#!/usr/bin/env python import broadlink import sys import argparse import time TICK = 32.84 IR_TOKEN = 0x26 def auto_int(x): return int(x, 0) def to_microseconds(bytes): result = [] # print bytes[0] # 0x26 = 38for IR length = bytes[2] + 256 * bytes[3] # presently ignored index = 4 while index < len(bytes): chunk = bytes[index] index += 1 if chunk == 0: chunk = bytes[index] chunk = 256 * chunk + bytes[index + 1] index += 2 result.append(int(round(chunk*TICK))) if chunk == 0x0d05: break return result def durations_to_broadlink(durations): result = bytearray() result.append(IR_TOKEN) result.append(0) result.append(len(durations) % 256) result.append(len(durations) / 256) for dur in durations: num = int(round(dur/TICK)) if num > 255: result.append(0) result.append(num / 256) result.append(num % 256) return result def format_durations(data): result = '' for i in range(0, len(data)): if len(result) > 0: result += ' ' result += ('+' if i % 2 == 0 else '-') + str(data[i]) return result def parse_durations(str): result = [] for s in str.split(): result.append(abs(int(s))) return result parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(fromfile_prefix_chars='@'); parser.add_argument("--device", help="device definition as 'type host mac'") parser.add_argument("--type", type=auto_int, default=0x2712, help="type of device") parser.add_argument("--host", help="host address") parser.add_argument("--mac", help="mac address (hex reverse), as used by python-broadlink library") parser.add_argument("--temperature",action="store_true", help="request temperature from device") parser.add_argument("--send", action="store_true", help="send command") parser.add_argument("--sensors", action="store_true", help="check all sensors") parser.add_argument("--learn", action="store_true", help="learn command") parser.add_argument("--learnfile", help="learn command and save to specified file") parser.add_argument("--durations", action="store_true", help="use durations in micro seconds instead of the Broadlink format") parser.add_argument("--convert", action="store_true", help="convert input data to durations") parser.add_argument("data", nargs='*', help="Data to send or convert") args = parser.parse_args() if args.device: values = args.device.split(); type = int(values[0],0) host = values[1] mac = bytearray.fromhex(values[2]) elif args.mac: type = args.type host = args.host mac = bytearray.fromhex(args.mac) if args.host: dev = broadlink.gendevice(type, (host, 80), mac) dev.auth() if args.convert: data = bytearray.fromhex(''.join(args.data)) durations = to_microseconds(data) print format_durations(durations) if args.temperature: print dev.check_temperature() if args.sensors: try: data = dev.check_sensors() except: data = {} data['temperature'] = dev.check_temperature() for key in data: print "{} {}".format(key, data[key]) if args.send: data = durations_to_broadlink(parse_durations(' '.join(args.data))) \ if args.durations else bytearray.fromhex(''.join(args.data)) dev.send_data(data) if args.learn or args.learnfile: dev.enter_learning() data = None print "Learning..." timeout = 30 while (data is None) and (timeout > 0): time.sleep(2) timeout -= 2 data = dev.check_data() if data: learned = format_durations(to_microseconds(bytearray(data))) \ if args.durations \ else ''.join(format(x, '02x') for x in bytearray(data)) if args.learn: print learned if args.learnfile: print "Saving to {}".format(args.learnfile) with open(args.learnfile, "w") as text_file: text_file.write(learned) else: print "No data received..."