Xpath engine and results template changed to account for the fact that
archive.org doesn't cache .onions, though some onion engines migth have
their own cache.
Disabled by default. Can be enabled by setting the SOCKS proxies to
wherever Tor is listening and setting using_tor_proxy as True.
Requires Tor and updating packages.
To avoid manually adding the timeout on each engine, you can set
extra_proxy_timeout to account for Tor's (or whatever proxy used) extra
and some other exceptions:
* KeyboardInterrupt
* SystemExit
* RuntimeError
* SystemError
* ImportError: an engine with an unmet dependency will stop everything.
A new option is added to engines to hide error messages from users. It
is called `display_error_messages` and by default it is set to `True`.
If it is set to `False` error messages do not show up on the UI.
Keep in mind that engines are still suspended if needed regardless of
this setting.
Add match_language function in utils to match any user given
language code with a list of engine's supported languages.
Also add language_aliases dict on each engine to translate
standard language codes into the custom codes used by the engine.
SearX currently doesn't start up when run with Python 3 as it tries to parse the
settings.yml file with ASCII codecs.
There are similar problems with engines_languages.json and currencies.json
Python 3 requires that files with Unicode characters be read with a 'b' flag.
This also works with Python 2 and hence can be integrated into the main source
Tested with the latest Python 3.6.4rc1 on Debian unstable.
Signed-off-by: Joseph Nuthalapati <njoseph@thoughtworks.com>
The timeouts in settings.yml is about the total time (not only the HTTP request but also the prepare the request and parsing the response)
It was more or less the case before since the threaded_requests function ignores the thread after the timeout even the HTTP request is ended.
New / changed stats :
* page_load_time : record the HTTP request time
* page_load_count: the number of HTTP request
* engine_time : the execution total time of an engine
* engine_time_count : the number of "engine_time" measure
The avg response times in the preferences are the engine response time (engine_load_time / engine_load_count)
To sum up :
* Search.search() filters the engines that can't process the request
* Search.search() call search_multiple_requests function
* search_multiple_requests creates one thread per engine, each thread runs the search_one_request function
* search_one_request calls the request function, make the HTTP request, calls the response function, extends the result_container
* search_multiple_requests waits for the the thread to finish (or timeout)
Lots of Flake8 corrections
Maybe we should change the rule to allow lines of 120 chars. It seems more usable.
Big twitter correction : now it outputs the words in right order...