''' searx is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. searx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with searx. If not, see < http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ >. (C) 2013- by Adam Tauber, ''' import gc import sys import threading from time import time from uuid import uuid4 import six from flask_babel import gettext import requests.exceptions import searx.poolrequests as requests_lib from searx.engines import ( categories, engines, settings ) from searx.answerers import ask from searx.external_bang import get_bang_url from searx.utils import gen_useragent from searx.query import RawTextQuery, SearchQuery, VALID_LANGUAGE_CODE from searx.results import ResultContainer from searx import logger from searx.plugins import plugins from searx.exceptions import SearxParameterException try: from thread import start_new_thread except: from _thread import start_new_thread if sys.version_info[0] == 3: unicode = str logger = logger.getChild('search') number_of_searches = 0 max_request_timeout = settings.get('outgoing', {}).get('max_request_timeout' or None) if max_request_timeout is None: logger.info('max_request_timeout={0}'.format(max_request_timeout)) else: if isinstance(max_request_timeout, float): logger.info('max_request_timeout={0} second(s)'.format(max_request_timeout)) else: logger.critical('outgoing.max_request_timeout if defined has to be float') from sys import exit exit(1) def send_http_request(engine, request_params): # create dictionary which contain all # informations about the request request_args = dict( headers=request_params['headers'], cookies=request_params['cookies'], verify=request_params['verify'] ) # setting engine based proxies if hasattr(engine, 'proxies'): request_args['proxies'] = engine.proxies # specific type of request (GET or POST) if request_params['method'] == 'GET': req = requests_lib.get else: req = requests_lib.post request_args['data'] = request_params['data'] # send the request return req(request_params['url'], **request_args) def search_one_http_request(engine, query, request_params): # update request parameters dependent on # search-engine (contained in engines folder) engine.request(query, request_params) # ignoring empty urls if request_params['url'] is None: return None if not request_params['url']: return None # send request response = send_http_request(engine, request_params) # parse the response response.search_params = request_params return engine.response(response) def search_one_offline_request(engine, query, request_params): return engine.search(query, request_params) def search_one_request_safe(engine_name, query, request_params, result_container, start_time, timeout_limit): if engines[engine_name].offline: return search_one_offline_request_safe(engine_name, query, request_params, result_container, start_time, timeout_limit) # noqa return search_one_http_request_safe(engine_name, query, request_params, result_container, start_time, timeout_limit) def search_one_offline_request_safe(engine_name, query, request_params, result_container, start_time, timeout_limit): engine = engines[engine_name] try: search_results = search_one_offline_request(engine, query, request_params) if search_results: result_container.extend(engine_name, search_results) engine_time = time() - start_time result_container.add_timing(engine_name, engine_time, engine_time) with threading.RLock(): engine.stats['engine_time'] += engine_time engine.stats['engine_time_count'] += 1 except ValueError as e: record_offline_engine_stats_on_error(engine, result_container, start_time) logger.exception('engine {0} : invalid input : {1}'.format(engine_name, e)) except Exception as e: record_offline_engine_stats_on_error(engine, result_container, start_time) result_container.add_unresponsive_engine(engine_name, 'unexpected crash', str(e)) logger.exception('engine {0} : exception : {1}'.format(engine_name, e)) def record_offline_engine_stats_on_error(engine, result_container, start_time): engine_time = time() - start_time result_container.add_timing(engine.name, engine_time, engine_time) with threading.RLock(): engine.stats['errors'] += 1 def search_one_http_request_safe(engine_name, query, request_params, result_container, start_time, timeout_limit): # set timeout for all HTTP requests requests_lib.set_timeout_for_thread(timeout_limit, start_time=start_time) # reset the HTTP total time requests_lib.reset_time_for_thread() # engine = engines[engine_name] # suppose everything will be alright requests_exception = False try: # send requests and parse the results search_results = search_one_http_request(engine, query, request_params) # check if the engine accepted the request if search_results is not None: # yes, so add results result_container.extend(engine_name, search_results) # update engine time when there is no exception engine_time = time() - start_time page_load_time = requests_lib.get_time_for_thread() result_container.add_timing(engine_name, engine_time, page_load_time) with threading.RLock(): engine.stats['engine_time'] += engine_time engine.stats['engine_time_count'] += 1 # update stats with the total HTTP time engine.stats['page_load_time'] += page_load_time engine.stats['page_load_count'] += 1 except Exception as e: # Timing engine_time = time() - start_time page_load_time = requests_lib.get_time_for_thread() result_container.add_timing(engine_name, engine_time, page_load_time) # Record the errors with threading.RLock(): engine.stats['errors'] += 1 if (issubclass(e.__class__, requests.exceptions.Timeout)): result_container.add_unresponsive_engine(engine_name, 'timeout') # requests timeout (connect or read) logger.error("engine {0} : HTTP requests timeout" "(search duration : {1} s, timeout: {2} s) : {3}" .format(engine_name, engine_time, timeout_limit, e.__class__.__name__)) requests_exception = True elif (issubclass(e.__class__, requests.exceptions.RequestException)): result_container.add_unresponsive_engine(engine_name, 'request exception') # other requests exception logger.exception("engine {0} : requests exception" "(search duration : {1} s, timeout: {2} s) : {3}" .format(engine_name, engine_time, timeout_limit, e)) requests_exception = True else: result_container.add_unresponsive_engine(engine_name, 'unexpected crash', str(e)) # others errors logger.exception('engine {0} : exception : {1}'.format(engine_name, e)) # suspend or not the engine if there are HTTP errors with threading.RLock(): if requests_exception: # update continuous_errors / suspend_end_time engine.continuous_errors += 1 engine.suspend_end_time = time() + min(settings['search']['max_ban_time_on_fail'], engine.continuous_errors * settings['search']['ban_time_on_fail']) else: # no HTTP error (perhaps an engine error) # anyway, reset the suspend variables engine.continuous_errors = 0 engine.suspend_end_time = 0 def search_multiple_requests(requests, result_container, start_time, timeout_limit): search_id = uuid4().__str__() for engine_name, query, request_params in requests: th = threading.Thread( target=search_one_request_safe, args=(engine_name, query, request_params, result_container, start_time, timeout_limit), name=search_id, ) th._engine_name = engine_name th.start() for th in threading.enumerate(): if th.name == search_id: remaining_time = max(0.0, timeout_limit - (time() - start_time)) th.join(remaining_time) if th.is_alive(): result_container.add_unresponsive_engine(th._engine_name, 'timeout') logger.warning('engine timeout: {0}'.format(th._engine_name)) # get default reqest parameter def default_request_params(): return { 'method': 'GET', 'headers': {}, 'data': {}, 'url': '', 'cookies': {}, 'verify': True } # remove duplicate queries. # FIXME: does not fix "!music !soundcloud", because the categories are 'none' and 'music' def deduplicate_query_engines(query_engines): uniq_query_engines = {q["category"] + '|' + q["name"]: q for q in query_engines} return uniq_query_engines.values() def get_search_query_from_webapp(preferences, form): # no text for the query ? if not form.get('q'): raise SearxParameterException('q', '') # set blocked engines disabled_engines = preferences.engines.get_disabled() # parse query, if tags are set, which change # the serch engine or search-language raw_text_query = RawTextQuery(form['q'], disabled_engines) raw_text_query.parse_query() # set query query = raw_text_query.getSearchQuery() # get and check page number pageno_param = form.get('pageno', '1') if not pageno_param.isdigit() or int(pageno_param) < 1: raise SearxParameterException('pageno', pageno_param) query_pageno = int(pageno_param) # get language # set specific language if set on request, query or preferences # TODO support search with multible languages if len(raw_text_query.languages): query_lang = raw_text_query.languages[-1] elif 'language' in form: query_lang = form.get('language') else: query_lang = preferences.get_value('language') # check language if not VALID_LANGUAGE_CODE.match(query_lang): raise SearxParameterException('language', query_lang) # get safesearch if 'safesearch' in form: query_safesearch = form.get('safesearch') # first check safesearch if not query_safesearch.isdigit(): raise SearxParameterException('safesearch', query_safesearch) query_safesearch = int(query_safesearch) else: query_safesearch = preferences.get_value('safesearch') # safesearch : second check if query_safesearch < 0 or query_safesearch > 2: raise SearxParameterException('safesearch', query_safesearch) # get time_range query_time_range = form.get('time_range') # check time_range if query_time_range not in ('None', None, '', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year'): raise SearxParameterException('time_range', query_time_range) # query_engines query_engines = raw_text_query.engines # timeout_limit query_timeout = raw_text_query.timeout_limit if query_timeout is None and 'timeout_limit' in form: raw_time_limit = form.get('timeout_limit') if raw_time_limit in ['None', '']: raw_time_limit = None else: try: query_timeout = float(raw_time_limit) except ValueError: raise SearxParameterException('timeout_limit', raw_time_limit) # query_categories query_categories = [] # if engines are calculated from query, # set categories by using that informations if query_engines and raw_text_query.specific: additional_categories = set() for engine in query_engines: if 'from_bang' in engine and engine['from_bang']: additional_categories.add('none') else: additional_categories.add(engine['category']) query_categories = list(additional_categories) # otherwise, using defined categories to # calculate which engines should be used else: # set categories/engines load_default_categories = True for pd_name, pd in form.items(): if pd_name == 'categories': query_categories.extend(categ for categ in map(unicode.strip, pd.split(',')) if categ in categories) elif pd_name == 'engines': pd_engines = [{'category': engines[engine].categories[0], 'name': engine} for engine in map(unicode.strip, pd.split(',')) if engine in engines] if pd_engines: query_engines.extend(pd_engines) load_default_categories = False elif pd_name.startswith('category_'): category = pd_name[9:] # if category is not found in list, skip if category not in categories: continue if pd != 'off': # add category to list query_categories.append(category) elif category in query_categories: # remove category from list if property is set to 'off' query_categories.remove(category) if not load_default_categories: if not query_categories: query_categories = list(set(engine['category'] for engine in query_engines)) else: # if no category is specified for this search, # using user-defined default-configuration which # (is stored in cookie) if not query_categories: cookie_categories = preferences.get_value('categories') for ccateg in cookie_categories: if ccateg in categories: query_categories.append(ccateg) # if still no category is specified, using general # as default-category if not query_categories: query_categories = ['general'] # using all engines for that search, which are # declared under the specific categories for categ in query_categories: query_engines.extend({'category': categ, 'name': engine.name} for engine in categories[categ] if (engine.name, categ) not in disabled_engines) query_engines = deduplicate_query_engines(query_engines) external_bang = raw_text_query.external_bang return (SearchQuery(query, query_engines, query_categories, query_lang, query_safesearch, query_pageno, query_time_range, query_timeout, preferences, external_bang=external_bang), raw_text_query) class Search(object): """Search information container""" def __init__(self, search_query): # init vars super(Search, self).__init__() self.search_query = search_query self.result_container = ResultContainer() self.actual_timeout = None # do search-request def search(self): global number_of_searches # Check if there is a external bang. After that we can stop because the search will terminate. if self.search_query.external_bang: self.result_container.redirect_url = get_bang_url(self.search_query) # This means there was a valid bang and the # rest of the search does not need to be continued if isinstance(self.result_container.redirect_url, six.string_types): return self.result_container # start time start_time = time() # answeres ? answerers_results = ask(self.search_query) if answerers_results: for results in answerers_results: self.result_container.extend('answer', results) return self.result_container # init vars requests = [] # increase number of searches number_of_searches += 1 # set default useragent # user_agent = request.headers.get('User-Agent', '') user_agent = gen_useragent() search_query = self.search_query # max of all selected engine timeout default_timeout = 0 # start search-reqest for all selected engines for selected_engine in search_query.engines: if selected_engine['name'] not in engines: continue engine = engines[selected_engine['name']] if not search_query.preferences.validate_token(engine): continue # skip suspended engines if engine.suspend_end_time >= time(): logger.debug('Engine currently suspended: %s', selected_engine['name']) continue # if paging is not supported, skip if search_query.pageno > 1 and not engine.paging: continue # if time_range is not supported, skip if search_query.time_range and not engine.time_range_support: continue # set default request parameters request_params = {} if not engine.offline: request_params = default_request_params() request_params['headers']['User-Agent'] = user_agent if hasattr(engine, 'language') and engine.language: request_params['language'] = engine.language else: request_params['language'] = search_query.lang request_params['safesearch'] = search_query.safesearch request_params['time_range'] = search_query.time_range request_params['category'] = selected_engine['category'] request_params['pageno'] = search_query.pageno # append request to list requests.append((selected_engine['name'], search_query.query, request_params)) # update default_timeout default_timeout = max(default_timeout, engine.timeout) # adjust timeout self.actual_timeout = default_timeout query_timeout = self.search_query.timeout_limit if max_request_timeout is None and query_timeout is None: # No max, no user query: default_timeout pass elif max_request_timeout is None and query_timeout is not None: # No max, but user query: From user query except if above default self.actual_timeout = min(default_timeout, query_timeout) elif max_request_timeout is not None and query_timeout is None: # Max, no user query: Default except if above max self.actual_timeout = min(default_timeout, max_request_timeout) elif max_request_timeout is not None and query_timeout is not None: # Max & user query: From user query except if above max self.actual_timeout = min(query_timeout, max_request_timeout) logger.debug("actual_timeout={0} (default_timeout={1}, ?timeout_limit={2}, max_request_timeout={3})" .format(self.actual_timeout, default_timeout, query_timeout, max_request_timeout)) # send all search-request if requests: search_multiple_requests(requests, self.result_container, start_time, self.actual_timeout) start_new_thread(gc.collect, tuple()) # return results, suggestions, answers and infoboxes return self.result_container class SearchWithPlugins(Search): """Similar to the Search class but call the plugins.""" def __init__(self, search_query, ordered_plugin_list, request): super(SearchWithPlugins, self).__init__(search_query) self.ordered_plugin_list = ordered_plugin_list self.request = request def search(self): if plugins.call(self.ordered_plugin_list, 'pre_search', self.request, self): super(SearchWithPlugins, self).search() plugins.call(self.ordered_plugin_list, 'post_search', self.request, self) results = self.result_container.get_ordered_results() for result in results: plugins.call(self.ordered_plugin_list, 'on_result', self.request, self, result) return self.result_container