareDTO, user?: User, reverseShareToken?: string) {
if (!(await this.isShareIdAvailable(share.id)).isAvailable)
throw new BadRequestException("Share id already in use");
if (!share.security || Object.keys(share.security).length == 0)
share.security = undefined;
if (share.security?.password) {
share.security.password = await argon.hash(share.security.password);
let expirationDate: Date;
// If share is created by a reverse share token override the expiration date
const reverseShare = await this.reverseShareService.getByToken(
if (reverseShare) {
expirationDate = reverseShare.shareExpiration;
} else {
const parsedExpiration = parseRelativeDateToAbsolute(share.expiration);
const expiresNever = moment(0).toDate() == parsedExpiration;
if (
this.config.get("share.maxExpiration") !== 0 &&
(expiresNever ||
parsedExpiration >
.add(this.config.get("share.maxExpiration"), "hours")
) {
throw new BadRequestException(
"Expiration date exceeds maximum expiration date",
expirationDate = parsedExpiration;
fs.mkdirSync(`${SHARE_DIRECTORY}/${share.id}`, {
recursive: true,
const shareTuple = await this.prisma.share.create({
data: {
expiration: expirationDate,
creator: { connect: user ? { id: user.id } : undefined },
security: { create: share.security },
recipients: {
create: share.recipients
? share.recipients.map((email) => ({ email }))
: [],
if (reverseShare) {
// Assign share to reverse share token
await this.prisma.reverseShare.update({
where: { token: reverseShareToken },
data: {
shares: {
connect: { id: shareTuple.id },
return shareTuple;
async createZip(shareId: string) {
const path = `${SHARE_DIRECTORY}/${shareId}`;
const files = await this.prisma.file.findMany({ where: { shareId } });
const archive = archiver("zip", {
zlib: { level: this.config.get("share.zipCompressionLevel") },
const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(`${path}/archive.zip`);
for (const file of files) {
archive.append(fs.createReadStream(`${path}/${file.id}`), {
name: file.name,
await archive.finalize();
async complete(id: string, reverseShareToken?: string) {
const share = await this.prisma.share.findUnique({
where: { id },
include: {
files: true,
recipients: true,
creator: true,
reverseShare: { include: { creator: true } },
if (await this.isShareCompleted(id))
throw new BadRequestException("Share already completed");
if (share.files.length == 0)
throw new BadRequestException(
"You need at least on file in your share to complete it.",
// Asynchronously create a zip of all files
if (share.files.length > 1)
this.createZip(id).then(() =>
this.prisma.share.update({ where: { id }, data: { isZipReady: true } }),
// Send email for each recipient
for (const recipient of share.recipients) {
await this.emailService.sendMailToShareRecipients(
if (
share.reverseShare &&
this.config.get("smtp.enabled") &&
) {
await this.emailService.sendMailToReverseShareCreator(
// Check if any file is malicious with ClamAV
void this.clamScanService.checkAndRemove(share.id);
if (share.reverseShare) {
await this.prisma.reverseShare.update({
where: { token: reverseShareToken },
data: { remainingUses: { decrement: 1 } },
return this.prisma.share.update({
where: { id },
data: { uploadLocked: true },
async revertComplete(id: string) {
return this.prisma.share.update({
where: { id },
data: { uploadLocked: false, isZipReady: false },
async getShares() {
const shares = await this.prisma.share.findMany({
orderBy: {
expiration: "desc",
include: { files: true, creator: true },
return shares.map((share) => {
return {
size: share.files.reduce((acc, file) => acc + parseInt(file.size), 0),
async getSharesByUser(userId: string) {
const shares = await this.prisma.share.findMany({
where: {
creator: { id: userId },
uploadLocked: true,
// We want to grab any shares that are not expired or have their expiration date set to "never" (unix 0)
OR: [
{ expiration: { gt: new Date() } },
{ expiration: { equals: moment(0).toDate() } },
orderBy: {
expiration: "desc",
include: { recipients: true, files: true },
return shares.map((share) => {
return {
recipients: share.recipients.map((recipients) => recipients.email),
async get(id: string): Promise<any> {
const share = await this.prisma.share.findUnique({
where: { id },
include: {
files: true,
creator: true,
security: true,
if (share.removedReason)
throw new NotFoundException(share.removedReason, "share_removed");
if (!share || !share.uploadLocked)
throw new NotFoundException("Share not found");
return {
hasPassword: !!share.security?.password,
async getMetaData(id: string) {
const share = await this.prisma.share.findUnique({
where: { id },
if (!share || !share.uploadLocked)
throw new NotFoundException("Share not found");
return share;
async remove(shareId: string) {
const share = await this.prisma.share.findUnique({
where: { id: shareId },
if (!share) throw new NotFoundException("Share not found");
if (!share.creatorId)
throw new ForbiddenException("Anonymous shares can't be deleted");
await this.fileService.deleteAllFiles(shareId);
await this.prisma.share.delete({ where: { id: shareId } });
async isShareCompleted(id: string) {
return (await this.prisma.share.findUnique({ where: { id } })).uploadLocked;
async isShareIdAvailable(id: string) {
const share = await this.prisma.share.findUnique({ where: { id } });
return { isAvailable: !share };
async increaseViewCount(share: Share) {
await this.prisma.share.update({
where: { id: share.id },
data: { views: share.views + 1 },
async getShareToken(shareId: string, password: string) {
const share = await this.prisma.share.findFirst({
where: { id: shareId },
include: {
security: true,
if (
share?.security?.password &&
!(await argon.verify(share.security.password, password))
) {
throw new ForbiddenException("Wrong password", "wrong_password");
if (share.security?.maxViews && share.security.maxViews <= share.views) {
throw new ForbiddenException(
"Maximum views exceeded",
const token = await this.generateShareToken(shareId);
await this.increaseViewCount(share);
return token;
async generateShareToken(shareId: string) {
const { expiration } = await this.prisma.share.findUnique({
where: { id: shareId },
return this.jwtService.sign(
expiresIn: moment(expiration).diff(new Date(), "seconds") + "s",
secret: this.config.get("internal.jwtSecret"),
async verifyShareToken(shareId: string, token: string) {
const { expiration } = await this.prisma.share.findUnique({
where: { id: shareId },
try {
const claims = this.jwtService.verify(token, {
secret: this.config.get("internal.jwtSecret"),
// Ignore expiration if expiration is 0
ignoreExpiration: moment(expiration).isSame(0),
return claims.shareId == shareId;
} catch {
return false;