mirror of
synced 2024-11-10 18:00:12 +01:00
The timezone should be embedded in the discovery packet, so make a better attempt to do that.
180 lines
5.0 KiB
Executable File
180 lines
5.0 KiB
Executable File
from datetime import datetime
from socket import *
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import time
import random
class rm2:
def __init__(self):
self.count = random.randrange(0xffff)
self.key = bytearray([0x09, 0x76, 0x28, 0x34, 0x3f, 0xe9, 0x9e, 0x23, 0x76, 0x5c, 0x15, 0x13, 0xac, 0xcf, 0x8b, 0x02])
self.iv = bytearray([0x56, 0x2e, 0x17, 0x99, 0x6d, 0x09, 0x3d, 0x28, 0xdd, 0xb3, 0xba, 0x69, 0x5a, 0x2e, 0x6f, 0x58])
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
s.connect(('', 0)) # connecting to a UDP address doesn't send packets
local_ip_address = s.getsockname()[0]
self.address = local_ip_address.split('.')
self.id = bytearray([0, 0, 0, 0])
def discover(self):
self.cs = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
self.cs.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
self.cs.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1)
self.port = self.cs.getsockname()[1]
timezone = time.timezone/-3600
packet = bytearray(0x30)
year = datetime.now().year
if timezone < 0:
packet[0x08] = 0xff + timezone - 1
packet[0x09] = 0xff
packet[0x0a] = 0xff
packet[0x0b] = 0xff
packet[0x08] = timezone
packet[0x09] = 0
packet[0x0a] = 0
packet[0x0b] = 0
packet[0x0c] = year & 0xff
packet[0x0d] = year >> 8
packet[0x0e] = datetime.now().minute
packet[0x0f] = datetime.now().hour
subyear = str(year)[2:]
packet[0x10] = int(subyear)
packet[0x11] = datetime.now().isoweekday()
packet[0x12] = datetime.now().day
packet[0x13] = datetime.now().month
packet[0x18] = int(self.address[0])
packet[0x19] = int(self.address[1])
packet[0x1a] = int(self.address[2])
packet[0x1b] = int(self.address[3])
packet[0x1c] = self.port & 0xff
packet[0x1d] = self.port >> 8
packet[0x26] = 6
checksum = 0xbeaf
for i in range(len(packet)):
checksum += packet[i]
checksum = checksum & 0xffff
packet[0x20] = checksum & 0xff
packet[0x21] = checksum >> 8
self.cs.sendto(packet, ('', 80))
response = self.cs.recvfrom(1024)
responsepacket = bytearray(response[0])
self.host = response[1]
self.mac = responsepacket[0x3a:0x40]
def auth(self):
payload = bytearray(0x50)
payload[0x04] = 0x31
payload[0x05] = 0x31
payload[0x06] = 0x31
payload[0x07] = 0x31
payload[0x08] = 0x31
payload[0x09] = 0x31
payload[0x0a] = 0x31
payload[0x0b] = 0x31
payload[0x0c] = 0x31
payload[0x0d] = 0x31
payload[0x0e] = 0x31
payload[0x0f] = 0x31
payload[0x10] = 0x31
payload[0x11] = 0x31
payload[0x12] = 0x31
payload[0x1e] = 0x01
payload[0x2d] = 0x01
payload[0x30] = 'T'
payload[0x31] = 'e'
payload[0x32] = 's'
payload[0x33] = 't'
payload[0x34] = ' '
payload[0x35] = ' '
payload[0x36] = '1'
response = self.send_packet(0x65, payload)
enc_payload = response[0x38:]
aes = AES.new(str(self.key), AES.MODE_CBC, str(self.iv))
payload = aes.decrypt(str(response[0x38:]))
self.id = payload[0x00:0x04]
self.key = payload[0x04:0x14]
def send_packet(self, command, payload):
packet = bytearray(0x38)
packet[0x00] = 0x5a
packet[0x01] = 0xa5
packet[0x02] = 0xaa
packet[0x03] = 0x55
packet[0x04] = 0x5a
packet[0x05] = 0xa5
packet[0x06] = 0xaa
packet[0x07] = 0x55
packet[0x24] = 0x2a
packet[0x25] = 0x27
packet[0x26] = command
packet[0x28] = self.count & 0xff
packet[0x29] = self.count >> 8
packet[0x2a] = self.mac[0]
packet[0x2b] = self.mac[1]
packet[0x2c] = self.mac[2]
packet[0x2d] = self.mac[3]
packet[0x2e] = self.mac[4]
packet[0x2f] = self.mac[5]
packet[0x30] = self.id[0]
packet[0x31] = self.id[1]
packet[0x32] = self.id[2]
packet[0x33] = self.id[3]
checksum = 0xbeaf
for i in range(len(payload)):
checksum += payload[i]
checksum = checksum & 0xffff
aes = AES.new(str(self.key), AES.MODE_CBC, str(self.iv))
payload = aes.encrypt(str(payload))
packet[0x34] = checksum & 0xff
packet[0x35] = checksum >> 8
for i in range(len(payload)):
checksum = 0xbeaf
for i in range(len(packet)):
checksum += packet[i]
checksum = checksum & 0xffff
packet[0x20] = checksum & 0xff
packet[0x21] = checksum >> 8
self.cs.sendto(packet, self.host)
response = self.cs.recvfrom(1024)
return response[0]
def send_data(self, data):
packet = bytearray([0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
packet += data
self.send_packet(0x6a, packet)
def enter_learning(self):
packet = bytearray(16)
packet[0] = 3
self.send_packet(0x6a, packet)
def check_data(self):
packet = bytearray(16)
packet[0] = 4
response = self.send_packet(0x6a, packet)
err = ord(response[0x22]) | (ord(response[0x23]) << 8)
if err == 0:
aes = AES.new(str(self.key), AES.MODE_CBC, str(self.iv))
payload = aes.decrypt(str(response[0x38:]))
return payload[0x04:]